Tag: podcast

New Season of World-Renowned Therapist Esther Perel’s ‘Where Should We Begin?’ Podcast to Launch on Spotify

It’s not uncommon to see innovative couples’ therapist and author Esther Perel compared to Dr. Ruth, who helped the masses understand the importance of confronting sensitive subjects. Yet unlike the celebrity therapist of the ‘80s, Perel never sticks to a script or specific approach as she deftly unwinds the complicated dynamics of each relationship. That’s why her groundbreaking podcast Where Should We Begin? has proven so popular among everyone from singles to those celebrating 50 years of marriage. Beginning October 10 — and in conjunction with the launch of the podcast’s third season — Where Should We Begin will become a Gimlet series and will be available as a windowed exclusive on Spotify.

What makes Perel’s approach unique—and uniquely attractive to listeners the world over—is that there’s no distinction between her public and private counseling. Each episode of the podcast is a recording of a therapy session with a real couple navigating the complexities of their relationship—from the euphoric beginning to long-term love, unexpected loss, power struggles, and the ups and downs in between—right from her New York office. In the podcast’s new, third season, Perel explores the evolution of marriage through the stories of six couples at different points in their relationships.

Where Should We Begin is a groundbreaking podcast and Esther is a unique and singular voice in podcasting,” said Nazanin Rafsanjani, Head of New Show Development at Gimlet. “She uses the power of audio to let us listen in and learn from people’s most personal revelations and struggles. We are thrilled to be partnering with her and bringing her talents to Spotify.”

“As we continue to explore the complexities of modern relationships, season three takes you through the stages of marriage, from the dreams to the disillusions to the dissolution and the new dreams,” said Perel. “My hope is to provoke, evoke, and stimulate meaningful conversations. When you listen deeply to the stories of others, you see yourself, you feel less alone, are open to new ideas and are emboldened to start the conversations that will transform your life. We’re pleased to partner with Spotify and Gimlet to bring my work to a dynamic and global audience. We have a shared belief: Beyond the riches of our individual and cultural particularities, we all have a universal need for connection.”

Perel, whose two TED Talks combined have more than 28 million views, is also the author of two best-selling books that have been translated into multiple languages: Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence, which explores the crossroads—and the often conflicting forces—of domestic partnership and desire; and The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity, which analyzes infidelity not from a perspective of right and wrong, but in terms of what it can teach us about modern relationships and commitment in general.

Spotify and Gimlet look forward to working with Perel on future seasons of Where Should We Begin? 

Click below to stream the season three trailer of Where Should We Begin?


The Ringer Launches New Spotify Original Podcast, ‘The Hottest Take’

Is Home Alone a Christmas movie? Did the Giants just make the worst draft pick in NFL history? Was the eighth season of Games of Thrones actually the best? These topics, and more, are up for debate on Bill Simmons’ latest podcast, The Hottest Take, streaming exclusively on Spotify.

You might recognize Simmons as host of the popular podcast The Bill Simmons Podcast, or from The Ringer—a network of over 30 podcasts spanning all things sports and pop culture. In his latest project, The Hottest Take, Simmons and his rotating cast of co-hosts lay out controversial topics from the worlds of sports, movies, TV, food, music, and the internet—in bite-sized, 15-minute-or-less conversations.

Joining him behind the mic will be Binge Mode co-hosts Jason Concepcion and Mallory Rubin, House of Carbs host Joe House, The Watch podcast co-host Chris Ryan, The Big Picture host Sean Fennessey, and Bachelor Party host Juliet Litman, along with other favorites from The Ringer network.

Check out the trailer for The Hottest Take, here, and make sure to follow so you don’t miss an episode when it launches Monday, September 16 on Spotify.

Gimlet and The Wall Street Journal Launch New Podcast, ‘The Journal.’

The Wall Street Journal and Gimlet, a Spotify company, have teamed up to launch The Journal., a new daily podcast about money, business and power. The Journal., which is hosted by veteran Wall Street Journal reporters Kate Linebaugh and Ryan Knutson, will release a new episode each day at 4 PM ET starting Tuesday, September 3. 

Together, the hosts make relevant and timely stories understandable and relatable—from what an interest rate cut at the Federal Reserve means for you to why FedEx decided to stop delivering your Amazon orders. And because The Wall Street Journal is known for its world class business journalism, the podcast will be a medium for exclusive reporting and insights from WSJ journalists.  

The Journal. is one of several new Spotify podcasts dedicated to news and analysis, including market-specific shows like El Primer Café in Colombia and Café da Manhã in Brazil. 

