Tag: Paciente 63

‘França e o Labirinto’ Launches as the First Brazilian-Produced Spotify Original Scripted Audio Series

Spotify fans in Brazil love a good scripted audio story, as evidenced by the popularity of series like Sofia, Batman Despertar, and Paciente 63Portuguese-language adaptations of the AI-themed drama Sandra, the superhero smash hit Batman Unburied, and the Chilean sci-fi thriller Caso 63, respectively. Paciente 63 even spent three weeks as the country’s most popular podcast on Spotify. 

And starting today, listeners will be able to dig into a new Spotify Original audio series: França e o Labirinto. The Portuguese-language thriller is our biggest fiction-based audio production in Brazil to date, and the first Spotify audio series to be fully produced in the country. 

França e o Labirinto follows private detective Nelson França on a thrill ride as he attempts to solve a murder that feels all too familiar. For years, Nelson helped the police on investigations, including the one that led to the arrest of a famous serial killer. Now, decades later, a new victim is found and França knows it’s the same criminal. This chase will send him down a trail filled with ghosts from his past. And that trail is even harder to navigate when you’re legally blind.  

Over the course of the show’s 13 episodes, Nelson’s sense of hearing is vital to helping him solve this mystery. And to immerse listeners deeper into França’s perspective, França e o Labirinto is the first Spotify Original audio series to deliver lifelike 3D audio through binaural recording techniques, which use two microphones separated by the width of a head to replicate the way our hearing works in real life.

Created in partnership with Jovem Nerd, the Brazilian media platform known for its popular podcast NerdCast, França e o Labirinto features Jovem Nerd founders Alexandre Ottoni and Deive Pazos as showrunners, and actor Selton Mello as the voice of Nelson.

To learn more about the show’s creation, as well as the rising popularity of scripted audio series across Brazil, For the Record spoke with Camila Justo, Spotify Production Operations Lead for Latin America.

França e o Labirinto is the first Spotify Original audio series to be fully produced in Brazil. It’s an exciting achievement!

Being able to produce 100% Brazilian content is an incredible opportunity to explore our identity and culture in an authentic way. Brazilians love fiction content, and França e o Labirinto is a very high-quality thriller. 

The production was a long process that involved more than 100 people between the technical team and the voice actors. We understood that what we were doing was something innovative, and we went through the different stages always focusing on quality.

What sort of success have you seen with fiction podcasts in Brazil to date?

Brazil is a country that consumes a lot of soap operas and series, so fictional content is already part of Brazilian culture. This gave us some indication that adapting fictional podcasts could be a big success. But listener engagement in Brazil went even further. Sofia, Batman Despertar, and Paciente 63 were all among the top podcasts on Spotify following their respective releases, and are still in the top 10 of Brazil’s most popular scripted audio series on Spotify to date. In addition, Paciente 63 won the APCA Award for Best Podcast of 2021.

Why is it important for countries to have innovative stories tailored to their audiences?

Innovating stories and initiatives for audiences in your country and language helps create a deeper connection, a greater identification between the story and the listener. This increases relatability, understanding, and engagement, leading to more meaningful experiences and stronger connections between creators and their audiences.

This new podcast uses binaural audio technology to allow the listener to be immersed in the main character’s perspective. How will this sound different for listeners?

3D audio technology has the capacity to deliver a seamless illusion of alternative reality and change the way we relate to and behave in sound. This resource helps in the construction of immersive narratives, enhancing the experience for the listener. 

Since we wanted the listener to be totally immersed in the main character, this was the best way to provide that experience. The listener will hear and feel everything that the main character feels—if someone whispers in his ear, they will whisper in your ear.

What was the scripting process like?

The script was developed by Leonel Caldela and Fábio Yabu, and also included consultation and revision by Lucas Radaelli, a visually impaired person who gave valuable input, since the main character is blind. 

Work on the script started in 2018, when Jovem Nerd first had the idea for the show. We then started working with them in 2019, and we suggested some ideas that would offer total immersion into the main character. We wanted the main character, França, to be present in every scene, so we opted against using flashbacks or narration.

Can you share some of the collaborators and talent Spotify worked with to bring this story to life. 

