Tag: SOS

Turn Up the Heat With Argentina’s and Brazil’s 2024 Songs of Summer

From December to March, as people across the Southern Hemisphere soak up the summer, music often emerges as a powerful representation of a region’s cultures and customs.

This summer, music in Argentina and Brazil reflected each country’s rich cultural diversity. From the infectious vibes of cuarteto to the catchy rhythms of cumbia and the far-reaching sounds of trap and funk music, Spotify served as the main stage for fans to discover and enjoy the hottest hits.

Now that the season has come to an end, we took a closer look at our data to uncover the trends driving streams on Spotify and, of course, which tracks brought the most heat.


On Spotify, listeners in Argentina came in hot this summer. In fact, the creation of playlists with the word “verano” or “summer” in the title was up 70% compared to summer 2023, resulting in more than 25,000 user-generated playlists.

As for which beats were blasted the most, one artist reigned supreme. Luck Ra nabbed three of the top 10 Songs of Summer, with his and KHEAs hit track “HOLA PERDIDA” racking up more than 43 million streams on Spotify in less than two months. Also, his new album QUE NOS FALTE TODO was the first Argentine album to reach Spotify’s Top Global Debut Album chart.

These are the 10 tracks that Argentines streamed the most on Spotify this summer:

      1. HOLA PERDIDA” – KHEA, Luck Ra
      2. Una Foto Remix (feat. Emilia)” – Mesita, Nicki Nicole, Tiago PZK, Emilia
      3. QUE ME FALTE TODO” – Abel Pintos, Luck Ra
      4. La Morocha” – BM, Luck Ra
      5. Young Miko: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 58” – Bizarrap, Young Miko
      6. Inocente” – Roze Oficial, Peipper
      7. La_Original.mp3” – Emilia, TINI
      8. ROZE | DJ TAO Turreo Sessions #22” – DJ Tao, Roze Oficial
      9. Exclusive.mp3” – Emilia
      10. LUNA” – Feid, ATL Jacob

Keep the party going with our Éxitos Argentina playlist.


Our listeners in Brazil were also celebrating with temperature-raising tracks. On Spotify, the creation of playlists with the word “verão” or “summer” in the title was up 38% compared to summer 2023, resulting in more than 20,000 user-generated playlists.

With four of the top 10 Songs of Summer, Ana Castela captivated fans this season. Also known as the “Boiadeira” (Portuguese for “cowgirl”), the singer-songwriter fuses sertanejo, the Brazilian style of country music, with electronic sounds.

These are the 10 tracks that Brazilians streamed the most on Spotify this summer:

      1. Let’s Go 4Dj GBR, MC GH do 7, MC GP, MC PH, MC Ryan SP, Mc Davi, Mc Don Juan, Mc IG, Mc Kadu, Mc Luki, TrapLaudo
      2. Me Leva Pra Casa / Escrito Nas Estrelas / Saudade – Ao VivoLauana Prado
      4. DEJA VU– Ana Castela, Luan Santana
      5. Barulho Do Foguete – Ao VivoZé Neto & Cristiano
      6. Tenho Que Me DecidirBorges, MC PH, Pedro Lotto, WEY, WIU
      7. Canudinho – Ao Vivo– Ana Castela, Gusttavo Lima
      8. Daqui pra SempreManu, Simone Mendes
      9. Dia de FluxoAgroPlay, Ana Castela, LUDMILLA
      10. Fronteira – Ao Vivo” – Ana Castela, Gustavo Mioto

Dive into our PURO CALDO DO VERÃO playlist to discover more hits.

A wave of nostalgia

Beyond the top hits, a notable summer trend spotted by our editorial team in Brazil was an uptick in local artists’ breathing new life into older hits.

To hear even more of the hottest sounds from around Latin America, check out our flagship playlist Viva Latino.

Aumente o Som com as Músicas do Verão de 2024 da Argentina e do Brasil

De dezembro a março, à medida que as pessoas em todo o Hemisfério Sul aproveitam o verão, a música surge frequentemente como uma representação poderosa das culturas e costumes de uma região.

