Tag: Batman Unburied

‘França e o Labirinto’ Launches as the First Brazilian-Produced Spotify Original Scripted Audio Series

Spotify fans in Brazil love a good scripted audio story, as evidenced by the popularity of series like Sofia, Batman Despertar, and Paciente 63Portuguese-language adaptations of the AI-themed drama Sandra, the superhero smash hit Batman Unburied, and the Chilean sci-fi thriller Caso 63, respectively. Paciente 63 even spent three weeks as the country’s most popular podcast on Spotify. 

And starting today, listeners will be able to dig into a new Spotify Original audio series: França e o Labirinto. The Portuguese-language thriller is our biggest fiction-based audio production in Brazil to date, and the first Spotify audio series to be fully produced in the country. 

França e o Labirinto follows private detective Nelson França on a thrill ride as he attempts to solve a murder that feels all too familiar. For years, Nelson helped the police on investigations, including the one that led to the arrest of a famous serial killer. Now, decades later, a new victim is found and França knows it’s the same criminal. This chase will send him down a trail filled with ghosts from his past. And that trail is even harder to navigate when you’re legally blind.  

Over the course of the show’s 13 episodes, Nelson’s sense of hearing is vital to helping him solve this mystery. And to immerse listeners deeper into França’s perspective, França e o Labirinto is the first Spotify Original audio series to deliver lifelike 3D audio through binaural recording techniques, which use two microphones separated by the width of a head to replicate the way our hearing works in real life.

Created in partnership with Jovem Nerd, the Brazilian media platform known for its popular podcast NerdCast, França e o Labirinto features Jovem Nerd founders Alexandre Ottoni and Deive Pazos as showrunners, and actor Selton Mello as the voice of Nelson.

To learn more about the show’s creation, as well as the rising popularity of scripted audio series across Brazil, For the Record spoke with Camila Justo, Spotify Production Operations Lead for Latin America.

França e o Labirinto is the first Spotify Original audio series to be fully produced in Brazil. It’s an exciting achievement!

Being able to produce 100% Brazilian content is an incredible opportunity to explore our identity and culture in an authentic way. Brazilians love fiction content, and França e o Labirinto is a very high-quality thriller. 

The production was a long process that involved more than 100 people between the technical team and the voice actors. We understood that what we were doing was something innovative, and we went through the different stages always focusing on quality.

What sort of success have you seen with fiction podcasts in Brazil to date?

Brazil is a country that consumes a lot of soap operas and series, so fictional content is already part of Brazilian culture. This gave us some indication that adapting fictional podcasts could be a big success. But listener engagement in Brazil went even further. Sofia, Batman Despertar, and Paciente 63 were all among the top podcasts on Spotify following their respective releases, and are still in the top 10 of Brazil’s most popular scripted audio series on Spotify to date. In addition, Paciente 63 won the APCA Award for Best Podcast of 2021.

Why is it important for countries to have innovative stories tailored to their audiences?

Innovating stories and initiatives for audiences in your country and language helps create a deeper connection, a greater identification between the story and the listener. This increases relatability, understanding, and engagement, leading to more meaningful experiences and stronger connections between creators and their audiences.

This new podcast uses binaural audio technology to allow the listener to be immersed in the main character’s perspective. How will this sound different for listeners?

3D audio technology has the capacity to deliver a seamless illusion of alternative reality and change the way we relate to and behave in sound. This resource helps in the construction of immersive narratives, enhancing the experience for the listener. 

Since we wanted the listener to be totally immersed in the main character, this was the best way to provide that experience. The listener will hear and feel everything that the main character feels—if someone whispers in his ear, they will whisper in your ear.

What was the scripting process like?

The script was developed by Leonel Caldela and Fábio Yabu, and also included consultation and revision by Lucas Radaelli, a visually impaired person who gave valuable input, since the main character is blind. 

Work on the script started in 2018, when Jovem Nerd first had the idea for the show. We then started working with them in 2019, and we suggested some ideas that would offer total immersion into the main character. We wanted the main character, França, to be present in every scene, so we opted against using flashbacks or narration.

Can you share some of the collaborators and talent Spotify worked with to bring this story to life. 

For França e o Labirinto, we’ve partnered with some of the best talent in Brazil. The creators and showrunners are Jovem Nerd’s founders, who have been in this audio universe for 20 years, and their show NerdCast is one of the most popular podcasts on Spotify, with more than 1.5 million monthly streams. 

In terms of voice talent, we have Selton Mello, a well-known and recognized actor in Brazil for major roles in TV, cinema, and dubbing. We also have a dream team of Brazilian voice actors including Luiz Carlos Persy, Maíra Góes, and Jorge Lucas, among others. And we have special appearances by Igão and Mítico, hosts of the Spotify Original podcast Carona Podpah, as well as screenwriter and comedian Antônio Tabet. The voice talents were also directed by the talented Fernanda Barone.

What do you see as the future of the fiction podcast genre in Brazil? 

I look forward to seeing the fiction podcast genre continue to grow and diversify in Brazil. We hope that França e o Labirinto will inspire many independent creators to venture into the podcast universe and explore different types of formats and styles. 

Ready to follow along with França as he tracks down a mysterious serial killer for a second time? Stream all 13 episodes of França e o Labirinto by pressing play below. 

