Tag: buenos aires

Spotify Launches ‘Mi Primer Escenario’ in Argentina, Offering Emerging Artists a Festival Debut

Supporting emerging artists is woven into Spotify’s DNA, and we’re amplifying that commitment by bringing our “Mi Primer Escenario” (My First Stage) music contest to Argentina for the first time.

Fresh off a successful launch in Mexico, which saw rising star Mia Salinas take the stage at MEXCLA Spotify, “Mi Primer Escenario” now offers up-and-coming Argentine artists the opportunity to showcase their music and connect with listeners in a whole new way. Local fans will be able to vote for their favorite contestants directly through the Spotify app and help launch the next big Argentine music career.

The grand prize? A performance slot at Quilmes Rock, one of Argentina’s largest rock music festivals, alongside legendary acts including Los Piojos, Andrés Calamaro, Miranda!, Babasonicos, and Los Auténticos Decadentes. The festival takes place at Tecnópolis in Buenos Aires on April 5 and 6, and April 12 and 13. The winner will also snag the cover of Spotify’s Top Verano 2025 playlist.

“National rock continues to leave its mark in Argentina, and with the new wave of emerging artists, the genre continues to evolve and transcend generations,” said Carolina Martin, Spotify’s Artist & Label Partnerships Lead, Southern Cone. “As part of our mission to support local talent, we launched this contest to give participants the chance to showcase their music to the world and debut at one of the most iconic festivals in the country, hand in hand with their favorite audio platform.”

Ready to rock? Here’s how to participate:

Phase 1: February 4 to February 11

Record a video (30 seconds to 2 minutes) of you performing an original rock, indie, or pop-rock song. Upload it to TikTok with the hashtag #SpotifyMiPrimerEscenario. (Make sure you have full rights to the song.) The 20 entries with the most comments will advance to the semifinals.

Phase 2: February 19 to February 28

The Spotify team will select 10 finalists based on their affinity with the Quilmes Rock lineup. These artists will be featured on a special Spotify playlist where users in Argentina will be able to vote for their favorites using a new in-app tool (mobile only). The artist or band with the most votes wins!

To vote, simply open the playlist and listen to the song of the artist you want to support. At the end of the playlist, you’ll see the voting option. Free users will be able to vote once a day during the voting period, while Premium users will get three votes per day.

Phase 3: March 5 to Quilmes Rock

We’ll announce the winner on March 5, and they’ll be featured on the cover of Spotify’s Top Verano 2025 playlist for the following week. Then they’ll make their festival debut with a 30-minute set at Quilmes Rock in April. Additionally, all 10 finalists will be added to a separate Spotify editorial playlist.

Eligibility requirements for artists
  • Be of legal age, of Argentine nationality, and a resident of the Argentine Republic.
  • Be available to travel to Buenos Aires to perform at the event.
  • Have an active Spotify profile with at least six original tracks, and at least two tracks uploaded in the last year. Additionally, you must have fewer than 50K monthly listeners.
  • Have an active TikTok account and include a link to your Spotify artist profile in your bio.

To learn more about “Mi Primer Escenario,” view the terms and conditions here.

Presentamos Casa Spotify Buenos Aires, un nuevo centro cultural para creadores argentinos

En los últimos años hemos sido testigos del surgimiento de talentos innovadores procedentes de focos culturales de toda América Latina. Impulsados por el poder del streaming, los ritmos latinos están cambiando el ritmo de la música mundial y Argentina es el hogar de varios de estos como María Becerra y Bizarrap, quienes están rompiendo barreras y llevando su música a fans de todo el mundo.

En Spotify, estamos comprometidos a elevar a los artistas argentinos a la escena global, y ahora, estamos orgullosos de presentar Casa Spotify Buenos Aires, un nuevo espacio para creadores argentinos ubicado en el corazón de la escena artística de la ciudad.

Un lugar para que los creadores perfeccionen su oficio

Este espacio vibrante reunirá a artistas, productores, podcasters y fans durante todo el año, ofreciendo un entorno único para la inspiración, el crecimiento y la colaboración. Con un estudio de podcast, salas de escucha, un espacio de presentaciones acústicas y mucho más, Casa Spotify Buenos Aires es el lugar donde cada visitante puede encontrar su voz. 

“En Spotify, creemos firmemente en el poder de la música para conectar a las personas y fortalecer comunidades, y Casa Spotify es el espacio ideal para eso”, destacó Belen Dantas, Marketing Manager SOCO de Spotify. “Este espacio no solo brinda a los artistas y creadores una plataforma para compartir su creatividad, sino que también permite a los oyentes descubrir y disfrutar de una variedad de experiencias y conexiones significativas, fomentando un sentido de pertenencia dentro de nuestra comunidad global”.

Introducing Casa Spotify Buenos Aires, a New Cultural Center for Argentine Creators

Recent years have seen the emergence of groundbreaking talent from cultural hot spots across Latin America. Propelled by the power of streaming, Latin beats are reshaping the rhythm of global music. Argentina is home to a number of these artists, with hitmakers like Maria Becerra and Bizarrap breaking down barriers and bringing their music to fans around the world.

At Spotify, we’re committed to elevating Argentine artists to the global stage. And now, we’re proud to present Casa Spotify Buenos Aires, a new space for Argentine creators located in the heart of the city’s art scene.

