Tag: Karol G

Celebramos a Medellín con Casa Spotify Medallo, un lugar de encuentro para artistas y creadores emergentes

Casa Spotify Medallo

Medellín ha sido uno de los polos gravitatorios de la música latina y pilar de la industria músical en la región por más de un siglo. Esta ciudad es la casa de grandes artistas de la música popular colombiana como Lucho Bermúdez y la orquesta de salsa de Fruko y sus Tesos. Famosamente, la ciudad es la cuna del boom del reggaetón colombiano con estrellas como Maluma, J Balvin, Karol G y Sebastián Yatra, que han puesto a Medellín en el mapa como una capital de la música latina urbana.

Ahora, para celebrar la tradición musical de la ciudad, Spotify presenta Casa Spotify Medallo, un lugar para compartir espacios de educación, colaboración e inspiración, dedicado a los artistas urbanos, productores, compositores y creadores de podcasts.

Casa Spotify Medallo estará en la ciudad del 11 de octubre al 3 de noviembre, y será una residencia y estudio de grabación abierto a creadores de audio emergentes. En ella podrán encontrar una programación diaria que incluye talleres, clases magistrales, paneles y showrooms con productores y personalidades reconocidas, pensados en impulsar y potenciar sus capacidades creativas.

Las puertas de la casa, ubicada en un lugar histórico en el corazón de la ciudad, estarán abiertas para la nueva ola urbana paisa y creadores locales para seguir elevando el talento de la ciudad que le ha dado tanto a la industria musical global

“Celebramos a Colombia por su riqueza cultural y musical que es reconocida a nivel mundial gracias a sus artistas, productores y compositores.”, dice Mia Nygren, directora general para Latinoamérica. “Llegamos a Medellín para escuchar a artistas emergentes y creadores de audio con la meta generar oportunidades de colaboración y de impulsar al talento local para alcanzar nuevas audiencias a través de nuestra plataforma”, “Queremos demostrarle al talento emergente que Spotify es su mejor aliado para lograr que más oyentes descubran su arte”  

Situada en un valle que cautiva con sus imponentes montañas, Medellín también ha sido la cuna de legendarios sellos como Discos Fuentes, Codiscos y Sonolux, así como la ciudad que adoptó como propios los tangos de Carlos Gardel. 

Desde la década de los ochenta, en Medellín se han gestado diversas escenas con un sabor único en géneros como el rock con Ekhymosis que le dió luego vida a la carrera solista de Juanes, el metal con bandas como Kraken, el punk con I.R.A, y más recientemente el Hip-hop con bandas legendarias como AlcolirykoZ.  

En los últimos años, el boom del reggaetón abrió las puertas a la nueva ola de héroes locales representados por Feid, Ryan Castro y talentos que han formado parte del programa de artistas emergentes de Spotify RADAR Andinos como Ovy on The Drums y Blessd, así como Farina, embajadora del programa EQUAL Colombia

Con Casa Spotify Medallo, buscamos reconocer los sonidos originales y las historias de los nuevos creadores de la ciudad que han demostrado que sus sonidos rompen barreras, demostrando nuestro compromiso de conectar, educar e inspirar a las nuevas generaciones de creadores, productores, compositores y podcasteros. Por eso los creadores interesados en formar parte de esta convocatoria podrán inscribirse del 7 al 13 de septiembre registrándose aquí, y postulando una de sus composiciones favoritas que esté alojada en la plataforma.

Queremos que disfrutes con nosotros la Casa Spotify Medallo.

Conoce la programación de todas las sesiones educativas en Casa Spotify Medallo aquí, donde puedes inscribirte a los eventos que te interesen.

Descubre los sonidos urbanos de Medellín en la playlist Fino.

Celebrate Medellín with Casa Spotify Medallo, an Open Studio Residency for Emerging Artists and Creators

Medellín, Colombia, has been one of the gravitational poles for Latin music and a pillar of the music industry in the region for over a century. This city is home to great Colombian popular music artists such as Lucho Bermúdez and the salsa orchestra Fruko y sus Tesos. Famously, the city also gave birth to the Colombian reggaeton explosion with stars like Maluma, J Balvin, Karol G y Sebastián Yatra, artists that have put Medellin on the map as a capital of urban Latin music.

Now, to celebrate the musical tradition of the city, Spotify is presenting Casa Spotify Medallo, a place for inspiration, collaboration and education, dedicated to urban artists, producers, composers and podcast creators. 

