Tag: joaquina

The Latin Grammys Countdown Starts Now: Inside Our Two-Day Casa Spotify Miami Celebration

On November 14, the Latin Grammys will return to Miami to honor the artists and industry professionals who make Latin music the global phenomenon it is today. In the lead-up to the awards show, which marks its 25th anniversary this year, Spotify is turning up the volume with Casa Spotify Miami. This two-day celebration will culminate in a live concert, bringing fans closer to some of the most exciting artists shaping Latin music today.

The Casa Spotify Miami lineup

On November 11 and 12, Spotify’s Miami headquarters will transform into a buzzing hub for artists, labels, and key players across the Latin music world. We’ll host listening sessions, connect artists and songwriters with industry professionals, and unveil our brand-new permanent studio, a dedicated space designed to empower Latin creators and propel their music onto the global stage.

Then, on the evening of November 12, Casa Spotify Miami will take the party to Wynwood Marketplace, located in the heart of the city’s art and entertainment district. Fans will be treated to an evening of unmissable performances by both emerging and established artists, including some of this year’s nominees.

Rising Venezuelan pop artist Joaquina and Colombian Afrobeats newcomer Kapo will kick off the showcase. Up next: Mexican genre-bending trio Latin Mafia (nominated for Best New Artist), Argentine pop star Emilia (nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album), and Venezuelan singer-producer Danny Ocean, who blends reggaeton and pop (nominated for Song of the Year and Best Pop Song). We’ll close out Casa Spotify Miami in style, with help from our headliners: Colombian hitmakers Ryan Castro and Blessd.

Guests will also have the chance to immerse themselves in Latin culture with special activations, local food and drinks, and limited-edition merch.

Uplifting the Latin music community

Casa Spotify Miami is more than a warm-up for the Latin Grammys—it showcases Spotify’s commitment to the Latin music industry. From championing emerging subgenres to maintaining our flagship Viva Latino playlist, Spotify is proud to celebrate Latin music and its rich tapestry of styles and sounds.

Want to discover the hottest tracks from top Latin artists? Press play on Viva Latino.

RADAR Artists Give FC Barcelona an Assist With Their Matchday Takeover

Through our first-of-its kind partnership, Spotify and FC Barcelona are committed to uniting the worlds of music and sport. And when the Barça men’s squad recently stepped onto the pitch for a showdown with Getafe CF, RADAR, Spotify’s global emerging artist program, was ready for a matchday takeover. 

To celebrate, we hosted a roster of our RADAR alumni from around the globe to connect with one another and celebrate their artist journeys. Rising artists including centromilacare, Jolagreen23, Charlie USG, Delilah, Joaquina, and THAI of the T-Pop boy band BUS were in attendance.


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Our six-person squad represents the promising talent coming out of Italy, France, Spain, Mexico, Venezuela, and Thailand while spanning genres like pop, rap, alternative/indie and Música Mexicana.

“We know that there are exciting parallels between an athlete and an emerging artist’s journey, and through our RADAR program, we wanted to create a space for emerging talent from around the world to celebrate their shared passions,” said Rachel Ring, Global Music Programs Marketing Lead at Spotify.


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At the match, our RADAR artists had the opportunity to step onto the pitch and experience the stadium atmosphere, see their names up on the stadium LED boards, and support the team. In addition, they were featured in the RADAR takeover of the Barça Matchday playlist that gets FC Barcelona fans hyped up before every kickoff whistle.

12 Artistas, 6 países, talento infinito: Conoce a la clase RADAR Latinoamérica del 2024

Desde el reggaetón hasta la Música Mexicana, los artistas latinos están dando forma al ritmo de la música global. En los últimos años, hemos visto emerger talentos rompedores desde lugares culturales como México, Colombia, Argentina, Brasil y Puerto Rico, y a sus pasos les siguen más estrellas en ascenso, listas para llevar la música a alturas aún mayores.

