Tag: podcast

What’s New This Week in Spotify Podcasts

Welcome to This Week in Podcasts, where we share what’s new in the podcast world. Here you’ll find a roundup of series debuts, can’t-miss episodes, and so much more—all available to stream on Spotify. Whether you fancy yourself a content connoisseur or an audio amateur, you’re sure to discover something worth listening to. Keep scrolling to check out the latest and greatest in podcasts this week—including InCharge with DVFThe Guilty Feminist, and Supernatural with Ashley Flowers.

What’s New This Week in Spotify Podcasts

Welcome to This Week in Podcasts, where we share what’s new in the podcast world. Here you’ll find a roundup of series debuts, can’t-miss episodes, and so much more—all available to stream on Spotify. Whether you fancy yourself a content connoisseur or an audio amateur, you’re sure to discover something worth listening to. Keep scrolling to check out the latest and greatest in podcasts this week—including Alien’s Like Us with Rhys Darby, Podcasts Under 20min, and Certified Buckets.

From Three New Podcasts to Sound Up 2020, Here’s What’s New on the Podcast Front in Australia

With podcast listening on the rise, there’s all the more reason to be excited about what’s coming out of Australia. On February 27, we unveiled a slate of original and exclusive content, as well as the return of Spotify’s Sound Up Australia, our five-day residential podcasting workshop that helps to elevate and amplify First Nations’ voices. 

At Spotify Australia HQ, we announced three new podcasts: Spotify original sex and relationship podcast Search Engine Sex, hosted by Sound Up alumni Rowdie Walden; the second season of VICE Extremes, hosted by Julian Morgans; and the weekly youth news podcast Generation Betoota. This lineup marks the first of many anticipated announcements to come out of Australia.

Our goal is to become the number one audio platform in the world, providing the best in audio content—customized and accessible, on demand everywhere,” said Cecilia Qvist, Spotify’s Global Head of Markets. “The role our global markets play in this expansion is pivotal and we look forward to making many more announcements in this space. 

According to Edison Research and Triton Digital (2019), the number of weekly Australian podcast listeners increased by 50% over the last three years, an exciting indicator of steady growth in the world of podcasts. To celebrate the launch of these shows, here’s what Rachel Corbett, head of podcasts at “Mamamia”; Clancy Overell, editor and host of “The Betoota Advocate”; Julian Morgans; and Rowdie Walden have to say about the growth of podcasts and the need for more indigenous voices.

When did you start to notice an uptick in podcast listening in Australia?

Julian: Podcasting seemed to go mainstream around four to five years ago. Remember when Serial became a big deal? I think that was a turning point.

Clancy: The first time I noticed a boost in podcast listening was almost 10 years ago, when Ricky Gervais and Karl Pilkington were making waves all the way to rural Australia. From that point I feel like everyone has liked the idea of podcasts.

Why do you think more Aussies are tuning into podcasts now than ever?

Julian: I just think public awareness has hit critical mass. For a while I used to tell friends about podcasts, and they’d be like, “How do you listen to these things?” That doesn’t happen anymore. Also, you can listen to a podcast while doing something else. That’s a big plus.

Rachel: You don’t have to have your bum on the couch to follow a true crime story or hear the latest news. You can be walking your dog, doing the shopping or driving your car. I think this, coupled with the continued improvement in audio quality, has made taking time to listen to a podcast feel like self-care; and when people feel like consuming your content is a “treat,” that keeps them coming back.

How important are Indigenous voices to audio experiences?

Rowdie: Podcasting is such a fast-growing industry that it’s important we keep the push for diversity and inclusion in this space as well. It’s incredibly white, and as the oldest storytellers, it’s important we have representation in this space. While Search Engine Sex isn’t what you’d think of when you think “Indigenous podcast,” it’s important to show that we can exist in other spaces. Black voices can be mainstream.

Learn more about how Spotify is continuing to amplify First Nations’ voices through Sound Up Australia. 

