Et Voilà, Eurovision Runner-Up Barbara Pravi Is EQUAL Artist of the Month

French singer, writer, and actress Barbara Pravi isn’t afraid of a little competition. Earlier this year, she represented her country in the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest. The performer instantly captured the hearts of fans around the world and went on to place second in the competition for her song “Voilà.”

Barbara continues to inspire as this month’s featured artist in Spotify’s EQUAL Global Music Program, which aims to combat gender disparity in the music industry by amplifying and celebrating the work of women creators around the world.

Through our ongoing EQUAL campaign, we’re also extending resources and generating more opportunities for these artists by creating a global, cohesive, branded experience. As global artist of the month, Barbara will also be featured on the cover of our EQUAL Global playlist.

For the Record invited Barbara to turn up the volume and fill in the blanks on her process, inspiration, and advice for other women creators.

The artists who have most inspired me are ____.

Barbara, Jacques Brel, Charles Aznavour, and Nougaro, because they know how to perfectly manipulate words. They are poets and musicians! When I listen to them, I feel that words are as important as musicality. I also love and listen to a lot of classical music. More recently, I’ve been influenced by Nathy Peluso, Sufjan Stevens, and Maria Jose Llergo, among others. 

One piece of advice I’d give other women artists is ____.

Do not make any concessions. Listen to your intuition and your heart. Make the music you love to listen to.

I really think we have to be the first listeners of our music. The advantage of staying true to yourself is that at the end, you won’t have any regrets. If you make mistakes (and you will!) you will feel OK with it because they will be your mistakes. You will embrace them because you’ll learn from them and, in the end, you will be and feel better. In my opinion, the keys to being happy and proud are integrity, authenticity, self-confidence, and always having an open mind, ear, and heart.

One notable moment in my career so far is ____.

Until my first album comes out, it will be the night of Eurovision this year!

My creative process consists of ____. 

I have a million ways of making music. Sometimes I start with the words; other times, I have a melody in mind. Sometimes I have both, and sometimes neither. When that happens, I have to pick up a pencil and ask myself, “Ok, what do you want to say?”

I always try to be easy and gentle on myself and not be judgmental of my “creations,” whether they’re cool or bad. I don’t always have a handle on how they will turn out or how I’ll feel about them. 

One way I’d like to see greater gender equity in the music industry is ____.

The EQUAL Global Music Program is absolutely fabulous. I love the playlists—they allow me to discover women creators from all over the world. The radio and media have the power to elevate a song and make a person’s career. They should expose the world to more women. I really hope one day we’ll have more women at the head of labels and media, too. I’m so happy to be part of a generation of young women who are independent, proud, and who know that to exist, the best person you can count on is YOU. 

One up-and-coming woman artist I’m excited to watch is ____.

I love Silly Boy Blue, November Ultra, P.R2B, Saskia, and Kalika. They are all French women artists who are getting to be big!

My girl-power anthem is ____. 

Qui a décidé ce qu’est la femme? 

Un bouton de rose 

un brun de flamme

Aucun des deux 

ou bien tout à la fois

La femme, la femme, la femme.


Who decides what a woman is?

A rosebud

A sparkling flame

Neither and both at once

Woman, woman, woman.

Keep celebrating Barbara and other women artists on Spotify’s EQUAL Global playlist below:

EQUAL Artist of the Month Jorja Smith Shares Her Advice for Women Creators

Award-winning R&B artist Jorja Smith has made a name for herself in today’s music scene thanks to her soulful jazz-tinged sound and heartfelt lyrics. The British singer-songwriter takes inspiration from her life, penning songs that document her journey to self-discovery and self-confidence. Her work inspires her more than 2 million followers, and she is this month’s featured artist in Spotify’s EQUAL Global Music Program.

The program, which launched in April earlier this year, takes aim at the gender disparity in the music industry by amplifying the work of women creators. It’s part of Spotify’s new campaign, EQUAL, to demonstrate our commitment to fostering equity for women in audio and celebrating their global contributions. To do so, we’re extending resources and generating more opportunities for these artists by creating a global, cohesive, branded experience with EQUAL.

We’re turning up the volume on women artists like Jorja. And, as the global artist of the month, she will be featured on the cover of our EQUAL Global playlist, giving her more visibility around the globe.

