Tag: Bellakath

‘Mi Primer Escenario’ Offers Emerging Mexican Artists a Chance To Perform at ‘MEXCLA Spotify’

Supporting emerging artists is a fundamental part of Spotify’s DNA, and we’re going one step further with our first-ever music contest in Mexico, “Mi Primer Escenario” (My First Stage). The contest gives the country’s exciting new talent an opportunity to showcase their skills, and fans in Mexico can vote for their favorite contestants straight from the Spotify app.

As a reward, the winner of “Mi Primer Escenario” will have the chance to perform at MEXCLA Spotify: Palenque, Feria y Cotorreo—Spotify’s biggest live event in Mexico to date—and land the cover of our Top Mexico playlist.

“With ‘Mi Primer Escenario,’ we want to give artists the opportunity to step on their first stage and share their music with the public,” said Alejandro Grageda, Artist and Label Relations Lead at Spotify Mexico. “For some years now we have dedicated efforts to support emerging artists through our RADAR program and other initiatives. That’s why we are excited to bring this contest to life, and together with the fans open the MEXCLA Spotify stage to a new talent in Mexico.”

MEXCLA Spotify will unite fans, artists, and creators at Mexico City’s Parque Bicentenario November 2-3, showcasing the diversity of Mexico’s musical and creative landscapes and celebrating Mexican pride. The winning artist or band from “Mi Primer Escenario” will be part of a lineup that includes Grupo Firme, Luis R Conriquez, and Bellakath.

“Mi Primer Escenario” is the perfect opportunity for music made in the country to have the stage and the platform it deserves. Ready to participate? Just follow these steps:

Stage 1 (September 16-29):

Record a 30-60-second video that features your performance of an original song, and upload it to your TikTok account with the hashtag #MiPrimerEscenario. The 15 entries with the most comments will be selected as finalists and advance to the next stage.

Stage 2 (October 7-17):

The finalists will be featured on a special Spotify playlist where users in Mexico will be able to vote for their favorite contestants. Whoever has the most votes at the end will be our winner. 

Free users will be able to vote for their favorite artists or bands once a day during the voting period, while Premium users will be able to vote three times a day.

Stage 3 (November 2-3):

The winning artist or band will have their first stage as part of the official MEXCLA Spotify lineup, where they will perform three of their original songs.

Eligibility requirements for artists:
  • Be of legal age, of Mexican nationality, and a resident in the country.
  • Have an active profile on Spotify with at least 3 original tracks uploaded in the last year. Additionally, you must have fewer than 200K monthly listeners.
  • Have an active TikTok account and include a link to your Spotify artist profile in your bio.

With “Mi Primer Escenario,” Spotify launches a new interactive feature that will put all the power in the hands of fans in Mexico. For the first time, users will be able to vote for their favorite contestants directly from the app and help them conquer the MEXCLA Spotify stage.

To learn more about “Mi Primer Escenario,” view the terms and conditions here.

‘Mi Primer Escenario’ ofrece a los artistas emergentes en México la oportunidad de tomar el escenario en MEXCLA Spotify

Apoyar a los artistas emergentes es parte fundamental del ADN de Spotify. Ahora vamos un paso más allá con nuestro primer concurso musical en México, “Mi Primer Escenario”. El concurso ofrece a los nuevos talentos del país la oportunidad de mostrar sus habilidades; mientras que los fans en México podrán votar por su concursante favorito directamente desde la aplicación de Spotify.

El ganador de “Mi Primer Escenario” tendrá la oportunidad de actuar en MEXCLA Spotify: Palenque, Feria y Cotorreo, el mayor evento en vivo de Spotify en México hasta la fecha, y aparecer en la portada de nuestra lista de reproducción Top México.

“Con ‘Mi Primer Escenario’ queremos darle la oportunidad a los artistas de pisar su primer escenario y compartir su música con el público”, comentó Alejandro Grageda, Artist and Label Relations Lead de Spotify México. “Desde hace algunos años hemos dedicado esfuerzos para apoyar a artistas emergentes a través de nuestro programa RADAR y otras iniciativas, es por eso que nos emociona dar vida a este concurso y junto con los fans abrir el escenario MEXCLA Spotify a un nuevo talento en México.”

