Tag: mexico

RBD, el fenómeno pop mundial, trae su catálogo completo a Spotify

El 4 de octubre de 2004, cuando la telenovela Rebelde fue transmitida en México por primera vez, nadie imaginó la sensación global que se convertiría y mucho menos que daría lugar a una de las agrupaciones musicales más populares de la historia de América Latina: RBD.

Para los muchos millennials que han seguido al grupo pop desde el principio, RBD es parte de su identidad. Durante sus cinco años activos, RBD grabó seis álbumes de estudio en español y luego sus canciones fueron traducidas tanto al inglés como al portugués. Con cada nuevo álbum, lograron constantemente encabezar las listas, ganar numerosos premios y, sobre todo, forjarse un lugar permanente en el corazón de todos sus fanáticos. Ahora, después de 16 años, el catálogo de RBD está disponible en Spotify.

“Me hace muy feliz por todos los fans que han estado con RBD todos estos años y que han luchado por este momento”, dice la cofundadora de la banda, Anahí. “Estoy seguro de que traerá mucha alegría en este momento”.

Desde 2004 hasta 2009, la banda formada por Anahí, Dulce María, Maite Perroni, Christopher von Uckermann, Christian Chávez y Alfonso Herrera realizó tres giras internacionales con más de 860 mil espectadores; rompió récords de velocidad en la venta de boletos en números comparables a los programas de los Backstreet Boys y Britney Spears en América Latina; y acumuló más de 100 clubes de fans en todo el mundo.

La banda alcanzó la fama mundial con baladas memorables y pistas hechas para acompañar una noche de fiesta. Además de México, se destacaron en Brasil, España, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Estados Unidos e incluso Japón, todos países donde obtuvieron múltiples récords de oro, platino y diamantes.

A pesar de haberse separado en 2009, RBD es más relevante que nunca en los oídos de sus fans, que no han dejado de escucharlos ni seguir sus nuevos proyectos. Y ahora, las canciones que marcaron a una generación están en Spotify.

Conoce más sobre lo que le gusta a los integrantes de RBD: 


Canción favorita: Sálvame

This Is Anahí

Dulce María

Última canción en su historial de streaming: Oceans Away de Arizona

Canción favorita de RBD: “No Pares”

Para inspirarse y relajarse escucha playlists de música instrumental

This Is Dulce María


Artista que más admira: Adele
Canción favorita de RBD: “Empezar Desde Cero”
Su canción de Karaoke: Amor prohibido de Selena o Muriendo Lento de Moderatto y Belinda
This Is Maite Perroni


Canción que no puede dejar de escuchar: Another Day in Paradise de Phil Collins.

Soundtrack favorito: Drive

This Is Christopher von Uckermann


Gusto culposo : Que Poca de Ana Bárbara
Descubrimiento más reciente: No bailes sola de Danna Paola y Sebastián Yatra
This Is Christian Chávez 

Conoce a RBD escuchando su catálogo completo en Spotify que incluye Rebelde (2004), Nuestro Amor (2005), Celestial (2006), Rebels (2006), Empezar desde Cero (2007) y Para Olvidarme de Mi (2009), o escucha la playlist This is RBD.

RBD, the Global Pop Phenomenon, Brings Its Entire Catalog to Spotify

On October 4, 2004, when the telenovela Rebelde was broadcast in Mexico for the first time, no one imagined the global sensation it would become, much less that it would give rise to one of the most popular musical groups in the history of Latin America: RBD.

For the many millennials who have followed the pop group from the beginning, RBD is a part of their identity. During their five active years, RBD recorded six studio albums in Spanish and their songs were then translated into both English and Portuguese. With each new album, they managed to consistently top the charts, win numerous awards and, above all, forge a permanent place in the hearts of all their fans. Now, after 16 years, the RBD catalog is available on Spotify.

“It makes me very happy for all the fans who have been with RBD all these years, and who have fought for this moment,” says band cofounder Anahí. “I am sure it will bring a lot of joy at this time.”

From 2004 through 2009, the band formed by Anahí, Dulce María, Maite Perroni, Christopher von Uckermann, Christian Chávez and Alfonso Herrera played three international tours with more than 860 thousand spectators; broke ticket sale speed records in numbers comparable to shows of the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears in Latin America; and amassed more than 100 fan clubs around the world.