Neste verão, a música na Argentina e no Brasil refletiu a rica diversidade cultural de cada país. Das vibrações contagiantes do cuarteto aos ritmos marcantes da cumbia e os sons abrangentes do trap e do funk, o Spotify serviu como palco principal para os fãs descobrirem e curtirem os sucessos mais quentes.

Agora que a temporada chegou ao fim, analisamos mais de perto nossos dados para descobrir as tendências que impulsionaram os streams no Spotify e, claro, quais músicas deixaram o clima mais quente.


No Spotify, os ouvintes na Argentina chegaram com tudo nesse verão. Na verdade, a criação de playlists com a palavra “verano” (verão) no título aumentou 70% em relação ao verão de 2023, resultando em mais de 25.000 playlists criadas pelos usuários.

Quanto às batidas mais tocadas, um artista reinou supremo. Luck Ra conquistou três das 10 músicas mais escutadas no verão, com sua faixa de sucesso em colaboração com KHEA, “HOLA PERDIDA,” acumulando mais de 43 milhões de streams no Spotify em menos de dois meses. Além disso, seu novo álbum QUE NOS FALTE TODO foi o primeiro álbum argentino a alcançar o chart Top Global Debut Album do Spotify.

Estas são as 10 faixas que os argentinos mais esscutaram no Spotify neste verão: 

      1. HOLA PERDIDA” – KHEA, Luck Ra
      2. Una Foto Remix (feat. Emilia)” – Mesita, Nicki Nicole, Tiago PZK, Emilia
      3. QUE ME FALTE TODO” – Abel Pintos, Luck Ra
      4. La Morocha” – BM, Luck Ra
      5. Young Miko: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 58” – Bizarrap, Young Miko
      6. Inocente” – Roze Oficial, Peipper
      7. La_Original.mp3” – Emilia, TINI
      8. ROZE | DJ TAO Turreo Sessions #22” – DJ Tao, Roze Oficial
      9. Exclusive.mp3” – Emilia
      10. LUNA” – Feid, ATL Jacob

Continue aproveitando o som com a nossa playlist Éxitos Argentina.


Nossos ouvintes no Brasil também curtiram o verão com faixas que elevam as temperaturas. No Spotify, a criação de playlists com a palavra “verão” no título aumentou 38% em relação ao verão de 2023, resultando em mais de 20.000 playlists criadas pelos usuários.

Com quatro das 10 músicas mais escutadas no verão, Ana Castela conquistou os fãs nesta temporada. Também conhecida como “Boiadeira,” a cantora e compositora mistura sertanejo, o estilo country music brasileiro, com sons eletrônicos.

Estas são as 10 faixas que os brasileiros mais escutaram no Spotify neste verão:

      1. Let’s Go 4Dj GBR, MC GH do 7, MC GP, MC PH, MC Ryan SP, Mc Davi, Mc Don Juan, Mc IG, Mc Kadu, Mc Luki, TrapLaudo
      2. Me Leva Pra Casa / Escrito Nas Estrelas / Saudade – Ao VivoLauana Prado
      4. DEJA VU– Ana Castela, Luan Santana
      5. Barulho Do Foguete – Ao VivoZé Neto & Cristiano
      6. Tenho Que Me DecidirBorges, MC PH, Pedro Lotto, WEY, WIU
      7. Canudinho – Ao Vivo– Ana Castela, Gusttavo Lima
      8. Daqui pra SempreManu, Simone Mendes
      9. Dia de FluxoAgroPlay, Ana Castela, LUDMILLA
      10. Fronteira – Ao Vivo” – Ana Castela, Gustavo Mioto

Mergulhe na nossa playlist PURO CALDO DO VERÃO para descobrir mais hits!

Uma onda de nostalgia

Além dos maiores sucessos do momento, uma tendência de verão notável identificada por nossa equipe editorial no Brasil foi o aumento de artistas locais dando nova vida a sucessos antigos.

Para curtir os sons mais quentes da América Latina, acesse a nossa playlist principal Viva Latino.

Sube la temperatura con las canciones del verano 2024 en Argentina y Brasil

De diciembre a marzo, cuando los ciudadanos del hemisferio sur disfrutan del verano, la música se convierte en una poderosa representación de las culturas y costumbres de cada región.