‘França e o Labirinto’ estreia como a primeira audiossérie com roteiro original do Spotify produzida no Brasil

Os fãs do Spotify no Brasil adoram uma boa história em áudio com roteiro, como evidenciado pela popularidade das audiosséries Sofia, Batman Despertar e Paciente 63 – adaptações em português do drama com tema de IA Sandra, do sucesso de super-heróis Batman Unburied e do thriller de ficção científica chileno Caso 63, respectivamente. O Paciente 63 chegou a passar três semanas como o podcast mais popular do país no Spotify. 

E a partir de hoje, os ouvintes poderão se aprofundar em uma nova audiossérie Original Spotify: França e o Labirinto. O thriller em português é a nossa maior produção de áudio de ficção no Brasil até o momento, e a primeira áudiossérie do Spotify a ser totalmente produzida no país. 

França e o Labirinto acompanha o detetive particular Nelson França em uma saga emocionante enquanto ele tenta solucionar um assassinato que parece familiar demais. Durante anos, Nelson ajudou a polícia em investigações, incluindo a que levou à prisão de um famoso serial killer. Agora, décadas depois, uma nova vítima é encontrada e França sabe que se trata do mesmo criminoso. Essa perseguição o levará a uma trilha repleta de fantasmas de seu passado. E essa trilha é ainda mais difícil de navegar quando se é totalmente cego.  

Ao longo dos 13 episódios da série, o senso de audição de Nelson é vital para ajudá-lo a resolver esse mistério. E para mergulhar os ouvintes ainda mais na perspectiva do detetive, França e o Labirinto é a primeira audiossérie Original Spotify a oferecer áudio 3D, por meio de técnicas de gravação binaural, que usam dois microfones separados pela largura de uma cabeça para reproduzir a forma como nossa audição funciona na vida real.

Criada em parceria com a Jovem Nerd, a plataforma de mídia brasileira conhecida por seu popular podcast NerdCast, França e o Labirinto conta com os fundadores do Jovem Nerd, Alexandre Ottoni e Deive Pazos, como showrunners, e o ator Selton Mello como a voz de Nelson.

Para saber mais sobre a criação do programa, bem como sobre a crescente popularidade das audiosséries no Brasil, o For the Record conversou com Camila Justo,  líder de produção de podcasts do Spotify para a América Latina.

França e o Labirinto é a primeira audiossérie original do Spotify a ser totalmente produzida no Brasil. É uma conquista enorme!

Poder produzir conteúdo 100% brasileiro é uma oportunidade incrível para explorar nossa identidade e cultura de forma autêntica. Os brasileiros adoram conteúdo de ficção, e França e o Labirinto é um thriller de altíssima qualidade. 

A produção foi um longo processo que envolveu mais de 100 pessoas entre a equipe técnica e os dubladores. Entendemos que o que estávamos fazendo era algo inovador e, por isso, passamos por diferentes etapas, sempre com foco na qualidade.

Qual tipo de sucesso você obteve com os podcasts de ficção no Brasil até o momento?

O Brasil é um país que consome muitas novelas e séries, portanto, o conteúdo de ficção já faz parte da cultura brasileira. Isso nos deu algumas indicações de que as adaptações de podcasts de ficção poderiam ser um grande sucesso. Mas o engajamento dos ouvintes no Brasil foi ainda mais longe. Sofia, Batman Despertar e Paciente 63 ficaram entre os melhores podcasts do Spotify após seus respectivos lançamentos e ainda estão entre as 10 séries de áudio mais populares de ficção no Spotify até hoje. Além disso, o Paciente 63 ganhou o prêmio APCA de melhor podcast de 2021.

Por que é importante que os países tenham histórias inovadoras adaptadas a seus públicos?

Inovar histórias e iniciativas para o público de seu país e idioma ajuda a criar uma conexão mais profunda, uma maior identificação entre a história e o ouvinte. Isso aumenta a capacidade de relacionamento, a compreensão e o envolvimento, levando a experiências mais significativas e a conexões mais fortes entre os criadores e seus públicos.

Essa nova produção usa a tecnologia de áudio binaural para permitir que o ouvinte fique imerso na perspectiva do personagem principal. Como isso soará diferente para os ouvintes?

A tecnologia de áudio 3D tem a capacidade de proporcionar uma ilusão perfeita de realidade alternativa e mudar a maneira como nos relacionamos e nos comportamos em relação ao som. Esse recurso ajuda na construção de narrativas imersivas, aprimorando a experiência do ouvinte. 

Como queríamos que o ouvinte ficasse totalmente imerso no personagem principal, essa foi a melhor maneira de proporcionar essa experiência. O ouvinte ouvirá e sentirá tudo o que o personagem principal sente – se alguém sussurrar no ouvido dele, sussurrará no seu ouvido.

Como foi o processo de criação do roteiro?

O roteiro foi desenvolvido por Leonel Caldela e Fábio Yabu, e também contou com a consultoria e revisão de Lucas Radaelli, um deficiente visual que deu uma contribuição valiosa, já que o personagem principal é cego. 

O trabalho no roteiro começou em 2018, quando o Jovem Nerd teve a ideia da audiossérie. Começamos a trabalhar com eles em 2019 e sugerimos algumas ideias para proporcionar uma imersão total no personagem principal. Queríamos que o personagem principal, França, estivesse presente em todas as cenas, por isso optamos por não usar flashbacks ou narração.

Você poderia compartilhar alguns dos parceiros e talentos com os quais o Spotify trabalhou para dar vida a essa história? 

Para França e o Labirinto, fizemos uma parceria com alguns dos melhores talentos do Brasil. Os criadores e showrunners são os fundadores do Jovem Nerd, que estão nesse universo de áudio há 20 anos, e seu programa NerdCast é um dos podcasts mais populares do Spotify, com mais de 1,5 milhão de streams mensais. 

Em termos de atores de voz, temos Selton Mello, um ator conhecido e reconhecido no Brasil por grandes papéis na TV, cinema e dublagem. Também temos um time dos sonhos de dubladores brasileiros, incluindo Luiz Carlos Persy, Maíra Góes e Jorge Lucas, entre outros. E temos as participações especiais de Igão e Mítico, apresentadores do podcast Original Spotify Carona Podpah, além do roteirista e comediante Antônio Tabet. Além disso, todos os talentos de voz foram dirigidos pela talentosa Fernanda Barone.

O que você vê como o futuro do gênero podcast de ficção no Brasil? 

Estou ansiosa para ver o gênero de podcast de ficção continuar crescendo e se diversificando no Brasil. Esperamos que o França e o Labirinto inspire muitos criadores independentes a se aventurar no universo dos podcasts e a explorar diferentes formatos e estilos. 

Pronto para acompanhar  França na busca de um misterioso serial killer pela segunda vez? Escute todos os 13 episódios de França e o Labirinto dando o play abaixo.

The Top Songs of Summer 2022 Reveal a Return to Dance and Nostalgia

Songs of Summer on a fun colored background

Summer 2022 is coming to an end, but the music that soundtracked the past few months of longer days, road trips, festivals, and pool parties is sure to reverberate into the rest of the year. So before you toss those flip-flops to the back of the closet, let’s celebrate the listening trends that brought the heat this summer. 

Top Songs of Summer 

Back in June, Spotify predicted some of the songs that would soundtrack the summer months to come. Now it’s time to reveal what listeners were blasting between May 29 and August 29, 2022. 

Topping the global list with more than 610M streams over the last three months alone is none other than Harry Styleshit As It Was.” It also claimed the top spot in 24 countries around the world including Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Arab Emirates.

The global runner-up and top track in the U.S. this summer is Kate Bush’s now-viral song from 1985,Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God),” which became popularized after being featured prominently in the latest season of Netflix’s Stranger Things. It’s one of the most retro tracks to make it onto Spotify’s Songs of Summer list—37 years after its release. Fans born after the song was originally released are discovering it, with first-time streams from U.S. Gen Zs (aka listeners aged 24 and under) increasing over 7,800% since being featured on the show.

Bad Bunny dominated both the top global and U.S. Songs of Summer lists with tracks like Me Porto Bonito,” “Tití Me Preguntó,” “Ojitos Lindos,” and “Efecto” off his latest album, Un Verano Sin Ti. “Me Porto Bonito,” in particular, is the Song of the Summer in 14 Latin American countries including Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and the Dominican Republic.

It wouldn’t be summer without some brand-new hot girl anthems like Lizzo’s About Damn Time” and Doja Cat’s Vegas (From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ELVIS),” which both landed in the U.S. Top 20 Songs of Summer list. And around the globe, “About Damn Time” and “Vegas” were the top two tracks most frequently added to user-generated hot girl summer playlists on Spotify.

Like what you hear? From sped-up songs to country classics, even more trends have made summer 2022 musically unique, and Spotify’s music editors are tracking their ebbs and flows across genres. Check out what trends our editors across Pop, Dance, Indie, and U.S. Latin had to say.

If you’re looking for more where that came from, check out our editor-curated Summer Hits, Summer Dance Hits, Indie Sunshine, and Verano Forever playlists—plus stream our Songs of Summer playlist below. 

Hot Podcasts of Summer

Whether it was superhero stories, throwback TV commentary, behind-the-scenes anime, or your daily dose of the news, Spotify listeners also tuned into podcasts to stay entertained and in the know this summer. Listeners dove into  . . . 

  • Batman Unburied. The early-summer sensation from Spotify, Warner Bros., and DC is a psychologically thrilling take on the Caped Crusader that took the world by storm. The series, which was adapted into multiple languages, was a hit around the globe and rose to the top of Spotify’s podcast charts in 17 markets worldwide.
  • TV Nostalgia. This summer, the cast of Pod Meets World took fans back in time by rewatching episodes of Boy Meets World and sharing memories and behind-the-scenes moments from the iconic series. Meanwhile, on Back to the Beach with Kristin and Stephen, Kristin Cavallari and Stephen Coletti rewatch Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County for the first time in 18 years. The former sweethearts relive their high school experiences, break down the truth of what happened on and off camera, and share what really happened in Cabo. Both shows have found places at the top of the trending podcasts on Spotify’s summer charts. 
  • SPYxFAMILY. A breakout Spotify Original that came out of Japan, the podcast was released alongside SPYxFAMILY Anime, the anime adaptation of the popular Japanese manga series of the same name. The podcast series, hosted by one of the show’s voice actors, takes fans behind the scenes of SPYxFAMILY, going in-depth on the anime’s backstory and giving insights into each episode. The series has topped the podcast charts in Japan, holding the number one spot for more than a month.
  • The Journal. Every day of the summer (and throughout the year, for that matter), Kate Linebaugh, Ryan Knutson, and the team at The Wall Street Journal take you inside the most important stories, explained through the lens of business. In for a special summer treat? Make sure to check out The Journal’s special three-part series, Hack Me If You Can, published in June.



Find the complete Songs of Summer top lists below. 



Spotify’s most-streamed songs of summer globally:

  1. As It Was” by Harry Styles
  2. Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)” by Kate Bush
  3. Me Porto Bonito” by Bad Bunny, Chencho Corleone
  4. Tití Me Preguntó” by Bad Bunny
  5. Glimpse of Us” by Joji
  6. Ojitos Lindos” by Bad Bunny, Bomba Estéreo
  7. Quevedo: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 52” by Bizarrap, Quevedo
  8. Efecto” by Bad Bunny 
  9. Moscow Mule” by Bad Bunny
  10. Heat Waves” by Glass Animals
  12. About Damn Time” by Lizzo
  13. Late Night Talking” by Harry Styles
  14. Party” by Bad Bunny, Rauw Alejandro
  15. Te Felicito” by Shakira, Rauw Alejandro
  16. STAY (with Justin Bieber)” by The Kid LAROI, Justin Bieber
  17. Tarot” by Bad Bunny, Jhay Cortez
  18. Bam Bam (feat. Ed Sheeran)” by Camila Cabello, Ed Sheeran
  19. Cold Heart – PNAU Remix” by Elton John, Dua Lipa, PNAU
  20. I Ain’t Worried” by OneRepublic

Spotify’s most-streamed songs of summer in the U.S.:

  1. Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)” by Kate Bush
  2. As It Was” by Harry Styles
  3. Me Porto Bonito” by Bad Bunny, Chencho Corleone
  4. Glimpse of Us” by Joji
  5. Tití Me Preguntó” by Bad Bunny
  6. Bad Habit” by Steve Lacy
  7. Jimmy Cooks (feat. 21 Savage)” by Drake, 21 Savage
  8. I Like You (A Happier Song) (with Doja Cat)” by Post Malone, Doja Cat
  9. Late Night Talking” by Harry Styles
  10. About Damn Time” by Lizzo
  11. First Class” by Jack Harlow
  12. WAIT FOR U (feat. Drake & Tems)” by Future, Drake, Tems
  13. Heat Waves” by Glass Animals
  14. Vegas (From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ELVIS)” by Doja Cat
  15. Efecto” by Bad Bunny 
  16. Moscow Mule” by Bad Bunny
  17. Ojitos Lindos” by Bad Bunny, Bomba Estéreo
  18. You Proof” by Morgan Wallen
  19. I Ain’t Worried” by OneRepublic
  20. Party” by Bad Bunny, Rauw Alejandro

*All data was compiled between May 29 and August 29, 2022.

Fill Your Queue With the Best Podcasts of 2022 (So Far)

a bright and colorful collage design that has the number 1 through 7

It’s not unusual to binge a podcast and then be left wondering what you should hit play on next. And with more than 4 million shows on Spotify, there are a lot of options. Spotify’s Podcast Editorial team is constantly tracking new shows, making them the perfect people to recommend great podcasts that will leave you hooked.

As we say goodbye to the first half of 2022, the team put their heads together to determine their picks on the best podcasts of the year . . . so far. “A great podcast transports or immerses the listener in its world,” explained Timothy Cornwall, a lead on the Podcast Editorial team at Spotify. “The best podcasts are thought-provoking, emotionally evocative, and echo in your mind long after you’ve listened to them.” 

From fictional action thrillers to talk shows that explore life’s big questions, this list provides a variety of picks to appeal to any interest. 

This is Dating

Network: Magnificent Noise

Genre: Lifestyle/Relationships

Dating is tough. Throw in a pandemic and mixed bag of dating apps, and it’s even tougher. Yet This is Dating peels back the curtain and lets listeners follow four modern daters on their first dates—surprising us with raw emotion, connection, and community . . . things we all need and deserve.

Batman Unburied

Network: Warner Bros./ Spotify Studios

Genre: Fiction

Welcome to Gotham, where a new serial killer villain has the city absolutely terrified. Brought to life by Winston Duke, Hasan Minhaj, and Gina Rodriguez, Batman Unburied is the perfect chaser to Robert Pattinson‘s grunge twist on the franchise. You’ve never seen Bruce Wayne like this before. 


Network: Lemonade Media

Genre: Documentary/Reality/Personal Stories

BEING Trans is a deeply layered show about the trans experience. The reality TV audio format is incredibly engaging and breaks down the story of four trans people navigating family, work, and society. It simultaneously normalizes their lives and highlights their day-to-day issues.

Should be Alive

Network: VAULT Studios

Genre: True Crime

Should be Alive investigates the 2019 murder of a transgender teenage girl, Niki Kunhausen. Hosted by Ashley Korslien, the show delivers a devastatingly pertinent look at the wave of violence facing the trans community today. It’s essential true crime listening that dives beyond the headlines.

Normal Gossip

Network: Defector

Genre: Comedy

On Normal Gossip, Kesley McKinney teases out gossip stories with each guest as an entertaining and silly conversation that always seems to get a bit messy. It’s a fun romp through someone else’s lens and drama where you also can ask yourself, “What would you do in this situation?”

The Pivot Podcast

Network: Indie

Genre: Sports

The Pivot Podcast is hosted by three former NFL players (Ryan Clark, Channing Crowder, and Fred Taylor)—which allows for unique, vulnerable, and candid sports conversations that you won’t want to miss.