MEXCLA Spotify unirá a fans, artistas y creadores en el Parque Bicentenario de la Ciudad de México los días 2 y 3 de noviembre, mostrando la diversidad del panorama musical y creativo de México, y celebrando el orgullo mexicano. El artista o grupo ganador de “Mi Primer Escenario” formará parte de un cartel que incluye a artistas como Grupo Firme, Luis R Conriquez, y Bellakath, entre otros.

“Mi Primer Escenario” es la oportunidad perfecta para que la música hecha en el país tenga el escenario y la plataforma que merece. ¿Listo para participar? Sigue estos pasos:

Etapa 1 (Del 16 al 29 de septiembre):

Graba un video de entre 30 segundos y 1 minuto interpretando una canción original y súbelo a tu cuenta de TikTok con el hashtag #MiPrimerEscenario. Los 15 videos con más comentarios serán los finalistas y avanzarán a la siguiente etapa.

Etapa 2 (Del 7 al 17 de octubre):

Las canciones de los 15 finalistas serán parte de una playlist oficial en Spotify, donde los usuarios podrán votar por su artista o banda favorita usando una nueva herramienta de Spotify. ¡Quien consiga más votos será el ganador!

Etapa 3 (2 y 3 de noviembre):

El artista o banda ganadora tendrá su primer escenario como parte del line up oficial de MEXCLA Spotify, donde interpretará 3 de sus canciones originales.

Requisitos para participar:

  • Ser mayor de edad, de nacionalidad mexicana y residentes en el país
  • Tener un perfil activo en Spotify con al menos 3 temas originales subidos en el último año. Adicionalmente, debes tener menos de 200 mil oyentes mensuales
  • Tener una cuenta activa en TikTok e incluir en tu biografía el enlace a tu perfil de artista en Spotify
  • Es importante tener al menos 3 canciones originales para interpretar en vivo en caso de ser seleccionado como finalista.

Con “Mi Primer Escenario”, Spotify lanza una nueva función interactiva que pondrá todo el poder en manos de los fans en México. Por primera vez, los usuarios podrán votar por su concursante favorito directamente desde la aplicación y ayudarles a conquistar el escenario MEXCLA Spotify.

Para conocer más sobre “Mi Primer Escenario”, consulta los términos y condiciones aquí.

Join Top Artists and Podcasters to Celebrate Mexican Pride With ‘MEXCLA Spotify’

It’s no secret that Mexico’s vibrant music scene has transcended borders, captivating fans across the globe. In fact, Música Mexicana—which encompasses a tapestry of styles and sounds—is one of the fastest-growing genres worldwide. Over the past five years, Música Mexicana streams on Spotify shot up by 450% globally. In Mexico, consumption spiked by 560% in the same time frame, reflecting a growing pride in local music.

Now, Spotify is proud to present “MEXCLA Spotify: Palenque, Feria y Cotorreo,” which will unite fans, artists, and creators for our biggest live event to date in Mexico. On November 2 and 3, tens of thousands will gather at Parque Bicentenario in Mexico City to celebrate Mexican pride and showcase the diversity of Mexico’s creative landscape, with performances from top artists like Grupo Firme, Luis R Conriquez, and Bellakath.

Combining “Mexa” with “mezcla,” the Spanish word for “mix,” the word “Mexcla” is a nod to Mexico’s rich cultural heritage and diversity. It also speaks to the expanding musical palette of the next generation—on Spotify, Gen Z users in Mexico listen to 36% more artists every month compared to older generations.

This unique event will draw inspiration from some of Mexico’s most beloved entertainment spaces and festive traditions. Attendees can expect the colorful energy of a “feria,” a traditional town fair, complete with food, games, and special experiences. The circular-style main stage will bring the lively atmosphere of a traditional “palenque” concert to Mexico’s capital city, intimately connecting fans and artists.

“Our lineup reflects the moment of Mexican pride that we are living in. We wanted to present a lineup with a very special curation, reflecting the variety of content that Mexico listens to on Spotify—an iconic mix of genres and identities,” said Moni Saldaña, Artist & Label Partnerships Manager, Spotify Mexico. “With a 100% Mexican lineup, MEXCLA Spotify celebrates our culture, our talent, and the artists who are taking our music around the world.”

