Tag: MAU

Spotify Reports Fourth Quarter 2024 Earnings

Today, we announced our fourth quarter 2024 earnings, closing Q4 stronger than ever by outperforming across key metrics and celebrating our first full year of profitability. Take a look at the highlights below:

  • Monthly Active Users grew 12% Y/Y to 675 million.
  • Subscribers increased 11% Y/Y to 263 million.
  • Total Revenue was up 16% Y/Y to €4.2 billion.
  • Gross Margin climbed by 555 bps YoY to 32.2%.
  • Operating Income rose to €477 million.

“I am very excited about 2025 and feel really good about where we are as both a product and as a business,” said Daniel Ek, Spotify Founder & CEO.We will continue to place bets that will drive long term impact, increasing our speed while maintaining the levels of efficiency we achieved last year. It’s this combination that will enable us to build the best and most valuable user experience, grow sustainably and deliver creativity to the world.”

Interested in hearing more? Click here to review the full earnings release and listen to the webcast Q&A on our Investor Relations site here.

Spotify Reports Second Quarter 2024 Earnings

Today, we announced our second quarter 2024 earnings. Led by healthy subscriber gains, improved monetization, and record profitability, Spotify reported…

  • Monthly Active Users grew 14% Y/Y to 626 million.
  • Subscribers increased 12% Y/Y to 246 million.
  • Total Revenue was up 20% Y/Y to €3.8 billion.
  • Gross Margin reached 29.2%.
  • Operating Income improved to €266 million.

“It’s an exciting time at Spotify. We keep on innovating and showing that we aren’t just a great product, but increasingly also a great business,” said CEO Daniel Ek.We are doing so on a timeline that has exceeded even our own expectations. This all bodes very well for the future.”

Interested in hearing more? Click here to review the full earnings release and listen to the webcast Q&A on our Investor Relations site here.

Spotify rapporterar intäkter för första kvartalet i 2024

Idag publicerar Spotify sina finansiella resultat för första kvartalet 2024. Året har inletts stabilt: 

  • Månatliga aktiva användare ökade med 19 % jämfört med föregående år och uppgick till 615 miljoner.
  • Antalet premiumanvändare ökade med 14 % jämfört med föregående år och uppgick till 239 miljoner.
  • De totala intäkterna ökade med 20 % jämfört med föregående år och uppgick till 3,6 miljarder euro. 
  • Bruttomarginalen uppgick till 27,6 %.
  • Rörelseresultatet uppgick till 168 miljoner euro.

– Vi har talat om 2024 som ett år med fokus på intäktsgenerering och vi levererar nu på den ambitionen. När vi nu har skiftat fokus mot stark intäktstillväxt och förbättrad marginal ser vi tydliga möjligheter att även fortsätta växa intagandet av nya användare. Jag känner mig nöjd med de förändringar vi implementerar och är övertygad om att vi ska nå de ambitiösa planer som vi tidigare har presenterat, kommenterar Daniel Ek, grundare och VD på Spotify.

Vill du veta mer? Klicka här för att ta del av hela den finansiella pressreleasen, och lyssna gärna på vår Q&A-webcast på IR-sajten här.

Spotify Reports First Quarter 2024 Earnings

Today, we announced our first quarter 2024 earnings. In a solid start to the year, Spotify reported…

  • Monthly Active Users grew 19% Y/Y to 615 million.
  • Subscribers increased 14% Y/Y to 239 million.
  • Total Revenue was up 20% Y/Y to €3.6 billion.
  • Gross Margin reached 27.6%.
  • Operating Income improved to €168 million.

“We’ve talked about 2024 as the year of monetization and we’re delivering on that ambition,” said Spotify co-founder and CEO Daniel Ek. “Now as we’ve shifted to focus on strong revenue growth and margin expansion, we see a clear opportunity to ensure we are also continuing to grow the top of our funnel. I feel good about the changes we are implementing and remain very confident in our ability to reach the ambitious plans we’ve outlined.”

Interested in hearing more? Click here to review the full earnings release, and listen to the webcast Q&A on our Investor Relations site here.

Spotify Reports Second Quarter 2023 Earnings

Today, Spotify announced our second quarter 2023 financial performance.

Spotify had a very strong quarter. We beat guidance and welcomed more users and subscribers than expected, with growth continuing to come from markets all over the world.

As we previewed on the Q1 earnings call, we expected to incur charges in the second quarter related to our ongoing efforts to become a more efficient and stronger business. These were excluded from the Q2 guidance we provided last quarter.

  • Monthly Active Users surged 27% to 551 million. Net additions of 36 million were 21 million ahead of guidance and represent an all-time high for the company. 
  • Subscribers grew 17% Y/Y to 220 million. Net additions of 10 million were 3 million ahead of guidance and represent the highest Q2 in company history. 
  • Total Revenue grew 11% Y/Y to €3.2 billion, in-line with guidance. 
  • Adjusted Gross Margin** finished in-line with guidance at 25.5% excluding charges related to our actions in the quarter to streamline operations and reduce costs.
  • Adjusted Operating Loss** of (€112) million was better than guidance, excluding charges related to our actions in the quarter to streamline operations and reduce costs.

Take a look at additional highlights below:

Interested in hearing more? Click here to review the full earnings release and listen to the webcast Q&A on our Investor Relations site here. And click below to check out a sizzle reel of audio trailers from a few of our recent original and exclusive podcasts. 


**Adjusted Gross Margin and Adjusted Operating Loss are non-IFRS measures. See Reconciliation of IFRS to Non-IFRS Results below for additional information.

Reconciliation of IFRS to Non-IFRS Results

Spotify Reports First Quarter 2023 Earnings

Today, Spotify announced our first quarter 2023 financial performance, showing outperformance across nearly all key performance metrics. Take a look at the highlights below:

We had our strongest Q1 since going public in 2018, with nearly all our KPIs surpassing expectations:

  • Monthly Active Users grew by 22% year-over-year to 515 million driven by strength in both developed and developing markets, and nearly all age groups. 
  • Premium Subscribers grew 15% year-over-year to 210 million with outperformance across all regions, led by Europe and Latin America.
  • Total Revenue grew 14% year-over-year to €3.0 billion, led by Subscriber gains.
  • Gross Margin finished at 25.2%, reflecting improved music and podcast profitability.
  • Operating (Loss)/Income finished at €(156) million, aided by lower marketing spend.

Interested in hearing more? Click here to review the full earnings release and listen to the webcast Q&A on our Investor Relations site here. 

Click below to check out a sizzle reel of audio trailers from a few of our recent original and exclusive podcasts.

More People Than Ever Are Streaming on Spotify

A lot has happened recently here at Spotify. From going public on the NYSE, to announcing our newest partnership with Hulu, to unveiling our new and improved platform for free users, we’re constantly innovating our services to provide a better listening experience for users, and a more in-touch platform for artists.

Every year we grow as a company, which allows us to make unprecedented changes to our platform, and in turn, engage more users in the magic of music streaming. We’re excited to announce that this year is no different. Spotify now boasts 170 million monthly active users and 75 million premium subscribers.

We’re continuing to provide the best streaming music experience, for our artists, our employees, and our millions of users. Having the support of our global audience helps make it so.

Whether you’ve been streaming on Spotify for years, or downloaded the app just last week, we’re glad you’re with us. Happy listening!