Casa Spotify Medallo will open in Medellín on October 11th to November 3rd, where it will be an artistic residency and recording studio open to emerging audio creators. Artists and creators will find a daily program that includes workshops, masterclasses, panels and showrooms with producers and influential personalities, designed to promote and enhance their creative abilities.

The doors to the house, located in a historic place in the heart of the city, will be open to the new paisa urban wave and local creators, to continue raising the talent of a city that has given so much to the global music industry. 

“We celebrate Colombia for its cultural and musical richness, recognized worldwide thanks to its artists, producers and composers,” says Mia Nygren, General Manager for Latin America. “We are here in Medellin to listen to emerging artists and audio creators with the goal of generating collaboration opportunities and empowering local talent to reach new audiences through our platform. We want to show emerging talent that Spotify is their best ally to get more listeners to discover their art.”

Located within a valley and surrounded by captivating mountains, Medellín is the birthplace of legendary labels such as Discos Fuentes, Codiscos and Sonolux, which shaped Latin music for decades, as well as the city that adopted Carlos Gardel’s tangos as its own. 

In the eighties, rock took over withEkhymosis, which later gave life to Juanes‘ solo career, metal with bands like Kraken, punk with I.R.A, and more recently Hip-hop with legendary bands like AlcolirykoZ

Later, the city’s reggaeton boom opened the doors to the new wave of local heroes represented by Feid, Ryan Castro and talents that have been part of Spotify’s RADAR Andinos like Ovy on The Drums and Blessd, and other artists like Farina, our program ambassador of EQUAL Colombia

With Casa Spotify Medallo, we seek to recognize the original sounds and stories of the new paisa creators who have shown that their sounds break barriers  while also expressing our commitment to a new generation of creative talent. That’s why creators interested in being part of Casa Spotify Medallo can register on this link and submit one of their favorite compositions hosted on the platform. The link will be open from September 7 to september 13 .

We want you to enjoy Casa Spotify Medallo with us.

Learn more about the programming of all the educational sessions at Casa Spotify Medallo here, where you can sign up for the events that interest you.

Discover the urban sounds of Medellín in our Fino playlist. 

KAROL G, Myke Towers, and Mau y Ricky Join to Help Refresh Spotify’s Flagship Latin Music Playlist, Viva Latino

From high-energy reggaetón to soulful pop, today’s Latin music is diverse, catchy, and impossible to pin down. Its beats and sounds pull from influences across the globe as Latinx creators continue to push the genre to new heights. And it resonates with Spotify listeners, who, in 2020 alone, streamed nearly 11 billion hours of Latin music worldwide. 

Capturing and amplifying the vibrant scene is Spotify’s flagship Latin music playlist, Viva Latino. Since its launch in 2014, the playlist has been a staple that houses the genre’s most exciting new tracks. As a result, over the last seven years, the catchy collection has grown to 11.3 million followers, making it the third-most-followed playlist on Spotify globally and the biggest Latin music playlist on the platform. The playlist’s rise mirrored a platform-wide trend: Latin music consumption grew by 1,680% during the same period.

Spotify is celebrating the evolution and impactful playlist—and the many artists and fans who have grown alongside it—throughout November. We kicked off a playlist campaign featuring a refreshed tagline, Elevando Nuestra Música, or “Elevating Our Music,” alongside an updated look. Miami, Los Angeles, and New York City residents will notice the playlist highlighted across each city, and listeners around the world will find even more videos and updates online. That includes a campaign video featuring three of Latin music’s biggest stars: artists KAROL G, Myke Towers, and Mau y Ricky, who joined forces to show Viva Latino’s accompanying role in everything from commuting to working out. Spotify also partnered with Latinx TikTok content creators Sofia Bella, Alexia Del Valle, and Jayla Milan, who shared their unique perspectives on what the playlist, the artists, and the songs mean to them.

Viva Latino was created around the wants and needs of Latin music fans who, based on Spotify data, discover 46% more music than the average listener. Since then, the global playlist has kept fans engaged with a blend of today’s top songs and the trending hits of tomorrow. And now, for many listeners, these tracks have become a soundtrack for everyday life.

The playlist has had a major impact on Latinx creators, too. That’s because Viva Latino features not only the biggest names in the Latin Music scene, but those just launching their music careers, too. It’s given many emerging artists a boost as engaged listeners propel their favorite Spanish-language songs to the Global Top 100 and Top 50 charts.