Música Mexicana’s stars take center stage 

More than 20 artists will take the stage at MEXCLA Spotify, from Música Mexicana hitmakers to the rising stars of reggaetón Mexa, a fast-growing genre. The lineup showcases sounds like banda, norteño, corridos tumbados, electro corridos, alternative pop, folk, and electronica. It features talent at all career stages, from established performers to emerging artists who will be making their live show debut.

The full list includes:

Mexico’s top podcasters go live

MEXCLA Spotify will also feature live shows and curated experiences from two of the most-listened-to comedy podcasts in Mexico: En Buen Pedo and Las Damitas Histeria.

The event will also include “El Paraje Maldito,” an immersive horror experience curated and designed by some of Mexico’s top horror podcasts: Relatos de la Noche, Morras Malditas, Paranormal, Misteriosamente Claro Podcast, ReManchados de Miedo, and EXTRA ANORMAL.

A special thank you

Starting August 15, MEXCLA Spotify tickets will go on sale to the general public through Boletia. But today and tomorrow (August 13-14), we’ll be sending out special presale codes to the Top Fans of our featured performers in Mexico so they can book their spot before anyone else. If you think you’re one of the biggest Spotify listeners around, be sure to keep an eye on your inbox this week.

Get the party started with our official MEXCLA playlist.

Reggaetón Mexa, el género que está arrasando en México

El reggaetón ha conquistado a oyentes de todo el mundo, pero en México el género reina. De hecho, México escucha reggaetón más que cualquier otro país en Spotify, y ha evolucionado hasta tener su propia identidad, a la que hemos llamado “reggaetón Mexa.”

Varias influencias creando un sonido único

El reggaetón mexa no es nuevo, está presente en el país desde hace más de dos décadas, y cuenta con influencias de otras regiones, como los sonidos originales del reggaetón de Puerto Rico, el dembow de la República Dominicana y la música electrónica urbana de Panamá. También incorpora sonidos de los barrios mexicanos y la cultura sonidera, creando una mezcla de ritmos que refleja el orgullo de la cultura urbana de Ciudad de México.

“La era del streaming ha conectado al reggaetón mexa con audiencias masivas. Los artistas de hoy utilizan la jerga local originaria de los barrios de la Ciudad de México, lo que los acerca y los hace más accesibles,” explica Uriel Waizel, Lead Music Editor de Spotify México. “En una celebración al estilo y lenguaje único de este movimiento, desde Spotify decidimos llamarlo ‘reggaetón Mexa’ para referirnos al género de una manera mucho más local.”

Una oleada de nuevos artistas

A principios de la década de 2000, artistas como Big Metra y La Dinastía marcaron la primera ola de reggaetón Mexa, que combinaba el dembow con el sonidero mexicano. Esta generación abrió la puerta a una segunda oleada con artistas locales como Pablito Mix, que introdujo elementos de cumbia al género. 

El panorama ha cambiado por completo en la década de 2020 gracias a una nueva generación de artistas estrechamente conectados con sus fans. En los últimos cinco años, el consumo de reggaetón Mexa en Spotify ha crecido más de 1,100% en México, con los oyentes de la Generación Z contándose entre los mayores fans del género. Según datos de Spotify, el 53% de los oyentes de reggaetón Mexa en la plataforma son menores de 24 años.

“En los últimos años ha surgido un renovado aprecio por el barrio mexicano, dando lugar a una nueva generación de artistas de entre 20 y 25 años. Estos artistas han nacido en el barrio y los fans los perciben como gente accesible,” dice Uriel. “La sinceridad y autenticidad de los artistas locales conectan de forma natural con los jóvenes que buscan una representación más auténtica de su identidad y cultura en la escena del reggaetón.”

Los pesos pesados actuales del reggaetón Mexa

La cantautora mexicana Bellakath es una de las artistas a las que los fans acuden en masa. Pilar de la escena del reggaetón Mexa, forma parte de la tercera ola del género en México. La música de Bellakath, su autenticidad y la relación con sus fans la han coronado como la artista mexicana de reggaetón mexa más escuchada en Spotify. Su sencillo “Gatita” es la canción del género más escuchada de todos los tiempos en nuestra plataforma. Otros artistas populares son Uzielito Mix, Ghetto Kids, y Dani Flow. Entre las nuevas promesas se encuentran Yeri Mua, El Bogueto, El Malilla, Profeta Yao Yao, Alu Mix, DJ Rockwel Mx, y Alnz G.

