Tag: original podcast

In Her New Podcast, CultureCon Founder and CEO Imani Ellis Shares an Unfiltered Look at the Path to Success

In 2017, Imani Ellis revealed CultureCon to the world, a first-of-its-kind conference that spotlights culture, community, entrepreneurship, and diverse creatives. At the annual event, Black creative professionals convene to unpack topics like marketing, financing, and networking. Now, Imani is expanding the CultureCon universe with her new video podcast, CultureCon Uncut.

Spotify partnered with CultureCon Studios to develop the new series, in which Imani interviews Black culture shifters about how they forged their own paths to success. Guests include journalist and birthFUND founder Elaine Welteroth, actor and author Jay Ellis, beauty and wellness creative director Sir John, Uncle Nearest CEO and founder Fawn Weaver, and more. 

“We’re so excited to collaborate with Spotify to amplify journeys of some incredible visionaries,” said Imani. “The vulnerability and rawness of each episode is sure to inspire the next generation of world-changing creatives.”

New episodes will be released every week leading up to CultureCon, which takes place this year in New York City on October 5 and 6.

We caught up with Imani to learn more about the podcast, including why it adds a new dimension to the IRL conference this fall.

What inspired you to start a podcast?

CultureCon has become the go-to destination where ambitious creatives can share their journeys with the next generation of culture shifters. We’re dedicated to creating brave spaces where our speakers are invited to center both their triumphs and their challenges. CultureCon Uncut is our most unfiltered conversation yet, and we knew a podcast was the perfect medium to tell these brave stories. Working hand in hand with Spotify on this project has been incredible—I’m so excited for our community to tap in. 

Can you tease a specific guest or conversation?

Each guest taught me something new about the world and myself, so I enjoyed them all. I had a really great conversation with Jay Ellis where we talked about the fear of success and how you have to notice when your fear of something begins to evolve into self-sabotage. I found that topic so interesting, because we often talk about the fear of failure but don’t spend as much time discussing the fear of everything going right. 

What makes this podcast the perfect primer to CultureCon 2024?

We cover so many different topics on CultureCon Uncut—from entrepreneurship to dating to overcoming self-doubt. It’s the perfect example of what our community can expect at our conference in October. We want to meet our community wherever they are and inspire them to keep chasing their wildest ambitions.

Dive into the first episode of the podcast, featuring guest Elaine Welteroth, below:

Jemele Hill and Spotify Partner on The Unbothered Network to Elevate Black Female Voices—And Bring Season 3 of ‘Unbothered’ to Listeners

In 2019, award-winning journalist, culture critic, and multihyphenate creator Jemele Hill joined the Spotify lineup with her own Spotify Original Podcast, Jemele Hill is Unbothered. Now, she’s expanding her exclusive partnership with Spotify with two big moves: a third season of the critically acclaimed show—and her very own podcast network. 

The Unbothered Network 

Jemele’s new groundbreaking podcast and production company, The Unbothered Network, seeks to elevate the voices, stories, agency, and nuance of Black women, an audience she feels is often chronically underserved across all mediums. Jemele will be working in partnership with Spotify and her longtime representative Evan Dick (Exit 39). Together, this powerhouse team of creatives and executives will create premium content that drives conversations and builds community, all through the power and intimacy of podcasting. Spotify, Jemele, and her production company, Lodge Freeway Media, will identify and develop new exciting series for the Network.

The Unbothered Network is more than just a content hub—it’s a space where Black women can hopefully see their full selves,” says Jemele. “There’s so much about the lives of Black women that hasn’t been fully explored, and so many of our stories have either been dismissed or overlooked. I’m also proud of this network because it not only centers Black women, but it’s also run by Black women. We can’t empower Black women if we’re not positioning them in leadership roles.”

“We are thrilled to be expanding our partnership with the incomparable Jemele Hill,” says Courtney Holt, Head of Studios and Video, Spotify. “An acclaimed journalist, storyteller, podcaster, and creative—whose bold and authentic takes on social politics, sports, and culture have shined a spotlight on topics that are often overlooked. We can’t wait for her to continue her podcast and bring new and diverse talent to her network that amplifies and strengthens the voices of this important community.”

Jemele’s team of creatives and executives at The Unbothered Network include award-winning journalist Christina M. Tapper as Executive Producer & Head of Content, and Webby award-winning Creator/Producer Rich Boerner as Head of Operations and Production.

“I’m beyond grateful and excited to join Jemele and Spotify in building an audio home where Black women are primary,” says Christina. “I’m energized by the work of creating an expansive portfolio of premium podcasts for Black women listeners and by Black women creators at The Unbothered Network. We’ll tap into a variety of formats and genres to do just that.”

Unbothered Podcast Season 3

To top it off, the third season of Jemele’s podcast Jemele Hill is Unbothered is set to debut June 28. This installment of the critical and thought-provoking show is sure to stand up among its previous seasons. And the first guests? Singer-songwriter-actor Mary J. Blige, singer-songwriter Jill Scott, and actor Michael B. Jordan.

As an arbiter of culture and a storyteller, Jemele is a pioneer in the audio space who has continued to expand her reach and global audience. Whether breaking down difficult conversations about national discourse, racial inequality, gender equity, activism, politics, entertainment, or cancel culture, Jemele isn’t afraid to have an honest, thought-provoking, always-entertaining analysis of American life, discussed in real time as it unfolds.

Tune into Season 3 of Jemele Hill is Unbothered, free on Spotify June 28.

Spotify Original Podcast ‘Próxima Parada’ Brings Daily News From the Outskirts of Brazil

Journalists Ana Beatriz Felicio and Rômulo Cabrera are shining a light on the news, stories, and challenges unfolding in the outskirts of São Paulo, Brazil, through their new Spotify Original podcast Próxima Parada. Launching June 28, the podcast will air Monday to Friday, exclusively on Spotify.

In brief 15-minute episodes, Próxima Parada presents stories, news, and reports on a wide range of topics, including education, employment, health, safety, housing, culture, and leisure. The daily journalistic series provides coverage on the diverse topics and daily news circulating in the outskirts of the São Paulo metropolitan area—referred to by locals as the “quebradas” or peripheries. 

The show focuses on the realities of areas far from Brazil’s economic centers and works to uplift marginalized voices. Podcasters Ana Beatriz and Rômulo, who themselves are from the outskirts of São Paulo, are driven by their experiences growing up in the area. Their goal is to explore three questions: What are the peripheries? Who are the people who live in these areas? And what happens over there?

“The outskirts of Brazil are diverse, plural places, full of good stories,” says cohost Ana Beatriz. “We want to expand the voice of those who live in these regions, practicing an even more attentive listening to what they have to say and share.”

The podcast is produced in partnership with Brazil’s Mural Journalism Agency of the Periferias, giving the hosts access to the agency’s correspondents network of more than 70 communication professionals who live in the peripheries.

“We are very happy with a partnership that believes in and amplifies journalism made by and for the peripheries; a journalism that, in the end, contributes to increasing the size of the São Paulo metropolis you thought you knew,” says Vagner de Alencar, Director of Journalism at the Agência Mural.

From left to right: Ana Beatriz Felicio, Vagner de Alencar, Gabriela Carvalho, and Rômulo Cabrera. Photo credit: Divulgação/Spotify

Episode topics include a chat with members of the LGBTQIA+ community, who talk about the lack of shelters in Brazil’s Eastern Zone, and a conversation with residents in Cotia, in the outskirts of São Paulo, about their difficulties accessing safe reproductive care.

“It’s an opportunity for us to reinforce the leading role of the residents of the ‘quebradas,’ help to reduce prejudices about these neighborhoods, and deconstruct the stereotypes of violence, exclusion, and victimization associated with the peripheries,” adds cohost Rômulo.

With the release of Próxima Parada, Spotify reinforces its support for podcasters from underrepresented communities, just as it does with Sound Up, a global program that gives underrepresented podcasters the tools to boost their platforms and build their own shows. 

In addition, Spotify also created the exclusive Pretos no Topo hub to increase the visibility of the work and art of Black creators. There, listeners can access:

Próxima Parada premieres Monday, June 28, and new, free episodes will air Monday through Friday at 5 pm BRT (4 pm EST) exclusively on Spotify. Start listening to the trailer below.

El nuevo podcast original de Spotify en Argentina, “Lado BB”, invita a los oyentes a participar en una experiencia de audio inmersiva

Los podcasts son, en muchos sentidos, como la música: ambos medios son inmersivos, cuentan con personalidades únicas que es posible conocer a través de sus historias y conectan a los oyentes con el mundo que los rodea. Cuando los dos se combinan, salen a la superficie aún más oportunidades y experiencias por vivir.

Tomemos  el nuevo podcast original de Spotify en Argentina, Lado BB. En éste, Bebe Contepomi, el referente indiscutido de la música argentina y latinoamericana, crea una esfera única donde comparte conversaciones íntimas con destacados artistas.

Lado BB es mucho más que un podcast: es una puerta de entrada al lado más íntimo y desconocido de grandes personalidades de la música.  Durante 10 episodios que se estrenan cada semana, Bebe (o “BB”),  se reúne con las principales figuras de la música para invitar a los oyentes a ser parte de una experiencia única y conocer el lado “BB” del universo de la música. Transportate junto con Bebe hacia un viaje único acompañado por artistas como Fito Páez, Ricardo Mollo, Andrés Calamaro, Lali y Gustavo Santaolalla, desde las historias más profundas y sinceras de cada uno.

“El audio es un formato en el que, al igual que en los libros, permite que te conviertas en una parte activa de la historia”, dice Javier Piñol, director de Spotify Studios Latam & US LatinX. “Si escuchamos un audio que habla de una escena, podemos imaginarla de manera diferente. Hemos identificado que existe una demanda de este poder de audio para permitir que nuestros oyentes sean parte de la creación de las historias de cada episodio”. 

“Al comienzo, cuando estábamos explorando el concepto del proyecto, queríamos que llegara a transmitir algo más que una simple entrevista o conversación con un artista”, continúa Javier. “Este podcast desbloquea el potencial de las experiencias envolventes que proporciona el audio y logra que los oyentes estén ahí, reunidos con leyendas de la música y emprendiendo un viaje junto a ellos”.

¿Estás listo para experimentar el lado BB de la música? Lado BB es un podcast original y exclusivo de Spotify. Dale play al primer episodio, que ya está disponible aquí.