Stream the latest episode of The Journal. here.

Spotify and Parcast Are Reading the Stars to Bring You ‘Horoscope Today’

Every morning it’s the same routine: Get up, start the coffee, connect Spotify to your Bluetooth speakers for that daily dose of news. Or maybe, if you really need a wake-up call, you listen to a segment from the daily Today in True Crime. But what you’re missing is a little bit of direction—something that’s more personalized to you. Something to help guide your day. Something like your horoscope.

Luckily, the stars have aligned, and the latest daily podcast coming to Spotify is just that: Horoscope Today.

Horoscope Today is a new daily podcast from Spotify and Parcast that gives you a personal forecast for your life, every day. Whether you need guidance on which route to take, whether to ask for a raise or raise hell, or just to put the small stuff in perspective, Horoscope Today is here to guide you.

Horoscope Today offers horoscopes for each of the 12 signs per day, 365 days a year. From relationship drama to career queries and everything in between, people have always used the stars as a guide. And while we know horoscopes can’t give us all the answers, we also know that they can give us something perhaps more comforting: permission to follow our own instincts.

Starting today, get the daily reliability of a horoscope and the personal guidance of astrology, all in the familiar simplicity of a Spotify podcast. 

Spotify Hands the Mic to German LGBTTIQ* Podcasters in Audio Workshop

Recently, podcast listening has been growing around the world, and so has the opportunity to showcase voices that haven’t always been represented in media—something we’ve been doing at Spotify through our Sound Up workshops. What started with our New York-based initiative to showcase Women of Color led to a similar program in the UK, as well as one for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in Australia. This past month, we were proud to hold yet another workshop—this time for members of the LGBTTIQ* community in Germany.

Each Sound Up workshop kicks off with an application process in which members of the particular community are invited to submit podcast ideas for consideration. Ten are selected and invited to the host city for a five-day workshop to learn the ins and outs of podcasting. Finally, three ideas are selected by a jury at the end of the workshop—leaving all attendees with newfound knowledge and accessibility toward podcasts, and three members with an opportunity to host their podcasts on Spotify.

At the July 8-12 workshop in Berlin, podcasting and audio experts provided the participants with knowledge and tips about the successful development of ideas, technical podcast implementation, and successful marketing. 

“With Sound Up, Spotify is creating a platform for the strong voices of the LGBTTIQ* community,” says Michael Krause, Managing Director Central Europe Spotify. “We want to provide targeted support to make these voices heard and promote podcast ideas that previously lacked the necessary network or practical knowledge.”

Through presentations by content and podcast experts, as well as joint activities, the participants learned what it meant to plan their own podcast episodes conceptually and technically—right up to their own podcast pilots.

The independent jury who judged the podcast ideas consisted of Felicia Mutterer (editor-in-chief of straight magazine and podcast), Jenny Luca Renner (ZDF television advisor), Christoph Alms (LGBTTIQ* activist, member of the Magnus Hirschfeld Society) and Jochen Schropp (actor and host). The three podcasts selected by the jury included concepts from participants Josefine, Fabian and Tamo* on topics such as representation of the LGBTTIQ* community in shows and films, queer life in the countryside, and being a trans parent.

 Stay tuned for stories and podcasts from Josefine, Fabian, and Tamo*.

 Can’t wait? Check out Dope Labs, a podcast by New York Sound Up winners Titi Shodiya and Zakiya Whatley.


In the German market, LGBTTIQ* stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer; the asterisk represents unnamed identities.  

TV Personality Charlotte Roche and Husband Hash Out Relationship in New Spotify Podcast

Charlotte Roche has been a permanent fixture of German media since she was 18, when she first appeared as a host on music video channel VIVA. She became an international sensation in 2008 after publishing her taboo-smashing semi-autobiographical novel Feuchtgebiete (Wetlands). A global best seller, the book cemented Charlotte as a feminist set on testing—and breaking—barriers of all kinds. Now she’s continuing that work on her new Spotify original podcast Paardiologie.

The show is essentially a couple’s therapy session featuring Charlotte (an open book when it comes to her private life) and her husband Martin Keß (it’s difficult to even find an image of him on the Internet). Despite Martin’s meticulous desire for privacy, few topics in the show are off-limits, and every conversation, often heated, is unplanned. 

Just after the release of the fourth episode of Paardiologie, Charlotte spoke with For the Record about what we can expect from her intimate marital conversations—and how listeners of all kinds can relate. 