A continuación, puedes descubrir más datos sobre el género y sus principales artistas.

Echa un vistazo a nuestra playlist de reggaetón Mexa con las mejores canciones de todo el género.

Reggaetón Mexa, the Homegrown Genre Taking Over Mexico

Reggaetón music has already captivated listeners around the world, but in Mexico the genre reigns supreme. In fact, on Spotify, Mexico listens to reggaetón more than any other country and has evolved into its own identity, which we’ve dubbed “reggaetón Mexa,” or Mexican reggaetón.

Various influences create one unique sound

Reggaetón Mexa isn’t new—it’s been around for more than two decades. But this unique twist boasts influences from other regions, like the original sounds of reggaetón from Puerto Rico, dembow beats from the Dominican Republic, and electronic urban music from Panama. It also incorporates sounds born of the Mexican barrios, and sonidero culture, creating a blend of rhythms that reflect the pride of urban culture in Mexico City. 

“The streaming era has connected Mexican reggaetón with mass audiences. Today’s artists use local slang that originated in Mexico City’s barrios, or neighborhoods, which brings them closer and makes them more accessible,” explains Uriel Waizel, Lead Music Editor for Spotify Mexico. “In a celebration of the unique style and language of this movement, from Spotify, we decided to call it ‘reggaetón Mexa’ to refer to the genre in a much more local way.”

A wave of new artists, each making their mark

In the early 2000s, artists like Big Metra and La Dinastía ushered in the first wave of reggaetón Mexa, combining dembow with Mexican sonidero. This generation opened the door to a second wave with local acts like Pablito Mix, who introduced elements of cumbia to the style. 

The landscape has changed completely in the 2020s thanks to a new generation of artists who are closely connected with their fans. In the last five years, the consumption of reggaetón Mexa on Spotify has grown more than 1,100% in Mexico, with Gen Z listeners counting themselves among the genre’s biggest fans. According to Spotify data, 53% of the reggaetón Mexa’s listeners on the platform are younger than 24.

“In recent years there has been a renewed appreciation for the Mexican barrio, giving rise to a new generation of artists between 20 and 25 years old. These artists were born in the barrio and fans perceive them as accessible people,” says Uriel. “The sincerity and authenticity of local artists naturally connect with young people who are looking for a more authentic representation of their identity and culture in the reggaetón scene.” 

Today’s reggaetón Mexa heavy hitters

Mexican singer-songwriter Bellakath is one artist fans are flocking to. A pillar of the reggaetón Mexa scene, she’s part of the third wave of the genre in Mexico. Bellakath’s music, authenticity, and relationship with her fans have crowned her Mexico’s most-listened-to artist of reggaetón Mexa on Spotify. Her single “Gatita” is the genre’s most popular song of all time on our platform. Other popular artists include Uzielito Mix, Ghetto Kids, and Dani Flow. Up-and-comers include Yeri Mua, El Bogueto, El Malilla, Profeta Yao Yao, Alu Mix, DJ Rockwel Mx, and Alnz G.

Below, you can track more data on the genre and its top artists.

Check out our Reggaetón Mexa playlist, which includes the top songs from across the genre.


Spotlighting the Artists To Watch in 2024

It’s a new year, and that means it’s time to predict which artists will make their mark in 2024. Continuing our annual Artists To Watch campaign, we’ve expanded the list to feature even more artists across many more genres. 

Along with streaming data, we tapped our North American music team and editors of our playlist brands—Viva Latino (Latin), Pop Rising (pop), Hot Country (country), juniper (folk), New Noise (rock), Lorem (indie), R&B Rising (R&B), Most Necessary (hip-hop), and mint (dance)—to help select the 90 rising talents featured below. You can also find all of our picks rounded up in one convenient spot with our brand-new Artists To Watch playlist. 