The band achieved worldwide fame with memorable ballads and tracks made to accompany a night out. In addition to Mexico, they rose to prominence in Brazil, Spain, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, the United States, and even Japan, all countries where they obtained multiple gold, platinum, and diamond records.

Despite having separated in 2009, RBD is more relevant than ever in the ears of their fans, who have not stopped listening to them or following their new projects. And now, the songs that marked a generation are on Spotify.  

Learn more about your favorite RBD members:


Favorite song: “Sálvame”

This Is Anahí

Dulce Maria

Last song on your streaming history: “Oceans Away” by A R I Z O N A

Favorite RBD song: “No Pares”

For inspiration and relaxation, I listen to: instrumental music playlists

This Is Dulce María


Artist I most admire: Adele

Favorite RBD song: “Empezar Desde Cero”

Go-to karaoke song: “Amor prohibido” by Selena 

This Is Maite Perroni


Song I can’t stop listening to: “Another Day in Paradise” by Phil Collins

Favorite soundtrack: Drive

This Is Christopher von Uckerman


Guilty pleasure: “Que Poca” by Ana Bárbara

Most recent discovery: “No bailes sola” by Danna Paola y Sebastián Yatra

This Is Christian Chávez 

Get to know RBD by listening to their full catalog on Spotify, including Rebelde (2004), Nuestro Amor (2005), Celestial (2006), Rebels (2006), Empezar desde Cero (2007), and Para Olvidarme de Mi (2009), or by streaming our This is RBD playlist.

Mexico’s Kenia OS Has Nailed the Transition From Influencer to Pop Star

In just the first half of 2020, Kenia OS released five singles. Given that she’s only been releasing original music since 2018, it’s a pretty impressive track record. The former internet personality now moves smoothly between Spanish-language pop and hip-hop and has become Mexico’s latest musical breakout.

“It has been a journey full of surprises,” Kenia tells For the Record. “I have achieved goals that never crossed my mind.”

And her journey continues as Mexico’s representative in Spotify’s global emerging artist program, RADAR. The program features artists from over 50 markets worldwide and helps performers at early stages of their careers broaden their fan bases. Awareness of the artists is built through Spotify’s social channels, RADAR playlists curated by Spotify’s editors, and bespoke marketing initiatives.

“Spotify has supported me at all times,” she says. “It has allowed me to reach new people and make my music go further. For this I am very grateful, and I hope to continue creating new things with Spotify.”

Following her 2018 single “Bonita,” which amassed more than 16 million streams, Kenia has enjoyed a dream run of singles. The past six months alone have seen poignant ballads like “Escríbeme” and “Tercera Noche” thrive alongside the percolating bubblegum pop of “Cocteles” and collaborations with Mexican rappers both established (Gera MX on her slinky “Diamantes”) and rising (Alan Jacques on his brashly dreamy “Supernova”).

Connection with the music and communication with the other artists are key to any successful collaboration, reveals Kenia, who has also worked with finger-on-the-pulse producers like 6IXXX and Omar Varela. “It always starts by listening to some song from them that catches my attention (or vice versa), starting to talk, and finally getting the necessary communication to create the collaboration,” she says.

Kenia Os de México ha logrado la transición de Influencer a Pop Star

En tan solo la primera mitad del 2020, Kenia OS ha estrenado ya cinco sencillos y dado que solo lleva en el terreno de la música original desde 2018, es un historial bastante notable. La artista, quien inició siendo una personalidad del Internet, ahora se mueve con fluidez entre el pop y el hip-hop, convirtiéndose en el último descubrimiento musical de México.

“Ha sido un viaje lleno de sorpresas”, le dice Kenia a For the Record, “he logrado objetivos que nunca pasaron por mi mente”.

Y su viaje continúa como representante de México en el programa global de artistas emergentes de Spotify, RADAR. El programa presenta artistas de más de 50 mercados en todo el mundo y ayuda a los artistas en las primeras etapas de sus carreras a ampliar sus bases de admiradores. La difusión, que busca un mayor reconocimiento de los artistas, se construye a través de las redes sociales de Spotify, la lista de reproducción RADAR – curada por los editores de Spotify – e iniciativas de marketing a la medida.

“Spotify me ha apoyado en todo momento”, dice ella. “Me ha permitido llegar a nuevas personas y hacer que mi música vaya más allá. Por esa razón estoy muy agradecida y espero seguir creando cosas nuevas con Spotify”.

