Tag: new music

J Balvin Regresa A Sus Comienzos Con Su Nuevo Álbum ‘Rayo’

El aclamado colombiano J Balvin ha conquistado al mundo con su música durante más de una década. Fans desde Latinoamérica hasta Europa están cautivados por la energía del  “El Niño de Medellín” y sus ritmos contagiosos. De hecho, cada segundo, 140 canciones de J Balvin son reproducidas en Spotify, y sus temas se encuentran en más de 240 millones de playlists creadas por los usuarios.

No solo es uno de los nombres más influyentes en la música urbana, sino que también ocupa el segundo lugar como el artista latino más escuchado en Spotify de todos los tiempos. Sus grandes éxitos incluyen “LA CANCIÓN” con Bad Bunny,  “I Like It” con Bad Bunny y Cardi B, y  “Mi Gente” con Willy William, cada uno con más de mil millones de reproducciones.

Ahora, el pionero del reggaetón regresa con su nuevo álbum Rayo, que se estrena hoy. J Balvin es bien conocido por sus colaboraciones estelares, y el primer sencillo del álbum,  “Polvo de tu vida”, lo hace junto al puertorriqueño Chencho Corleone. Desde su lanzamiento en junio, la canción ha acumulado más de 16 millones de reproducciones. Y para dar una idea de dónde provienen esos oyentes, Bogotá es la ciudad con más streams, seguida por Madrid, Barcelona, Santiago de Chile y Ciudad de México.

El segundo sencillo, “Gaga”, es una colaboración con el artista español SAIKO. Este tema también está cosechando éxito rápidamente, con más de siete millones de reproducciones desde su lanzamiento en julio, y ha visto un aumento notable en escuchas en España, México y Estados Unidos.

For the Record habló con J Balvin para descubrir más sobre la inspiración detrás de su último proyecto, con quién le gustaría colaborar en el futuro y qué otros géneros colombianos disfruta escuchar.

Cuéntanos sobre Rayo.

Rayo trata de volver a mi esencia. Rayo es el nombre de mi primer carro, un carro que mi padre compró con mucho esfuerzo para mí. Solía llevar a mis amigos del colegio y les cobraba una tarifa mensual como conductor.

Ese carro me permitió llevar mi música a diferentes barrios, clubes y escuelas. Vendía CDs en la calle y en eventos como “Sonido sobre Ruedas”, donde todos llegaban con sus sistemas de sonido y sus carros. Incluso llegué a vender ropa desde la parte de atrás de Rayo.

Rayo tuvo un papel importante en la historia del reggaetón en Medellín, porque me llevó a muchos lugares que hoy en día han sido profundamente impactados por la escena del reggaetón. Así que, Rayo, el álbum, trae mucha nostalgia, porque se trata de regresar a mi esencia, a quien era cuando hacía música sin pretensiones, sin pensar en números o reproducciones, sino simplemente disfrutando como un niño.

¿Qué artistas te inspiran?

Daddy Yankee es la razón por la que decidí entrar en el mundo del reggaetón. Pero tengo muchas otras inspiraciones: Craig David, Kurt Cobain, James Hetfield de  MetallicaEd Sheeran, que es un gran amigo mío.

Cada época tiene artistas que dejan una gran huella en diferentes momentos. Estos son algunos de ellos, pero hay muchos más.

¿Qué otros géneros de música colombiana escuchas?

Me encanta la Salsa Colombiana, especialmente la de Cali y Medellín. También me fascina la música vallenata, como la de Silvestre Dangond. Admiro mucho lo que hace Andrés Cepeda, al igual que Fonseca. Disfruto mucho del rock de Juanes, que es de mi ciudad natal. “El Rock De Mi Pueblo” de Carlos Vives también es un álbum que me gusta mucho. Creo que Colombia tiene una música increíble. Por supuesto, también está la música tradicional como la cumbia y el joropo. Aunque esa música puede ser menos comercial, su sabor y ritmo están muy presentes en la música del país.

Eres conocido por tus colaboraciones. ¿Con qué artistas, compositores o productores de la nueva escena de música urbana en Colombia te gustaría colaborar?

Han surgido muchos talentos. En este momento, está Kapo con su canción Afrobeat “Ohnana”, Esteban Rojas de Cali, que me gusta mucho, y Philip Ariaz de Medellín, que es increíble. Nath de Medallo también es muy buena. Pirlo de Cali es fantástico, y  El H de la costa también es genial. Hay tantos artistas. Pero con todos ellos, sé que si surge la oportunidad, podríamos trabajar juntos y disfrutar de la conexión que tenemos.

¿Cómo te ha apoyado Spotify a ti y a tu música?

Spotify ha sido fundamental para mi carrera. La plataforma me ha ayudado a llegar a una audiencia realmente global. Desde que me convertí en el artista más escuchado a nivel mundial hace un par de años, realmente he visto lo valioso que es Spotify para ayudar a los artistas a ser descubiertos, y cómo los oyentes pueden explorar diferentes culturas de otros países a través de sus listas Top 50.

