Tag: Daily Drive

What Type of Fan Are You? Celebrate the Arrival of Spotify’s Football Now Playlist in the U.K. and Germany

League preferences and team allegiances may differ, but one thing remains consistent in the world of football: the sport’s legion of passionate fans. For those wanting to stay on top of the latest and greatest, Spotify’s new Football Now playlist is the perfect companion.

Similar to Spotify’s Daily Sports and Daily Drive playlists, Football Now gives fans one destination for access to the sport’s best audio content. The playlist also includes music based on a user’s personalized preferences, making it a unique experience that’s tailored to every listener.

Updated daily, this football-specific playlist is currently accessible for fans in the U.K. and Germany. Whether you prefer to yell “goal!” or “gol!” Spotify has plenty of football podcasts to give you the game commentary, latest news, interviews, opinions, and more about your favorite leagues, players, and clubs.

Need help deciding which football podcast to explore first? We’ve rounded up suggestions of some of our favorite U.K. and German podcasts based on their topics. Check it out below:

For the fan who wants to hear stories from the professionals

Einfach mal Luppen (German): This podcast is cohosted by two professional footballers—and brothers—Real Madrid midfielder Toni Kroos and Eintracht Braunschweig midfielder Felix Kroos. In the episodes, which will be released three times a week, Felix calls up his brother to discuss the latest updates surrounding the German national team.

Welcome to ‘Wrighty’s House’ (U.K.): Former professional footballer and television and radio personality Ian Wright hosts this podcast, where he interviews a variety of guests about the sport, personal experiences, and more.

For the fan who wants real-time updates in a concise format

kicker News (German): This podcast releases regular football updates, summarizing the latest news in brief, 90-second episodes. The show is updated throughout the day so fans can easily stay up-to-date on what’s happening with their favorite sport.

Das EM-Update (German): This Spotify Original podcast, produced in collaboration with Deutsche Presse-Agentur, provides all the Euro tournament updates you want. Episodes will be released twice a day on match days and will offer insight into all 51 matches. In addition to sharing statistics and tactical analysis, episodes will also include reporter interviews from those on and off the field. 

For the fan who wants to hear about football history

GIANT (U.K.): This weekly Spotify Original podcast is hosted by Owen Blackhurst and features guests who share their personal football stories. From the great Arsenal and Manchester United rivalry to the most legendary on-the-field penalty stories, the podcast covers a variety of topics and stories for football fans.

Players (German): This podcast goes behind the scenes of the Euro tournament through short and concise episodes that will be released twice a day. On the show, listeners will learn more about the background and context of the tournament as the host explores questions like “Who actually came up with the idea of a pan-European European Championship?” In the morning edition, host Raphael Späth and European Championship reporter Matthias Friebe will talk about the topic of the day. In the evening, the podcast will dive deeper into another narrative topic.

For the fan who wants a good laugh

The Teamsheet (U.K.): On this Spotify Original podcast, celebrity football fans serve as guest hosts who share their top fantasy picks if they were in charge of building their own football team. Over the course of a week, episodes will be released daily, and in each one guests debate the merits of whom to add for their goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, striker, wildcard, and manager. On the final day, the hosts design their perfect kits. Listeners can expect laughs and legends as they hear from the likes of comedian Elis James, professional footballer Lianne Sanderson, and more.

Ready for more football fun? Germany and U.K.-based listeners can find your personalized Football Now playlist here

Caminho Diário é lançado no Brasil, Argentina e México

Seja a sua rotina treino-música-café ou banho-café-da-manhã-notícias, todos nós temos uma “rota diária” que fazemos para começar o dia. Quer usar esse tempo para se manter atualizado sobre o mundo ao seu redor ou se animar para trabalhar com suas músicas favoritas? Agora, os ouvintes no Brasil, Argentina e México podem encontrar tudo em um só lugar com a playlist Caminho Diário do Spotify.

Esta playlist de mídia mista personalizada combina o melhor dos podcasts de notícias, incluindo a relevância e a personalidade dos apresentadores, com o melhor do streaming de áudio (sob demanda e com reprodução e descoberta personalizadas). Ele combina a música que você adora com atualizações mundiais relevantes e oportunas de fontes confiáveis ​​- tudo reunido em uma experiência de audição uniforme e unificada.