Después de su sencillo de 2018 “Bonita“, que acumuló más de 16 millones de streams, Kenia ha disfrutado de una muy buena racha de sencillos. Solo en los últimos seis meses hemos visto prosperar tanto a sus baladas conmovedoras “Escríbeme” y “Tercera Noche“, como al burbujeante pop de “Cocteles“. Además ha tenido colaboraciones con raperos mexicanos establecidos (Gera MX  en Diamantes“) o en ascenso (Alan Jacques en Supernova“).

Spotify’s ‘Sandra’ Podcast Goes Global—and Local—With ‘Sara,’ ‘Susi,’ ‘Sonia,’ and ‘Sofia’ Debuting in France, Germany, Mexico, and Brazil

In April 2018, Gimlet (now a Spotify company) launched Sandra, a seven-part fictional drama depicting a world where artificial intelligence isn’t so artificial. With big names (and voices) like Alia Shawkat (Helen), Kristin Wiig (Sandra), and Ethan Hawke (Dustin), the show launched to critical acclaim. And due to its relevant themes of technology, security, and self-actualization, Spotify deemed it a story worth telling listeners around the world. 

So on Tuesday, July 7, Spotify and Gimlet will premiere an exclusive localized version of the Sandra podcast in four markets: France, Germany, Brazil, and Mexico. The show has not only been translated into each local language—it’s also been specially adapted via a culturally relevant name (Sara in France, Susi in Germany, Sonia in Mexico, and Sofia in Brazil), a customized storyline, and more.

Other podcasts have been translated, but these Sandra adaptations will be the first truly localized adaptations ever made of a hit fictional podcast. The Spotify Studios teams in France, Germany, Brazil, and Mexico have worked with local directors to adapt the script, cast local talent, and reimagine the podcast with an appreciation for local culture, language, and nuance. In each market, the podcast has an A-list cast mixed with traditional TV and film actors as well as digital creators and influencers. 

Take a look at the names behind each market’s version and the unique spin the creators have taken to make it their own.

France — Sara

  • Starring Virginie Efira as Sara (Sandra), Natoo as Helen, and Stéphane De Groodt as Dustin
  • Biggest change for Sara: “The geographical localization of the story is a change which required a lot of thinking. We needed to find the French equivalent of Helen’s hometown, a small city with little perspective and excitement. But it also needed to fit the story’s actions in a realistic manner. Which French city is close enough to a prison so that you can go and come back in a day as Helen does when she visits her husband? This is how Guymon became Ruffec, in the French region of Charentes.” – Claire Hazan, Head of Studios, France & Benelux
  • Biggest challenge for Sara:Keeping the original rhythm and dynamic of a scene is something that can be tricky when changing languages. The words can be longer or shorter, they can impact how a sentence feels, the duration of a whole scene and, in the end, the pace of the story. We chose to work with a production studio who developed a very specific creative response to that issue. They created a tool which synchronizes the soundwave of the original English-speaking audio and the words in French. It has greatly helped our actors to find the right tone and rhythm for their acting.” – Claire Hazan, Head of Studios, France & Benelux

Germany – Susi

  • Starring Martina Hill as Susi (Sandra), Almila Bagriacik as Sara (Helen), and Bastian Pastewka as Jens (Dustin)
  • Biggest change for Susi: “All the little details that will make it authentic to the German audience. For example, the big change is in where the story is set and things you can hear in the background—watch out for the TV program in one scene.” – Saruul Krause-Jentsch, Spotify Head of Studios Germany
  • Biggest challenge for Susi: “We ended up casting quite big names even for the smallest roles which, obviously, made scheduling and recording difficult from time to time. But after hearing the result, that was all worth it.” – Saruul Krause-Jentsch, Spotify Head of Studios Germany

Mexico – Sonia

Brazil – Sofia

  • Biggest change for Sonia and Sofia: “This is our first podcast project on a global scale on Spotify. Our expectations are high with Sonia in Mexico and Sofia in Brazil.” – Javier Piñol, Head of Spotify Studios in Latin America and U.S. LatinX audiences
  • Biggest challenge for Sonia and Sofia: “Our main challenge when it comes to adapting a global project is that it doesn’t always allow you to introduce some local tones and nuances, but when we decided that Sandra would go global, we agreed on one common goal: to adapt it to the local culture. And that’s exactly what we did by having a local production and casting these talents. The result couldn’t be better.” – Javier Piñol, Head of Spotify Studios in Latin America and U.S. LatinX audiences