For França e o Labirinto, we’ve partnered with some of the best talent in Brazil. The creators and showrunners are Jovem Nerd’s founders, who have been in this audio universe for 20 years, and their show NerdCast is one of the most popular podcasts on Spotify, with more than 1.5 million monthly streams. 

In terms of voice talent, we have Selton Mello, a well-known and recognized actor in Brazil for major roles in TV, cinema, and dubbing. We also have a dream team of Brazilian voice actors including Luiz Carlos Persy, Maíra Góes, and Jorge Lucas, among others. And we have special appearances by Igão and Mítico, hosts of the Spotify Original podcast Carona Podpah, as well as screenwriter and comedian Antônio Tabet. The voice talents were also directed by the talented Fernanda Barone.

What do you see as the future of the fiction podcast genre in Brazil? 

I look forward to seeing the fiction podcast genre continue to grow and diversify in Brazil. We hope that França e o Labirinto will inspire many independent creators to venture into the podcast universe and explore different types of formats and styles. 

Ready to follow along with França as he tracks down a mysterious serial killer for a second time? Stream all 13 episodes of França e o Labirinto by pressing play below. 

‘França e o Labirinto’ estreia como a primeira audiossérie com roteiro original do Spotify produzida no Brasil

Os fãs do Spotify no Brasil adoram uma boa história em áudio com roteiro, como evidenciado pela popularidade das audiosséries Sofia, Batman Despertar e Paciente 63 – adaptações em português do drama com tema de IA Sandra, do sucesso de super-heróis Batman Unburied e do thriller de ficção científica chileno Caso 63, respectivamente. O Paciente 63 chegou a passar três semanas como o podcast mais popular do país no Spotify. 

E a partir de hoje, os ouvintes poderão se aprofundar em uma nova audiossérie Original Spotify: França e o Labirinto. O thriller em português é a nossa maior produção de áudio de ficção no Brasil até o momento, e a primeira áudiossérie do Spotify a ser totalmente produzida no país. 

França e o Labirinto acompanha o detetive particular Nelson França em uma saga emocionante enquanto ele tenta solucionar um assassinato que parece familiar demais. Durante anos, Nelson ajudou a polícia em investigações, incluindo a que levou à prisão de um famoso serial killer. Agora, décadas depois, uma nova vítima é encontrada e França sabe que se trata do mesmo criminoso. Essa perseguição o levará a uma trilha repleta de fantasmas de seu passado. E essa trilha é ainda mais difícil de navegar quando se é totalmente cego.  

Ao longo dos 13 episódios da série, o senso de audição de Nelson é vital para ajudá-lo a resolver esse mistério. E para mergulhar os ouvintes ainda mais na perspectiva do detetive, França e o Labirinto é a primeira audiossérie Original Spotify a oferecer áudio 3D, por meio de técnicas de gravação binaural, que usam dois microfones separados pela largura de uma cabeça para reproduzir a forma como nossa audição funciona na vida real.

Criada em parceria com a Jovem Nerd, a plataforma de mídia brasileira conhecida por seu popular podcast NerdCast, França e o Labirinto conta com os fundadores do Jovem Nerd, Alexandre Ottoni e Deive Pazos, como showrunners, e o ator Selton Mello como a voz de Nelson.

Para saber mais sobre a criação do programa, bem como sobre a crescente popularidade das audiosséries no Brasil, o For the Record conversou com Camila Justo,  líder de produção de podcasts do Spotify para a América Latina.

França e o Labirinto é a primeira audiossérie original do Spotify a ser totalmente produzida no Brasil. É uma conquista enorme!

Poder produzir conteúdo 100% brasileiro é uma oportunidade incrível para explorar nossa identidade e cultura de forma autêntica. Os brasileiros adoram conteúdo de ficção, e França e o Labirinto é um thriller de altíssima qualidade. 

A produção foi um longo processo que envolveu mais de 100 pessoas entre a equipe técnica e os dubladores. Entendemos que o que estávamos fazendo era algo inovador e, por isso, passamos por diferentes etapas, sempre com foco na qualidade.

Qual tipo de sucesso você obteve com os podcasts de ficção no Brasil até o momento?