You’ve worked in other media, like TV and print, and pushed the boundaries of what you can say in both—how does podcasting compare?

I tried to express myself freely on TV, but it was very difficult due to the censors. I thought writing books would provide more freedom, which it did. But now, even in comparison to writing, I feel what my husband and I can do in the podcast is absolute freedom—it’s amazing.

What inspired you to create this podcast at this particular time?

I’d been thinking about doing a podcast for a year or so. The ideas everybody else had were to put me together with younger feminists. I felt there wouldn’t be enough to discuss there because I would agree too much with the young feminists for a podcast to be interesting.

I was wondering with a friend on the phone, “Who in the whole world could I ask to do a podcast with me?” and just joked that my husband probably would be best. We laughed but, as often is the case with jokes, there was a spark of truth in there. I thought about it for a few minutes, ran to my husband, and asked if he would do a podcast for Spotify and talk about our relationship, our love, therapy, and sexuality. He had lots of reasons to say no, but he said yes.

Your first novel, Feuchtgebiete, explored several provocative themes, from relationships with one’s parents to overcoming taboo concepts. How do the topics you explore in the podcast compare? What can listeners expect?

Yes, in my books I fight against taboos concerning the body and sexuality. And I think taboos are not good for human beings—they are normal human things, and that’s exactly the same approach we take with our podcast.

If people would communicate, especially about the negative aspects and tiring aspects of relationships, they wouldn’t feel so alone and wouldn’t have to solve their problems on their own. And that’s why we’re doing the podcast—to reach out and build bridges to other people by talking about all the challenging stuff in relationships, about aggression, cheating on your partner, lying, and addiction.

How do you and Martin prepare discussion topics for an episode? Are any subjects off-limits?

In the weeks before we started the podcast, when we discussed something financial or sexual, or about how to train the dog, we’d get into a really bad fight. So we decided we wanted it to be completely freestyle and open, reacting to what the other person says in the podcast and not discussing anything before. Since then, we’ve had to tell ourselves to stop and keep the discussion fresh for the podcast.

The only off-limits topic would be intimate details about our children. We asked our two teenage kids, both 16 years old (we each have a child from previous relationships), if they’d allow us to talk about the family in public, and they said yes. But we don’t share their intimate teenage problems that we discuss at home. For example, we ask the kids, “Is it ok if we talk on the podcast about pocket money?” and they can say yes or no.

What aspect of your relationship with Martin do you think listeners of any age, anywhere, will be able to relate to the most?

I think the one thing in our relationship people will be able to relate to most is that they can hear and feel us fighting for our love with every sentence we say. Because we’ve had extreme highs and lows (we nearly got divorced a few times), I hope people understand that you have to fight for love and you have to work in a relationship to keep it. It’s like a plant: You have to feed it, water it, check the leaves sometimes, and let some light in—otherwise it will die.

Before we go, let’s talk music. What kind of music inspired you in your VIVA days, and which artists inspire or excite you now?

I had an independent rock show on VIVA, and we also aired hip-hop and music from several other styles. I did that for seven or eight years on a daily basis and was very proud that we could show music videos from artists nobody else seemed to play in the whole world. But now I’ve actually changed into a complete charts maniac. I love listening to Beyoncé and Rihanna and stuff like that—extremely female-empowering Boom Bam Bam Boom charts music. This is more like “stop listening with your brain and start listening with your guts” music.

Listen to the latest episode of Paardiologie here.

Fashion Icon Cynthia Rowley and Kit Keenan Discuss Mother-Daughter Podcast

Cynthia Rowley is more than a fashion designer. She aims to inspire—whether she’s mentoring America’s Next Top Model and Project Runway contestants as a guest judge or sharing lifestyle tips in her best-selling books. It’s only natural that she’s now taking her talents from the design studio to the sound studio. With Ageless, Cynthia explores a host of topics—ranging from fashion to motherhood—with her daughter, Kit Keenan.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Kit started her own fashion line, KIT, while she was still in college. And like her mother, she’s stitching life and work together into one big journey of discovery that shows no signs of slowing down.

We spoke with mother and daughter about their lives, their work, and their new podcast created in partnership with Spotify and powered by Anchor. 

How does the creative process of podcasting compare to your other endeavors?

Cynthia: Just like any creative project Kit and I do, it’s very collaborative. We both have a strong point of view about most things, so we talk out the topics for days before. But when we go into the recording studio, we just have bullet points and try to let the conversation flow.

What is it about your relationship and your conversations with your mother that resonate with mother and daughter listeners from all walks?

