Tag: latina

Celebrate Latinx Heritage Month With the Launch of Our New Playlist, De TODO

We are De TOTO cover art

Taking place in the U.S. between September 15 and October 15 each year, Latinx Heritage Month honors the many contributions this unique and vibrant culture has made to American society. This is why Spotify has launched a new campaign, “De TODO,” which highlights some of our listeners’ favorite voices from the Latinx community and shows what makes them 200% (100% American and 100% Latin). Serving to uplift rising Latinx artists, “De TODO” also demonstrates how the Latin community is made up of un poquito de todo—or a little bit of everything. 

Latin culture is incredibly rich and diverse, and the music and sounds emanating from it are as well. To further highlight the nuance and fluidity of Latinx identity—and to encourage listeners to discover these varied sounds—we’ve launched a new playlist with the same name. Spanning genres from Mexican music to indie rock, De TODO features artists such as Omar Apollo, Mariah Angeliq, The Marias, and Villano Antillano. Proving that Latinx culture is more than Reggaeton and Bachata, this playlist mixes the sounds, artists, and languages around the world that have inspired and influenced Latinx creators.

“De TODO showcases some of the most exciting Latin acts coming out of the U.S. and Puerto Rico and gives a nod to the ones who have paved the way,” said Antonio Vázquez, Head of U.S. Latin Editorial at Spotify. “In an effort to acknowledge the diversity and richness of Latin culture, we want to surprise listeners by encouraging them to discover new sounds they might not be exposed to regularly.”

As part of the campaign, Spotify is partnering with the 9AM Banger—a famous morning party that’s popping up in Miami for the first time—to offer giveaways, an artist performance featured in the De TODO Campaign, and branded moments. And to continue our mission of supporting the next generation of Latinx creators, Spotify has extended grants to community partners around the country including Education Through Music LA, Education Through Music NYC, Tocando, Yes We Can World Foundation, and Young Musicians Unite.

But even beyond Latinx Heritage Month, we’ll continue to work year-round to amplify the voices of the Latinx community. This includes globally—both on-platform and off-platform—through their RADAR programs, live events, and creator campaigns. So stay tuned for more exclusive content in the future.

Looking for the latest sounds from the top Latinx artists? Press play below to start streaming De TODO:

Get to Know the Finalists for the 2020 Spotify Awards

The first ever Spotify Awards are just a few weeks away, and the countdown is on. The event, being held in Mexico City on March 5, is an award show based entirely on user-generated data from our listeners in Mexico.* So your plays, patterns, and habits not only count, but they’re going to determine the award categories, finalists, and winners.

The Spotify Awards are a true reflection of what you—the fans in Mexico—are listening to. So without further ado, meet the finalists for the 12 main Spotify Awards categories.

There will be 44 more categories in total shared on social media and the green carpet, in addition to the twelve above that will be broadcast. So tune into TNT if you are in Latin America or Telemundo and Universo if you are in the United States, visit the official site to learn more about the rest of the categories, and stream the artists from the Spotify Awards hub.

* Spotify Awards data from Mexican users with the exception of “Most streamed Mexican artist outside of Mexico”

Conoce a los finalistas de los Spotify Awards 2020

Los primeros Spotify Awards están a tan sólo unas semanas de llegar y la cuenta regresiva ya empezó, el evento se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de México el próximo 5 de marzo. Estos premios están basados cien por ciento en la data de escucha de nuestros usuarios en México*. Así que tus plays, patrones y hábitos de escucha no solo cuentan, sino que van a determinar las categorías, finalistas y ganadores de los premios. 

Los Spotify Awards son el verdadero reflejo de lo que ustedes, fans en México, están escuchando. Así que, sin más preámbulo, conoce a los 12 finalistas de las categorías principales de los Spotify Awards. 

Habrá más de 44 categorías en total, las cuales serán entregadas en redes sociales y en la Alfombra Verde, 12 de estas se transmitirán en vivo. Así que sintoniza la señal de TNT si estás en Latinoamérica o Telemundo y Universo si estás en Estados Unidos, visita el sitio oficial para conocer con más detalle las categorías que se van a premiar, y escuchar a los artistas finalistas en el espacio dedicado a Spotify Awards


*La data para los Spotify Awards corresponde a usuarios mexicanos con excepción del “Artista de México más escuchado en el mundo”.

Spotify Celebrates Latinas in Music

During International Women’s Month, we celebrate the voices and stories of female creators around the globe. This includes showcasing an ever-growing band of Latina singers in our campaign Mujeres en la Música (Women in Music), in which Spotify brought together more than fifty female artists who are breaking barriers and stereotypes.

In the campaign, each artist relays their experiences of standing out in the music industry, the challenges she faced in getting ahead in her career, and details on how to overcome the various difficulties that women still encounter. The singers also recommend up-and-coming artists who inspire them.

Mujeres en la Música raises the volume on women who champion equality and inspire other women through their art—during International Women’s Month and every day.

Read on for their advice.

“To all the girls who are starting their musical careers, I want to say this: remember that it is not a question of gender, but of talent and defending what you are. Don’t be the same as the rest just because it’s fashionable or because it’s what sells. Be honest to yourself and work hard.” Ana Torroja, Spanish feminist icon

Ana Torroja

“I’ve always had little hair. ‘Take the bald girl out,’ they said, because nobody was used to seeing that onstage. But it never mattered to us, we were the most rebellious in pop music.” – Federica, of Mexican pop band Kabah


“All the women I’ve crossed paths with inspire me in some way. I have composed songs about women in maquiladoras, women in domestic life, migrants and those who challenge society. It is dangerous for women to be powerful, it seems important to me to tell that.” – Lila Downs, Mexican singer-songwriter

Lila Downs

“When I started in music, I was always the only woman in the band. Now I feel that the world is realizing that we have many women in music doing super interesting things, that we can play, compose, and be producers of our art. We have something to say.” – Mon Laferte, Chilean singer and songwriter

Mon Laferte

“When girls are starting their musical careers, I tell them, ‘Now is the best time to be a woman and make music. But this does not mean that we have conquered everything, and it does not mean that people won’t say no. They are going to doubt you. We still have a lot to overcome, but we are doing it with work and with facts, because we are better prepared than ever.’” – Paty Cantú, Mexican pop star

Paty Cantú

“[Today] it is easy to question the necessity of feminism, because girls think that we’re doing very well, without thinking that we only recently started voting and studying. It is important that we achieve equity in all aspects. We need to maintain a critical position and to not give in to the fight.” – Andrea Echeverri, leader of legendary Colombian rock band Aterciopelados

Andrea Echeverri

Listen to the music of these women and the many more who inspire us in our International Women’s Month hub.