Dua Lipa: At Your Service

Network: iHeartPodcasts

Genre: Arts & Entertainment

It may seem like every entertainer has a podcast these days, but before you are quick to dismiss, give Dua Lipa’s At Your Service a listen. Dua is an incredibly thoughtful interviewer with a genuine interest in people, social movements, and the arts. And because of her curiosity, we all benefit.

Authentic: The Story of Tablo

Network: VICE

Genre: Music Documentary

Authentic: The Story of Tablo provides a unique take on “music meets the internet” through a cross-cultural lens. When Korean hip-hop star Tablo was about to break into the Western market, a strange rumor began to circle online about his identity as a Canadian-Korean that quickly turned toxic.

Stuck with Damon Young

Network: Gimlet/Crooked Media

Genre: Culture

Award-winning author Damon Young has ventured into the world of podcasting! Joined by the best and the Blackest people he knows, Damon explores an array of topics, from sexuality and religion to internet accountability, and how they ultimately affect human behavior—whether it be hilarious or downright absurd.

Fresh off the Spaceship

Network: KEXP

Genre: Music Documentary

Seattle’s music and art scenes might seem exclusively white, but they’re not. This series explores the city’s Black arts scene through the story of the Black Constellation, the innovative collective that includes Shabazz Palaces’ Ishmael Butler, Stas THEE Boss, and visual artist Maikoiyo Alley-Barnes.


Network: Paradiso Media

Genre: Documentary/Personal Stories

Ever wanted to meet your 17-year-old self? Seventeen‘s host Laura Leigh Abby uses her own diaries from her senior year of high school as a jumping-off point to examine gender dynamics and sexual assault in Y2K culture, speaking with friends and classmates to explore her own identity, then and now.

Which of these podcasts piqued your interest? If you’re having trouble picking just one, check out the playlist below, which includes the first episode of all the podcast shows on our “Best of” list for 2022 . . . so far.


Spotify Reports Second Quarter 2022 Earnings

Q2 2022 Results. 433 M MAU, up 19% YOY, and 188 M Premium Subs. Up 14% YOY

Today, Spotify announced our second quarter 2022 financial performance. Click here to review the full earnings release, and take a look at the highlights below:

Q2 2022 Results. 433 M MAU, up 19% YOY, and 188 M Premium Subs. Up 14% YOY

Building the world's #1 audio network with Findaway, Sonantic, Caso 63, Batman Unburied, Stranger Things, Stolen

Enhancing our platform and user experience with Spotify Safety Advisory Council, Integral Ad Science, Supergrouper, Live Events feed, live audio

Empowering creators and connecting fans with Bad Bunny, Kate Bush, Spotify Island on Roblox, K-pop on! track, video podcasting globally, all ears summit in Germany, and Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month & Pride

Interested in hearing more? You can listen to the webcast Q&A on the IR site here. 

Click below to check out a sizzle reel of audio trailers from a few of our recent original and exclusive podcasts. 

Hear more from our CFO Paul Vogel in the latest episode of Spotify: For the Record.

Spotify rapporterar intäkter för andra kvartalet 2022

Idag publicerar Spotify sina finansiella resultat för andra kvartalet 2022. Klicka här för att ta del av hela den finansiella pressreleasen och kolla in höjdpunkterna nedan:

Vill du höra mer? Lyssna gärna på vår Q&A-webcast på IR-sajten här

Klicka nedan för att kolla in trailers från några av våra senaste original och exklusiva podcasts.

All Eyes on Cannes Lions: Spotify Closes Out an Action-Packed Week on the Croisette

Peter Girardi, Hasan Minhaj, Winston Duke and Dawn Ostroff sit outside on a stage in front of a spotify logo. they are having a conversation.
Photo credit: David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images

From engaging discussions during the day to exciting musical performances at night, Spotify Advertising brought the heat to the Croisette. Take our word for it: Our trip back to France was a hit. And before we bid au revoir, we want to relive all the festivities.

Tune in to Gen Z’s listening habits

On Monday, Spotify’s Global Head of Public Affairs, Dustee Jenkins, moderated the panel “Who is Gen Z Really?” with Teenager Therapy cohosts Kayla Suarez and Thomas Pham and JUV Consulting Founder and CEO Ziad Ahmed. Collectively, they unpacked findings from Spotify’s annual Culture Next report and focused on how Gen Z is listening and creating on Spotify as they navigate early adulthood—and what this means for brands trying to reach them. Here are some highlights from the panel.

Four guests sit on an outdoor stage conducting a panel

(L to R) Thomas Pham, Kayla Suarez, Ziad Ahmed, and Dustee Jenkins. Photo credit: Dave Benett/Getty Images

“With Gen Z, we want brands to be authentic and honest about their values and their fallbacks too. Gen Z can see if they’re trying too hard or being fake. And that doesn’t mean perfect. We aren’t perfect either, but you have to tell the truth. It goes a long way with building a foundation of trust and honesty.” – Kayla Suarez

“Brands talk for Gen Z. . . . I think the best way to get young people onboard is to include them in the conversation and let them have influence.” – Thomas Pham

“Mental health being top genre for Gen Z—it doesn’t blow my mind. It is surprising to me to meet a Gen Zer who self-identifies as happy. Especially coming out of the pandemic. Am I happy? Am I fulfilled? A lot of people came out of this with really mixed conclusions, and we had nowhere to turn for the next step . . . platforms like Spotify help us feel heard, seen, and inspired.” – Ziad Ahmed


A áudiossérie Batman Despertar está pronta para voar mundo à fora no maior lançamento simultâneo do Spotify

Sempre que o cavaleiro das trevas retorna para limpar as impurezas do submundo de Gotham, a adrenalina é inevitável. É possível que você tenha esperado ansiosamente pela chegada de Batman Unburied (Batman Despertar, em Português), a próxima série de áudio do Spotify criada em parceria com a Warner Bros. e a DC. Para a sorte dos ouvintes, a espera está próxima do fim: Batman Despertar estreia simultaneamente em nove países, no dia 3 de maio. É isso mesmo! Junto com a versão original em Inglês, adaptações de Batman Unburied também chegarão em Português, Francês, Alemão, Hindi, Indonésio, Italiano, Japonês e Espanhol. Agora que o trailer em Inglês já está no Spotify, quem quiser espiar, pode conferir abaixo.

A estreia global de Batman Unburied vem logo após o lançamento do Spotify Os Últimos Dias de Maradona, em novembro, que estreou simultaneamente em seis mercados; e também da recente adaptação da áudiossérie chilena Caso 63 para Brasil, Índia e Estados Unidos. Batman Unburied segue o exemplo; desenvolvida e produzida pela Warner Bros; elencos e equipes de produção totalmente localizados garantirão que essa história realmente ganhe vida para os fãs de todo o mundo. Ele estreia como nosso maior lançamento simultâneo até hoje.

“Com o lançamento global de Batman Unburied, estamos empolgados em trazer a franquia icônica e o legado de Batman para nossas centenas de milhões de ouvintes em todo o mundo”, disse Dawn Ostroff, Diretora de Conteúdo e Publicidade no Spotify. “Por meio da nossa extraordinária parceria com a Warner Bros. e a DC, temos a oportunidade única de inaugurar uma nova era dos mundialmente amados Super-Heróis da DC pelo mundo do áudio, dublado por elencos de estrelas. O poder dos podcasts nunca foi tão evidente quanto com a obra-prima da paisagem sonora arrepiante de David Goyer, que conta a história transcendente do primeiro e único Bruce Wayne.”

Escrita pelo Produtor Executivo e roteirista de Batman Begins David S. Goyer, Batman Unburied nos leva a uma nova jornada nas profundezas da mente de Bruce Wayne, apresentando uma série de reviravoltas sombrias com vários super-vilões clássicos do Batman. Trabalhando como um patologista forense nas entranhas do Hospital de Gotham, o super-herói não deve apenas enfrentar seus próprios demônios mentais, mas superá-los para salvar os cidadãos de Gotham.

“David Goyer, esse elenco incrível e toda a equipe de Batman Despertar criaram uma experiência de Batman que estende o meio narrativo do podcast a novos níveis, juntamente com suas expectativas sobre o quão imersiva e convincente uma história do Batman pode ser”, disse Peter Girardi, Vice-Presidente Executivo, Programação Alternativa, Warner Bros. Animation. “Eu não poderia ter pedido uma maneira melhor de iniciar nossa parceria criativa com o Spotify.”

A nova série reúne um elenco poderoso. A versão em inglês de Batman Unburied apresenta Winston Duke como Bruce Wayne, cercado por um elenco de primeira linha que inclui Hasan Minhaj como The Riddler, Gina Rodriguez como Barbara Gordon, Jason Isaacs como Alfred e Lance Reddick como Thomas Wayne. 

Mas as adaptações globais de Batman Unburied conseguiram elencos próprios. E para o papel de Batman, eles trouxeram alguns dos melhores talentos internacionais. Esses atores incluem Rocco Pitanga (Brasil), Dali Benssalah (França), Murathan Muslu (Alemanha), Amit Sadh (Índia), Ario Bayu (Indonésia), Claudio Santamaria (Itália), Ryohei Otani (Japão) e Alfonso Herrera (México). O elenco para a adaptação em Português Batman Despertar ainda não está confirmado. 

Ainda não sabe o que fazer enquanto o Bat-Sinal não é acionado em 3 de maio? Que tal começar com este quiz para descobrir o quanto você conhece o elenco americano de Batman Unburied!?

La audio serie ‘Batman Desenterrado’ está listo para tomar vuelo alrededor del mundo en el lanzamiento simultáneo global más grande de Spotify

Cada vez que el Caballero Oscuro vuelve a limpiar los sórdidos rincones de Ciudad Gótica la emoción está garantizada. Los fans han estado esperando ansiosamente la llegada de ‘Batman Desenterrado’ (Batman Unburied), la nueva serie de audio de Spotify creada en colaboración con Warner Bros. y DC. 

Por suerte para los oyentes, la espera está a punto de terminar: ‘Batman Desenterrado‘ se estrena simultáneamente en nueve mercados mundiales el 3 de mayo. Así es, junto con el guión original en inglés, ocho adaptaciones de ‘Batman Desenterrado’ llegarán también en español, Portugués, francés, alemán, hindi, indonesio, italiano, japonés y portugues- Y ahora que el tráiler de Estados Unidos está en Spotify, los que quieran echar un vistazo pueden hacerlo a continuación.

Este próximo lanzamiento global de ‘Batman Desenterrado’ se produce después de que Spotify estreno en noviembre Los Últimos Días de Maradona’ que se lanzó simultáneamente con seis adaptaciones, y de la reciente adaptación del chileno Caso 63 para Brasil, India y Estados Unidos. ‘Batman Desenterrado’ sigue el mismo camino y se cementa como el lanzamiento simultáneo global más grande de Spotify, hasta la fecha. Desarrollada y producida por Warner Bros., los elencos y equipos de producción totalmente localizados garantizan que los guiones adaptados, elaborados específicamente para reflejar las distintas culturas e idiomas sin dejar de ser fieles a la historia principal, darán vida a ‘Batman Desenterrado’ para los fans de todo el mundo.

‘Con el lanzamiento global de Batman Desenterrado estamos entusiasmados por llevar la icónica franquicia y el legado de Batman a nuestros cientos de millones de oyentes en todo el mundo’, dijo Dawn Ostroff, Directora de Negocios de Contenido y Publicidad. ‘A través de nuestra extraordinaria asociación con Warner Bros. y DC, tenemos la oportunidad única de inaugurar una nueva era de los universalmente queridos superhéroes de DC a través del mundo del audio, con la voz de un elenco de estrellas. El poder de los podcasts nunca ha sido más evidente que con la escalofriante obra maestra de paisaje sonoro de David Goyer que cuenta la trascendental historia de Bruce Wayne (Bruno Diaz)’.

Escrita por el productor ejecutivo y guionista de Batman Inicia, David S. Goyer, ‘Batman Desenterrado’ nos lleva a un nuevo viaje por las profundidades de la mente de Bruno Diaz, introduciendo una serie de oscuros giros con varios supervillanos clásicos de Batman. Trabajando como patólogo forense en las entrañas del Hospital de Gotham, el superhéroe no sólo debe enfrentarse a sus propios demonios mentales, sino superarlos para salvar a los ciudadanos de Ciudad Gótica.

“David Goyer, este increíble reparto y todo el equipo de Batman Unburied han creado una experiencia de Batman que lleva el medio del podcast narrativo a nuevos niveles junto con tus expectativas sobre lo inmersiva y convincente que puede ser una historia de Batman”, dijo Peter Girardi, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Programación Alternativa de Warner Bros. Animation. “No podría haber pedido una mejor manera de iniciar nuestra asociación creativa con Spotify”.

La nueva audio serie tendrá mucho poder estelar. La versión estadounidense de ‘Batman Unburied’ cuenta con Winston Duke como Bruce Wayne, rodeado de un reparto de primera línea que incluye a Hasan Minhaj como El Acertijo, Gina Rodríguez como Barbara Gordon, Jason Isaacs como Alfred y Lance Reddick como Thomas Wayne. 

Pero las adaptaciones globales de Batman Desenterrado también cuentan con repartos propios muy bien logrados. Y para el papel de Batman, han traído a algunos de los mejores talentos internacionales. Entre estos actores se encuentran Alfonso Herrera (México), Rocco Pitanga (Brasil), Dali Benssalah (Francia), Murathan Muslu (Alemania), Amit Sadh (India), Ario Bayu (Indonesia), Claudio Santamaria (Italia), y Ryohei Otani (Japón).

¿Todavía no sabes qué harás hasta que se emita la Bati-señal el 3 de mayo? Te recomendamos que empieces con este test y descubras hasta qué punto conoces el reparto estadounidense de Batman Desenterrado.

La série audio ‘Batman Autopsie’ prête à embarquer le monde entier

À chaque apparition de la chauve-souris pour nettoyer les bas-fonds de Gotham, l’excitation est inévitable. Les fans l’ont attendu avec impatience, Batman Autopsie, la prochaine série audio de Spotify créée en partenariat avec Warner Bros. et DC fera bientôt son apparition: elle sera diffusé simultanément dans neuf pays dès le 3 mai. En effet, outre le scénario original en anglais, huit adaptations de Batman Autopsie seront également disponibles en portugais, français, allemand, hindi, indonésien, italien, japonais et espagnol. Et dès à présent, la bande-annonce française est disponible pour ceux qui veulent un premier aperçu de la série audio tant attendue.

Le lancement mondial de Batman Autopsie fait suite à la sortie en novembre dernier de la série Les Derniers jours de Maradona, lancée simultanément sur six marchés, et à la récente adaptation de la série chilienne Caso 63 pour le Brésil, l’Inde et les États-Unis. Batman Autopsie fait de même ; développé et produit par Warner Bros, les équipes de production et les acteurs entièrement localisés garantissent que les scénarios adaptés, spécialement conçus pour refléter les différentes cultures et langues tout en restant fidèles à l’histoire principale, donneront vie à Batman Autopsie pour les fans du monde entier.

Avec le lancement mondial de Batman Unburied, nous sommes ravis de faire découvrir la franchise emblématique et l’héritage de Batman à nos centaines de millions d’auditeurs dans le monde“, a déclaré Dawn Ostroff, Chief Content & Advertising Business Officer au sein de Spotify.Grâce à notre partenariat extraordinaire avec Warner Bros. et DC Comics, nous avons l’occasion unique d’inaugurer une nouvelle ère des super-héros DC Comics universellement appréciés par le biais du monde de l’audio, avec des voix de stars. Le pouvoir des podcasts n’a jamais été aussi évident qu’avec le chef-d’œuvre sonore de David Goyer, qui raconte l’histoire transcendante du seul et unique Bruce Wayne.

Écrit par le producteur exécutif et scénariste de Batman Begins, David S. Goyer, Batman Autopsie nous emmène dans un nouveau voyage au cœur de l’esprit de Bruce Wayne, introduisant une foule de rebondissements sombres avec un certain nombre de super-vilains classiques de Batman. Travaillant comme médecin légiste dans les entrailles de l’hôpital de Gotham, le super héros doit non seulement faire face à ses propres démons mentaux, mais aussi les surmonter afin de sauver les citoyens de Gotham. 

“Avec David Goyer, ce casting incroyable et toute l’équipe de Batman Autopsie ont créé une expérience Batman qui pousse le podcast narratif vers de nouveaux sommets, tout comme vos attentes quant à la façon dont une histoire de Batman peut être immersive et fascinante”, a déclaré Peter Girardi, vice-président exécutif de la programmation alternative de Warner Bros. Animation. “Je n’aurais pas pu rêver d’une meilleure façon de donner le coup d’envoi de notre partenariat créatif avec Spotify.”

La nouvelle série compte également sur de nombreux acteurs de premier-plan pour incarner cette nouvelle itération. La version américaine de Batman Unburied met en scène Winston Duke dans le rôle de Bruce Wayne, entouré d’un casting phénoménale comprenant Hasan Minhaj dans le rôle du Riddler, Gina Rodriguez dans celui de Barbara Gordon, Jason Isaacs dans celui d’Alfred et Lance Reddick dans celui de Thomas Wayne. 

Mais les adaptations mondiales de Batman Unburied ont elles aussi des castings accomplis. Et pour le rôle de Batman, elles ont fait appel à certains des meilleurs talents internationaux. Ces acteurs sont Rocco Pitanga (Brésil), Dali Benssalah (France), Murathan Muslu (Allemagne), Amit Sadh (Inde), Ario Bayu (Indonésie), Claudio Santamaria (Italie), Ryohei Otani (Japon) et Alfonso Herrera (Mexique).

Vous ne savez toujours pas ce que vous allez faire de vous-même jusqu’à ce que le Bat-Signal soit lancé le 3 mai ? Nous vous recommandons de commencer par ce quiz et de découvrir à quel point vous connaissez le casting américain de Batman Unburied.

The ‘Batman Unburied’ Audio Series Is Ready To Take Flight Across the World in Spotify’s Largest Simultaneous Launch

Anytime the Dark Knight returns to clean out the seedy Gotham underworld, excitement is bound to follow. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Batman Unburied, the upcoming Spotify audio series created in partnership with Warner Bros. and DC. Luckily for listeners, the wait is nearly over: Batman Unburied will premiere simultaneously in nine global markets May 3. That’s right—along with the original English-language script, eight adaptations of Batman Unburied will also land in Portuguese, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish. And now that the U.S. trailer is out on Spotify, those wanting a sneak peek can check it out below. 

The upcoming global launch of Batman Unburied comes on the heels of Spotify’s November release of The Last Days of Maradona, which simultaneously launched in six markets, and the recent adaptations of Chile’s Caso 63 for Brazil, India, and the United States. Developed and produced by Warner Bros., Batman Unburied follows suit; the fully localized casts and production teams ensure that the adapted scripts, specifically crafted to reflect the different cultures and languages while remaining true to the core story, will bring Batman Unburied to life for fans across the globe. It will debut as our largest simultaneous launch to date. 

“With the global launch of Batman Unburied, we are excited to bring the iconic franchise and the legacy of Batman to our hundreds of millions of listeners around the world,” said Dawn Ostroff, Chief Content & Advertising Business Officer. “Through our extraordinary partnership with Warner Bros. and DC, we have the unique opportunity to usher in a new era of the universally beloved DC Super Heroes through the world of audio, voiced by all-star casts. The power of podcasts has never been more evident than it is with David Goyer’s spine-chilling soundscape masterpiece that tells the transcendent story of the one and only Bruce Wayne.”

Written by Executive Producer and Batman Begins screenwriter David S. Goyer, Batman Unburied takes us on a new journey deep into the mind of Bruce Wayne, introducing a slew of dark twists and turns with a number of classic Batman super villains. Working as a forensic pathologist in the bowels of Gotham Hospital, the superhero must not only face his own mental demons, but also overcome them in order to save the citizens of Gotham. 

 “David Goyer, this amazing cast, and the entire Batman Unburied team have created a Batman experience that stretches the narrative podcast medium to new levels along with your expectations on how immersive and compelling a Batman story can be,” said Peter Girardi, Executive Vice President, Alternative Programming, Warner Bros. Animation. “I could not have asked for a better way to kick off our creative partnership with Spotify.”

The new series will have plenty of star power. The U.S. version of Batman Unburied features Winston Duke as Bruce Wayne surrounded by an A-list cast that includes Hasan Minhaj as the Riddler, Gina Rodriguez as Barbara Gordon, Jason Isaacs as Alfred, and Lance Reddick as Thomas Wayne. 

But the global adaptations of Batman Unburied have accomplished casts of their own. And for the role of Batman, they’ve brought in some of the best international talent around. These actors include Rocco Pitanga (Brazil), Dali Benssalah (France), Murathan Muslu (Germany), Amit Sadh (India), Ario Bayu (Indonesia), Claudio Santamaria (Italy), Ryohei Otani (Japan), and Alfonso Herrera (Mexico).

Still not sure what you’ll do with yourself until the Bat-Signal is cast May 3? We recommend starting with this quiz and finding out how well you know the U.S. cast of Batman Unburied.