Kit: I’m so lucky to have the type of relationship that I do with my mom. We build each other up, we challenge each other, and we like to make everything an adventure. This being said, we cover so many different parts of our relationship that there’s something for everyone to connect to.

In your Ageless conversations, both your and Kit’s independent spirits come through (especially in your episode-two discussion about college and finding your own path). What are some traits you think Kit got from you? Which are entirely her own? 

Cynthia: She’s always been her own person, and my way of teaching has always been by example (I guess that means she rejected my bad habits!). I know she’s a hard worker, an inventive thinker, and loves to be social. I’m not sure, but I hope I can take credit for that.

You grew up with podcasts, and your mom didn’t. Are you teaching her about the medium? Also, what’s your favorite podcast?

Kit: I don’t need to teach my mom how to talk. She can go on forever—ha! Even though I’ve grown up with podcasts, we’re on this journey together. I think what makes our podcast stand out is how even though my mom and I work in the same industry, we have such different perspectives and experiences.

I have many different interests, so it’s hard to choose just one podcast, but I love Girlboss, Second Life, Goopcast, and The Ultimate Health Podcast, just to name a few. 

Now we’d like to play a game to see how well you two actually know each other. You’re going to answer each question twice—once with your answer, once with the other’s (think “The Newlywed Game” format). Ready?

What do you think are the three keys to being a successful entrepreneur?

Kit: Charisma, organization, and adaptation.

My mom would say curiosity, risk-taking, and never taking no for an answer.

Cynthia: Original and authentic ideas, resourcefulness, and risk-taking.

Kit would say risk-taking, surrounding yourself with smart people, and never taking no for an answer.

We’ll call that round a tie.

What are the three essential things you always pack when you travel?

Kit: A pillow case, resistance bands, and a party dress.

My mom’s answers will be: A bathing suit, heels, and cut-offs.

Cynthia: Swimsuit, cut-offs or jeans, and shades.

Kit will answer: Swimsuit, one of her KIT hoodies, and a tiny bag of beauty products.

Nice—spot-on, Kit!

Final question: Who are your three favorite musicians or bands?

Kit: Travis Scott, Charlotte Lawrence, and Tame impala.

My mom’s favorites are The Kooks, Charlotte Lawrence, and Chance the Rapper.

Cynthia: Chance the Rapper, Eminem, and Iggy Pop.

Kit’s favorites are Charlotte Lawrence, Madison Beer, and The Beach Boys.

Perfectly answered or not, you both have great taste.

See just how well these two know each other by listening to the Ageless podcast. You can also follow them @cynthiarowley and @kitkeenan.

New True Crime Podcast Chronicles Woman’s Exploration of Dad’s Dark Past

The name April Balascio may sound familiar. She made headlines when she discovered that her long-estranged father, Edward Wayne Edwards, was a murderer. Now, the full story of her chilling realization, The Clearing, is captured in a gripping new true crime podcast from Pineapple Street Media in association with Gimlet, debuting on Spotify July 18. 

Edwards was an eccentric, difficult, and often abusive dad. He was known for a criminal past that included offenses like armed robbery and even gained notoriety for his book about it. April long wondered if he hid darker secrets and called a detective in 2009 to tell him about her suspicions—a call that led to her father’s arrest and eventual conviction on multiple murders. But the story didn’t end there.

Three years ago, April met journalist and author Josh Dean, and the two formed an unusual partnership. They began to work together to dig back into her childhood, unravel the truth of her father’s life, and overturn a viral online narrative that had turned Edward Wayne Edwards into a kind of serial killer caricature. 

Hosted by Dean and produced by Pineapple Street’s Jonathan Menjivar (formerly of This American Life), The Clearing tells the story of how April came to discover the full truth about her dad—as she visits with detectives, former neighbors, and victims’ families—and tracks April’s emotional journey along the way.  

The first two episodes of The Clearing will premiere for free on July 18 on Spotify and wherever podcasts are available. New episodes will drop each week thereafter.

Learn more about The Clearing ahead of the show’s debut.

Spotify House of Are & Be Highlights Black Women in R&B and Podcasts

Essence Fest, held annually in New Orleans, LA, is the ultimate “Party with a Purpose.” The music festival serves to magnify the voices of Black female creators, and this year, Spotify’s House of Are & Be will help turn the volume up even higher. 

The House of Are & Be celebrates Spotify’s Are & Be playlist hitting five million followers. The house is also a multi-storied tribute to Black women in R&B and podcasts that includes an art gallery showcasing musicians and podcasters, recording studio, and performance space. 

Each of the six rooms on the first floor of the house are designed based on different eras in R&B. Album and podcast art on display tell the stories of true works of art from legends Patti LaBelle, Erykah Badu, Sade, Chaka Khan, Mary J. Blige, Destiny’s Child, H.E.R, and more.  

In the Bar Room, find The Classics. Move onto the Red Room for Neo Soul, followed by Contemporary R&B in the White Room. Things heat up in the Pool Room, which is a tribute to the many ladies of 90’s R&B, followed by R&B Excellence in the Dining Room and New R&B in the Backyard. 

Move from the first floor to the second and remember that Black women’s talents extend beyond music, with a podcasting studio and gallery showcasing six Black women-led podcasts including Jemele Hill is Unbothered, Dope Labs, The Nod, Still Processing, and Therapy for Black Girls. The focal point of the room is Jemele Hill is Unbothered, an honest, thought-provoking, always-entertaining weekly podcast that focuses on American life, culture, politics and more. 

Beyond the installations, Spotify House will also host a live recording of Jemele’s podcast, featuring Kamala Harris, The Black Girl Magic brunch and day party with performances from Summer Walker and Ari Lennox as well as an evening Are & Be Jam Session curated by musician and producer Raphael Saadiq.  

Black women have incredible stories to tell—and the Spotify House of Are & Be is handing them the mic.

Spotify and Funny or Die Announce New Original Scripted Podcast, ‘I’m Gonna Be Kevin Bacon’

The six degrees of Kevin Bacon just expanded into a whole new medium: podcasting. Spotify’s newest original podcast, I’m Gonna Be Kevin Bacon, produced by Funny or Die and created by Dan Abramson, stars the prolific actor as himself (sort of) in a new 12-episode comedy show—coming soon exclusively on Spotify.

Part fiction, part alternative reality, and completely unlike any podcast you’ve streamed before, I’m Gonna Be Kevin Bacon opens on a washed-up actor, Randy Beslow, 30 years after the release of Footloose­, Bacon’s first starring role. Beslow has spent all that time lamenting his loss of the part of Ren to the one and only Kevin Bacon, and blaming the actor for how his life turned out. (Spoiler: Not well). After hitting rock bottom, Beslow snaps and embarks on a mission to hunt down Kevin Bacon and exact revenge.

Throughout Beslow’s journey, he encounters a cast of characters—both fictional and real-life people playing fictionalized versions of themselves—including Bacon, who plays a version of himself as well.

Coming on the heels of President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama’s Higher Ground podcast announcement, I’m Gonna Be Kevin Bacon is reflective of the vast, eclectic, and expanding global slate of original audio content on Spotify. Like all Spotify podcasts, the show will be available to 217 million+ listeners in 79 markets on day one—so stay tuned for the show’s upcoming debut.

Spotify Launches Original Podcast ‘The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet’

As women navigate the ever-evolving social paradigms that shape our cultural discourse, there’s a need for clear, candid, and powerful voices to help society move forward. Amanda de Cadenet, host, photographer, and Girlgaze founder and CEO, has been one of those voices for over a decade.

With the 2011 launch of The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet on Lifetime, Amanda created a unique place on TV, one where women could feel safe to talk to each other about a wide range of important issues and shared experiences. Now Amanda is  taking the conversation to the sound studio, with a podcast of the same name and mission.

Beginning on July 2nd and airing every Tuesday thereafter for nine weeks, Amanda’s Spotify exclusive podcast will feature one-on-one intimate and candid conversations with women and non-binary individuals who reveal their respective journeys and the wisdom they’ve gained along the way.

Guests will include actresses, activists, authors, politicians, filmmakers, providing a wide range of perspectives. Amber Heard, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Jameela Jamil, Olivia Wilde, Sophia Bush, and more will be joining Amanda on the show.  

“I’m excited to launch The Conversation as a podcast format because it really lends itself to the long form, in depth conversations I like to have with my guests. The Conversation is a place for raw and honest discussions on topics that need to be addressed right now” said Amanda de Cadenet. 

The launch of this podcast further showcases Spotify’s commitment to delivering interesting and unique original content to listeners, with a new generation of cultural and socially-minded podcasts. Spotify’s diverse, growing podcast slate includes: Stay Free: The Story of the Clash, Dope Labs, Jemele Hill Is Unbothered, Amy Schumer Presents, Riggle’s Picks with Rob Riggle & Sarah Tiana, Dissect and the newly announced partnership with President Barack Obama & Michelle Obama’s Higher Ground Audio. 