Este verano, la música en Argentina y Brasil reflejó la rica diversidad cultural de cada país. Desde las contagiosas vibraciones del cuarteto hasta los pegadizos ritmos de la cumbia y los sonidos del trap y la música funk, Spotify sirvió de escenario principal para que los fans descubrieran y disfrutaran de los éxitos más populares.

Ahora que la temporada ha llegado a su fin, hemos echado un vistazo más a nuestros datos para descubrir las tendencias que impulsan los streams en Spotify y, por supuesto, qué canciones trajeron más calor.


En Spotify, los oyentes argentinos han entrado en calor este verano. De hecho, la creación de listas de reproducción con la palabra “verano” en el título aumentó un 70% en comparación con el verano de 2023, dando lugar a más de 25.000 listas de reproducción generadas por los usuarios.

En cuanto a los ritmos más escuchados, un artista reinó en la lista. El cuartetero Luck Ra se llevó tres de las 10 mejores canciones del verano, con su éxito “HOLA PERDIDA” junto a KHEA que acumuló más de 43 millones de reproducciones en Spotify en menos de dos meses. Además, su nuevo álbum QUE NOS FALTE TODO fue el primer álbum argentino en llegar a la lista Top Global Debut Álbum de Spotify.

Estas son las 10 canciones que más escucharon los argentinos en Spotify este verano:

      1. HOLA PERDIDA” – KHEA, Luck Ra
      2. Una Foto Remix (feat. Emilia)” – Mesita, Nicki Nicole, Tiago PZK, Emilia
      3. QUE ME FALTE TODO” – Abel Pintos, Luck Ra
      4. La Morocha” – BM, Luck Ra
      5. Young Miko: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 58” – Bizarrap, Young Miko
      6. Inocente” – Roze Oficial, Peipper
      7. La_Original.mp3” – Emilia, TINI
      8. ROZE | DJ TAO Turreo Sessions #22” – DJ Tao, Roze Oficial
      9. Exclusive.mp3” – Emilia
      10. LUNA” – Feid, ATL Jacob

Seguí la fiesta con nuestra playlist Éxitos Argentina.


Nuestros oyentes en Brasil también celebraron el verano con canciones que subieron la temperatura. En Spotify, la creación de listas de reproducción con la palabra “verão” o “verano” en el título aumentó un 38% en comparación con el verano de 2023, lo que dio lugar a más de 20.000 listas de reproducción generadas por los usuarios.

Con cuatro de las 10 mejores canciones del verano, Ana Castela cautivó a los fans esta temporada. También conocida como la “Boiadeira” (vaquera en portugués), la cantautora fusiona el sertanejo, el estilo brasileño de música country, con sonidos electrónicos.

Estas son las 10 canciones más escuchadas por los brasileños en Spotify este verano:

      1. Let’s Go 4” – Dj GBR, MC GH do 7, MC GP, MC PH, MC Ryan SP, Mc Davi, Mc Don Juan, Mc IG, Mc Kadu, Mc Luki, TrapLaudo
      2. Me Leva Pra Casa / Escrito Nas Estrelas / Saudade – Ao Vivo” – Lauana Prado
      4. DEJA VU” – Ana Castela, Luan Santana
      5. Barulho Do Foguete – Ao Vivo” – Zé Neto & Cristiano
      6. Tenho Que Me Decidir” – Borges, MC PH, Pedro Lotto, WEY, WIU
      7. Canudinho – Ao Vivo” – Ana Castela, Gusttavo Lima
      8. Daqui pra Sempre” – Manu, Simone Mendes
      9. Dia de Fluxo” – AgroPlay, Ana Castela, LUDMILLA
      10. Fronteira – Ao Vivo” – Ana Castela, Gustavo Mioto

Sumérgete en nuestra lista de reproducción PURO CALDO DO VERÃO para descubrir más éxitos.

Ola de nostalgia

Más allá de los grandes éxitos, una tendencia notable del verano detectada por nuestro equipo editorial en Brasil fue el aumento de artistas locales que dan nueva vida a éxitos más antiguos.

Para escuchar aún más de los sonidos más candentes de toda América Latina, echa un vistazo a nuestra lista de reproducción destacada Viva Latino.

Turn It Up: Our Songs of Summer Predictions Plus the Hottest Summer Trends

a graphic pink and yellow visual depicting clouds, the sun, hills, and an umbrella

From the dance floor to sandy beaches, people are celebrating the start of summer with sultry songs and temperature-raising tracks—and Spotify is getting right into the mix with our annual Songs of Summer predictions and trends. But first, let’s check out what listeners are streaming around the world.

Tracking the hottest global streams

To help visualize what’s hot worldwide, we’ve created a map that highlights the most popular tunes in more than 100 countries across the Northern Hemisphere. The map will update weekly, starting May 27, to show the latest sizzling tracks from different countries.

Click the white dots on the map below to see what’s trending in far-off destinations. 

The Top Songs of Summer 2022 Reveal a Return to Dance and Nostalgia

Songs of Summer on a fun colored background

Summer 2022 is coming to an end, but the music that soundtracked the past few months of longer days, road trips, festivals, and pool parties is sure to reverberate into the rest of the year. So before you toss those flip-flops to the back of the closet, let’s celebrate the listening trends that brought the heat this summer. 

Top Songs of Summer 

Back in June, Spotify predicted some of the songs that would soundtrack the summer months to come. Now it’s time to reveal what listeners were blasting between May 29 and August 29, 2022. 

Topping the global list with more than 610M streams over the last three months alone is none other than Harry Styleshit As It Was.” It also claimed the top spot in 24 countries around the world including Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Arab Emirates.

The global runner-up and top track in the U.S. this summer is Kate Bush’s now-viral song from 1985,Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God),” which became popularized after being featured prominently in the latest season of Netflix’s Stranger Things. It’s one of the most retro tracks to make it onto Spotify’s Songs of Summer list—37 years after its release. Fans born after the song was originally released are discovering it, with first-time streams from U.S. Gen Zs (aka listeners aged 24 and under) increasing over 7,800% since being featured on the show.

Bad Bunny dominated both the top global and U.S. Songs of Summer lists with tracks like Me Porto Bonito,” “Tití Me Preguntó,” “Ojitos Lindos,” and “Efecto” off his latest album, Un Verano Sin Ti. “Me Porto Bonito,” in particular, is the Song of the Summer in 14 Latin American countries including Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and the Dominican Republic.

It wouldn’t be summer without some brand-new hot girl anthems like Lizzo’s About Damn Time” and Doja Cat’s Vegas (From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ELVIS),” which both landed in the U.S. Top 20 Songs of Summer list. And around the globe, “About Damn Time” and “Vegas” were the top two tracks most frequently added to user-generated hot girl summer playlists on Spotify.

Like what you hear? From sped-up songs to country classics, even more trends have made summer 2022 musically unique, and Spotify’s music editors are tracking their ebbs and flows across genres. Check out what trends our editors across Pop, Dance, Indie, and U.S. Latin had to say.

If you’re looking for more where that came from, check out our editor-curated Summer Hits, Summer Dance Hits, Indie Sunshine, and Verano Forever playlists—plus stream our Songs of Summer playlist below. 

Hot Podcasts of Summer

Whether it was superhero stories, throwback TV commentary, behind-the-scenes anime, or your daily dose of the news, Spotify listeners also tuned into podcasts to stay entertained and in the know this summer. Listeners dove into  . . . 

  • Batman Unburied. The early-summer sensation from Spotify, Warner Bros., and DC is a psychologically thrilling take on the Caped Crusader that took the world by storm. The series, which was adapted into multiple languages, was a hit around the globe and rose to the top of Spotify’s podcast charts in 17 markets worldwide.
  • TV Nostalgia. This summer, the cast of Pod Meets World took fans back in time by rewatching episodes of Boy Meets World and sharing memories and behind-the-scenes moments from the iconic series. Meanwhile, on Back to the Beach with Kristin and Stephen, Kristin Cavallari and Stephen Coletti rewatch Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County for the first time in 18 years. The former sweethearts relive their high school experiences, break down the truth of what happened on and off camera, and share what really happened in Cabo. Both shows have found places at the top of the trending podcasts on Spotify’s summer charts. 
  • SPYxFAMILY. A breakout Spotify Original that came out of Japan, the podcast was released alongside SPYxFAMILY Anime, the anime adaptation of the popular Japanese manga series of the same name. The podcast series, hosted by one of the show’s voice actors, takes fans behind the scenes of SPYxFAMILY, going in-depth on the anime’s backstory and giving insights into each episode. The series has topped the podcast charts in Japan, holding the number one spot for more than a month.
  • The Journal. Every day of the summer (and throughout the year, for that matter), Kate Linebaugh, Ryan Knutson, and the team at The Wall Street Journal take you inside the most important stories, explained through the lens of business. In for a special summer treat? Make sure to check out The Journal’s special three-part series, Hack Me If You Can, published in June.



Find the complete Songs of Summer top lists below. 



Spotify’s most-streamed songs of summer globally:

  1. As It Was” by Harry Styles
  2. Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)” by Kate Bush
  3. Me Porto Bonito” by Bad Bunny, Chencho Corleone
  4. Tití Me Preguntó” by Bad Bunny
  5. Glimpse of Us” by Joji
  6. Ojitos Lindos” by Bad Bunny, Bomba Estéreo
  7. Quevedo: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 52” by Bizarrap, Quevedo
  8. Efecto” by Bad Bunny 
  9. Moscow Mule” by Bad Bunny
  10. Heat Waves” by Glass Animals
  12. About Damn Time” by Lizzo
  13. Late Night Talking” by Harry Styles
  14. Party” by Bad Bunny, Rauw Alejandro
  15. Te Felicito” by Shakira, Rauw Alejandro
  16. STAY (with Justin Bieber)” by The Kid LAROI, Justin Bieber
  17. Tarot” by Bad Bunny, Jhay Cortez
  18. Bam Bam (feat. Ed Sheeran)” by Camila Cabello, Ed Sheeran
  19. Cold Heart – PNAU Remix” by Elton John, Dua Lipa, PNAU
  20. I Ain’t Worried” by OneRepublic

Spotify’s most-streamed songs of summer in the U.S.:

  1. Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)” by Kate Bush
  2. As It Was” by Harry Styles
  3. Me Porto Bonito” by Bad Bunny, Chencho Corleone
  4. Glimpse of Us” by Joji
  5. Tití Me Preguntó” by Bad Bunny
  6. Bad Habit” by Steve Lacy
  7. Jimmy Cooks (feat. 21 Savage)” by Drake, 21 Savage
  8. I Like You (A Happier Song) (with Doja Cat)” by Post Malone, Doja Cat
  9. Late Night Talking” by Harry Styles
  10. About Damn Time” by Lizzo
  11. First Class” by Jack Harlow
  12. WAIT FOR U (feat. Drake & Tems)” by Future, Drake, Tems
  13. Heat Waves” by Glass Animals
  14. Vegas (From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ELVIS)” by Doja Cat
  15. Efecto” by Bad Bunny 
  16. Moscow Mule” by Bad Bunny
  17. Ojitos Lindos” by Bad Bunny, Bomba Estéreo
  18. You Proof” by Morgan Wallen
  19. I Ain’t Worried” by OneRepublic
  20. Party” by Bad Bunny, Rauw Alejandro

*All data was compiled between May 29 and August 29, 2022.

Spotify’s Top Songs and Podcasts of Summer 2021

Another summer has flown by, and with it, the songs and shows that have complimented countless beach days, park hangs, pool lounging, and road trips. Now, as August draws to a close, Spotify is once again announcing the top songs and podcasts that filled listeners’ headphones and speakers this season. 

Songs of the summer

With more than 600 million streams globally between May 29 and August 22, this year’s Spotify Song of the Summer is…  “good 4 u” by “drivers license” breakout star Olivia Rodrigo. 

“good 4 u” claimed the top spot globally, and it also topped the list in markets like the U.S., Australia, Canada, Ireland, Singapore, the U.K., South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates. And since the song’s release on May 14, “good 4 u” has been added to more than 18 million playlists. It also served as the inspiration for more than 325,000 user-generated playlist titles, including: 1,500+ “like a damn sociopath” playlists and 700+ “happy and healthy” playlists.

The next four of the global top five songs took us on a journey around the world. Number two globally was Eurovision winner Måneskin’s Beggin’.” And since everything about this list is thanks to everything about you and how you listen, “Todo De Ti” by Rauw Alejandro was all in for number three. 