¿Cómo te gusta descubrir nueva música en Spotify?

Cada día se lanzan miles de canciones. Me gusta concentrarme en las listas Top 50, no solo en los países latinos, que suelen ser el núcleo donde se reproduce nuestra música, sino que también me interesa mucho lo que se escucha en lugares como Nigeria, Japón, Suecia, Países Bajos, Lituania y Polonia. Esto me ayuda a ampliar mi perspectiva y a pensar en otros géneros y lenguajes que quizá no conocía antes.

Regresa a los inicios con J Balvin y su nuevo álbum Rayo, disponible ahora.

Nearly 2 Billion Music Discoveries Happen on Spotify Every Day—Here’s What Listeners Are Finding

From personalized Niche Mixes to our AI-powered DJ, Spotify is constantly helping listeners discover new music to add to their queues. In fact, what fans love most about Spotify is our array of features that are specifically curated for each person’s audio taste.

We took a journey of our own to understand how Spotify listeners explore new music. What we found spanned listeners across generations, and music across decades. 

“As humans, we are wired to explore, to seek the new and the unexpected, and to learn and expand and deepen our understanding of the world,” said Dr. Dacher Keltner, professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and director of the Greater Good Science Center. “This quest for discovery is one of our greatest species-defining strengths.”

When we looked into new discoveries across generations, our data found that Gen Z and Gen Alpha are discovering music at different rates than baby boomers. While baby boomers actually discover music more often than Gen Z in the U.S., globally, Gen Z and Gen Alpha take the lead. 

“It doesn’t surprise me that Gen Z leads music discovery in the rest of the world since younger people are actively seeking new musical forms to change society and the status quo,” explained Dr. Keltner. 

We were curious what Dr. Keltner thought of discoveries among Gen Z listeners. “Today young people face many challenges,” he said. “The science of music speaks to how deeply listening and discovering music can counter this for young people. There’s the awe of finding something new; how music can lead young people to feel calmer, both in mind and body; and how music surfaces what we most care about in life.”

Baby boomers are still interested in discovering new songs. Dr. Keltner thinks this could be a product of their feeling more lonely, stressed, connected, and curious. “But discovering new music can bring us a sense of connection and contentment rather than stress, a sense of identity within a community, and awe and curiosity.”

And some generations are offering the music of their youth to younger listeners. Well, the music of Gen X’s youth, specifically. Gen Z is dipping their toes into more nostalgic songs.

Music fans looking to discover more nostalgic tracks or feel connected to past generations can check out some of our Niche Mixes like Old School Rap Mix, Throwback R&B Mix, and 70s Disco Mix.

“In many parts of the world we lack intergenerational contact. It is increasingly hard to understand and share in the emotions and thoughts of people in different groups than our own,” reasoned Dr. Keltner. “The kinds of music discoveries you found—of boomers discovering new music and Gen Z and Gen Alpha exploring music more from the past—suggests that music can be a powerful way to enhance intergenerational understanding and, more generally, foster empathy across differences.” 

We also know that other factors drive music discovery on Spotify, including, of course, cultural moments like television shows, movies, video game competitions, and much more. 

But discovery is also driven by less-obvious moments. In our research, we found that people tend to stream happier music (measured by the average valence of music streamed, which describes the musical “positiveness” conveyed by a track) more on Mondays than on the rest of the week. Dr. Keltner had an explanation for this, too.

“We listen to music for many reasons: to find peace and contentment, insights into the struggles of life, inspiration, and a sense of identity. Mondays often present challenges as we move from the weekend to the work week: stress, questions about what will inspire us that week, and why we are doing the work we are doing. Music on Mondays provides windows into answers to these aspects of shifting to Monday. 

Mondays are also when Spotify’s Discover Weekly playlist, a weekly dose of recommended songs from Spotify, is refreshed. Though the playlist is personalized to each listener, songs most frequently discovered on Discover Weekly include “Glass Jaw” by chokecherry and “Heart of Gold (with Bon Iver)” by Ilsey.

Many podcasts have also become favorites to start the week. The meditation-focused The Sleep Zone Podcast is one of the most popular podcasts streamed first thing Monday mornings, giving Spotify fans some zen as they face the week ahead.

Artists like KAROL G, Shakira, and Miley Cyrus are distinctive to Mondays, when we may need an energy boost, but we found different artists and playlists trending on Sundays. Lana Del Rey, Billie Eilish, and SZA help us get into our feels, while Sad Country Mix” is the most streamed Niche Mix on Sunday nights. And it’s all about that good night’s sleep before the rush of a new week kicks off: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” by Adelmar Borrego is the most distinctive track streamed on Sunday evenings globally. 