A place for creators to hone their craft

This vibrant space will bring artists, producers, podcasters, and fans together year-round, offering a unique environment for inspiration, growth, and collaboration. With a podcast studio, listening rooms, an acoustic performance space, and more, Casa Spotify Buenos Aires is where every visitor can find their voice.

“At Spotify, we firmly believe in the power of music to connect people and strengthen communities, and Casa Spotify is the perfect space for that,” said Belen Dantas, Marketing Manager for Spotify’s Southern Cone region. “This venue not only provides artists and creators with a platform to share their creativity but also allows listeners to discover and enjoy a variety of meaningful experiences and connections, fostering a sense of belonging within our global community.”

Artists Hit the Stage at Our Festival EQUAL in Argentina

On September 16, a group of talented woman artists will take center stage in Argentina for Festival EQUAL. The concert, slated for the Palermo Hippodrome in Buenos Aires, will feature performances from some of the hottest local stars, including Maria Becerra, Lali, Emilia, Marilina Bertoldi, Karina, TAICHU, and Connie Isla.

This event is but one component of Spotify’s EQUAL program, which launched in 2021 to shine a spotlight on women artists through global partnerships, activations, new content experiences, and on- and off-platform support. During the past two years, Spotify has featured these artists’ music through 40 regional EQUAL playlists, as well as on our flagship EQUAL Global playlist. Every month Spotify highlights new women on these regional playlists while providing additional support for the musicians in their home countries and beyond.   

One EQUAL Festival was previously held in Bogotá, Colombia, and another will be happening in Madrid, Spain on September 22. They are another way we’re extending our support beyond the platform. Fans attending the show will have the chance to see performances by their favorite stars while also discovering exciting new voices.

Over the past five years, women artists have made great strides on Spotify in Argentina. We’ve seen a 500% increase in women artists entering the Spotify Top 50 chart in Argentina, and year over year, there’s been a 30% increase in the number of streams of music by women artists.

But it’s not just music that Argentinians tune into. Women creators are coming to Spotify to share their voices and find their communities through podcasts. Of the 20 most-listened-to shows of 2022, almost half were led by women, including Psicología al Desnudo, Número Oculto, and ConchaPodcast

With these EQUAL Festivals, we are continuing to foster equity for women in audio and to celebrate their contributions. For fans interested in attending Festival EQUAL in Argentina, tickets will go on sale on Monday, July 31 at 12pm in the form of exclusive presale with YOY. The general sale begins on Tuesday, August 1 at 1pm, through Ticketek.

Update as of August 18, 2023: Soledad Pastorutti will join our diverse lineup of artists who will share the stage on September 16 at the Hipódromo de Palermo. Last call for tickets available through Ticketek!

Las artistas llegan al escenario de nuestro Festival EQUAL en Argentina

El 16 de septiembre, un grupo de talentosas artistas mujeres ocupará el centro del escenario en Argentina para nuestro último Festival EQUAL. El concierto, que tendrá lugar en el Hipódromo de Palermo de Buenos Aires, contará con las actuaciones de algunas de las estrellas locales más destacadas, como María Becerra, Lali, Emilia, Marilina Bertoldi, Karina, TAICHU y Connie Isla.

Este evento es sólo uno de los componentes del programa EQUAL de Spotify, que se puso en marcha en 2021 para dar visibilidad a las mujeres artistas a través de alianzas globales, activaciones, nuevas experiencias de contenido y apoyo dentro y fuera de la plataforma. Durante los últimos dos años, Spotify ha promovido la música de estas artistas a través de 40 playlists EQUAL regionales, así como en nuestra emblemática playlist EQUAL Global. Cada mes, Spotify destaca a nuevas mujeres en estas playlists regionales, a la vez que proporciona apoyo adicional a las artistas en sus países de origen y fuera de ellos.   

Los Festivales EQUAL, que anteriormente se celebraron en Bogotá (Colombia) y Madrid (España), representan otra forma de ampliar nuestro apoyo más allá de la plataforma. Los fanáticos que asistan al festival tendrán la oportunidad de ver a sus artistas favoritas y, al mismo tiempo, descubrir nuevas voces.

En los últimos cinco años, las mujeres artistas han logrado grandes avances en Spotify en Argentina. Hemos sido testigos de un aumento del 500% en el número de artistas femeninas que entran en el Top 50 de Spotify en Argentina, y año tras año, se ha registrado un aumento del 30% en el número de streams de música de artistas femeninas.

Pero no es sólo música lo que escuchan los argentinos. Las creadoras llegan a Spotify para compartir sus voces y encontrar sus comunidades a través de podcasts. De los 20 programas más escuchados de 2022, casi la mitad fueron liderados por mujeres, entre ellos Psicología al Desnudo, Número Oculto y ConchaPodcast

Con el Festival EQUAL, seguimos fomentando la equidad para las mujeres en el audio y celebrando sus contribuciones. Para los fanáticos interesados en asistir, las entradas estarán a la venta el lunes 31 de julio a las 12hs en la modalidad de preventa exclusiva con YOY, mientras que la venta general comienza el martes 1 de agosto a las 13hs, todo a través de Ticketek

Al 18 de agosto, 2023: Soledad Pastorutti se sumará a este diverso listado de artistas que compartirán escenario el próximo 16 de septiembre en el Hipódromo de Palermo. ¡Últimas entradas disponibles a través de Ticketek!