Tag: emerging artists

Raissa Anggiani Berhasil Raih Kesuksesan Melalui RADAR Indonesia dan Buka Peluang Bagi Angkatan 2023

Raissa Anggiani tidak butuh waktu lama untuk membuat pendengar Indonesia terpukau. Dengan mengusung genre folk-pop dan bedroom-pop, penyanyi berusia 19 tahun ini membuat para penggemar terus memutar lagu-lagunya, seperti “Kau Rumahku” dan “if you could see me cryin’ in my room,” lagu duetnya bersama artis pop Indonesia, Arash Buana.

Raissa mulai mencuri perhatian sejak 2022, di tahun yang sama ketika ia menjadi bagian RADAR, program Spotify untuk memberdayakan artis pendatang baru di seluruh dunia. Sejak mendapat sorotan di program RADAR dan dukungan melalui platform Spotify, Raissa berhasil meraih 151 persen peningkatan dalam monthly listeners, 629 persen peningkatan followers di artist page, dan 790 persen kenaikan dalam jumlah stream selama setahun terakhir.

“RADAR merupakan program yang penting untuk kami di Spotify. Kami selalu mencari cara untuk mendukung artis di setiap tahap kariernya dan RADAR menjadi salah satu upaya kami untuk menyediakan kesempatan bagi artis pendatang baru untuk bersinar,” ujar Kossy Ng, Head of Music Spotify Asia. “Raissa adalah contoh luar biasa bagaimana program ini membantu artis lokal. Kami sangat bangga pada dia.” 

Penyanyi kelahiran Jakarta ini masuk ke dalam playlist RADAR Indonesia 2022 di Spotify dan menjadi bagian kampanye #RamadandiSpotify. Ia juga terpilih sebagai ambassador EQUAL dan menjadi bagian penting dari program ini yang bertujuan untuk mendukung serta memberi kesempatan bagi para artis perempuan di industri musik.

“Rasanya luar biasa sekali bisa berada di posisi sekarang ini, apalagi buat aku yang terhitung masih baru di industri musik. Spotify sudah menjadi salah satu bagian besar dalam perjalananku berkarier di musik dan membuatku kembali sadar bahwa tidak mustahil untuk mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi besar karena siapa pun bisa dan mampu mewujudkannya,” ujar Raissa Anggiani. “RADAR membuka pintu untuk banyak kesempatan luar biasa, salah satunya adalah menjadi ambassador EQUAL Indonesia, RADAR membuatku menjadi lebih yakin atas potensi diriku.”

Lagunya ‘Kau Rumahku’ masuk dalam 10 besar tangga lagu mingguan Spotify Indonesia dan bertahan selama 24 minggu berturut-turut, meraih lebih dari 96 juta stream secara global. Saat ini, Raissa sedang mempersiapkan sebuah mini album dengan berkolaborasi bersama beberapa produser agar dapat terus terhubung dan membuat pendengar terbuai dengan alunan melodinya. 

RADAR Indonesia Angkatan 2023

Kami senang sekali dapat mengumumkan deretan musisi berbakat yang menjadi bagian dari RADAR Indonesia. Tahun ini, program RADAR menyoroti 10 artis yang merepresentasikan berbagai genre, mulai dari pop ke indie, sampai ke folk.

  • Anggi Marito memuncaki tangga lagu mingguan Spotify Indonesia dengan lagunya yang menyentuh.
  • Awdella dan Bernadya memukau pendengar dengan suara soulful-nya.
  • Aziz Hedra, yang juga masuk dalam 10 besar tangga lagu mingguan Spotify Indonesia dan menempati posisi di beberapa tangga lagu Top 50 Viral Songs, siap membawa ke musik R&B-nya yang unik.
  • Naura Ayu membawakan gabungan melodi pop dan R&B yang energik. 
  • Hal dan Nadhif Basalamah memikat fans dengan lagu folk dan indie-pop mereka. 
  • Stereo Wall memberikan dorongan semangat lewat musiknya yang bergenre alternative rock.
  • ENVY* menunjukan hip-hop beats yang autentik bagi pendengar.
  • Suara merdu Maulana Ardiansyah bisa didengar melalui lagu pop-melayu miliknya.