Spotify’s Sound Up Australia—Amplifying First Nations Voices for a Second Year

Update as of May 10, 2021: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sound Up AU program as described below did not occur in 2020. In 2021, we invited Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander podcasters to sign up for The Sound Up 2021 program, which will be facilitated by our new partners Travis De Vries and Brooke Scobie from Awesome Black. Learn more about the 2021 program here.

For Indigenous communities, stories have long been passed down by word of mouth. Podcasting, a much more recent invention, can take the words of storytellers even further. Through Spotify’s Sound Up Australia podcast accelerator program, we’re helping to empower First Nations individuals in Australia to tell their stories using podcasting—and amplifying them across the world. 

Returning for the second year, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, writers, creators, and podcasters are encouraged to apply to our Sound Up accelerator program, a five-day residential podcasting workshop to be held in Sydney from May 11 to 15. Applicants don’t need to have any previous podcasting experience to apply, just something to say, a passion for the medium, and an eagerness to bring a podcast idea to life. 

“First Australians have been passing down their knowledge, culture and history from generation-to-generation through storytelling for tens of thousands of years,” says Natalie Tulloch, Spotify Sound Up Lead. “Spotify wants to harness the power of storytelling and bring it to the next generation through podcasting.”

From the pool of applicants, 10 people will be selected to attend the residential workshop, which will be facilitated by Marlee Silva, podcaster and co-founder of Tiddas 4 Tiddas, and Rekha Murthy, podcast expert. Participants will learn about the art of podcasting, receive mentoring and practical experience, and meet with podcasting and radio greats who also identify as First Nations people. At the end of the week, three finalists will be awarded a cash grant and all participants will be given equipment and software to produce their podcasts.

Sound Up Australia in 2018 awarded four grants for podcast production. One recipient, Rowdie Walden, used it to create Search Engine Sex, the ultimate sex and relationship podcast, and Spotify Australia’s first Spotify Original investment

“Sound Up is an incredible opportunity because it’s so rare in the media industry that you get to sit with the platform, the commissioning editors, and the managing director and develop your idea from the ground up,” says Rowdie. “It gives space to minority groups who otherwise wouldn’t get a foot in the door. Podcasting is such a fast-growing industry that it’s important we keep the push for diversity and inclusion in this space as well.” 

Aspiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander podcasters can apply for this year’s Sound Up program here from May 11 – 15 by March 15. Travel and accommodation will be covered for those living outside of Sydney. 

The Power of Anchor-Made Podcasts in Indonesia: Spotify Highlights Top Shows, Including ‘Do You See What I See’

If you think podcasts are all the rage around the world, you’re onto something. Thanks to a new partnership with some of Indonesia’s biggest podcasters, eight of the top-streamed shows in Indonesia (Podcast Raditya Dika (PORD), Do You See What I See, PODKESMAS, Rapot, Menjadi Manusia, Podcast Bagi Horror, Box2Box Football Podcast, and Podcast Suara Puan) are now available exclusively on Spotify—marking the first round of Spotify Exclusive Podcasts in Southeast Asia.

While all of these shows were made using Anchor—the platform where creators have the ability to record, distribute, and monetize their podcasts from any device (for free)—it turns out that 90% of podcast consumption on Spotify in Indonesia comes from Anchor-made programming. This platform, which was acquired by Spotify in 2019, has given more podcasters an opportunity to produce their own original content.

As the number of podcasts continues to grow in Indonesia, the number of hours spent listening to podcasts has also increased—by tenfold in the past year. We asked Rizky Ardi Nugroho, host of one of the top podcasts in Indonesia, Do You See What I See, what it takes to create one of the most popular shows in the country.

What inspired you to start Do You See What I See (DYSWIS)? Did you have any podcast experience prior to this?

It all started with telling my true horror story on Raditya Dika’s show. Radit—who is one of Indonesia’s most famous content creators (and host of Spotify Exclusive Podcast PORD)—happens to be my high school friend. We made five videos in the Rumah Eyang series, and all five went viral with more than 15 million views. From that experience, I saw that audiences liked horror stories delivered directly by those who experienced it. So, when the opportunity came, I would say, I took the chance—and my channel was trending in one week of airing.