O Brasil é um país que consome muitas novelas e séries, portanto, o conteúdo de ficção já faz parte da cultura brasileira. Isso nos deu algumas indicações de que as adaptações de podcasts de ficção poderiam ser um grande sucesso. Mas o engajamento dos ouvintes no Brasil foi ainda mais longe. Sofia, Batman Despertar e Paciente 63 ficaram entre os melhores podcasts do Spotify após seus respectivos lançamentos e ainda estão entre as 10 séries de áudio mais populares de ficção no Spotify até hoje. Além disso, o Paciente 63 ganhou o prêmio APCA de melhor podcast de 2021.

Por que é importante que os países tenham histórias inovadoras adaptadas a seus públicos?

Inovar histórias e iniciativas para o público de seu país e idioma ajuda a criar uma conexão mais profunda, uma maior identificação entre a história e o ouvinte. Isso aumenta a capacidade de relacionamento, a compreensão e o envolvimento, levando a experiências mais significativas e a conexões mais fortes entre os criadores e seus públicos.

Essa nova produção usa a tecnologia de áudio binaural para permitir que o ouvinte fique imerso na perspectiva do personagem principal. Como isso soará diferente para os ouvintes?

A tecnologia de áudio 3D tem a capacidade de proporcionar uma ilusão perfeita de realidade alternativa e mudar a maneira como nos relacionamos e nos comportamos em relação ao som. Esse recurso ajuda na construção de narrativas imersivas, aprimorando a experiência do ouvinte. 

Como queríamos que o ouvinte ficasse totalmente imerso no personagem principal, essa foi a melhor maneira de proporcionar essa experiência. O ouvinte ouvirá e sentirá tudo o que o personagem principal sente – se alguém sussurrar no ouvido dele, sussurrará no seu ouvido.

Como foi o processo de criação do roteiro?

O roteiro foi desenvolvido por Leonel Caldela e Fábio Yabu, e também contou com a consultoria e revisão de Lucas Radaelli, um deficiente visual que deu uma contribuição valiosa, já que o personagem principal é cego. 

O trabalho no roteiro começou em 2018, quando o Jovem Nerd teve a ideia da audiossérie. Começamos a trabalhar com eles em 2019 e sugerimos algumas ideias para proporcionar uma imersão total no personagem principal. Queríamos que o personagem principal, França, estivesse presente em todas as cenas, por isso optamos por não usar flashbacks ou narração.

Você poderia compartilhar alguns dos parceiros e talentos com os quais o Spotify trabalhou para dar vida a essa história? 

Para França e o Labirinto, fizemos uma parceria com alguns dos melhores talentos do Brasil. Os criadores e showrunners são os fundadores do Jovem Nerd, que estão nesse universo de áudio há 20 anos, e seu programa NerdCast é um dos podcasts mais populares do Spotify, com mais de 1,5 milhão de streams mensais. 

Em termos de atores de voz, temos Selton Mello, um ator conhecido e reconhecido no Brasil por grandes papéis na TV, cinema e dublagem. Também temos um time dos sonhos de dubladores brasileiros, incluindo Luiz Carlos Persy, Maíra Góes e Jorge Lucas, entre outros. E temos as participações especiais de Igão e Mítico, apresentadores do podcast Original Spotify Carona Podpah, além do roteirista e comediante Antônio Tabet. Além disso, todos os talentos de voz foram dirigidos pela talentosa Fernanda Barone.

O que você vê como o futuro do gênero podcast de ficção no Brasil? 

Estou ansiosa para ver o gênero de podcast de ficção continuar crescendo e se diversificando no Brasil. Esperamos que o França e o Labirinto inspire muitos criadores independentes a se aventurar no universo dos podcasts e a explorar diferentes formatos e estilos. 

Pronto para acompanhar  França na busca de um misterioso serial killer pela segunda vez? Escute todos os 13 episódios de França e o Labirinto dando o play abaixo.

Mind-Bending Chilean Podcast Gets English Adaptation With ‘Case 63,’ starring Julianne Moore and Oscar Isaac

Time-altering and reality-shifting thrills await as Case 63, the highly anticipated English adaptation of the chart-topping Chilean scripted audio series, makes its debut October 25. Produced by Gimlet Studios, Case 63 features Academy Award–winning actress Julianne Moore alongside Golden Globe winner and Moon Knight star Oscar Isaac. Both stars are also executive producers of the series.

headshot of actress julianne moore

Julianne Moore

The series follows psychiatrist Eliza Knight (Julianne) as she records her sessions with an enigmatic patient known only as “Case 63” (Oscar), who claims to be a time traveler coming back from the future to prevent the next global pandemic. As each episode progresses, the boundaries between past, present, and future blur and the two characters discover they may have the future of humanity in their hands.