In addition to the relatable, resonant themes in her music, Jorja was also selected to join EQUAL because of her efforts to uplift emerging women artists in her work. The song “Bussdown” from the singer’s recent EP features U.K. rapper Shaybo and is a powerful collaboration between two women at the forefront of international music culture. 

To get to know the R&B star, For the Record asked Jorja to fill in the blanks and share her advice for other women using their voices to change the industry.

The artists who have most inspired me are ____.

Amy Winehouse, Nina Simone, Mos Def, Damien Marley, Alicia Keys, Adele . . . I can just keep going because I’m newly inspired by old classics that I hadn’t discovered when I was younger.

One piece of advice I’d give other women artists is ____.

It’s always easier said than done, but just be you because you’re you and you cannot be anyone else. Don’t watch others and think “why aren’t I where they are, I’m not as good,” or out of spite or jealousy. Only watch others to be inspired and motivated, because that’s what we should do as women—want to inspire and uplift each other to be the best versions of ourselves.

One notable moment in my career so far ____.

Moving into my house, putting up my plaques, and sitting back like, “Wow, you did that.”

My creative process consists of ____.

Just getting lost with whatever I start singing or freestyling. Once I start singing, I record because usually I just speak my mind and the lyrics flow. Other times I get melodies down but can’t figure out what to say. I think it’s because what I was trying to say hadn’t happened yet.

One way I’d like to see greater gender equity in the music industry is ____.

More women everywhere. On set, in studio producing, front of house, head of music, publishing companies, and record labels. The list goes on and on. I’m so used to a mixed and balanced team, I sometimes forget that the industry is very male-dominateduntil I get on a set and remember.

One up-and-coming woman artist I’m excited to watch is ____.

Shaybo. She can flow on any beat, and I’m just captured by her love, her realness, and the way she captures how I feel in her bars.

My girl-power anthem right now is ____.

Wildfires” by SAULT because it makes me feel strong.

Keep celebrating Jorja and other women artists on Spotify’s EQUAL Global playlist below:

Get to Know Some of the Women Featured in Spotify’s New EQUAL Music Program

This past March, in celebration of International Women’s Day, Spotify unveiled our new EQUAL hub—our most recent commitment to fostering equity for women in music globally. Today, we’re taking that promise one step further with the launch of our EQUAL Global Music Program.

According to the USC Annenberg study funded by Spotify on representation of women in the music industry, only one in five artists on the charts are women. Yet we know how integral women artists’ influence has been on Spotify and the music industry at large. To begin to upend this disparity, we must amplify the work of women creators by extending our resources and generating more opportunities for these artists, which we’re doing by creating a global, cohesive, branded experience with the EQUAL Global Music Program. We want to do our part: We know that when we give more power to creators, more people listen—and that music shapes the future. So, we’re turning up the volume.

Look out for 35 EQUAL local playlists spanning artists from 50+ countries—from Japan to Argentina, from Malaysia to the UK—as well as our “best-of” flagship EQUAL Global Playlist containing music from EQUAL artists from all around the world. Each month, one artist will be featured on the cover of their respective local playlist, in addition to receiving essential organic and on-platform promotion in their home country and beyond. 

We’re also excited to unveil our Created By Women Playlist to launch within the EQUAL hub, a first-of-its-kind offering featuring 40 songs written, produced, and performed 100% exclusively by women songwriters, producers, and artists from around the world. We’re also relaunching our EQUAL Directory (formerly EQL Directory). This partnership with SoundGirls allows women of all experiences and gender-nonconforming creators to create a profile and claim their space in the community of women changing the game in audio. Finally, we’re creating an EQUAL Board, or a network of organizations joining forces with Spotify to empower women globally. These organizations include She’s the Music (U.S.), Girls Rock Australia Network (Australia), shesaid.so (Italy), MEWEM Europa (Europe), Girl Connected (Canada), Music Women (Germany), and Girls Rock Camp (Brazil).

Can’t wait to hit “play?” We asked some of our EQUAL playlist editors to tell us about some of the inaugural EQUAL artists and why they’re so excited to spotlight them and their work. 

Zoe Wees – Germany 

“We believe many can relate to Zoe and her song ‘Girls Like Us,’ which is about the feeling of insecurity and not fitting in. But above all, it is an empowering anthem and therefore a great fit for our EQUAL launch. At age 18, Zoe Wees has not only proven to be a very honest and emotional songwriter, she also has a powerful voice and is winning fans over, far beyond Germany.”

Saweetie – U.S.