Lil Nas X was another summer mainstay for listeners, with “MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)” calling itself fourth on the list, and Doja Cat and SZA’s collab on Kiss Me More,” which kept the summer sizzling, rounded out fifth place.

Quiz: This Week on ‘For the Record’

Think you're up-to-date on the latest in Spotify news, data, and trends? Take our quiz to test just how well you’ve been following along.

1. Spotify’s Songs of Summer predictions are here! Which of the following songs is featured on our playlist?
2. What advice did EQUAL artist of the month Barbara Pravi give other women artists?
3. The new Summer Breakouts playlist is made up of tracks that Spotify’s editorial experts predict will pop off this summer, while also ranking the order in which they appear to fit each user’s taste. How often is this playlist updated?
4. On June 21, Spotify launched “Enjoy Enjaami - Spotify Singles,” a collaboration between Dhee and DJ Snake. It marked the first Spotify Singles recording in which country?
5. This Pride Month, our on- and off-platform campaign encouraged LGBTQIA+ creators, artists, and Spotify employees to:
6. “Body - Remix” by Russ Millions and Tion Wayne and featuring ArrDee, Fivio Foreign, Bugzy Malone, E1 (3×3), ZT (3×3), Buni, and Darkoo, became the first-ever U.K. drill track to be featured on which playlist?
7. Which European contest did Italian rock band Måneskin win most recently?

The Most-Streamed Songs and Podcasts of Summer 2020

The summer of 2020 was unique from the start, with celebrations like Pride and music festivals like Notting Hill Carnival taking place virtually for the first time. But as always, people turned to music and podcasts as lively, consistent sources for comfort and entertainment, both in person and apart. And most notably, they turned to “ROCKSTAR by DaBaby featuring Roddy Ricch, which soared to its spot as the most-streamed song of summer 2020.

With more than 380 million streams between June 1 and August 15, the track has been a mainstay on our global chart and is one of the year’s most-played songs on our flagship RapCaviar playlist. The track’s success is certainly not lost on DaBaby himself.

“I knew ROCKSTAR was going to be a hit while I was creating the record,” the rapper told Spotify. “But to watch the world make it into a global hit is an amazing feeling. God is great!”

Read on for more about the songs that dominated summer, plus, for the first time, the top podcasts. Finally, check out our new digital experience to help you feel some of the summer vibes you may have missed.

Sing along to the top songs of summer

Following DaBaby’s “Rockstar” is The Weeknd’s “Blinding Lights,” which takes the slot for the second-most-streamed song this summer. It racked up just under 340 million streams between June 1 and August 15, and although it was released last November, it speaks to cities being “cold and empty.” In third place is SAINt JHN’s upbeat jam “Roses – Imanbek Remix,” which collected over 280 million streams and was added to many workout playlists.

Harry Styles infused plenty of flavor with “Watermelon Sugar,” which also landed in the top 5. Dua Lipa features twice in the top 20 with “Don’t Start Now” and “Break My Heart,” two tracks featured on the singer-songwriter’s album Future Nostalgia, which she released during quarantine. Ariana Grande also brought double trouble—in the best way possible—with her hit collaborations “Rain On Me” with Lady Gaga and “Stuck with U” with Justin Bieber. Scroll to see the full song list below. 

Get hooked on the top podcasts of summer 

It may have only launched three weeks ago, but that didn’t stop The Michelle Obama Podcast from becoming the top podcast of the summer with millions of listeners. The former first lady took to the mic to speak to listeners on topical themes such as identity, self-care, and family.  

Speaking of topical, listeners were clearly in the mood for plenty of news: NPR News Now and The Daily were the second- and third-most-popular podcasts based on number of listeners between June 1 and August 15. Other top shows include Call Her Daddy, TED Talks Daily, and Harry Potter At Home: Readings, as read by familiar voices like Daniel Radcliffe and Helena Bonham Carter. The mystery obsessed sunk their teeth into Crime Junkie, Last Podcast on the Left, and My Favorite Murder.