Os usuários no Brasil, Argentina e México agora podem se animar para uma playlist personalizada que combina música e notícias em um só lugar para a experiência perfeita de deslocamento. Incluído no lançamento:

  • Atualizações curtas de podcasts de notícias como 123 Segundos, Café Expreso, Hechos Podcast, Boletim Folha.
  • Uma mistura de suas músicas e artistas favoritos
  • Atualizações duas vezes por dia, nos deslocamento da manhã e da noite, para manter suas músicas e notícias fresquinhas
  • Uma fuga na busca diária de várias estações para música que não faz seu estilo

Usuários brasileiros, argentinos e mexicanos podem aproveitar ao máximo seu tempo nos deslocamentos sintonizando a Caminho Diário a partir de hoje.


Ruta Diaria, la playlist con noticias y música personalizada, llega a Argentina, México y Brasil

Ya sea que su rutina sea de entrenamiento-música-café o ducha-desayuno-noticias, todos tenemos una “ruta diaria” que tomamos para comenzar nuestro día. ¿Deseas aprovechar ese tiempo para mantenerte actualizado sobre el mundo que te rodea o para comenzar a trabajar con tus canciones favoritas? Ahora, los oyentes de México, Argentina y Brasil pueden encontrarlo todo en un solo lugar con la playlist Ruta Diaria de Spotify.

Esta playlist personalizada combina lo mejor de los programas de entrevistas de noticias, incluida la relevancia y la personalidad de los presentadores, con lo mejor del streaming de audio (bajo demanda, reproducción personalizada y descubrimiento). Mezcla la música que te gusta con noticias relevantes y oportunas de fuentes acreditadas, todo en una experiencia auditiva  unificada y sin interrupciones.

Los usuarios de México, Argentina y Brasil ahora pueden arrancar su día y disfrutar de una playlist personalizada que combina música y noticias en un solo lugar para una experiencia de viaje perfecta. El lanzamiento incluye:

Los usuarios mexicanos, argentinos y brasileños pueden aprovechar al máximo su tiempo en el camino sintonizando Ruta Diaria a partir de hoy.

Daily Drive Comes to Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil

Whether your routine is workout-music-coffee or shower-breakfast-news, we all have a “daily route” we take to start our day. Looking to use that time to stay up to date on the world around you or get pumped up for work with your favorite jams? Now, listeners in Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil can find it all in one place with Spotify’s Daily Drive playlist.

This personalized mixed-media playlist combines the very best of news talk shows, including the relevancy and personality of the hosts, with the best of audio streaming (on demand, personalized playing and discovery). It combines music you love with relevant, timely world updates from reputable sources—all put together in a seamless and unified listening experience.

Get revved up for a personalized playlist that blends music and news in one place for the perfect commute experience. Included at launch:

Mexican, Argentinian, and Brazilian users can make the most of their time on the road by tuning into Daily Drive starting today.

Daily Drive Launches in Germany

Whether you’re racing between Berlin and Hamburg on the Autobahn or gazing at the countryside from the train window, it may feel like you’re always in transit. To help make that time fly by, stay up to date on the world around you, and maybe rock out to some metal classics, take a listen to your Daily Drive.

The Spotify playlist,* now available in Germany, combines the very best of news talk shows, including the relevancy and personality of the hosts, with the best of audio streaming (on demand, personalized playing and discovery). It combines music you love with relevant, timely world updates from reputable sources – all put together in a seamless and unified listening experience.

Get revved up for a personalized audio feed that blends music and news in one place for the perfect commute experience. Included at launch:

  • Short-form podcast news updates from Deutschlandfunk: Nachrichten, Spiegel Update, and Zeit Online: Was jetzt?
  • A mix of your favorite songs and artists interspersed with tracks you’ve yet to discover
  • Updates throughout the day to keep both the music and news fresh
  • An escape from toggling between multiple stations to avoid music that isn’t quite your speed

Whether en route to work or school, German users can make the most of their time on the road by tuning-in to Daily Drive starting today. Map your way to spotify.com/dailydrive.

*Earlier this year, Your Daily Drive launched in the US. You can learn more here.