Para artis tersebut sedang menunjukan pesona mereka dan menarik pendengar baru setiap harinya. Kalau kamu penasaran dengan artis RADAR Indonesia angkatan 2023, dengarkan lagu mereka melalui  playlist RADAR Indonesia di sini:

RADAR US Returns With the Soulful, Ever-Evolving Singer-Songwriter Q

Side Profile of Q

It can often be difficult for a musician to develop a sound that is distinctly and uniquely their own, but Florida singer, songwriter, and producer Q Marsden, known mononymously as Q, has found his within the ever-changing variety of music itself. With his soulful voice, vulnerable lyrics, and production elements that span across genres, Q has made a name for himself as one of R&B’s strongest and most promising rising stars. 

And now the musical jack-of-all-trades is the latest artist in the RADAR US class of 2023.

Spotify’s RADAR program is committed to supporting artists on their paths to superstardom, helping rising talent at all stages of their development strengthen their connection to audiences while encouraging their ongoing artistic development.

Hailing from Pembroke Pines, Florida, the 23-year-old musician made his debut in 2018 but has been laying down tracks since he was a child. Q grew up in a musical family and credits Drake’s 2013 album Nothing Was The Same as the reason for his focus on the production process. Taking inspiration from rap, R&B, reggae, and funk, his latest EP, NOT ALONE, showcases his ever-evolving style and talent.

As part of his involvement in the RADAR program, Q will be launching a countdown page for the upcoming release of his album Soul,PRESENT with bespoke clips and debuting a stripped-back performance video featuring a focus track. The rising star will also step into our studio to record Spotify Singles and is prominently featured as the cover artist on the RADAR US playlist, with photos taken by director/photographer Kaito.

For the Record sat down with Q to talk about his musical journey, his inspirations, and how it feels to be a RADAR US artist.   

Tell us about your journey into music.

Q Standing with a microphoneMy journey started when I was a young child. The earliest memory I have is when I was five years old playing on my mom’s keyboard and going to my dad’s recording studio in Jamaica. I grew up making music and having fun exploring my creativity, which both of my parents encouraged. In high school, I traded my guitar for a MacBook and started making beats, which made me really fall in love with the production process.

From there I started rapping, but as I explored new artists and alternative sounds, my musical style shifted. After graduating high school, I released my first project to showcase my talent and people began to take notice. From there I switched my sound up, started to play guitar again, and moved into the singing that I’m doing now.

What’s your creative process like?

I don’t think about it too much, to be honest, I just wake up and think, “What am I going to do? What am I going to use?” Then I just go and chisel away at a song throughout the morning.

What would you like your fans to get out of your music?

I’d like them to hear a message of hope, to be honest. A lot of times when we listen to music, there’s more of a focus on relatability and not offering any type of solution. So I try to promote solid messages for people to help them with things like grief. I don’t want to leave people with a sense that they have to remain in the state they are currently in, because there are other emotions to explore and we don’t want to stay in just one place forever.

Which artists have inspired you the most?

Quincy Jones has really inspired me a lot because of his approach to production. Michael Jackson too, because, well, everyone listened to Michael Jackson. 

In a lot of interviews I’ve always been asked who inspired me, but I’ve never really known what to say. But this year, as I started listening to more music, I realized that the reggae artist Dennis Brown has inspired me in so many tangible ways. He’s just a really smart musician and singer.

And Drake! Oh man, Drake. When I was listening to him I was thinking, “This man is saying some deep stuff.” I just never felt like I’ve heard production on a scale that Nothing Was The Same was on. It was just mind-blowing to me.

What are you looking forward to as a RADAR US artist?

I’m looking forward to my music being in front of a lot more people. It all has to start with people listening to your music, and Spotify has given me the opportunity to showcase my work. It’s really a blessing.

Are there any Spotify for Artist tools you use regularly? 