Desde el 2020, Spotify ha ayudado a artistas de toda la región a trazar sus caminos hacia la fama a través de RADAR, nuestro programa global para apoyar el talento emergente. Ediciones anteriores del programa han presentado a estrellas latinas como Peso Pluma, Blessd, Ovy On The Drums y Maria Becerra. Hoy, estos jugadores clave no solo están rompiendo récords en Spotify, sino que están derribando barreras y llevando su música a una audiencia global.

Ahora estamos lanzando la clase RADAR Latinoamérica del 2024. Con 12 artistas, la clase representa a México, Brasil, Colombia, Venezuela, Perú y Argentina. Estos artistas reflejan la rica variedad de estilos y géneros de la región, incluyendo el cuarteto argentino, la música mexicana, el funk brasileño y el reggaetón mexa, así como sonidos como el pop, el hip-hop, el rock y el R&B.

Como parte del programa, recibirán el apoyo de Spotify a través de una playlist dedicada y una ubicación editorial especial. Además, este año, Spotify se está asociando con Meta para proporcionarle a los artistas de RADAR orientación personalizada, capacitándolos para crear estrategias sociales efectivas y mejorar su presencia online. Esto será esencial para expandir el alcance y la participación de los artistas en las plataformas digitales.

Spotify también se está asociando con la plataforma de comunidad artista-fan sesh para ofrecer mentoría a cada artista. A través de sesh, que ayuda a los artistas a forjar conexiones más profundas con sus oyentes, construirán estrategias personalizadas para un mayor crecimiento y retención de su base de fans.

Sigue leyendo para conocer a estas estrellas en ascenso.

RADAR Mexico


En Spotify, el reguetón Mexa ha crecido más del 120% en su país de origen en el último año. Proveniente de la Ciudad de México, CHOCA está lista para llevar el género aún más lejos. La artista lanzó su carrera musical en 2021 con el lanzamiento de su primer sencillo, “Bluntsito, y ha continuado perfeccionando su flow, como lo demuestra su último single, “Bebe Ricota.


La joven artista de Música Mexicana Delilah se ha hecho un nombre en los corridos tumbados, un subgénero de los corridos mexicanos. Fue la primera cantante mujer en unirse al sello discográfico de Natanael Cano, Los CT, y lanzó su primer sencillo, “Amor Perdido”, bajo el sello a principios de este año.

The Warning

La banda de rock con sede en Monterrey, The Warning, está compuesta por tres hermanas: Dany, Pau y Ale Villarreal. El grupo inicialmente causó sensación con una serie de lanzamientos independientes, abriendo camino para su álbum ERROR de 2022. Desde entonces, han compartido escenarios junto a leyendas del rock como Muse, Foo Fighters, y Guns N’ Roses.

Escucha nuestra playlist RADAR México para conocer a los próximos artistas a seguir del país.

RADAR Brazil

Os Garotin

La banda de Río de Janeiro Os Garotin fue formada por Anchietx, Leo Guima, y Cupertino. Los tres amigos (y artistas solistas) se han unido para mezclar soul brasileño, hip-hop y pop en un sonido que describen como R&B bailable. El trío llamó la atención por primera vez en 2023 con su EP debut, Só Vem, y actualmente se prepara para lanzar su álbum debut, OS GAROTIN DE SÃO GONÇALO.


MC NAHARA ha surgido como una de las principales voces femeninas del funk brasileño, con varios millones de seguidores en redes sociales. Más recientemente, colaboró con el referente del funk brasileño Djonga en su tema “Mexeu com a Mente, mientras que colaboraciones con el rapero MC Saci y el productor Wc no Beat están en el horizonte.


Con más de 4.5 millones de seguidores en las redes sociales, Xamuel es un joven artista brasileño originario de Rio Grande do Sul que comenzó su carrera en la escena de batallas de rap de la región. Después de que un video de una de sus batallas se volviera viral en 2022, Xamuel desarrolló el éxito en su single de éxito “Alguém Conseguiu Entender?, al que siguió su debut en un sello discográfico importante, “Sozinho.