KAROL G, Myke Towers, and Mau y Ricky have each experienced the playlist’s impact firsthand. Rounding out the campaign, all three reflected on their first song to be featured on Viva Latino and the doors that opened for them in Spotify Clips, exclusive video clips on the platform.

“Latin music has become an indispensable part of pop culture, and we’re excited to see Viva Latino play a big role in that evolution,” shared Antonio Vázquez, Head of U.S. Latin Editorial at Spotify. “We’re celebrating the artists and fans who make this the ultimate destination for Latin hits by unveiling a sophisticated new look for the playlist that steers away from stereotypical cultural symbols, as well as introducing an inclusive tagline, Elevando Nuestra Música, a mission that pushes and motivates us to take our music to the global stage.”

Seven years after its debut, Viva Latino remains as essential as ever. As creators and fans look to the future, we’re excited that this is just the beginning.

Step into the future and elevate your day with the refreshed Viva Latino playlist now.

Santiago de Chile: la capital del streaming de reggaetón de Spotify

Cuando la estrella del reggaetón colombiano J Balvin y el artista puertorriqueño de trap Bad Bunny lanzaron su álbum colaborativo de ocho tracks, OASIS, en junio de este año, cada canción llegó al Top 50 de Chile en el primer día de su lanzamiento. Aunque es potencialmente sorprendente a primera vista, una mirada más cercana muestra que este logro está totalmente en línea con el reggaetón.

Puerto Rico y Panamá pueden ser los lugares de nacimiento del género, y Colombia una potencia actual de producción, pero con más de 400 millones de reproducciones por mes, Santiago de Chile es la capital indiscutible del streaming de reggaetón. En Santiago se toca el doble de canciones de reggaetón que la segunda ciudad de la lista, Ciudad de México (a pesar de que la capital mexicana tiene una población casi el doble del tamaño de su contraparte chilena).

“Lo que estamos viendo con el reggaetón en Chile es un gran testimonio de la potencia absoluta que es América Latina cuando se trata de construir y entregar audiencias para artistas latinos”, dijo Mia Nygren, directora gerente de Spotify en América Latina.

Santiago, Chile: Spotify’s Streaming Capital of Reggaetón

When the Colombian reggaetón star J Balvin and Puerto Rican trap artist Bad Bunny dropped their eight-track collaborative album, OASIS, in June this year, every single song  made it into Chile’s Top 50 on the first day of its release. Though potentially surprising at first glance, a closer look shows this chart-topping is right in line for reggaetón.

Puerto Rico and Panama might be the birthplaces of the genre—and Colombia a current production powerhouse—but with over 400 million plays per month, Santiago, Chile is the indisputable capital of reggaetón streaming. Twice as many reggaetón songs are played in Santiago as the second city on the list, Mexico City (even though the Mexican capital has a population nearly double the size of its Chilean counterpart). 

“What we are seeing with reggaetón in Chile is a great testimony to the absolute powerhouse that is Latin America when it comes to building and delivering audiences for Latin artists,” said Mia Nygren, Managing Director for Spotify in Latin America. 

Spotify Flagship Playlist ¡Viva Latino! Hits 10 Million Followers

It’s been growing five times faster than any other playlist in Spotify’s top 1000. It’s propelled numerous Spanish-language songs to the Global Top 100 and Top 50 charts. And now, ¡Viva Latino!, our flagship Latin music playlist, has hit a remarkable 10 million followers. 

Spotify users from all over the world are tuning into ¡Viva Latino! to hear the hits from the hottest Latin artists – whether it’s the latest global anthems by Bad Bunny, J Balvin, Ozuna, or Nicky Jam, the soulful sounds of Karol G, the sultry hits of Becky G, or Rosalia’s reinvention of flamenco, to name just a few. ¡Viva Latino! is loaded with songs that grab your attention, fill your day with music, and secure a place in your heart.

The growth of the third-most-followed playlist reflects the incredible movement within Latin music over the past few years. Since 2014, Latin artists have seen a staggering 250% increase in representation across the Global Top 100. Plus, in the past two years alone on Spotify, we’ve seen an average 33% year-over-year increase in streams of Latin music.  

We’re excited about this 10-million-follower milestone—thanks in large part to you, the listeners and fans. The artists who made the playlist great are thankful and excited too. Check out the video below for best wishes from Daddy Yankee, Anitta, Wisin & Yandel, and more. We are 10,000,000 strong.