Case 63 was my very first audio experience and I was able to see firsthand how immersive and impactful podcasting is as a mode of storytelling,” Julianne told For the Record. “It is a thrilling and timely story—incredibly mysterious and romantic, suspenseful, and strange. And the opportunity to work with my friends Oscar Isaac and Mimi O’Donnell made the recording a joy.” 

The two actors bring their incredible talents to a series that has captivated Latin America since it first aired in 2020.

“I’m a big fan of the original series, Caso 63, and it was great to be able to partner with Spotify and Julianne on this adaptation,” said Oscar.  

headshot of actor Oscar isaac

Oscar Isaac

“We are so excited to bring this beloved story from Latin America to the English-speaking audience,” said director and executive producer Mimi O’Donnell. “There are so many twists and turns set against an immersive backdrop that the team on this show created, led by an incredibly talented group of creatives here in the U.S. Every adaptation of this series is anchored by captivating production. With Case 63, listeners feel like they are alongside Oscar and Julianne every step of the way through this mind-bending journey.”

Following its launch, Caso 63 became Spotify’s most listened to scripted original podcast in Latin America, thanks to the talents of costars Antonia Zegers and Néstor Cantillana. The show was such a hit that Spotify tapped Brazilian actors Seu Jorge and Mel Lisboa to be featured in a Portuguese-language adaptation—Paciente 63—less than a year later. And earlier this year, Spotify India brought on Bollywood husband-and-wife actors Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal to create a Hindi-language adaptation, titled Virus 2062.

The outstanding success of the show marks the first time a non-English Spotify Original podcast has been adapted into multiple languages, highlighting Spotify’s audio reach and commitment to bringing high-quality storytelling with impactful voices to fans around the world.

“I am so excited to bring this story from Latin America to the English-speaking audience and get to know their thoughts, hear their theories, and simply share good storytelling with more audiences,” said Javier Piñol, the show’s executive producer and Global Head of Markets, Talk Content at Spotify. “I am proud of the work done by the whole team in Latin America to produce three well-crafted seasons, cementing Spotify’s mission to not only inspire others to create, but to share in the understanding that great storytelling comes from all over the world.”

“I hope everyone will enjoy listening to it as much as we did making it,” said Julianne. “Case 63 is exactly the kind of story that I love.”

Get ready to start your session with Dr. Knight by listening to Case 63 on October 25th:


Chart-Topping Chilean Podcast ‘Caso 63’ Gears Up for Season 2—And Announces an English-Language Adaptation

Since its release in November 2020, Spotify Original podcast Caso 63 has been topping charts and taking on new markets. The 10-episode Chilean science fiction story has become the most-listened-to scripted Original podcast in Latin America and was even adapted for Brazilian and Indian listeners as well. To continue this tale’s captivating hold, Spotify will be releasing an English-language adaptation of this story in the United States, premiering in late 2021. But perhaps the most exciting news for fans and could-be fans is that the team behind Caso 63 will be releasing a second season later this year, with creator Julio Rojas at the helm.

Season one of Caso 63 centers on the interactions between fictional psychiatrist Elisa Aldunate  and her client, “Patient 63.” Each episode marks a new “session,” and as the story progresses, time, space, and reality begin to blur. Over the course of 10 episodes, this thought-provoking mystery plays with listeners’ minds and causes them to question what is and isn’t real.

Caso 63’s popularity with listeners has helped the show reach a new milestone within podcasting: This is the first time a non-English-language Spotify Original podcast has been adapted to multiple languages. The Chilean show, which stars actors Antonia Zegers and Néstor Cantillana, received so much buzz that, less than a year after its release, Spotify adapted the thrilling mystery into a Portuguese-language version, Paciente 63, featuring Brazilian actors Seu Jorge and Mel Lisboa. And earlier this month, Spotify India created a Hindi-language adaptation of the podcast called Virus 2062, starring Bollywood actors and husband-and-wife duo Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal. Now, casting is underway for the English-language adaptation.

