Tag: Playlist in a bottle

Your Playlist In a Bottle Is Ready! It’s Time To Unlock the 2024 Playlist You Created

Quick pulse check: What are your mood, your inspiration, and your mindset as you kick off 2025? Do they match your feelings from a year ago? 

Two years ago we introduced “Playlist in a Bottle,” giving listeners a chance to capture the songs that resonated with them at that moment in time and seal them away for one year. The interactive in-app experience is the perfect time capsule to remember and reflect on the music you loved and how your taste may have evolved over the past 365 days. If you’re one of the Spotify listeners who participated in January 2024, today is the day to unlock your “Playlist in a Bottle” from last year. 

Here’s how

  • Visit spotify.com/playlistinabottle on your mobile device.
  • Choose “Claim Your Playlist” to see which songs were sealed in your musical time capsule. 
  • Save and listen to your complete 2024 Playlist in a Bottle. You only have until January 31!

Playlist in a Bottle is available in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, U.K., UAE, U.S., and Vietnam.

And you can find Playlist in a Bottle in the following languages: English, English-GB, Portuguese, Portuguese-BR, French-CA, Spanish-LATAM, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Polish, Spanish-ES, Turkish, Japanese, Czech, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese-Traditional, Korean, and Bahasa Indonesia.

It’s Time To Unlock Your Playlist In a Bottle From 2023 (and Make a New One for Next Year)

playlist in a bottle graphic image depicting bottles, rice cooker, snow globr, and dumpster

Quick pulse check: What’s your mood, your inspiration, and your mindset as you kick off 2024? Does it match your feelings from a year ago? 

Last year we introduced “Playlist in a Bottle,” giving listeners a chance to capture the songs that resonated with them at that moment in time and seal it away for one year. The interactive in-app experience is the perfect time capsule to remember and reflect on the music you loved, and how your taste may have evolved over the past 365 days. If you’re one of the millions of Spotify listeners who participated then, today is the day to unlock your “Playlist in a Bottle” from last year. 

Here’s how

  • Visit spotify.com/playlistinabottle on your mobile device.
  • Choose “Claim Your Playlist” to see which songs were sealed in your musical time capsule. 
  • Save and listen to your complete 2023 Playlist in a Bottle. You only have until January 31!

Now it’s time to create a new Playlist in a Bottle to open in 2025. This experience is open to all Spotify listeners—whether you made one last year or this is your first time checking out the experience. This time around, you’ll answer questions like “what song brings out my alter-ego” and “what song describes my relationship status” to curate your playlist. You can also select where you want to store your playlist from a series of objects, and write a note to your future self.

Make your new Playlist in a Bottle

  • Visit spotify.com/playlistinabottle on your mobile device.
  • Select where you want to store your playlist. Choose from an actual bottle, a snow globe, a flip phone, a tiny bird’s nest, a rice cooker, or even a dumpster!
  • Complete a series of song-inspired prompts like “a song that reminds you of your favorite person,” “a song your great-grandkids will be confused about,” and “a song you put your friends on to.” 
  • Leave a note for your future self, capturing something you want to remember about this moment when your capsule is delivered next year.
  • Finally, “seal” your musical time capsule and post your #PlaylistInABottle share card to your preferred social handles.

phones depicting the playlist in a bottle user experience

Only time will tell if you’ll love or laugh at your song choices. You have until January 31 to seal your picks. Visit spotify.com/playlistinabottle for more. 

This experience is available in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, UAE, U.S., and Vietnam.

And you can find Playlist in a Bottle in the following languages: English, English-GB, Portuguese, Portuguese-BR, French-CA, Spanish-LATAM, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Polish, Spanish-ES, Turkish, Japanese, Czech, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese-Traditional, Korean, and Bahasa Indonesia.

Give Yourself a Musical Surprise in January 2024 With Spotify’s Playlist in a Bottle

Is 2023 setting up to be your best year yet, or are you already diving under the covers? Either way, we know you’ve got a few songs that encapsulate your mood. So to celebrate the new year, we’re launching a timely user experience to help you capture the moment by the time January 2024 rolls around.

Playlist in a Bottle is our latest interactive, in-app experience that captures who you are musically right now and then lets you revisit your 2023 musical self one year later.

Here’s how to make your Playlist in a Bottle:

  1. Ensure your Spotify mobile app is up to date with the latest version.
  2. Click spotify.com/playlistinabottle from your mobile device.
  3. Select your time capsule of choice—you can pick from a bottle, jean pocket, gumball machine, lunch box, or teddy bear.
  4. Answer a series of song-inspired prompts. For example:
    • “A song you’re going to kiss someone to this year”
    • “A song that reminds you of your favorite person”
    • “A song you need to hear live in 2023”
  5. Digitally seal your musical time capsule and send it off!
  6. Share a personalized card to your social channels with the tag #PlaylistInABottle.
  7. Come January 2024, if you made a Playlist in a Bottle, you’ll receive your personalized time capsule reminding you what you were listening to one year prior.

Playlist in a Bottle is live starting today in 27 markets and 18 languages* for both Free and Premium users across iOS and Android devices. But when January 31 comes to a close, we’ll cork the experience, so don’t delay.

*Markets: Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, U.A.E., U.K., and the U.S.

Languages: English (G.B.), Spanish (AR), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (LATAM), Danish, German, French, Indonesian, Italian, English (U.S.), Polish, Spanish (Spain), Swedish, Turkish, Japanese, Portuguese (Portugal), Czech, Arabic (Egypt), Arabic (Saudi Arabia), and Arabic (Morocco)