Sumérgete en nuestra playlist RADAR Brasil para descubrir más talentos emergentes.

RADAR Andinos

Susana Cala

Susana Cala es una cantautora de Bogotá, Colombia. Después de componer canciones para renombrados artistas latinos como Morat, Andrés Cepeda, Sebastián Yatra, y Ximena Sariñana, lanzó su propia carrera como artista pop en 2021. Describe su estilo como bedroom pop y menciona a artistas como Julieta Venegas y La Oreja de Van Gogh como su inspiración.


La joven cantautora venezolano-estadounidense Joaquina es una promesa del pop latino. Se llevó el premio al Mejor Artista Nuevo en los Latin Grammys del 2023 por su EP debut, los mejores años (notas de diario), una colección de reflexiones poéticas de pop-rock sobre desamor, rabia y angustia adolescente.


Greccia es una cantautora de Lima, Perú, que describe su estilo como una mezcla de dream pop, urbano alternativo y R&B. Inició su carrera musical hace poco más de un año con el lanzamiento de su primer sencillo, “aviéntate, y actualmente está trabajando en su primer álbum de estudio, que saldrá más tarde este año.

Echa un vistazo a las canciones de otros talentosos artistas en Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela y Perú en nuestra playlist RADAR Andinos.


Magui Olave

Magui Olave nació y creció en una familia de cuarteto en Córdoba, Argentina. Comenzó su carrera musical haciendo coros para sus primos, los cantantes de cuarteto argentinos Ulises Bueno y Rodrigo (también conocido como “El Potro”). Hoy en día, tiene varios álbumes de estudio en su haber.

Valentina Marquez

Valentina Marquez es una estrella en ascenso en el cuarteto argentino, siguiendo los pasos de su padre Lisandro Marquez, miembro de la banda de cuarteto Sabroso. Apenas dos años después de iniciar su carrera musical, ya ha acumulado casi 20 millones de streams en Spotify.

Eugenia Quevedo

Eugenia Quevedo es otra figura femenina prominente en el cuarteto argentino, habiendo aparecido en programas como Got Talent Argentina y La Voz Argentina (de la franquicia The Voice). Más recientemente, colaboró con el artista argentino Luck Ra en “OJALÁ, un tema de su exitoso álbum QUE NOS FALTE TODO.

Escucha nuestra playlist RADAR Al Sur para conocer más estrellas en ascenso de la parte de más al sur de Latinoamérica.

12 Artists, 6 Countries, Endless Talent: Meet the RADAR Latin America Class of 2024

From reggaeton to Música Mexicana, Latin artists are reshaping the rhythm of global music. Recent years have seen the emergence of groundbreaking talent from cultural hot spots like Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, and Puerto Rico—and at their heels are more rising stars, ready to take the music to even greater heights.

Since 2020, Spotify has helped artists across the region chart their paths to stardom through RADAR, our global program to support emerging talent. Previous editions of the program have featured Latin hitmakers like Peso Pluma, Blessd, Ovy On The Drums, and Maria Becerra. Today, these power players arent just breaking records on Spotify—theyre breaking down barriers and bringing their music to a global audience.

Now we’re launching the RADAR Latin America class of 2024. Featuring 12 artists, the class represents Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, and Argentina. These artists reflect the region’s rich tapestry of styles and genres, including Argentine cuarteto, Música Mexicana, Brazilian funk, and reggaetón Mexa, as well as sounds like pop, hip-hop, rock, and R&B.

As part of the program, RADAR artists receive Spotify support through a dedicated playlist and special editorial placement. Additionally, this year, Spotify is teaming up with Meta to provide the class with personalized guidance, empowering them to create effective social strategies and enhance their online presence. This will be essential for expanding the artists’ reach and engagement on digital platforms.

Spotify is also partnering with the artist-fan community platform sesh to offer mentorship to each artist. Through sesh, which helps artists forge deeper connections with their listeners, they will build custom strategies for greater growth and retention of their fan bases.

Keep reading to get to know these rising stars.