“Saweetie’s own music, as well as her collaborations with Ariana Grande, Bebe Rexha, and Gwen Stefani in recent months, has made it clear that she is a dynamic and versatile force with which to be reckoned. She represents a new class of women artists on the rise who are contributing to building equity in the industry, and her dominance as a woman in her genre speaks to our hypothesis with the EQUAL program that all types of listeners want to listen to women.” 

Griff – UK

What makes Griff an artist that everyone should hear is her unique and boundless ability to create her own world through her music as a singer, songwriter, producer, art director, and fashion designer, as well as her raw and timeless vocals that capture the emotions of her generation.”

Natalia Lafourcade – Mexico

“Natalia Lafourcade has become one of the greatest exponents of Latin music. During the last five years of her career, Natalia has focused on honoring Latin American folk music, magnifying our roots and taking it to places where it has never been before. Listening to Natalia is a sublime experience: In addition to being an exceptional composer, she’s also a great performer—a voice steeped in romanticism and nostalgia that sings love stories to shake and move our soul.”

DUDA BEAT – Brazil

“DUDA BEAT is a strong female artist who has no fear of creating her own space and original sound. She brings this pop-leaning, sophisticated, and very Brazilian-sounding sonority and aesthetics that excite and challenge her listeners. Her music is a perfect expression of contemporary Brazil: very connected to its roots, culture, and origins while at the same time super in touch with modern trends and constantly pushing itself into new directions.”

Nenny – Portugal

Portugal is a small market, so EQUAL is a great showcase for its female artists, and Nenny has the potential to go global. She’s a good example of the mark that Portuguese Afrodescendants are leaving in today’s music, and a singer-rapper with street cred in the male-dominated world of Portuguese hip-hop. Nenny appears to be an Afroportuguese Rihanna showing a strong, unique personality through her lyrics (self-affirmative, proud of her heritage, and also socially conscious) and great flair in her singing.”

BOWKYLION – Thailand

“Bowkylion is a born artist; she writes all her own music and produces it as well. Her signature pop tunes and meaningful lyrics prove that music is universal. Bowkylion is one artist everyone should hear because she was the most-streamed female artist in Spotify Thailand 2020, edging out many top international and local acts, and it’s a great opportunity to introduce her to the rest of the world.”

CHAI – Japan

“‘Be the change that you want to see!’ is the message behind this CHAI song, which we thought was a great fit for the EQUAL program. Their neo-kawaii [new cute] songs, along with the overall positive messages they portray throughout their music, are the main reasons why they should be heard by everyone.”

Gyakie – Ghana

“In a country where there isn’t much opportunity for female musicians, Gyakie is braving the odds and changing the status quo, breaking charts both locally and globally that even her male counterparts have not reached. Her unique blend of traditional Ghanaian highlife with Afropop and R&B, coupled with simple yet relatable lyrics, makes Gyakie an exciting artist to fall in love with.”

Tkay Maidza – Australia

“Tkay is one of the most exciting and dynamic artists to come out of Australia in recent years and is a great example of an artist who is pushing musical boundaries and forging their own path. Tkay’s music is full of individualism, confidence, creativity, honesty, and empowerment—all qualities that we want to encourage and celebrate through EQUAL in Australia. Tkay is consistently taking us by surprise with the way she fuses elements of hip-hop, R&B, indie, electronic, pop, and everything in between and beyond in her music. Her powerhouse vocals are a guide through colourful tracks that both move and challenge listeners.” 

Wendy – South Korea

“With her recent solo EP out, Wendy proves to be a strong artist from Korea with her talent that resonates globally. As one of K-Pop’s most influential artists, Wendy’s voice is powerful yet healing, strong yet sophisticated. Listeners and fans will not only hear but also feel her sense of empathy, warmth and gratitude through her voice and artwork. Through EQUAL, we hope more listeners worldwide can discover Wendy and truly feel the warmth she exudes.”

Find all these amazing artists and more on the EQUAL Global Playlist.

Reaffirming Our Commitment to Combating Inequity

Day after day, we are reminded how far we all still must go to combat racism and systemic inequity in our society and our company. Spotify’s support of the Black community remains unwavering, and our commitment to do more is stronger than ever. We’ve made strides in our efforts, but we still have a long way to go. 

Today, we are sharing our progress and how we plan to do more to continue to fight against racism and injustice.

