Today, we (NYSE: SPOT) announced our second quarter 2019 financial performance. Click here to review the full earnings release, and take a look at the highlights below:
Today, we (NYSE: SPOT) announced our second quarter 2019 financial performance. Click here to review the full earnings release, and take a look at the highlights below:
Thank you.
Whether you were with us when we laid our roots in Stockholm or just started using Spotify from Cairo, you have helped to make this year an incredible one.
In 2018, over 200 million people—yes, you read that right: 200 million—across 78 markets worldwide used Spotify to listen to their favorite artists, albums, fan-made playlists, podcasts, and more. These fans and listeners tune in by the second and help us learn and grow.
And grow we have. In 2018 alone, we launched in seventeen new markets, including Israel, Romania, South Africa, and Vietnam, plus thirteen in the Middle East and North Africa (complete with a fully localized Arabic platform for our Arabic-speaking listeners). And there’s no sign of slowing in 2019. The opportunities ahead continue to be massive and exciting, and we look forward to continuing to engage with new listeners across generations and continents.
We could not have gotten here without the loyalty and passion of our listeners—you. So as you reflect on the top songs from your 2018 Wrapped or bring in 2019 to your favorite tune, know that we’re singing your praises every step of the way.
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