If you’re as excited about this milestone as we are, come celebrate with us in Miami at the second ¡Viva Latino! Live concert, featuring Bad Bunny, Nicky Jam, Rosalia, Sebastian Yatra, and Sech. Get tickets on Ticketmaster

Who Will Win the Latin Grammy Awards? Here’s What Our Streaming Data Says

Honoring the biggest stars in Latin music, the 19th Annual Latin Grammy Awards on November 15 are just around the corner, and the lucky winners are anyone’s guess. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun projecting which talented artists will take home the coveted gold gramophones.

First, let’s look at what we know for sure. The breakout hitmakers topping the charts lead the pack of this year’s Latin Grammy hopefuls, including Colombian reggaeton sensation J Balvin, who racked up eight nominations. Flamenco fusion standout Rosalía isn’t far behind, with five nominations total, a testament to the Barcelona native’s sizzling sophomore album. Meanwhile, Afro-Colombian gypsy jazz ensemble Monsieur Periné is riding the worldwide Latin music wave to what could be the band’s second Latin Grammy win in just three years (the group won the Latin Grammy Award for Best New Artist in 2015). Taking home the 2018 Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year Award will be Maná. The iconic six-time Latin Grammy-winning and four-time Grammy-winning Mexican rock-pop superstars will receive the coveted award for the group’s outstanding contributions to the Latin music community and for its dedication to environmental preservation and support for human rights.

Maná, the Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year Award

Now, just for fun, let’s gaze into our data-driven crystal ball. Drawing on Spotify’s own statistics—based on what the listeners are streaming—we put together projections for the leading hopefuls in four top Latin Grammy Award categories. Since we rooted our predictions in Spotify user behavior, our listeners are in the future-gazing driver seat. So, based on the total plays on Spotify in the past month (drumroll, please), the potential winners are:

Record of the Year

“X” – Nicky Jam & J Balvin, 17 million streams in the last month

“Mi Gente” – J Balvin con Willy William, 15.2 million streams in the last month

“Malamente” – Rosalía, 5.6 million streams in the last month

Album of the Year

“Vibras” – J Balvin, 45 million streams in the last month

“Prometo” – Pablo Alborán, 9.4 million streams in the last month

“¡México Por Siempre!” – Luis Miguel, 5.4 million streams in the last month

Song of the Year

“Robarte Un Beso” – Mauricio RengifoAndrés TorresCarlos Vives & Sebastian Yatra, songwriters (Carlos Vives & Sebastian Yatra), 7.3 million streams in the last month

“Malamente” – Antón Alvarez AlfaroPablo DiazReixa & Rosalía, songwriters (Rosalía), 5.6 million streams in the last month

“Bailar Contigo” – Monsieur Periné & Mauricio Rengifo, songwriters (Monsieur Periné), 1.7 million streams in the last month

Best New Artist

Karol G, 83 million streams in the last month

Best New Artist Nominee Karol G

Christian Nodal, 26 million streams in the last month

Best New Artist Nominee Christian Nodal

Angela Aguilar, 18 million streams in the last month

Best New Artist Nominee Angela Aguilar

Don’t forget to tune in to see where our predictions land. The 19th Annual Latin Grammy Awards air live Thursday, November, 15th on Univision at 8 p.m. EST/PT.

Get pumped for the big show with our 19th Annual Latin Grammy Awards playlist, packed with 127 songs from nominees spanning several Latin music genres—pop, salsa, banda, cumbia, and more.

The Latest Emerging Artists on Spotify’s RISE

When you discover a new artist, you don’t just want to hear the song, you want to know everything—what their name means, where they’re from, how they started, what their process is like, which music they listen to. Whether their struggle was real or if they were an overnight sensation, it’s the stories that truly bring the music to life.

To go further behind the scenes with emerging artists, Spotify is introducing the new wave of RISE, the artist development program that supports up-and-comers across genres and gives fans a glimpse inside their lives. While the first season featured new favorites like Lauv and Trippie Redd, Spotify is now focusing on country band LANCOR&B artist Jorja Smith, Latin singer Karol G, and indie artist Rex Orange County.

Spotify will highlight one of the four emerging artists every two weeks in each artists’ bespoke multimedia RISE playlist, kicking off with country sensation LANCO. “When we were kids, putting together our first band and writing our first songs, our dream was to be able to eventually play them for people,” said LANCO’s lead singer Brandon Lancaster. “Spotify RISE is helping us make that dream a reality. By telling our stories through our music and through our entire creative process, we’re able to connect to our fans and grow the LANCO community in a deeper way than we could have ever imagined.”

