Tag: marilina bertoldi

Celebrate the Enduring Influence of Argentine Rock With Our Special Series of Spotify Singles

In Argentina, rock music has long been a powerful force shaping the country’s cultural and political landscape. Over the past year, however, a new generation of talent has emerged, breathing fresh life into the local rock scene—and younger fans are all ears. In fact, 60% of Gen Z users on Spotify in Argentina have listened to Argentine rock this year, embracing classic hits and newer sounds alike.

To honor both the pioneers and the next wave of Argentine rock, we’re launching a trio of Spotify Singles—each one a unique reimagining of an iconic track that highlights the evolution of the genre. Featuring rapper Dillom, rock band Airbag, alt rock singer-songwriter Marilina Bertoldi, and electro-pop artist Juliana Gattas, this series bridges the past, present, and future of Argentine rock.

Hit play on these exclusive releases:

¿Qué Vas a Hacer Tan Sola Hoy?” by Dillom, covering the Viejas Locas classic.

Ella Usó Mi Cabeza Como Un Revólver” by Airbag, covering Soda Stereo’s iconic hit.

Me Vuelvo Cada Día Más Loca,” a duet by Marilina Bertoldi and Juliana Gattas, covering Celeste Carballo’s timeless track.

These Spotify Singles not only spotlight Argentina’s rising stars but also pay tribute to a genre that has shaped the country’s cultural identity. We’re proud to provide a platform for Argentine rock to continue flourishing across generations.

Discover more up-and-coming talent on our Rock Argentino playlist.

Spotify rockea el fin de semana con el Festival EQUAL en Buenos Aires

concert performance at Festival EQUAL

En Argentina la semana pasada se reunieron artistas, podcasters, fanáticos y luminarias de la industria en el muy esperado Festival EQUAL de Spotify para celebrar la creatividad y el talento que las mujeres aportan a la escena de la música y los podcasts. El evento es una extensión de nuestro programa EQUAL, cuyo objetivo es contribuir a la equidad de género en la industria musical amplificando y celebrando el trabajo de las creadoras de todo el mundo.

Comenzamos el festival con un evento de dos días en el C Complejo Art Media, que incluyó paneles y presentaciones específicamente dirigidos a mujeres creadoras y artistas, y concluyó con un concierto con entradas agotadas como ningún otro.

Eventos lanzamiento con industria y creadores

“Con el Festival EQUAL, Spotify ha encontrado una oportunidad para mostrarle al país y al mundo lo que los artistas argentinos están generando en la industria”, destacó Bel Aztiria, Global Head EQUAL para Spotify, antes de los paneles y presentaciones.. 

“Lo que comenzó como una idea en aquel entonces es hoy una realidad. Nos emociona saber que Spotify está a punto de celebrar un hito sin precedentes en el país al reunir a más de 20.000 personas en un solo lugar con un único objetivo común: celebrar el talento de las mujeres argentinas” remarcó Carolina Martin, Artists & Label Partnerships Spotify Cono Sur

Los asistentes escucharon un panel moderado por Carolina y Bel que contó con Barbi Recanati, Sivina Moreno, Juliana Gattas, y Julieta Laso como speakers. Las mujeres compartieron sus sentimientos, ideas y perspectivas sobre el recorrido de las mujeres en la industria local.

Spotify también celebró un Festival de Podcast EQUAL para creadores de podcasts para que las mujeres pudieran compartir sus conocimientos sobre cómo desarrollar carreras de podcasting y promocionar los avances que han logrado en la industria. En el escenario, las creadoras de ConchaPodcast recibieron a Moria Casán hablando sobre el lanzamiento de su podcast Spotify Original, La One.

En otra sesión, Momi Giardina, Mica Vazquez, Marti Benza, y Martu Ortiz, creadoras de LUZU TV, uno de los principales canales de streaming en Argentina, hablaron sobre cómo celebrar el empoderamiento femenino y cuáles son las oportunidades para seguir dando visibilidad a las mujeres en su industria.

Para cerrar el día, Jacinta de Oromí, creadora del podcast TIPO, Marian Soler, creadora del  podcast Cebando Flores, and Buera, creadora del podcast ¿estás?, subieron al escenario para compartir sus tips y recomendaciones para la creación de contenido.

Spotify Rocks the Weekend With the Festival EQUAL in Buenos Aires

Last week in Argentina, artists, podcasters, fans, and industry luminaries came together for Spotify’s highly anticipated Festival EQUAL to celebrate the creativity and talent that women bring to the music and podcast scenes. The event is an extension of our EQUAL program, which aims to contribute to gender equity in the music industry by amplifying and celebrating the work of women creators around the world. 

We kicked off the festival with a two-day event at the C Complejo Art Media venue that included panels and presentations specifically geared toward women creators and artists and concluded with a sold-out concert unlike any other.

Kicking off with industry events for creators

“With the Festival EQUAL, Spotify has found an opportunity to show the country and the world what Argentine artists are generating in the industry,” Bel Aztiria, Global Head, EQUAL for Spotify, noted ahead of the panels and presentations. 

“What started as an early idea back then is today a reality. We are excited to know that Spotify is about to celebrate an unprecedented milestone in the country by bringing together more than 20,000 people in one place with a single common goal: to celebrate the talent of Argentine women,” remarked Carolina Martin, Artists & Label Partnerships, Spotify Southern Cone.

Attendees listened to a panel moderated by Carolina and Bel that included Barbi Recanati, Silvina Moreno, Juliana Gattas, and Julieta Laso as speakers. The women shared their feelings, ideas, and perspectives on the journey of women in local industry.

Spotify also held an EQUAL Podcast Festival for podcast creators so that women could share wisdom on building podcasting careers and tout advancements they’ve made in the industry. Onstage, the creators of ConchaPodcast hosted Moria Casán to discuss the launch of her Spotify Original podcast, La One.

In another session, Momi Giardina, Mica Vazquez, Marti Benza, and Martu Ortiz, creators from top-streaming Argentinian channel LUZU TV, talked about celebrating women empowerment and what the opportunities are to keep women visible in their industry. 

To close the day, Jacinta de Oromí, creator of the podcast TIPO; Marian Soler, creator of the podcast Cebando Flores; and Buera, creator of the podcast ¿estás?; took the stage to share their tips and recommendations for creating content.