Tag: collaborative playlists

Spotify Unveils Jam, a New, Personalized Way to Listen With Your Entire Squad

There are few things more powerful than connecting over a shared love of music. So over the past few years, Spotify has unveiled a wide range of new features, including Collaborative Playlists and Blend, that make sharing the music you love easier than ever. And fans love them: they’ve already created more than 45 million Blends. And in the past month alone, they’ve cumulatively spent over 200 million hours listening to the Collaborative Playlists they’ve created alongside those closest to them. 

Today we’re introducing Jam, a personalized, real-time listening session for your group to tune into together. Jam builds on some of our popular social features and combines them with our personalization technology to take real-time listening with pals to the next level. With Jam, Premium subscribers will be able to invite others to contribute through a shared queue and enjoy a musical experience made exclusively for everyone listening

How Jam works

Jam is rolling out for all Spotify users globally starting today—so make sure your app is up-to-date. Premium listeners everywhere can start a Jam and anyone on Spotify can join. Simply invite your squad and Jam will help you find the perfect songs to add to the queue, finding the overlaps in your listening preferences to deliver music recommendations that everyone will love. You’ll have the ability to see who’s added which track so you know whom to thank for that crowd pleaser, whether you’re prepping food together in the kitchen or enjoying games in the backyard.  

Once you start a Jam, you can invite a group of friends or family—Free or Premium users, or a mix—so they can share the experience. Premium listeners can join from wherever they are, whether they’re in the same room or across the world

To get grooving, select a playlist or song you’re feeling excited about. You’ll see a “Start a Jam” button by clicking the speaker icon at the bottom of your screen or by hitting the three dot menu within your favorite playlist or song. You can also select a device to play on, whether that’s your phone or speaker. Those in your household on your shared Wi-Fi will also be prompted to join the Jam when they open Spotify. 

You can then invite your squad in one of three ways:

  1. Turn on Bluetooth, then tap your phones together
  2. Have your friends scan the QR code on your host screen
  3. Hit “share” to send the link through social, text, SMS, and more

Everyone in the Jam can add songs to the queue, see who added which song, and receive recommendations, all from their own devices. The host also has the ability to determine who’s in the Jam, change the order of the tracks, or remove a song that doesn’t fit the vibe. 

Get ready for a deeper way to connect through the artists, songs, and albums that unite you—and to discover some unexpected gems with those around you.

*Update as of March 13, 2024: Jam is now available on Desktop, making listening together easier than ever. To start a Jam from Desktop:

  • Tap the three-dot menu, or right click on a playlist or song
  • Select start a Jam
  • Invite your friends through a share link or QR code to listen together, wherever you are, on desktop and mobile.

Soundtrack Your Summer Vacation With These Tips

people listening to music while flying

Summer is in full swing, which for many, means that it’s time to log off and take a well-deserved break. Between hopping flights and hitting the highways for a big road trip, vacationers are looking for ways to amp up their travel during an especially busy season—so busy, in fact, that “make my drive fun” is now a breakout Google search term.

But we already know what every good adventure (including a fun drive) needs: the perfect soundtrack.

If you’re among those who are gearing up for an epic vacation, you’ll definitely want to keep the audio streaming wherever you are. Whether you’re relaxing with friends and listening to the new Bill Simmons series dedicated to his notable interviews over the years, or you’re just looking to block out the airport noise, Spotify has all the playlists, podcasts, and tips you need to make your journey just as fun as the destination

  • Going off the grid? Stream offline: If you’re headed on a flight, a winding car ride, or an international trip, just switch on Spotify’s Offline Mode before you go so you can access your favorite audio wherever you are. While you’re still connected, download your favorite songs, playlists, or podcast episodes beforehand by clicking the “download” arrow next to the track list or in the “…” menu. 
  • Share your journey: With all the planning that went into your trip, it’s time to share the experience with those you love! Show the world your travel story through Spotify’s Instagram and Snapchat integrations, and DM the music you find directly to your friends and family. 
  • Collab with fellow travelers: Looking to expand your musical tastes while on your travels? Let your music mirror your destination through a playlist that’s catered to your trip. With Collaborative Playlists, you can create a one-of-a-kind travel playlist with your companions or those special people you meet along the way. And don’t forget to give it a special touch with your own personalized cover art
  • Headphones to help you zone out or tune in: Having the best earphones to soundtrack your trip—or entertain you in the security line—is a must for any traveler. Using Sony Linkbuds with Spotify Tap will do just that and help you access your Spotify playlists quickly and easily with a single tap.
  • Learn the local language: Whether you’re fluent or don’t know a single word, Spotify’s Lyrics feature can help you explore the music and language of your destination.

Now that you’re ready to make the most of your time off, the only thing left to do is get out there and start streaming. And if you’re looking for the right playlist to kick things off, Summer Hits is a great place to start.


Discover and Listen to Music With Even More Friends and Family—Plus Some of Your Favorite Artists—With Spotify’s Newest Blend Update

Music has been bringing people together for generations, from concert halls to car rides to online communities. Last year, Spotify took group listening a step further and launched Blend, a shared playlist that combines the best of Spotify’s personalization capabilities and collaborative playlist functionality into a single shared playlist, making it easy for users to get into a listening session that is made just for them. 

And as of today, Spotify is expanding Blend’s reach with two new updates: The first allows you to Blend with up to 10 people in a group—whether it’s your running club, favorite coworkers, group chat, book club, or chosen family. And the second gives you the chance to Blend with some of your favorite artists. 

Two’s a party (and so is 10)

Now that you can Blend with up to 10 friends or family members, you’ll be able to listen to a personalized playlist with your entire group chat. 

To blend with a group, just follow a few easy steps: 

  • Create + Invite: Just search “Blend” within the “Search” tab on Spotify. Then, tap “Invite” to select people to Blend with. 
  • Blend: Once your friend has accepted the invite, Spotify will generate your shared Blend playlist, which will include songs and recommendations that reflect everyone’s music preferences and tastes. You’ll even be able to see which songs were added for which friend. 
  • Listen + Share: After everyone has joined the collaborative playlist, you and your friends will receive a custom share card that you can use to spread the word on social media.

Have you ever been curious about your favorite artist’s creative influences? Now, you can find out—and see how yours compare—when you make a Blend with one of 20 music artists that merges tastes into one shared playlist made just for you.