I thought it was so cool when I was able to put the lyrics up with my songs, because it’s just a little thing that makes the listening experience better. And I’m really excited to use video elements with my music, especially on the project I’m developing now. And also, it’s not an artist tool, but I really love the DJ! I use it all the time.

Any advice for fellow emerging artists?

Be confident in what you do, but be open to listening to others. It’s amazing and easy to be confident, but sometimes it’s good to have that bit of external guidance that takes you to places you never thought you would go. It’s very important to have that balance between doing and listening.  

In my music, I’ve done everything myself. But now I know that I’m going to need new perspectives to help me evolve my sound, and that’s been helping me a lot. Even if you do 99% of the work, letting someone help you with that final one percent can go a long way.

Listen to Q along with more of the best and brightest new talent in our RADAR US playlist.

Celebramos a Medellín con Casa Spotify Medallo, un lugar de encuentro para artistas y creadores emergentes

Casa Spotify Medallo

Medellín ha sido uno de los polos gravitatorios de la música latina y pilar de la industria músical en la región por más de un siglo. Esta ciudad es la casa de grandes artistas de la música popular colombiana como Lucho Bermúdez y la orquesta de salsa de Fruko y sus Tesos. Famosamente, la ciudad es la cuna del boom del reggaetón colombiano con estrellas como Maluma, J Balvin, Karol G y Sebastián Yatra, que han puesto a Medellín en el mapa como una capital de la música latina urbana.

Ahora, para celebrar la tradición musical de la ciudad, Spotify presenta Casa Spotify Medallo, un lugar para compartir espacios de educación, colaboración e inspiración, dedicado a los artistas urbanos, productores, compositores y creadores de podcasts.

Casa Spotify Medallo estará en la ciudad del 11 de octubre al 3 de noviembre, y será una residencia y estudio de grabación abierto a creadores de audio emergentes. En ella podrán encontrar una programación diaria que incluye talleres, clases magistrales, paneles y showrooms con productores y personalidades reconocidas, pensados en impulsar y potenciar sus capacidades creativas.

Las puertas de la casa, ubicada en un lugar histórico en el corazón de la ciudad, estarán abiertas para la nueva ola urbana paisa y creadores locales para seguir elevando el talento de la ciudad que le ha dado tanto a la industria musical global

“Celebramos a Colombia por su riqueza cultural y musical que es reconocida a nivel mundial gracias a sus artistas, productores y compositores.”, dice Mia Nygren, directora general para Latinoamérica. “Llegamos a Medellín para escuchar a artistas emergentes y creadores de audio con la meta generar oportunidades de colaboración y de impulsar al talento local para alcanzar nuevas audiencias a través de nuestra plataforma”, “Queremos demostrarle al talento emergente que Spotify es su mejor aliado para lograr que más oyentes descubran su arte”  

Situada en un valle que cautiva con sus imponentes montañas, Medellín también ha sido la cuna de legendarios sellos como Discos Fuentes, Codiscos y Sonolux, así como la ciudad que adoptó como propios los tangos de Carlos Gardel. 

Desde la década de los ochenta, en Medellín se han gestado diversas escenas con un sabor único en géneros como el rock con Ekhymosis que le dió luego vida a la carrera solista de Juanes, el metal con bandas como Kraken, el punk con I.R.A, y más recientemente el Hip-hop con bandas legendarias como AlcolirykoZ.  

En los últimos años, el boom del reggaetón abrió las puertas a la nueva ola de héroes locales representados por Feid, Ryan Castro y talentos que han formado parte del programa de artistas emergentes de Spotify RADAR Andinos como Ovy on The Drums y Blessd, así como Farina, embajadora del programa EQUAL Colombia

Con Casa Spotify Medallo, buscamos reconocer los sonidos originales y las historias de los nuevos creadores de la ciudad que han demostrado que sus sonidos rompen barreras, demostrando nuestro compromiso de conectar, educar e inspirar a las nuevas generaciones de creadores, productores, compositores y podcasteros. Por eso los creadores interesados en formar parte de esta convocatoria podrán inscribirse del 7 al 13 de septiembre registrándose aquí, y postulando una de sus composiciones favoritas que esté alojada en la plataforma.

Queremos que disfrutes con nosotros la Casa Spotify Medallo.

Conoce la programación de todas las sesiones educativas en Casa Spotify Medallo aquí, donde puedes inscribirte a los eventos que te interesen.

Descubre los sonidos urbanos de Medellín en la playlist Fino.

Celebrate Medellín with Casa Spotify Medallo, an Open Studio Residency for Emerging Artists and Creators

Medellín, Colombia, has been one of the gravitational poles for Latin music and a pillar of the music industry in the region for over a century. This city is home to great Colombian popular music artists such as Lucho Bermúdez and the salsa orchestra Fruko y sus Tesos. Famously, the city also gave birth to the Colombian reggaeton explosion with stars like Maluma, J Balvin, Karol G y Sebastián Yatra, artists that have put Medellin on the map as a capital of urban Latin music.

Now, to celebrate the musical tradition of the city, Spotify is presenting Casa Spotify Medallo, a place for inspiration, collaboration and education, dedicated to urban artists, producers, composers and podcast creators. 

Casa Spotify Medallo will open in Medellín on October 11th to November 3rd, where it will be an artistic residency and recording studio open to emerging audio creators. Artists and creators will find a daily program that includes workshops, masterclasses, panels and showrooms with producers and influential personalities, designed to promote and enhance their creative abilities.

The doors to the house, located in a historic place in the heart of the city, will be open to the new paisa urban wave and local creators, to continue raising the talent of a city that has given so much to the global music industry. 

“We celebrate Colombia for its cultural and musical richness, recognized worldwide thanks to its artists, producers and composers,” says Mia Nygren, General Manager for Latin America. “We are here in Medellin to listen to emerging artists and audio creators with the goal of generating collaboration opportunities and empowering local talent to reach new audiences through our platform. We want to show emerging talent that Spotify is their best ally to get more listeners to discover their art.”

Located within a valley and surrounded by captivating mountains, Medellín is the birthplace of legendary labels such as Discos Fuentes, Codiscos and Sonolux, which shaped Latin music for decades, as well as the city that adopted Carlos Gardel’s tangos as its own. 

In the eighties, rock took over withEkhymosis, which later gave life to Juanes‘ solo career, metal with bands like Kraken, punk with I.R.A, and more recently Hip-hop with legendary bands like AlcolirykoZ

Later, the city’s reggaeton boom opened the doors to the new wave of local heroes represented by Feid, Ryan Castro and talents that have been part of Spotify’s RADAR Andinos like Ovy on The Drums and Blessd, and other artists like Farina, our program ambassador of EQUAL Colombia

With Casa Spotify Medallo, we seek to recognize the original sounds and stories of the new paisa creators who have shown that their sounds break barriers  while also expressing our commitment to a new generation of creative talent. That’s why creators interested in being part of Casa Spotify Medallo can register on this link and submit one of their favorite compositions hosted on the platform. The link will be open from September 7 to september 13 .

We want you to enjoy Casa Spotify Medallo with us.

Learn more about the programming of all the educational sessions at Casa Spotify Medallo here, where you can sign up for the events that interest you.

Discover the urban sounds of Medellín in our Fino playlist. 

RADAR Poland Celebrates Its First Anniversary With Five New Artists

five singers standing on stage outside listening to a person speak

Spotify’s RADAR Poland debuted one year ago as a way to introduce emerging artists to new fans. The program aims to help up-and-coming artists worldwide open new chapters in their careers while strengthening their connection to listeners locally and globally. Ten artists and more than 50 million streams later, RADAR Poland has certainly made its mark.

In June of 2021, the program announced the six initial artists on its roster: Julia Pośnik, Szczyl, Dziwna Wiosna, P. Tropez, Zalia, and KIWI. In November, it announced four additional artists: Marie, Oliwka Brazil, Jann, and bryska. Through RADAR’s support, which includes a personalized marketing plan and on-platform spotlights, these artists have seen an increase in both their fan bases and visibility. 

Female artists are on the rise and seeing a lot of success in Poland, which is something we are helping to advance with some of our picks. Zalia, a singer-songwriter and Warsaw native, has increased her monthly listeners by more than 200% since joining the RADAR program last year. “Spotify’s editorial playlists help not only with promotion and gaining popularity, but also with spreading women’s music and creativity. As a female artist, I truly feel the noticeable change in the music industry, and I know that Spotify takes a big part in it,” shared Zalia.

Other local RADAR artists have also seen success, with Oliwka Brazil and Marie making it in the Top 50 most-streamed female artists in Poland for 2021. “One year in, we are happy that we’re already able to talk about the success that our past RADAR artists have had. It’s evident that it’s a program where artists can get discovered,” explained Mateusz Smółka, Music Team Lead at Spotify. “We believe that, thanks to the support of the RADAR program, our current and future artists will be able to achieve further success and win the hearts of millions of Spotify users.”

As we celebrate the anniversary of the program, we’re excited to announce five new artists that will be joining RADAR Poland. Get to know them below:

Ania Leon staring at the camera

Ania Leon is a young vocalist who has built her sound around dark electronic production and intriguing lyrics. Fans may already know Ania from her live performances as a supporting act for Natalia Przybysz, Daria Zawiałow, and Brodka. At the end of 2021, she released a cover of Krzysztof Zalewski‘s hit song “Miłość miłość” as part of the Kayax XX Rework series.

Julia Rocka staring at the camera

Julia Rocka is a Gen Z artist whose songs combine elements of pop, urban, and alternative genres with consciously provocative storytelling in her lyrics. Her singles have been played over 10 million times on Spotify, and the song “Jeep” reached number one on the Spotify Viral chart in Poland.

Marissa posing in front of the camera with her hands by her face

Marissa is a multitalented singer who started her artistic adventure playing the piano and writing poems. Now she creates songs not only for herself, but also for other artists. Marissa’s signature style combines pop with a mix of urban and trap beats. 

Artist TYNSKY posing in front of the camera. The wind is blowing his hair in front of his face.

TYNSKY, or Tomek Kamiński, is an 18-year-old vocalist from Płock who writes and composes his own songs. His music has been strongly influenced by the works of British singer Ed Sheeran. Since debuting the song, “Stop The Party,” in October 2021, TYNSKY has released eight original tracks and is currently working on his first EP.

Artist NEL poses in front of the camera

Originally from Warsaw, NEL traveled to Turkey after finishing school to search for artistic inspiration. The singer has released six singles, including the track “Sativa” that she recorded with the rapper Filipek. NEL is currently working on her debut EP and recently released her new single, “CUD.”

Now that you know a little more about the artists, check out their tracks on the RADAR Poland playlist.

Panamanian Artist Boza Brings His Local Sounds to the Global Stage With RADAR

Panamanian artist Boza is making waves far beyond his geographical roots, and as the latest artist to join Spotify’s RADAR roster in the United States, his rise may very well continue.

The singer-songwriter is the newest RADAR artist in the U.S., but he’s no stranger to the program, which spotlights emerging talent from around the globe. In 2020, Boza was chosen as the first March RADAR artist of the month for the Central America and Caribbean region. Listeners quickly gravitated toward his music, and his success in the program is what led him to be picked as a 2021 RADAR artist for the U.S. region. Boza’s tracks can be found on over 80 Spotify playlists and he has nearly 12 million monthly listeners. Fans particularly love his song “Hecha Pa’ Mi,” which has racked up more than 330 million streams. On his debut album, Mas Negro Que Rojo, listeners will find sounds that follow a mix of dancehall, reggaetón, R&B, and more.

“Over the last two years we have witnessed Boza develop one of the strongest fan bases in all of Central America, which has quickly scaled throughout the rest of Latin America and Europe,” shares Jose Nova, a Spotify Senior Editor for Latin America. “Boza consistently provides his fans with unique storytelling through his lyrics that have deep connections with audiences around the world.”

Through RADAR, Boza will be featured on the RADAR playlist and will record music for our Spotify Singles program, and Spotify will provide a full suite of on- and off-platform marketing and promotional support. Spotify also worked with the artist to release a mini documentary, out today. Taking place in his hometown of Panama City in the La Meri neighborhood, the film gives viewers an intimate look at Boza and his journey from the streets to the stage. 

Watch the documentary in Spanish.

For the Record caught up with Boza to ask a few questions about his first album release, his musical style, and how he’s using Spotify to reach fans all over the world.

The last year has been quite busy for you, with your first full album release and the popularity of the song “Hecha Pa’ Mi.” What has it been like to see your career take off? 

Seeing my career take off with “Hecha Pa’ Mi” marks a before and after. To really see a track like this hit the whole world is what every artist dreams of. Seeing that they write to me from countries where they don’t even speak Spanish is so exciting.

Your music includes elements of the Panamanian style “canela.” How would you describe this sound to new listeners?

Canela is a little bit of Panama in my music. It is “The Hood” (El Barrio) and represents my friends, my experiences, and my life experiences in words.

What artists have inspired you the most, in terms of their sound and lyrics?

I really like Bad Bunny. I also like Kafu Banton from Panama—he is one that I always listen to, and I like his way of composing. El Roockie was also an influence. I also like all kinds of music such as salsa, merengue, Haitian, and rock and roll. I learn, gain knowledge, and take elements from everything that I listen to.

You’ve been working with Spotify’s RADAR program since 2020, when you were named  RADAR artist of the month for Central America & the Caribbean. Now you’re expanding as a U.S. RADAR artist. What has this experience been like?

This is another dream that I didn’t think would come so soon. It is very important to connect and see this happening in my country and in Central America, but as an artist, to come to the United States and see that my music is sneaking in everywhere, it’s wonderful. This is going to help me to grow that dream!

Your music has found international popularity in countries like Spain and Italy. Do you think working with Spotify and the RADAR program has helped introduce your music to other areas of the world, outside of Latin American?

The data available to artists on the platform allows me to know how many people are streaming my music in real time, how the number of listeners change over time, where they live, and to also be able to know which of my songs are liked the most. It’s incredible.

You can’t imagine my, and all my team’s, excitement when we saw we were number three in Spain. We were jumping with joy, because really when we entered the top 200 it was already an achievement, then at 100, and then at 50 we said, “Wow, the dream came true.” But when we got to number three, it is one of those moments that you thank God and reflect on all the effort and sacrifice, because it is not easy. It is almost impossible to have a number three in Spain with so many good artists there. In Italy, we asked ourselves, “How did it reach number seven when the song is in Spanish?” That is where one learns that music has no borders. 

What advice do you have for fellow emerging artists?

The best advice I can give you is to be prepared, and to 100% create your own style and your own music. Learn every day from everything you can in studios, in meetings—listen and know that your future depends on many things but the main one is that it depends on yourself.


Check out the latest music from Boza below and keep an eye out for his new track, “En La Luna,” coming out June 25.

Meet 7 RADAR Artists Reinventing Italy’s Music Scene

It’s been six months since RADAR, Spotify’s global emerging artist program, debuted in Italy, and its artists are already making a worldwide impact. 

Since its launch on October 15, RADAR Italy has connected 12 up-and-coming artists with new audiences, bringing a fresh and assorted sound to listeners’ ears. “The team spent months listening to unreleased music from a vast group of artists, and we wanted the final list to be as strong and diverse as possible,” shared Melanie Parejo, Head of Music Southern Europe at Spotify. From indie and pop to reggaeton and rap, Italy’s RADAR lineup spans a variety of genres. “Through strong editorial support like curated playlists and tailor-made marketing campaigns, we’re helping our RADAR artists to be discovered by new fans both in Italy and globally,” said Melanie.  

Get to know seven of these Italian newcomers: 

Spotify’s Emerging Artists Program, RADAR, Kicks Off in Russia

Last year Spotify launched RADAR, our emerging artist program that spotlights rising talent from around the globe. RADAR’s goal is to help up-and-coming artists in all stages of their development as they connect with new audiences. Now, after working with creators in the U.S., New Zealand, Spain, and many other markets, the program is ready to launch in Russia.

Since Spotify’s launch in Russia in 2020, we’ve seen tremendous success with subscriber growth and service adoption. According to our 2020 Q3 results, Russia has been our most successful new market launch to date and represented the largest portion of subscriber outperformance for the quarter. 

With RADAR, we will amplify emerging artists in the region through ongoing marketing and editorial support. Artists will be featured in the local creative marketing campaigns, and their tracks will be added to the RADAR RUSSIA playlist in the global RADAR hub, helping fans from all over the world discover their music. For the Record had the opportunity to chat with two bands that are a part of Russia’s RADAR program.

Сёстры (pronounced “sestry,” translation: Sisters) is an indie pop duo that debuted their first album, Когда были волны (When There Were Waves), in October of 2020. The group has already seen success, including having recently performed on a popular Russian late-night talk show.

Три дня дождя (pronounced “tri dnia dozhdia,” translation: Three Days of Rain) is an alternative band that released their first album in February of last year. Their most popular track, “Не киряй,” has racked up more than 4.5 million streams on Spotify.

Read what the bands had to say about their music, their experience, and more below.

What are you looking forward to as a Spotify Russian RADAR artist?

Сестры: We have been watching the RADAR program for a long time now, as it’s helped us discover many talented foreign artists, and it is very unlikely we would have discovered them without it. Now, through RADAR, it’s amazing that many more listeners will learn about us—our tracks will become a part of Spotify’s global ecosystem, and our songs will be heard by many people all over the world. We are just at the beginning of getting to know our audience, and it is so important for us to develop strong relations with our fans. 

Три дня дождя: We have big plans and ambitions going forward, and we hope the support of Spotify can help us with establishing our name not only in Russia but also abroad. We are honored to have been chosen as one of the first artists to take part in the program in the country. Russian rock is not dead and we’d love to prove it! We are hopeful that RADAR can help us bring our art to the new audiences.

What advice do you have for fellow emerging artists?

Сестры: Trust yourself and your vision, work hard, and carry on no matter what.

Три дня дождя: First of all, don’t ever give up. Ever! And practice as often as possible. Secondly, try to minimize all factors that restrain you from doing what you love. Lastly, always believe in yourself and your art.

What message do you want people to take from your music?

Три дня дождя: With my music I’d love to convey the emotions everyone is familiar with. And about showing the listeners that love can be a very dangerous thing at times. 

This past year presented many unprecedented challenges. How has it changed the way you approach your musical career?

Сестры: 2020 is exactly the year when our music career began developing. The music industry turned to online, but it somehow brought us all even closer together. We are definitely looking forward to the day when live concerts and performances become possible again, but our approach to our music career has not changed a bit. We will continue gathering at home or at the studio to make new music together.


Ready to give these Russian artists a listen? Check out the new RADAR Russia playlist below.

Meet DORA, the RADAR Teen Rewriting What It Means to Be a Global Pop Star

Spanish singer-songwriter DORA has had a busy year—and that’s putting it lightly. At just 16, she’s already graced the cover of Vogue España and appeared on the soundtrack for Élite, a popular Netflix show. Now the Madrid-based artist can add another item to the list: she’s a part of Spotify’s global emerging-artist program, RADAR.

Launched in March 2020, the program features artists from over 50 markets worldwide and helps performers at early stages of their careers broaden their fan bases through Spotify’s social channels, curated playlists, and tailored marketing initiatives.

DORA is the sole author behind many of her genre-bending tracks. She shifts between English and Spanish with ease, singing over tracks influenced in equal measure by 2000s bubblegum pop, moody indie rock, and pulsing EDM. Since the launch of RADAR, DORA has released three singles, some of which were even recorded in her school uniform: the twinkly discoteca-ready “Oxena,” acoustic-driven “Hoy,” and infectious English-language “Stay.” 

We sat down with the RADAR artist to learn more about how she got here—and where she’s planning on going next.

You’ve had a pretty meteoric rise in the past year. What’s it been like to see your career take off?

It’s a blessing to see my music reach a wider audience throughout the years, and seeing the different people that follow me into this journey is amazing. For me, it’s like watching my newborn baby getting older—I accompany my music’s steps. I put work into it, and my music gives me a lot of other beautiful things in exchange.

Celebrate Six Months of RADAR Around the World

In March, we announced RADAR, our emerging-artist program spotlighting rising talent from around the globe—from Brazil to Japan to Germany to New Zealand and beyond. Now, six months and more than 2 billion streams later, we’re excited to share the debut of our on-platform RADAR hub, home to extensive, original, and exclusive RADAR content.

The launch of this emerging-artist program has propelled the growth of RADAR artists around the world—and fans are listening. Take a look at how much they’ve streamed these rising artists:

Australian Newcomer Merci, Mercy Discusses Her Big Break

As far as career goals go, the 19-year-old Australian singer-songwriter merci, mercy told For the Record that she aims to be “brutally honest” above all else in her songs, celebrating her weirdness in a way that makes others follow suit. Her commitment to smashing taboos comes alive on the rising artist’s debut single, which is the rare kind of debut that feels assured and fully formed. 

The strength of that song, “F*cked Myself Up,” recently led to merci, mercy being handpicked as Australia’s representative in Spotify’s global emerging-artist program, RADAR. The program features artists at all stages of their careers from over 50 markets worldwide and helps them strengthen their connection to audiences via Spotify’s social channels, RADAR playlists curated by Spotify’s editors, and bespoke marketing initiatives. 

On her lead single, merci, mercy sounds self-aware as she sings about heavy issues like substance abuse and alcohol dependency above a deceptively slinky groove flecked with electronic flourishes. The entire track exudes a nonchalant lightness despite lyrics detailing the powerful temptation to overindulge; the song is topped off with pop-bright vocals as charismatic as they are matter-of-fact.

If merci, mercy sounds wise beyond her years, it may be a result of her having lived abroad with her mother, splitting her childhood and subsequent years between Beijing, Thailand, Sydney, and smaller towns in Australia. “It definitely made me who I am today,” she told For the Record. “Being able to live in other countries and experience the way other people live really opens your mind. I feel really grateful I had the opportunity to do that.”

It’s no wonder, then, that the teenage artist is already working with top-flight producers like Edwin White (Vance Joy, Fergus James) and Joel Quartermain (G Flip, Meg Mac), who co-wrote the track. In fact, she had already signed with a management company, a booking agency, and veteran Aussie label Liberation Records before the song even came out in March, all thanks to the strength of an earlier tune called “Be” that she quietly uploaded in 2018.

Her stage name, meanwhile, was suggested by a friend when she couldn’t decide between Merci (French for “thank you”) or Mercy. And though she’s only just released her first worldwide single, she has been writing songs—“in my bedroom, car, shower, and every other good place to procrastinate—since the age of 16, when she realized that singing other people’s material wasn’t for her.

“I started to use it as an excuse to avoid responsibilities such as schoolwork and cleaning my bedroom,” she admitted. “Nothing has changed, apart from the schoolwork and being way better at writing songs.”

What has changed, of course, is working with producers like White and Quartermain to perfect her songs in the studio. “It felt like home, like I was meant to be there,” recounted merci, mercy. “I was obviously nervous each and every time, but I just loved being with such amazing people creating such innovative music.”

As for her inclusion in Spotify’s RADAR program, merci, mercy said it’s been a welcome vote of confidence: “It leaves me in a constant state of empowerment, humbleness, and excitement. It confirms for me that my dreams are indeed coming true. I feel validated in the most wondrous of ways.”

Check out merci,mercy and more of the artists selected for Spotify’s worldwide RADAR program on the On Our Radar playlist