But even before breaking a Spotify record, its large following was also reflected in the charts with Caso 63 ranking number one on Argentina’s and Mexico’s Top Podcasts charts for nearly a month following its premiere. It also reached number one on the Trending Podcasts charts in Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, and the U.S.

Non-Spanish speaking listeners are loving the show just as much. In India, the adaptation, Virus 2062, reached number one on Spotify’s local Trending chart and landed on the top five on Spotify’s local Top Podcasts charts. The Brazilian adaptation, Paciente 63, ranked number one on Brazil’s local Trending Podcasts chart the day after it premiered and stayed there for over two weeks. It also reached the top spot on Brazil’s Fiction charts and stayed there for over a month.

Creator Rojas has long credited the show’s appeal to its format. He says the audio-only medium calls back to the way stories have been handed down for centuries, inviting listeners to fill in the blanks with their imaginations.

“The LATAM team on the ground, led by [Spotify’s] Javier Piñol, created a universal story that transported listeners into their own imaginations alongside the lead characters. The adaptations in both Brazil and India, and soon the U.S., utilized local teams and talent to reimagine the story for new audiences,” said Courtney Holt, Global Head of Podcasts and New Initiatives at Spotify. “The success we’ve seen in all the market adaptations thus far has reinforced Spotify’s mission to provide creators with the opportunity to develop stories and expose audiences worldwide to the best storytelling narratives, regardless of origin.”

Ready to tap into your imagination and start your session with Dr. Aldunate? Catch season one below. And stay tuned for the English-language adaptation of the global podcast phenomenon, coming soon.

Podcast popular de ficção científica chileno é adaptado para ouvintes brasileiros em ‘Paciente 63’

Desde sua estreia em Novembro do ano passado, o popular podcast chileno Spotify Original Caso 63 tem paralisado os ouvintes com sua narrativa de ficção científica. Agora, a áudiossérie de viagem no tempo está se espalhando geograficamente à medida que o Spotify adapta seu podcast em espanhol para Paciente 63, uma versão em português, para ouvintes no Brasil.

Criado por Julio Rojas, a áudiossérie de ficção se passa no ano de 2022, quando a psiquiatra Elisa Aldunate inicia uma série de sessões de terapia com “Paciente 63”. Conforme as sessões progridem, o tempo, o espaço e a realidade começam a se confundir, brincando com a mente dos ouvintes. O drama se desenvolve ao longo de 10 episódios, entregando um mistério instigante para falantes de espanhol em todo o mundo.

“Tem sido um fenômeno impressionante – Caso 63 foi uma das áudiosséries em espanhol mais escutadas em 2020 e foi recebido com um entusiasmo que cruzou países, durou meses e gerou uma grande quantidade de reflexão e comentários em todas as redes sociais”, refletiu Rojas.

“[Com a adaptação] fico muito emocionado”, acrescentou. “Escutar Paciente 63 em português, com o nível dos atores, a adaptação e a produção, foi como se a história sempre tivesse sido pensada para ser ouvida nessa língua. É reconfortante ver que as histórias de ficção científica e seu público não têm fronteiras, talvez porque as histórias nos façam refletir sobre as mesmas questões. A ficção científica é hoje a grande fonte de reflexão filosófica sobre quem ou onde queremos estar.”

A adaptação conta com a participação dos atores brasileiros Mel Lisboa e Seu Jorge. Ambos emprestam suas vozes para a áudiossérie, contribuindo para a imersão dos ouvintes no universo de Paciente 63.

“Fiquei muito entusiasmada em fazer parte de Paciente 63,” afirmou Lisboa. “A série traz, em muitos momentos, a teoria de que podem haver realidades diferentes a partir das escolhas que fazemos; faz as pessoas refletirem sobre seus erros e suas decisões. Além disso, acho que uma ideia que as pessoas podem ter ao escutar Paciente 63 é que provavelmente passaremos por mudanças drásticas. Em 2019, por exemplo, não imaginávamos que precisaríamos nos isolar como está acontecendo até agora.”