Dive into our new digital experience

Didn’t get to take the summer vacation of your dreams this year? Get transported—digitally—to somewhere summery with our new immersive experience, Wish You Were Here. You’ll be able to enjoy some of the season’s biggest hits overlaid with those summer sounds you may have missed: think crashing waves, a sizzling barbeque, or a crackling campfire.

Our 2020 Songs of Summer Predictions Have Arrived Along With Your Summer Rewind

Ahh, summer. Time for long days, warm nights, and outdoor adventures. While this year may look a little different in many parts of the world, one thing’s for sure: music will continue to be the backdrop for the best moments the season has to offer.

So what songs are most likely to soundtrack summer 2020? We turned to our global curation team to find out. They took a look into their crystal ball (a.k.a. current streaming numbers and trends) to come up with Spotify’s official Songs of Summer predictions. The songs that rack up the most streams by summer’s end will join the ranks of past top songs, including Drake’sIn My Feelings” and Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello’s Señorita.”

Speaking of which—for those who are feeling a bit nostalgic for summer days gone by, we’re bringing back an oldie but goodie: Your Summer Rewind. This personalized playlist is comprised of songs listeners had on heavy rotation during previous summers.  

Songs of Summer Predictions

From hip-hop to indie, our 2020 Songs of Summer predictions have a little something for everyone.

Our list includes new hits like DaBaby’sROCKSTAR (feat. Roddy Ricch)” and Megan Thee Stallion’sSavage Remix” (featuring Beyoncé), as well as older tracks like “Watermelon Sugar” by Harry Styles, which was released in 2019 but remains a fan favorite. Plus, as the cultural conversation has shifted on ways to support the Black community, two songs in particular have made a comeback: This is America by Childish Gambino and “Alright” by Kendrick Lamar, both of which are likely to be on repeat all summer long.

And now, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. In no particular order, our list of summer 2020 predictions. 

Ready to get sunglass season started? Stream the official Songs of Summer playlist—which will update all summer long with the hottest hits—below.

Your Summer Rewind

Even if you can’t travel very far this summer, you can take a trip down memory lane with Your Summer Rewind playlist. For each user who has streamed songs during the summer in previous years, we’ve pulled together a personalized mix of past summer jams sure to send you daydreaming. Starting today, the playlist is available to Free and Premium listeners in the Northern Hemisphere on iOS and Android.


If you’re looking for even more music, or are new to Spotify this summer, we’ve got you covered like SPF 50 and a wide-brimmed hat. Check out our Summer Hub to find everything from Your Summer Rewind to a mix of the hottest playlists and podcasts to liven up your summer. Stay cool.

Catching Up with Bazzi after Spotify’s Songs of Summer Soiree

R&B/pop artist Bazzi started making waves in the music world with the 2018 release of his breakout album, Cosmic. But there’s no telling what the stars have in store for the 21-year-old singer, rapper, and producer—and with the start of summer in the U.S., he’s plenty busy.  

Bazzi opened the month of June with his release of “Focus (featuring 21 Savage).” The collaboration revealed the young performer’s genre-blending range and dynamic musical ability. Then, Tuesday night, June 25, Bazzi took to the stage at Spotify’s Songs of Summer Soiree in New York City to celebrate the start of the summer season and Spotify’s Summer Rewind playlist with music and nostalgic trivia of songs from summers past. DJ Steph Cakes played the tables as the sun set over NYC, and then Bazzi took the floor.

How Well Do You Know the Spotify Songs of Summer? Take Our Nostalgia Quiz

It’s (finally) getting hot in the northern hemisphere, which means it’s time to start searching for the perfect summer song. Each year, we release our own predictions on which tracks will be the hottest songs of the season. Now we’re also taking a look back at the tracks that ruled summers past. Take our quiz below to find out if you remember all the artists that soundtracked your summertime.

It's getting hot in here.
So take our summer music quiz.



Just in time for those beach or poolside days, we’re also renewing Your Summer Rewind. The personalized playlist is filled with songs you listened to heavily on Spotify during your past steamy, streaming summers. Users in some regions that celebrate summer starting in June* can find their playlist on the Summer Hub and at spotify.com/rewind.  

*Including United States, Great Britain, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Canada, France, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, Denmark, Finland, Poland, Belgium, Ireland, Czech Republic, Portugal, Austria, Japan, and for the very first time Romania and Israel.