Check out the The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet trailer here.

Spotify presenta un podcast original sobre cultura geek: NRDWARE

La cultura pop es un universo en constante expansión. Por eso Spotify presenta NRDWARE, una podcast original que es una oda a todo lo geek y una guía para explorar las novedades en  videojuegos, cine y series, cómics, juegos de mesa, juguetes coleccionables, comics y más.

Para esta producción original, Spotify reúne a cuatro amigos, pioneros en los ámbitos de gaming y tecnología, Lorenzo “Renzo” Grajales, Miguel “Asher” Sandoval, Claudio Quiroz y Mariano “Punisher” Latapí. 

Los cuatro nerds regresan con una cobertura experta del evento que los reunió como amigos hace una década: la convención de videojuegos E3 en Los Ángeles, antes de viajar al parque temático de Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge. 

Hablamos con sus conductores sobre cómo ha evolucionado la cultura geek en la última década, cómo han cambiado sus hábitos de consumo de medios y qué se siente compartir una vez más micrófonos para un podcast.  

¿Cuál es su historia de origen? 

Lorenzo: “Nosotros grabamos podcast antes de que fuera mainstream hace una década. Después todos hemos hablado sobre videojuegos y cultura geek en muchos medios y formatos. Yo diría que hemos conocido la industria de arriba a abajo, como consumidores y como expertos.”

Asher: “En realidad, nuestro producto más exitoso de esa era del internet fueron los especiales de juegos como Metal Gear. Casi me daría pena admitir cuántas horas horas jugamos en línea en la noches Modern Warfare.” 

Mariano: “No puedo describir el carrusel de emociones que ha sido volver a juntarnos después de tanto tiempo. Platicar de lo que más nos gusta es un verdadero placer.” 

¿Cómo definirían NRDWARE?

Claudio: “Es un espacio para hablar de lo que nos apasiona:  videojuegos, series, cine, cómics, juguetes. Habrá invitados cuando el tema lo amerite pero en general estaremos estos cuatro nerds de confianza.”

¿Cómo ha cambiado la cultura geek en una década desde que se conocieron? 

Mariano:La cultura geek ahora es el mainstream. Hoy el inadaptado es el que no ve Game of Thrones o no juega FIFA. Todos somos parte: no importa si son videojuegos, comics o Harry Potter; es una cultura que llegó para quedarse.”

Asher: “Yo diría que el cambio más impactante es el streaming. De hecho todavía no procesamos bien lo que está pasando. Parece inverosímil pensar que hace apenas diez años no existía Spotify o Netflix… ¿cómo pasábamos el tiempo?” 

Mariano: “Por si fuera poco, el streaming y la demanda de contenido ha generado una proliferación de plataformas, productos y medios especializados en transmitir en tiempo real. Nosotros somos los viejitos que fuimos educados por las revistas y nos tocó la transición.” 

Mariano: “Hay un estigma que apunta a que el nerd no es social, pero yo creo que de los “monstruos” más sociales son los gamers, los fans de series, los entusiastas de juegos de mesa.”  

Claudio: “Hoy los fans tienen una forma muy fácil de sentir que pertenecen a una cultura y encontrar un punto de encuentro, ya sea una serie o un juego. Ahora se siente más el pulso de la cultura nerd. Todas las semanas hay algo que vale la pena.” 

¿Cómo ha cambiado su consumo de medios en estos diez años?

Lorenzo: “Jugábamos más. Muchísimas horas a la semana. Ahora lo seguimos haciendo pero somos más quisquillosos con el uso de nuestro tiempo.”

 ¿Qué ha significado esto para nosotros en el plano personal?

Asher: “El cambio también fue brutal. Espacios como los foros y plataformas sociales, donde todos encontramos nuestra voz, eran como una segunda vida pero hoy no se percibe como algo distinto del mundo real. Es parte de una misma realidad.” 

¿Qué se siente estar otra vez los cuatro haciendo un podcast? 

Mariano: “Antes todo era mucho más casero: una consola y micrófonos de segunda mano, producir al mismo tiempo que hablábamos. De hecho lo hicimos en vivo durante mucho tiempo… luego nos dimos cuenta que no tenía sentido y valía la pena entregar algo más pulido.” 

Claudio: “Queremos que la comunidad que lo escuche esté contenta y que vea a NRDWARE como un espacio en el que hablamos de fan a fan, tanto nuestros seguidores como una nueva audiencia a la que queremos llegar.”  

Escucha NRDWARE aquí.