As the U.S. gears up for the 2020 election in November, Spotify is also preparing to play our part. We recognize our unique ability to use the power of audio to inspire our millions of listeners in the United States to take action by voting.
That’s why we’re unveiling a new, non-partisan campaign, Play Your Part, to encourage eligible voters to get out and vote in the 2020 U.S. Election—with a special emphasis on supporting potential first-time voters in getting ready to do so. We’re teaming up with artists, influencers, and creators such as Conan Gray, Alaina Castillo, King Princess, Chloe x Halle, and more to showcase the importance of voting and provide resources to guide listeners through the election process. This campaign is about making your voice heard.
Additionally, we’re providing resources from partner organizations like HeadCount and TurboVote to assist users in getting registered, as well as BallotReady to help our listeners make a plan to vote.
“It is crucial to the fate of our future that we get out and vote,” says singer-songwriter Conan Gray. “Our voices need to be heard, and together they will be! Right now, more than ever, we need to fight for the lives of the people we love, and voting is just one of the extremely impactful ways we can do that. Every single vote matters. Do your part. Together we can fight for the America that we want to see, one that is built upon unity, diversity, empathy, and love.”
U.S. listeners can look forward to on-platform content, experiences, and offerings including:
- Our Voter’s Booth hub: The goal of the hub is to provide resources so voters can get informed, register, and make a plan to vote. There, you can also find music from new playlists by artists to soundtrack your vote and curated podcast playlists on changemakers.
- Soundtrack Your Vote: Whether you’re submitting your ballot by mail or heading to the polls to vote in person, we’ve got music to move you every step of the way. We partnered with some favorite artists and influencers of our listeners who are voting for the first time to curate new playlists that will keep you entertained throughout the entire process.
- First-Time Voter Messaging: On September 9, Spotify listeners who will be voting in their first presidential election will get encouraging messages to register to vote from fellow first-timers.
- Curated Podcasts: Several highlighted podcasts will be featuring content about civic engagement and encouraging their listeners to get registered and vote. Famous Fates: Movers & Shakers will dive deep into changemakers who pushed themselves to defy the odds and challenge norms that would change the world for the better. On September 17, Dope Labs will be doing an episode dedicated to civic engagement in which they dig into the science behind political ads and how people digest them.
- Playlists Providing Inspiration: We will be adding visual and audio reminders through stickers and exclusive video content to some of our flagship playlists to encourage users to play their part and get to the polls. Plus, we’re providing co-curated HeadCount and Seventeen Magazine playlists to inspire listeners even further.
- Anchor Podcaster Voter Sponsorships: Anchor, a Spotify-owned podcast creation platform, will be launching a voter registration campaign with their Sponsorships tool by giving podcasters the opportunity to donate their ad space to HeadCount, BallotReady, or Democracy Works to continue to aid others in the voting process.

Stay tuned for even more voting-related initiatives—and don’t forget to Play Your Part.
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