You’ll find Musica Mexicana crooner Chino Pacas among Viva Latino’s picks, and introspective hitmaker Teddy Swims included in Pop Rising’s selections. Country and folk singer-songwriters MacKenzie Carpenter and Chance Peña made Hot Country and juniper’s cuts, respectively, while all-women rock band The Beaches and moody indie songstress Chappell Roan were tapped by New Noise and Lorem. Meanwhile, South African vocalist Tyla, Texas rapper That Mexican OT, and Greek electronic producer Argy were recognized by R&B Rising, Most Necessary, and mint, respectively. 

Who else should you keep an eye on in 2024? Keep reading for the full list of Artists To Watch. 

Viva Latino’s Artists To Watch

Chino Pacas
Dei V
Jasiel Nuñez
Junior Zamora
Yami Safdie

Hot Country’s Artists To Watch

Anne Wilson
Dylan Gossett
Graham Barham
Lauren Watkins
Mackenzie Carpenter
Matt Schuster
Michael Warren

Owen Riegling
Sam Barber
Wyatt Flores

Pop Rising’s Artists To Watch

Aidan Bissett
Alexander Stewart
Isabel LaRosa
Matt Hansen
Meg Smith
Teddy Swims

juniper’s Artists To Watch

Bo Staloch
Chance Peña
hey, nothing
Jack Van Cleaf
Kara Jackson
Mon RovÎa
Paris Paloma
Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners
Tiny Habits

New Noise’s Artists To Watch

Amira Elfeky
Destroy Boys
Jack Kays
Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers
The Beaches
The Last Dinner Party

R&B Rising’s Artists To Watch

Jordan Ward
Leon Thomas
Naomi Sharon

mint’s Artists To Watch

DBN Gogo
LP Giobbi
Sammy Virji
Uncle Waffles

Lorem’s Artists To Watch

Abby Sage
bar italia
Chappell Roan
Frost Children
Hannah Jadagu
hemlocke springs
sign crushes motorist

Most Necessary’s Artists To Watch

Lay Bankz
Skilla Baby
That Mexican OT

Press play on our Artists To Watch playlist to discover the sounds of all the artists we’re expecting to make waves in 2024. 

EQUAL Ambassador Bellakath Shows How To Get the World Dancing

Since kicking off her music career in 2020, Mexican reggaeton artist Bellakath has emerged as one of the genre’s most exciting new talents. Reaching hundreds of millions of streams well before her debut album Kittyponeo was released in October, she’s given women a strong voice in the reggaeton world with high-energy hits like “Reggaeton Champagne” and “Gatita.” That’s why we’re thrilled to name Bellakath as our November EQUAL Global Artist. 

Spotify’s EQUAL Global Music Program started in 2021 with the aim of contributing to gender equity in the music industry by amplifying and celebrating the work of women creators around the world. As a Global Ambassador, Bellakath now sees her face adorning the EQUAL Global and EQUAL México playlists, both of which lead with her track “Reggaeton Champagne.” 

Bellakath followed an indirect path to music stardom, as she was studying law before appearing as a contestant on the highly popular reality show Enamorándonos. Propelled by her fame from the show, she launched her music career with the track “Melocoton” featuring Michael G. Her breakthrough moment, however, was when her track “R9 Aleteo” featuring Dj Yaso was adopted as an anthem by the LGBTQIA+ community. An outspoken ally to the community that has embraced her music, Bellakath went on to film the music video for “R9 Aleteo” during Mexico’s San Juan del Rio Pride celebrations.

For the Record caught up with Bellakath to ask her about her inspirations, her process, and advice she’d give other women artists.

The artists who have most inspired me are. . .

Beyoncé and Rihanna, of course.

One piece of advice I’d give women artists is. . .

That they remain perseverant, disciplined, and always pursue their dreams.

One notable moment in my career so far is. . .

When my song “Gatita” broke barriers so Mexican reggaeton could be heard worldwide.

My creative process consists of. . .

Taking a beat that I like and beginning the process of writing on top of it. Usually ideas start to come to me when I’m on the road or traveling in a plane.

One way I’d like to see greater gender equity in the music industry is. . . 

To have reggaeton stop being classified as a genre usually reserved for men. Women can also find a space within it to bring our own narrative to the global sound.

An up-and-coming woman artist I’m excited about is. . . 

My sister and longtime collaborator DJ FOXY

My girl-power anthems are. . . 

My songs “Fabulosa de Paris” and “Tuma.” 

Get ready to move it with Bellakath on our This Is Bellakath playlist.