I like to try new things; I learned and I did it on my own. I had no experience in the world of content creators, and I had never worked on audio editing, but I have been a podcast listener for a long time.

Why do you think Indonesians are embracing listening to and creating podcasts?

Podcasting is a new media in Indonesia. Oftentimes, something that’s new and viral is exciting for them to try. It occurred almost at the same time anchor.fm started to sprout and gain traction in Indonesia. Given the fact that it is easy and trending, [Anchor] is all they need to start making podcasts on their own.

Most of my listeners are commuters, so this podcast is interesting to listen to on the go. Podcasting also has more benefits, such as light bandwidth and being battery friendly. People don’t need to watch the screen all the time—not to mention there are various themes and categories being offered.

When sharing stories, you go by the name of Mizter Popo. What’s the origin behind the name?

Mizter Popo is a nickname my friend gave me in middle school. It’s taken from a character in the famous Japanese manga comics at the time, Dragon Ball. It turns out that having a nickname helped me develop my character.

You built two businesses: a rice company and a bakeshop. What did it take for you to start one of the biggest podcasts in Indonesia? Can you describe what your process was like?

I don’t like it when I am labeled as a follower and likened to other existing content/channels, so when I first wanted to make Do You See What I See, I did a lot of research on horror podcasts and content that already existed. I wanted my creation to be different from all that.

I change the sound design for each storyteller—different back sound, different SFX, and without a bumper—in the hopes that listeners will always have different experiences in each episode.

Are you still actively running the businesses?

Yes, as of now, I am still actively doing the organic rice business, O-Rice Brand, and 24-hour cake shop, Honey To The Bee.

What is it about DYSWIS that has people hooked? 

I think people like DYSWIS because the concept features different experiences in each episode.

For the uninitiated, what do you hope people take away from this podcast?

I hope this podcast presents entertainment in the form of storytelling that continues to grow and is different from other channels in Indonesia.

Check out Anchor to find out how you can make a podcast of your own, and listen to Do You See What I See? on Spotify now.

What’s New This Week in Spotify Podcasts

Welcome to This Week in Podcasts, where we share what’s new in the podcast world. Here you’ll find a roundup of series debuts, can’t-miss episodes, and so much more—all available to stream on Spotify. Whether you fancy yourself a content connoisseur or an audio amateur, you’re sure to discover something worth listening to. Keep scrolling to check out the latest and greatest in podcasts this week—including The Last Degree of Kevin Bacon, Story Pirates, and Parcast Daily.

3 Ways We’ve Changed the Podcast Show Page to Help You Find New Shows You’ll Love, Faster

Your time is precious. It seems like there’s infinite podcasts out there to discover, and not nearly enough time to do so. What you really need is the ability to learn—at a glance—exactly what a show is all about, instead of having to listen to full episodes or scroll endlessly before deciding whether to take the plunge. That’s where Spotify’s refreshed Podcast Show page comes in: It’s our new tool to help you find your next favorite podcast, faster.

Starting today, users listening to podcasts on mobile can find a refreshed Podcast Show page with new trailers and category tags featured at the top. Here’s what you’ll find:

A refreshed Podcast Show page design

Our Podcast Show page may look a little different, but it’s still got all the features you know and love. The new look moves the descriptions up, so you no longer have to swipe on a show to read about it. This allows for more information about each podcast—and episode—at a single glance.

All new show categories

Looking for a specific genre or type of show? Now, descriptive show categories will be displayed underneath the show description—everything from “personal stories” to “true crime,” “travel,” “relationships,” and more. Simply tap the one you’re most interested in to see more shows in this category.

Featured show trailers

If you’re not one to commit too easily, this next feature is perfect for you. Now, if a show has a trailer “episode” to stream, it will be prominently highlighted at the top of the episode list, giving you a chance to listen to a snippet of the show before diving in headfirst. Get to know the podcast before fully committing—and maybe even fall in love with one you weren’t expecting.

With a catalog of 700,000+ podcasts on a variety of topics from a diverse set of creators, there’s bound to be one (or several, actually) for you. With the latest updates, you’ll be able to know whether a podcast is the one with a glance (or maybe a listen). Head to “Search” then “Podcasts” to begin. 

All of this is great for user discovery – and it’s also beneficial for podcast creators. Read more about using new tools like this and Anchor Trailers to reach scores of new fans on Spotify for Podcasters.

‘Last Podcast on the Left’—Now Exclusively, and Scarily, on Spotify

What happens when you take all things horror, throw in a bit of lighthearted comedy, and turn it into a podcast? You get Last Podcast on the Left. The popular series has taken listeners to some of the scariest places on earth—and now, it will be available for free exclusively on Spotify.

The Last Podcast on the Left explores the dark side of humanity, both real and imaginary. Hosts Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks, and Henry Zebrowski investigate chilling topics fro Jeffrey Dahmer and Jonestown to iconic hauntings and the history of war crimes.

“We’re excited that Last Podcast On the Left will be available to hundreds of millions of free and premium users on Spotify, where music and podcasts beautifully coexist,” said Henry. “Working with Spotify will take this show that has been our baby for ten years to the next level, providing easy accessibility for people listening all over the world. If you can’t see us live, or come to our homes to hear us yell, you can always listen on Spotify for free!”

To celebrate the show’s 400th episode, and to kick off the exclusive partnership, listeners can tune in to an all-new five-part series about the JFK assassination, available now for free, only on Spotify.

Check out a behind-the-scenes look at the series below … if you dare.


Stream Last Podcast on the Left—now exclusively on Spotify.

What’s New This Week in Spotify Podcasts

Welcome to This Week in Podcasts, where we share what’s new in the podcast world. Here you’ll find a roundup of series debuts, can’t-miss episodes, and so much more—all available to stream on Spotify. Whether you fancy yourself a content connoisseur or an audio amateur, you’re sure to discover something worth listening to. Keep scrolling to check out the latest and greatest in podcasts this week—including Parcast Presents: Love, Do It 4 The Content with Drea Okeke, and The Ringer’s The Big Picture


Berlin Hip-Hop Duo Hoe__mies Creates Space for Marginalized Voices with New Podcast ‘Realitäter*innen’

Photo credit © Marlen Stahlhuth

Gizem Adiyaman and Lúcia Luciano party for more than just a good time. In 2017, the German artists formed Hoe__mies, a hip-hop group known for hosting rousing get-togethers where female and queer artists could make a name for themselves in a space that had traditionally excluded them.

“We started our parties as a form of protest against a male-dominated hip-hop scene that placed women and queer people at the margins,” the pair told For the Record. “Before we started [DJing] in 2017, the line-ups very seldomly included female DJs, and if they did, it was mostly in the context of a lady’s night special.”

Now, this outspoken duo is amplifying marginalized voices in a different way—with their new Spotify original podcast, Realitäter*innen. Over the course of 12 initial episodes, Gizem and Lúcia will discuss the intricacies of socially relevant topics ranging from sexuality to principles of feminist thought. Plus, each episode will feature enlightening conversations with special guests from marginalized backgrounds.

The first two episodes of the German-language series, released on February 13, explore dating in 2020 and masculinity, respectively. The first, on dating, includes perspectives on polyamorous relationships. The second examines masculinity, mental health, and how racism affects the constructs of masculinity for black men and queer men of color. Later in the season, listeners can expect episodes dedicated to sex work as well as body positivity.

The pair took some learnings from their party hosting. Today, Gizem and Lúcia’s parties are inclusive environments where women, queer people, and people of color are represented at every level of the experience. They even enlisted an “Awareness Team” to ensure that guests feel safe and respected. But getting to this place wasn’t easy, they said. “It takes a lot of effort to identify and address everyone’s needs, but if you put in the work, people will actually show up and appreciate the space you’ve created for them.”

As for working with a new medium, Hoe__mies will always have an affinity for hip-hop, but the duo is excited for the possibilities that podcasting has to offer. “Music is a great vehicle to reach people, criticize oppressive structures, and spread your message,” they explained, “But with podcasting we can actually pass the mic and listen to other people’s perspectives. We hope that this podcast can foster an understanding and openness for different concepts of love, sex, and identity.”

Tune in every other week for a new episode of Gizem and Lúcia’s debut podcast Realitäter*innen.

Preview the New Spotify Original Podcast ‘The Last Degree of Kevin Bacon’

You may remember over the summer when we announced that a new Spotify Original podcast, The Last Degree of Kevin Bacon, starring Kevin Bacon as himself, was in the works. Well, the highly anticipated comedy series is nearly here, with the first two episodes dropping Monday, February 17, only on Spotify. Can’t wait? You can listen to the trailer right now.

Produced by Funny Or Die and created by Dan Abramson, the comedy podcast tells the story of washed-up actor Randy Beslow, who’s spent 30 years blaming Kevin Bacon for missing out on the lead role of Footloose. After hitting rock bottom, Beslow decides to hunt down his celebrity nemesis. But in a twist neither of them saw coming, he accidently becomes Bacon’s new assistant and possible BFF. What happens next? You’ll have to tune in to find out.

Part fiction and part alternative reality, a star-studded cast including actors Kyra Sedgwick, Matt Walsh, and Lamorne Morris joins Kevin Bacon for a podcast you won’t want to miss. Check out a preview in the video below.


The Last Degree of Kevin Bacon trailer is available now on Spotify. The series launches Monday, February 17, only on Spotify.

‘The Adam Carolla Show,’ ‘Ladygang,’ ‘expediTIously with T.I.,’ ‘Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe’ and All 300 of Your Favorite PodcastOne Shows are Coming to Spotify

What do basketball star Shaquille O’Neal, WWE legend Steve Austin, bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe, and podcasting Guinness World Record holder Adam Carolla have in common? They each host their own podcast—but that’s not where the similarity ends. Their shows, along with hundreds of others from PodcastOne, are now available to stream on Spotify.

That’s right: Spotify is partnering with PodcastOne to bring all—yes, all—of their podcasts to the platform. That includes the Guinness World Record holder for most downloaded podcast, The Adam Carolla Show; Ladygang; expediTIously with Tip “T.I.” Harris; and many more.

“We are thrilled to bring PodcastOne’s 400-plus hours of fresh, weekly content to Spotify’s global listeners,” said Lauren Jarvis, Head of Content Partnerships, North America, at Spotify. “From longtime-running favorites like The Adam Carolla Show, Ladygang, and Kaitlyn Bristow’s Off the Vine, to shows from superstars like Shaquille O’Neal and T.I., we know that we are adding podcasts for diverse listener tastes to Spotify’s catalog.”

Today, Spotify listeners worldwide will be able to enjoy all 300-plus programs from PodcastOne and PodcastOne Australia content in partnership with Southern Cross Austereo.

“PodcastOne is thrilled to make our extensive catalogue available to the Spotify audience,” said Peter Morris, CEO at PodcastOne. “Combining the talent, power, and reach of the leading ad-supported podcast network, PodcastOne, with Spotify’s best-in-class technology, and listening and user experience, is a can’t-miss. This partnership creates new cross-promotional opportunities for us both, and increases the accessibility of PodcastOne’s hundreds of programs for our listeners. It’s been great to work with Lauren Jarvis and the Spotify team as we launch our new partnership.”

Founded in 2012 by Norm Pattiz, who also founded radio giant Westwood One, PodcastOne boasts star-studded and cutting-edge content. Tune in to get hooked on shows hosted by top podcasting talent, celebrities, digital influencers, and media partners across comedy, sports, pop culture, entertainment, true crime, self-improvement, health and wellness, scripted genres, and more. Other popular shows include 22 Hours: An American Nightmare, Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson, A&E’s Cold Case Files, The Adam and Dr. Drew Show, The Jordan Harbinger Show, Heather Dubrow’s World, Reelz’ CopyCat Killers, Rob Has a Podcast, You’re Welcome! with Chael Sonnen, and hundreds more.

Starting today, you’ll be able to get streaming. With over 400 hours of programming weekly across the PodcastOne network, there’s no time to waste.

Dive right in with The Adam Carolla Show, now on Spotify.