Tag: pop culture hub

Astrologer Chani Nicholas Is Back with Horoscopes that Celebrate Pride

In January, we interviewed astrologer and activist Chani Nicholas when she debuted her Cosmic Playlists on our U.S. Pop Culture Hub. Now, she’s back for Pride Month with new, specially curated playlists that speak directly to pride, identity, representation, and love.

We circled back with Chani to get her take on why horoscopes resonate with the LGBTQ community. Much like her insightful horoscopes, the answers speak for themselves.

For those unfamiliar with horoscopes, why do you think they resonate so much these days? Particularly with millennials and Gen Zers?

Astrology holds up a mirror to who we are as people. It affirms us and calls us out. We need both. Life today is so unpredictable, and we all crave some system that contextualizes the difficulties we face, both personally and collectively—which is what astrology naturally does.

Why do you think horoscopes have become so prominent in LGBTQ culture? Even within different subsections?

Astrology appeals to the queer community for many reasons. I wrote a blog post on this a while back on why I think this is the case—for me, it always comes down to feeling witnessed. For so many of us in the LGBTQ+ community, we have to wrestle with who we are in a society that, even in most liberal enclaves, priorities heteronormative policies, standards, and ideals. So a school of thought/vernacular that doesn’t judge you, radically accepts how you were born and who you are, and offers infinite options for articulating your unique self, versus the typical gender binary can be a source of validation for many of us.

Horoscopes can offer an insight into identity and purpose. Why is that such a relevant topic for Pride Month?

Astrology’s power and magic come from its ability to validate and tell our story. When we radically accept who we are, we are freed to pursue our purpose with pride.

How have you shaped your readings differently for Pride Month? What’s there to look forward to beyond the rainbow cover?

The artists on the playlists for June come in large part from the LGBTQ+ community. Throughout history, queer people have been oftentimes unrecognized vanguards in culture while setting trends that mainstream culture eventually co-opts, erasing the original gender nonconforming and queer talent. By spotlighting queer artists this month, we keep the focus on the creators themselves.

Are there any unique astrological happenings this June that correspond well with Pride?

Over the last weekend of June, the astrology is very innovative, experimental, and queer. The sun in Cancer (the sign of family and the group we feel we belong to) makes a helpful connection to Uranus, planet of great creativity and breaking with tradition. It should be fun!

Do you have a song or artist that you associate with coming out or coming to terms with your identity?

In terms of how I identify, I think I identify most with ’80s pop music. A lot of it was gender fluid without explaining itself; it was just normalized in a way which I really value and made a big impression on me.

Who are some LGBTQ artists (current or classic) that you’d put on your personal Pride Month playlist?

I’m still in love with Lizzo’s new album, and I’m really enjoying Syd, Reyna, Mykki Blanco, Le1f, and Andrea Di Giovanni.

Is there anything you’d like to say to followers and fans who are figuring out their identity?

Coming out is a continual process. Please do it in the ways that are right for you. When, and if, it is safe (enough) for you to do so. And you don’t have to. It changes nothing about your identity if the only one you ever come out to is you. If you are thinking about coming out, please set yourself up with resources specific to your needs, not only in regard to your ability, location, gender expression, or sexuality, but also culturally when and where possible. There are a million very specific communities online and with a little digging you may find the perfect fit for many, if not all of your identities. There is no right way to be queer, or any gender, or any kind of human being. You get to be you and define yourself for yourself. Every. Single. Day.

Check out all of Chani’s Pride Month-inspired horoscopes in the US Pop Culture Hub, and take a listen to the Cancer playlist below.