From activating Smart Shuffle in your playlists to going on a ride with your personalized AI DJ, there are countless ways for Spotify to lead you to new music. Give them a try on your next listen.

Spotify Presents the Second Edition of RADAR Italy With 10 Featured Artists

In March of 2020, Spotify launched an emerging artist program called RADAR in 50 markets around the world. Since then, RADAR has propelled musical up-and-comers to the next stage of their careers by connecting them with new audiences on Spotify’s global platform. Now, Spotify Italy is getting ready to launch its second edition of the program.

Last year’s rising artists have experienced huge growth since joining the RADAR program. Genre-agnostic BLANCO saw a year-over-year growth of over 7,500% in monthly listenership and a 30,000% increase in daily listeners. When his debut album, Blu Celeste, was released, all 13 tracks occupied the top 13 positions on the Spotify charts. 

Singer and musician Mara Sattei also found new fans and became the fourth most-streamed female artist in Italy in 2020. Daily streams of Rondodasosa and Il Tre grew by 470% and 560% respectively in one year, and during the last three months, newcomers Speranza, Radical, and CARA were Italy’s most-discovered artists with more than 300,000 new plays each.

This year’s selection of artists is poised to become just as popular. These RADAR musicians also reflect a changing landscape of Italian and global music in which genre lines are becoming blurred and themes of diversity and inclusion dominate.

“Spotify is particularly focused on the growth of artists, and RADAR Italia 2021 is yet another demonstration of this,” said Melanie Parejo, Spotify’s Head of Music for Southern Europe. “Our priority will always be to increase the connection between creators and their fans, as well as to help them reach new audiences. The aim of the program is to give visibility to emerging talent on an international level and to highlight all culturally relevant music genres in Italy, as Spotify reflects the country’s diverse musical culture.”

Through this program, Spotify will continue to support these rising stars with a dedicated RADAR Italia playlist, features on our editorial channels, and a personalized marketing plan that will give listeners around the world the chance to discover their music.

Get to know the 10 artists participating in RADAR Italy 2021:

Spotify’s Release Radar Personalized Playlist Celebrates Five Years and 16 Billion Streams

Five years ago, Fridays got a whole lot better with the launch of Release Radar. The personalized playlist delivers each listener a weekly roundup of new music from the artists they love at the end of the week—and has quickly become a fan favorite in the process. Since its launch in 2016, Spotify users across the globe have streamed from the playlist more than 16 billion times.

Release Radar has become a top-three personalized playlist for listeners around the world, with 18- to 29-year-olds making up more than 50% of the playlist’s audience. It can be found under “Discover New Music” within the “Made For You” hub. In honor of the playlist’s fifth anniversary, we’re sharing a selection of songs and artists that listeners had on their radars.

A few hot tracks:

Some popular artists:

And now, for the first time, Release Radar is joining the ranks of Discover Weekly and On Repeat as the third personalized playlist available for advertising sponsorship. This opportunity allows brands to align with a playlist that sits at the intersection of innovation and culture. It updates every week with music from the last six days, which means listeners are treated to new songs that suit their individual tastes, and advertisers can offer fresh perspectives, services, and products.

Leading the way is Disney+, our first U.S. launch partner. The company will use Release Radar to promote their Billie Eilish concert film Happier Than Ever: A Love Letter To Los Angeles, which premiered on September 3. Learn more about the opportunity at Ads.Spotify.com.

Stay ahead of the curve and check out the latest tunes on your personalized weekly Release Radar in the Made For You hub. And don’t forget to check again on Friday (and next Friday and the one after that), when you’ll have a new batch of specially curated songs.

Brand New Music for You

We know it can be difficult to keep up on all of your favorite artists’ new music. We get it — you’re busy, and there’s a lot going on. Discovering new music should be simple, and now we’re making it even easier. 

You’ve probably noticed the occasional full-screen recommendation in your Spotify mobile app, letting you know that one of your favorite artists has a new album out. Based on interviews we’ve conducted with Premium users, as well as your shout outs on Twitter, listeners seem to like this feature.

We personalize these new album recommendations based on your listening taste, combined with human curation. With an upcoming test we’re running in the US, we’re giving artists and their teams the ability to directly tap into this process and connect with the fans that care most about their music.

In this test, we will let artist teams pay to sponsor these recommendations, giving them the power to tell their listeners on Spotify—across both our Free and Premium tiers—about their latest release. You’ll now hear from a wider range of artists, which means you’re less likely to miss out on new releases from your favorites.

One thing that won’t change is that these recommendations will continue to be powered by your music taste, so you will only hear from artists that you frequently listen to or follow. We hope you enjoy these recommendations  — but if you’re not into them, Premium subscribers can turn them off. 

We hope you enjoy these recommendations  — but if you’re not into them, Premium subscribers can turn them off.

Look out for this new feature the next time one of your favorite artists drops their next release.