RADAR Mexico


On Spotify, reggaetón Mexa has grown over 120% in its home country in the past year alone. Hailing from Mexico City, CHOCA is ready to take the genre even further. The artist launched her music career in 2021 with the release of her first single, “Bluntsito,” and has continued to fine-tune her flow, as evidenced by her latest single, “Bebe Ricota.”


The young Música Mexicana artist Delilah has made a name for herself in corridos tumbados, a subgenre of Mexican corridos. She was the first female singer to join Natanael Cano’s record label, Los CT, and dropped her first single under the label, “Amor Perdido,” earlier this year.

The Warning

The Monterrey-based rock band The Warning is composed of three sisters: Dany, Pau, and Ale Villarreal. The group initially made waves with a series of independent releases, paving the way for their 2022 album ERROR. They have since graced stages alongside rock legends like Muse, Foo Fighters, and Guns N’ Roses.

Stream our RADAR México playlist to hear the country’s next wave artists to watch.

RADAR Brazil

Os Garotin

Rio de Janeiro-based band Os Garotin was formed by Anchietx, Leo Guima, and Cupertino. The three friends (and solo artists) have come together to blend Brazilian soul, hip-hop, and pop into a sound they describe as danceable R&B. The trio first gained attention in 2023 with their debut EP, Só Vem, and are currently preparing to release their debut album, OS GAROTIN DE SÃO GONÇALO.


MC NAHARA has emerged as one of the main female voices of Brazilian funk, with several million followers on social media. Most recently, she featured Brazilian funk mainstay Djonga on her track “Mexeu com a Mente,” while collaborations with rapper MC Saci and producer Wc no Beat are on the horizon.


Boasting more than 4.5 million followers on social media, Xamuel is a young Brazilian artist from Rio Grande do Sul who got his start in the region’s battle rap scene. After footage of one of his battle raps went viral in 2022, Xamuel developed the hit into his breakout single “Alguém Conseguiu Entender?” which he followed up with his major label debut single “Sozinho.”

Dive into our RADAR Brasil playlist to discover more emerging talent.

RADAR Andinos

Susana Cala

Susana Cala is a singer-songwriter from Bogotá, Colombia. After composing songs for renowned Latin artists such as Morat, Andrés Cepeda, Sebastián Yatra, and Ximena Sariñana, she launched her own career as a pop artist in 2021. She describes her sound as bedroom pop and cites artists like Julieta Venegas and La Oreja de Van Gogh as her inspiration.


The young Venezuelan American singer-songwriter Joaquina is one to watch in Latin pop. She took home the Best New Artist award at the 2023 Latin Grammys for her debut EP, los mejores años (notas de diario), a collection of poetic pop-rock reflections on heartbreak, rage, and teen angst.


Greccia is a singer-songwriter from Lima, Peru, who describes her sound as a mix of dream pop, alternative urban, and R&B. She launched her music career just over a year ago with the release of her first single, “aviéntate,” and is currently working on her first studio album, arriving later this year.

Check out tracks from other talented artists in Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Peru in our RADAR Andinos playlist.


Magui Olave

Magui Olave was born and raised in a cuarteto family in Córdoba, Argentina. She got her start in music doing backup vocals for her cousins, Argentine cuarteto singers Ulises Bueno and Rodrigo (also known as “El Potro”). Today, she has several studio albums under her belt.

Valentina Marquez

Valentina Marquez is a rising star in Argentine cuarteto, having followed in the footsteps of her father Lisandro Marquez, a member of the cuarteto band Sabroso. Just two years into her music career, she has already accumulated nearly 20 million streams on Spotify.

Eugenia Quevedo

Eugenia Quevedo is another prominent female figure in Argentine cuarteto, having appeared on shows like Got Talent Argentina and La Voz Argentina (of The Voice franchise). Most recently, she collaborated with Argentine hitmaker Luck Ra on “OJALÁ,” a track from his chart-topping album QUE NOS FALTE TODO.

Stream our RADAR Al Sur playlist to hear more rising stars from the southernmost areas of Latin America.