Celebrate the Enduring Influence of Argentine Rock With Our Special Series of Spotify Singles
In Argentina, rock music has long been a powerful force shaping the country’s cultural and political landscape. Over the past year, however, a new generation of talent has emerged, breathing fresh life into the local rock scene—and younger fans are all ears. In fact, 60% of Gen Z users on Spotify in Argentina have listened to Argentine rock this year, embracing classic hits and newer sounds alike.
To honor both the pioneers and the next wave of Argentine rock, we’re launching a trio of Spotify Singles—each one a unique reimagining of an iconic track that highlights the evolution of the genre. Featuring rapper Dillom, rock band Airbag, alt rock singer-songwriter Marilina Bertoldi, and electro-pop artist Juliana Gattas, this series bridges the past, present, and future of Argentine rock.
Hit play on these exclusive releases:
“¿Qué Vas a Hacer Tan Sola Hoy?” by Dillom, covering the Viejas Locas classic.
“Ella Usó Mi Cabeza Como Un Revólver” by Airbag, covering Soda Stereo’s iconic hit.
“Me Vuelvo Cada Día Más Loca,” a duet by Marilina Bertoldi and Juliana Gattas, covering Celeste Carballo’s timeless track.
These Spotify Singles not only spotlight Argentina’s rising stars but also pay tribute to a genre that has shaped the country’s cultural identity. We’re proud to provide a platform for Argentine rock to continue flourishing across generations.
Discover more up-and-coming talent on our Rock Argentino playlist.