Combating Racism in Our Workplace

Our commitment to combating inequity and racism starts in our hallways—both physical and virtual—which is why workplace diversity (who we are) and inclusion (how we engage with each other) are both so important to achieve equity. The BLK 5-Star Strategy has helped make a holistic and lasting impact at Spotify through our focus on People, Donations & Fundraising, Policy, Content, and Spotify Culture

Some of our progress so far when it comes to our own people includes: 

  • Launching our Inclusive Hiring Strategy. As of the end of December 2020, representation of Black Spotifiers in the U.S. increased to 8.3% (from 6.4% in June 2020, 5.7% in 2019, and 3.7% in 2017), with 7.2% at Director+ level by the end of December 2020.
  • Reorganizing and expanding the Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DIB) team to encompass DIB Strategy Specialists, Early Career Pipeline, Heart & Soul, Inclusive Hiring, and Social Media & Digital Storytelling teams.
  • Launching the Black Coaching Initiative, with over 60 BLK members participating in executive coaching and 30 BLK members participating in the personal branding academy.
  • Developing an education hub for Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging learning & development.
  • Updating our Racial Equity content on our external career website and expanding our content on DIB via the 2020 Sustainability, Equity, and Impact Report.

Effecting Policy Change

Our commitment to policy change is about using Spotify’s global reach and influence to effect and drive real change. We will do this by supporting legislation and funding organizations that are truly making a difference in the search for racial equity. Our giving initiative provides us with the opportunity to build strategic programs and partnerships focused on empowering the next generation of Black creators. A few examples: 

Empowering and Celebrating Creators On Platform

We’re committed to using our powerful platform to empower and celebrate creators of every race, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, and gender, and curating top audio destinations featuring Black, LGBTQIA+, women, AAPI, and other underrepresented voices. A few examples that we’re proud of:

Last June, in honor of Blackout Tuesday, we stated: On this day—and every day—Spotify will support our employees, friends, partners, artists, and creators in the fight against racism, injustice, and inequity. We are using the power of our platform to stand with Black creators, amplify their voices, and accelerate meaningful conversation and long-needed change.

We continue to stand with the Black community and fight against racism, injustice, and inequity around the world.

Celebrating International Women’s Day With Our New Campaign: EQUAL

Spotify is always dedicated to empowering women creators and giving them a place to share their content with the world. Today, International Women’s Day, we are especially excited to launch a new campaign, EQUAL, to demonstrate our commitment to fostering equity for women in audio and celebrating their global contributions. The campaign will include partnerships, activations, new content experiences, and on- and off-platform support on local, regional, and international levels. Finally, it will also call on users to actively take control of their listening habits, making sure they play more women creators, no matter the day.

On-platform support 

Our new EQUAL hub is a one-stop destination that will highlight the work of women artists and podcasters. Over 200 of our top playlists, like Today’s Top Hits, Viva Latino, and Modus Mio, will feature women on the cover art. Spotify will also work with nonprofit partners such as Girls Make Beats, She’s The Music, Sound Girls, GLAAD, Color of Change, Women in Music, and Women’s Audio Mission to curate specialty playlists that highlight artists who are shaping the future of music.

New content experience

WOMN, a new music + talk show, will release special episodes for International Women’s Day. The content features a diverse group of creators, influencers, and cultural figures discussing women-centered topics, making personal reflections on music that has inspired them, and  encouraging listeners to stream more women too. Guests include record producer and DJ TOKiMONSTA, actor and content creator Jenny Lorenzo, Spotify’s Dope Labs hosts Titi Shodiya and Zakiya Whatley, model and influencer Jazzmyne Robbins, and more.

Off-platform initiatives

Spotify is also making strides off the platform. We are creating a new invite-only EQUAL Board consisting of 15 organizations from around the world. Spotify will provide a one-time grant to each organization, with the goal of finding tangible ways to make the audio industry more equitable for women creators.

We will also be amplifying creators on social media and beyond. This includes highlighting the top-streamed women artists and most popular podcasters from around the globe. For music, Taylor Swift takes the top spot with more than 2.3 billion streams. Ariana Grande is up next, followed by Dua Lipa. Additional top-streamed women artists include Halsey, Karol G, and BLACKPINK.

When it comes to podcasts, Crime Junkie, hosted by Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat, is the most popular podcast from women podcast creators globally. The show is followed by Call Her Daddy’s Alex Cooper. Other popular women podcast creators include: Elise Hu, host of TED Talks Daily; and Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, hosts of My Favorite Murder