You are now free to roam about the cabin—and get the music and podcasts you love at 30,000 feet. Beginning today, we’re taking off in a new partnership with Delta in which Spotify will take over the “audio” section of Delta’s in-flight seatback entertainment. This means passengers on Delta flights that are equipped with seatback entertainment globally can now enjoy their favorite audio content exclusively in-flight on Delta Studio.
There are currently more than 20 million flight-related user-generated playlists globally on Spotify, and this new partnership is making it even easier for listeners to tap into their favorite audio content while flying.
This in-flight content is licensed directly by Delta and will be free for all passengers. It includes specially curated versions of Spotify’s most popular playlists—in the form of mixtapes curated by Spotify’s editorial experts—along with 42 select podcast series to choose from.
These include popular playlists Mood Booster, Are & Be, Hot Country, mint, Today’s Top Hits, Relax & Unwind, RapCaviar, and Ultimate Indie, with Rock This, Roots Rising, and ¡Viva Latino! to come in the October refresh, as well as episodes from podcasts such as Crime Junkie, Science Vs, StartUp, The Dave Chang Show, The Hottest Take, The Journal, and more.
Passengers will now be able to discover new music and podcasts during their journeys by accessing the “audio” section of Delta’s seatback in-flight entertainment system. The content will be updated regularly, so there’s something for everyone—even frequent flyers.
You can also listen to your own Spotify content while up in the air and away from Wi-Fi or data. Learn how.
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