The Sandra adaptation marks a podcasting milestone across the world. “Spotify is uniquely positioned to grow podcasting globally, but we know our customers also want authentic local programming,” says Courtney Holt, Global Head of Studios and Video, Spotify. “Adapting Sandra is a great example of that. By thinking and programming locally, and using our creative teams on the ground in each market, we’re able to develop a show that feels like a German, or French, or Mexican, or Brazilian podcast, rather than a translation. Sandra was also Gimlet’s first scripted podcast when it launched in 2018. The fact that podcasting, and specifically Sandra, has drawn such a group of A-List talent in each market is also a great endorsement of the medium growing at a global scale.”

Missed out on the original? Stream Sandra below.

Get to Know the Finalists for the 2020 Spotify Awards

The first ever Spotify Awards are just a few weeks away, and the countdown is on. The event, being held in Mexico City on March 5, is an award show based entirely on user-generated data from our listeners in Mexico.* So your plays, patterns, and habits not only count, but they’re going to determine the award categories, finalists, and winners.

The Spotify Awards are a true reflection of what you—the fans in Mexico—are listening to. So without further ado, meet the finalists for the 12 main Spotify Awards categories.

There will be 44 more categories in total shared on social media and the green carpet, in addition to the twelve above that will be broadcast. So tune into TNT if you are in Latin America or Telemundo and Universo if you are in the United States, visit the official site to learn more about the rest of the categories, and stream the artists from the Spotify Awards hub.

* Spotify Awards data from Mexican users with the exception of “Most streamed Mexican artist outside of Mexico”

Conoce a los finalistas de los Spotify Awards 2020

Los primeros Spotify Awards están a tan sólo unas semanas de llegar y la cuenta regresiva ya empezó, el evento se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de México el próximo 5 de marzo. Estos premios están basados cien por ciento en la data de escucha de nuestros usuarios en México*. Así que tus plays, patrones y hábitos de escucha no solo cuentan, sino que van a determinar las categorías, finalistas y ganadores de los premios. 

Los Spotify Awards son el verdadero reflejo de lo que ustedes, fans en México, están escuchando. Así que, sin más preámbulo, conoce a los 12 finalistas de las categorías principales de los Spotify Awards. 

Habrá más de 44 categorías en total, las cuales serán entregadas en redes sociales y en la Alfombra Verde, 12 de estas se transmitirán en vivo. Así que sintoniza la señal de TNT si estás en Latinoamérica o Telemundo y Universo si estás en Estados Unidos, visita el sitio oficial para conocer con más detalle las categorías que se van a premiar, y escuchar a los artistas finalistas en el espacio dedicado a Spotify Awards


*La data para los Spotify Awards corresponde a usuarios mexicanos con excepción del “Artista de México más escuchado en el mundo”.

From the Illuminati to Yale’s Skull and Bones, Explore the World of Underground Organizations in Parcast’s New Podcast, ‘Secret Societies’

Yale’s Skull and Bones, the Carbonari, the Black Hand, Illuminati—what do these organizations all have in common? They’re all some of the most-whispered-about underground clubs in the world and the subject of Parcast’s new original podcast, Secret Societies.

The series will bring listeners on a journey through hidden passageways into the mysterious realm of assassin sects, high society clubs, and powerful political cabals. The show explores each society—filled with conspiracies ranging from shadow figures to unknown rituals—in two episodes that expose the people and context responsible for the organization’s founding and analyze the psychology behind their beliefs.

“Secret societies are intriguing across cultures and aren’t specific to one region in the world—they exist everywhere and are unknown, mysterious entities that are universally intriguing,” says Max Cutler, founder and managing director of Parcast, a Spotify company.

While the societies may be secret, Parcast is letting the cat out of the bag. As a way to tap into that universal intrigue, the series is being launched simultaneously in the U.S., Brazil, and Mexico—a first in the podcast space.

“Brazil and Mexico are two of Spotify’s fastest-growing markets in terms of podcasting,” Cutler says. “We’re seeing phenomenal traction and encouraging growth in the overall podcast ecosystem there, so it was a natural fit for us to run this first global launch in the three countries.”

Dive deep into the first episode on Yale’s Skull and Bones club below and stay tuned for new episodes every Thursday.

Your Daily Podcasts Playlist Makes Finding Your Next Favorite Show Easier Than Ever

You’ve just binged your favorite podcast and you’re finally caught up. But now you have to wait an entire week until the next episode. Now what? With so many great podcasts on Spotify, it can be hard to know what to listen to next. Thanks to our latest personalized playlist, it’s now easier than ever. 

Spotify transformed music discovery with playlists like Discover Weekly and Daily Mix. Now we’ve created Your Daily Podcasts—our first daily personalized podcast playlist that gives users an easy way to discover new shows while also keeping up with old favorites. If you’ve listened to at least four podcasts in the past 90 days, you’ll find the playlist in the “Your Top Podcasts” shelf on Home or in the “Made For You” hub on browse.

Here’s how Your Daily Podcasts works:

  1. Spotify’s algorithms analyze your podcast behavior—like recent streams and follows.
  2. Then, based on your listening history and the podcast type, we’ll recommend the next best episodes for you.
  3. That might be the next sequential episode in a podcast you’re already listening to (think Dog Tales and How’s Work with Esther Perel), a recent stand-alone evergreen episode in another show (maybe Amy Schumer Presents: 3 Girls 1 Keith or Certified Buckets), or a timely episode from a daily updating podcast (like Horoscope Today or The Journal).  
  4. Don’t worry—no spoilers here! If you’ve never listened to a story-driven sequential show we think you’d like, you’ll get the trailer or pilot episode first—to see if it catches your eye (er, ear).

Free and Premium users in the U.S., U.K., Germany, Sweden, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand can check out their Your Daily Podcasts playlist, now available on Spotify.

Discover a Decades-Old Murder in ‘Fausto,’ the First True Crime Spotify Original Podcast for Mexico and Latin America

In December of 1991, a family was mysteriously murdered in Ecatepec, Mexico. The event drew the media’s attention to the town—one that would soon be notorious for its high rates of crime and serial killings. Now, the world can tune in to hear how the case eventually unraveled on Fausto, the first true crime Spotify original podcast for Mexico and Latin America. 

Fausto—the name the local police gave to the file that contained murder cases—is the third original Spotify production for Mexico after Tlatelolco: La Plaza en Movimiento and NRDWARE. The eight-episode Spanish language series is based on a year-long investigation. Each installment recreates the events for listeners through testimonies from real people involved with the case.

One of those people is Agent Fabian Roldán. The multiple homicide at the heart of the story was the biggest case in his 40-year law enforcement career. On Fausto, he gives his first-person account of how the crime was solved.

Narrating the shocking tale is Mexican actor Damián Alcázar, who has been in more than 60 films, been nominated for 30 international awards, and received more than 25 awards throughout his career. You might recognize him for portraying Colombian drug lord Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela on the Netflix series Narcos.

Descubre la historia de un asesinato múltiple en Fausto, el primer podcast original de Spotify sobre crímenes reales en México y Latinoamérica

En diciembre de 1991, una familia fue asesinada misteriosamente en el municipio de Ecatepec, Estado de México. Con un móvil completamente incierto y circunstancias inusuales, este caso de tres décadas atrás llamó la atención de la prensa hacia la localidad, que pronto sería notoria por sus altos índices de delincuencia y homicidios seriales. Ahora, el mundo puede escuchar cómo fue que el caso finalmente se resolvió en Fausto, el primer podcast original de Spotify sobre crímenes reales para México y América Latina.

Fausto, el nombre que la policía local le dio al expediente que contenía casos de asesinato en la agencia ministerial, es la tercera producción original de Spotify para México después de Tlatelolco: La Plaza en Movimiento y NRDWARE. La serie de ocho episodios se basa en una investigación de un año. Cada entrega recrea los eventos para los oyentes a través de testimonios de personas involucradas en el caso.

Una de esas personas es el agente Fabián Roldán. El homicidio múltiple en el corazón de la historia fue el caso más grande en su carrera policial de 40 años. En Fausto, da su relato en primera persona de cómo se resolvió el crimen.

Como narrador de esta impactante historia está el actor mexicano Damián Alcázar, con una trayectoria de más de 60 películas, ha sido nominado a 30 premios internacionales y recibido más de 25 premios a lo largo de su carrera. Seguramente lo conocerás por interpretar al narcotraficante colombiano Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela en la serie Narcos de Netflix.

How Trap Met Corrido: The Fusion Genre Taking Over Mexico

One thing is certain in music this year: trap is everywhere. The hip-hop movement, which started in Atlanta, has since spawned microgenres around the world. Today, trap spin-offs include everything from the language-specific interpretations of trap en español, deutsch trap and Arabic trap to rhythmically experimental movements, such as trap funk, trap and bass, or even float tank trap. If there were ever a genre representative of how music transcends and influences cultures, it’s this one. Now there’s a new take hitting the airwaves, inspired by life in northern Mexico and along the US-Mexico border: trap corrido.

At first blush, the idea of trap mixed with corrido (Mexico’s accordion-laced regional folk ballads that date back to the 19th century and include “La Cucaracha”) might seem unlikely to work. But for pioneers in the genre such as Alemán, the rapping duo La Plebada, and nuevo corrido band Grupo Codiciado—who recently collaborated with emerging trap star Gera MX— the combination was meant to be.

After all, as the rappers behind La Plebada, Fntxy, and Cozy Cuz point out, if you grew up in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, corrido and hip-hop were everywhere. The 29-year-old Fntxy told For the Record that listening to his grandmother’s corrido ballads was his first musical memory. Corrido is in his blood, but, he said, he couldn’t sing, so he “had to rap.” Fusing the two genres came naturally to the duo. “One day, we recorded with a guitar, the next day with a beat, and the next day we invented a genre that didn’t exist,” Fntxy told us.  

La Plebada

For Grupo Codiciado, based in Tijuana, the decision to combine corrido with trap was much more deliberate. Collaborating with Gera MX gave them the chance to push the creative limits of corrido. Erick Aragón, the band’s 26-year-old lead singer, originally founded Grupo Codiciado because the more traditional corrido groups he was playing in wouldn’t allow him to experiment with the genre. When he found out Gera MX was not only a fan of corrido, but keen to collaborate, he reached out to his fellow Mexican artist. After throwing a few ideas around on Whatsapp, they headed to the studio to record “Ahí Les Va,” a punchy track with a guitar-derived rhythm, and another single that comes out in July.

Right now, there are no hard and fast rules around trap corrido, and there’s a sense of experimentation each time someone puts the two together. What elements will they take from trap? What will they take from corrido? While musically, corrido’s most signature sounds are the use of the accordion and the bajo sexto (a type of 12-string guitar specific to Mexico), it’s also a cultural and lyrical phenomenon rooted in a tradition of telling stories about what young men do on a daily basis—drive around, party, and hang out.

Both trap and corrido are “genres of the street,” says Alemán. As he outlines life in northern Mexico, the rapper, who hails from Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, prefers to combine the two by overlaying trap beats with lyrics that take their cues thematically from corrido. Rather aptly, the music video for his single “Rucón,” features a corrido-inspired aesthetic. Dressed in button-up shirts, tejana hats, and vaquero boots, Aleman raps, “esto es 100% México,” (this is 100 Mexico) over a traditional trap beat.


For Grupo Codiciado, the oral history tradition of corrido and its role in building an identity and passing along information to the next generation has been just as important as perfecting the trap beat.When composing, Aragón draws on his experiences with immigration and crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. He said, “As a singer, you have the opportunity to share messages. The next generation, they don’t know, but they can learn from your path.” Navigating the expectations of both genres has been part of the process. However, at least according to La Plebada, the reaction has been enthusiastic, even from those they didn’t expect to like their music.

After their first single, Los Plebes,” dropped, Noisey described trap corrido as “trap para los niños del rancho” (trap for kids from the ranch). Both Fntxy and Cozy Cuz chuckled at this description. “Totally,” they said. “We make music for people from el rancho, and who aren’t from el rancho. It’s very much about the lifestyle of the area: the horses, the roosters, the cows, the beach. To us, the music is almost nostalgic—for the people who no longer live there, and for the people who live this day-to-day. ” As they told For the Record, it’s about paying homage to their roots on the ranch, but in a modern way.

In the mood for more regional trap? Check out Trapperz Mexa for the best and latest coming out of Mexico.