All of these unique stories will live alongside the music—plus you’ll start to see them on Spotify’s many owned and operated playlists and editorial channels, creating a variety of new potential discovery moments for Spotify listeners.

Stay tuned for RISE short form documentary films (“24 Hours on the RISE”), original recording sessions with unique collaborators (“RISE Recordings”), live event activations, and collaborations on Spotify-optimized vertical videos. Read about our four new RISE artists below, and check out spotify.com/RISE to hear more from each RISE artist.

About Spotify’s RISE Artists:


In an incredible year of firsts, the “arena-rock leaning band” (Entertainment Weekly) LANCO became the first country group to debut on the Billboard Country albums charts at No. One in 10 years with their coming-of-age album, HALLELUJAH NIGHTS (Arista Nashville), which now boasts over 220 million digital streams. Additionally, this year’s two-time ACM nominated group is now the only Country band to achieve a PLATINUM single prior to a debut album release, with the two-week No. One “Greatest Love Story.”  Following the multi-week chart-topping hit, their “foot-stomping new single” (Rolling Stone)  “Born To Love You” proves LANCO is “well on their way to being reigning hitmakers,” (PopCulture). Named “the band to watch” by Bobby Bones, CMT, Entertainment Weekly, Hits Magazine, Pandora, Rolling Stone, Spotify, SIRIUS XM and more, LANCO continues “drawing in fans from across the globe” (Tucson Weekly) after touring the country’s top festivals such as Bonnaroo, Lollapalooza, Austin City Limits, Watershed and Faster Horses.

Jorja Smith:

Jorja Smith is an English R&B singer/songwriter whose soulful jazz-tinged cadence, heartfelt lyrics, and retro sound invoke names like Lauryn Hill, Alicia Keys, Rihanna, and Amy Winehouse, the latter of whom the Walsall-based artist cites as her biggest influence. Smith issued her debut single, “Blue Lights,” in 2016 followed by “A Prince” and then “Where Did I Go?”. 2016 eventually culminated with the release of Smith’s debut EP, Project 11. The following year saw her international profile elevated via her multiple appearances on Drake’s surprise playlist/LP More Life, which saw her holding court amongst a bevy of high-profile guests like Kanye West, Young Thug, 2 Chainz, and Travis Scott. Smith has been awarded the Brit Awards Critics’ Choice, has toured alongside Bruno Mars, performed at 2018 Coachella, and has a song embedded in the HBO hit show, ‘Insecure.”

Karol G:

Colombia’s Karol G is a soulful vocalist known for her exuberant mix of reggaeton, pop, and dance oriented R&B. Born Carolina Giraldo in Medellin, Colombia in 1991, Karol G was interested in music from a young age, influenced by her father, a working musician. When she was 14, Karol G made her first appearance in the music industry through the reality show, X Factor. After high school, she studied music at University of Antioquia, and in 2012, she achieved her first number one hit worldwide with the song “301”, sparking tours in countries such as Venezuela, Uruguay, Panamá, United States, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Colombia. The young singer/songwriter already boasts more than 1 Billion views on Youtube and more than 7 Million followers on social media combined. Most recently, Karol G released her debut album “UNSTOPPABLE” which debuted #1 on Billboard’s Sales chart, marking the biggest debut for a Latin Female Urban Artist in the USA in the last 2 years.

Rex Orange County:

Blending a way with words and elements of jazz, hip-hop, soul, and bedroom electronics into a sophisticated type of singer/songwriter fare, Rex Orange County is the performance alias of English Musician Alex O’Conner. Raised in the village of Grayshott along the border of Hampshire and Surrey, O’Conner studied music at the BRIT School in London as a teenager. His sweeping alternative pop songs weave together the mundane reality of teenage life and the epic fantasy that is teenage love — he takes his moniker from The O.C., a nod to the hyperreal and melodramatic. But Rex is no ordinary teenager: with the release of his second album Apricot Princess in April, he won acclaim from The FADER, The NME, and Noisey, before appearing on Tyler, the Creator’s Flower Boy , and performing live with Frank Ocean and Skepta. Gaining entrance on his main instrument, drums, he also sang and played guitar, and picked up piano and production software skills while working on his first album as a student there.