O processo de gravação foi uma experiência inédita para os atores, que não puderam se encontrar pessoalmente durante a pandemia e, em vez disso, desenvolveram seus personagens e relacionamentos virtualmente. 

“Foi um desafio dar vida a um personagem por meio da voz”, Jorge compartilhou. “A necessidade de usar apenas esse recurso como meio de imersão para o ouvinte, principalmente com as limitações do COVID-19 que estavam acontecendo, dificultava o processo. Foi uma experiência que exigiu muita técnica. No final das contas, o projeto fez parte de um rico processo no qual tive que estudar a melhor maneira de lidar com minha voz e treinar muito para chegar onde queria.”

Lisboa e Jorge acreditam que a premissa instigante da história e o formato de áudio vão ressoar entre os brasileiros. Para Rojas, isso não é surpresa – e apenas o começo para podcasts de ficção.

“Por milhares de anos, a narração oral foi a principal forma de contar histórias”, explicou Rojas. “Ouvir uma áudiossérie ativa novas vias neurais e gera a intimidade necessária para a autorreflexão. Você faz parte da história porque ajuda a construí-la. É uma experiência única e pessoal, e acho que é o novo formato para um mundo pós-pandêmico. Espero que os ouvintes brasileiros gostem.”

Junte-se às aventuras de Paciente 63 e Dra. Elisa. Maratone já:

Popular Chilean Sci-Fi Podcast Gets Adapted for Brazilian Listeners in ‘Paciente 63’

Since its premiere last fall, the popular Chilean Spotify Original podcast Caso 63 has transfixed listeners with its science fiction storytelling. Now, the time traveling show is going the geographical distance as Spotify adapts its Spanish-language podcast into Paciente 63, a Portuguese language version, for listeners in Brazil.

Created by Julio Rojas, the fictional show is set in the year 2022, when psychiatrist Elisa Aldunate begins a series of therapy sessions with “Patient 63.” As the sessions progress, time, space, and reality begin to blur, playing with listeners’ minds. Drama builds over the course of 10 episodes, delivering thought-provoking mystery for Spanish speakers the world over.

“It has been a very impressive phenomenonCaso 63 was one of the most-listened-to audio series in Spanish in 2020 and was met with an enthusiasm that crossed countries, lasted for months, and generated a great amount of reflection and comments on all social networks,” Rojas reflected.

“[With the adaptation I feel] a lot of emotion,” he added. “Listening to Paciente 63 in Portuguese, with the level of its actors, the adaptation, and the production, it was as if the story had always been designed to be heard in that language. It is comforting to see that science fiction stories and their audiences have no borders, perhaps because stories make us all reflect on the same issues. Science fiction is today the great source of philosophical reflection on whom or where we want to be.”

The adaptation features Brazilian actors Mel Lisboa and Seu Jorge. Both stars lend their voices to the series, helping to immerse listeners in the world of Paciente 63.

“I was very excited to join Paciente 63,” Lisboa shared. “The series brings up, in many moments, the theory that there may be different realities based on the choices we make, so it can make people reflect on their mistakes and their decisions. Also, I think one insight that people can get from listening to Paciente 63 is that we’re likely to go through drastic changes. In 2019, for example, we did not imagine that we would need to isolate ourselves as is happening until now.”

The recording process was a new experience for the actors, who were unable to meet during the pandemic and instead developed their characters and relationships remotely.

“It was a challenge to bring a character to life through his voice,” Jorge shared. “The need to use only this feature as a means of immersion for the listener, especially with the COVID-19 limitations that were happening, made the process more difficult. It was an experience that required a lot of technique. Ultimately, the project was part of a rich process in which I had to study the best way to deal with my voice and trained a lot to get where I wanted to go.”

Lisboa and Jorge believe the story’s thought-provoking premise and audio format will resonate with Brazilians. For Rojas, this is no surprise—and only the beginning for fiction podcasts.

“For thousands of years, oral storytelling has been the main way for transmitting stories,” explained Rojas. “Listening to an audio series activates you, ignites new neural highways, and generates the intimacy necessary for self-reflection. You are part of the story because you help make it. It is a unique and personal experience, and I think that is the new format for a post-pandemic world. I hope that Brazilian listeners enjoy it.”

Join the adventures of Paciente 63 and Dr. Elisa. Binge all 10 episodes today: