Tag: my spotify

Gold Medal Gymnast Rebeca Andrade Gives Us a Peek at Her Spotify

Rebeca Andrade knows her way around the gym floor . . . and vault, and uneven bars, and balance beam. The 25-year-old is the most decorated Latin American gymnast of all time—and the most decorated Brazilian Olympian. During this year’s Summer Games in Paris, the superstar brought home four medals, including a gold for her floor exercise.

Whether she’s practicing on the beam or hyping herself up before competition, music plays a pivotal role in the athlete’s routine. Now, as a part of our My Spotify campaign, the gymnastic champion is sharing some of the artists, genres, and creators she loves.

How do you get into the right mindset before a competition? 

While I put on makeup and get ready, I like to play upbeat music, like funk, for example, for a lively vibe. From the moment I get on the bus to compete, I listen to gospel because it calms me and helps me focus.

Do you have a favorite genre to practice or perform to?

During training, we play a lot of music in the gym. It’s usually Brazilian pop and American pop. 

What keeps you going on days when your energy is low? 

On days when I’m feeling down, I listen to music that reflects that mood and I allow myself to feel it. But afterwards, I try to change the mood by playing more upbeat music. That helps raise my energy back up.

How do you use music to reflect and celebrate your identity and culture?

I love music and I think each song or genre has a meaning that reflects and celebrates our culture and identity. I listen to a lot of new Brazilian artists and I make a point of sharing the songs I like with everyone. I’m always discovering new artists—there are so many good ones in Brazil!

What artist are you listening to at the moment? 

Oh, it’s always very random. But at the moment I’m playing Liniker a lot!

Celebrate the Unique Ways You Listen With ‘My Spotify’

If you feel like your Spotify “just gets you,” you’re not alone. We know each of our listeners has a unique relationship with their Spotify, or as many of them like to call it, “my Spotify.” There’s no single Spotify experience, and it’s our goal to create an ever-evolving personalized soundtrack for listeners complete with the artists, genres, and creators they love. In fact, every one of our 615 million-plus users has their own tailored experience on Spotify. 

These personalized listening experiences serve as the inspiration for My Spotify, our new initiative spotlighting and celebrating the millions of unique ways listeners connect with our platform. My Spotify will appear first in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.