Tag: Spotify Premium

Spotify och Accenture samarbetar för att erbjuda Spotify Premium som en anställningsförmån

The "Spotify for Work" logo in mint on a lavender background

Musik och podcasts är inte bara till för underhållning – det är också bra för att fokusera, koppla av och lära sig nya saker. Med vårt nya partnererbjudande Spotify For Work blir det möjligt för företag att erbjuda Spotify Premium som en förmån till sina anställda. Det innebär att arbetsgivare av alla slag kan erbjuda kraften i musik och podcasts till sina anställda, så att de kan lyssna samtidigt som de koncentrerar sig på jobbet, tränar, lagar middag och allt däremellan.

Vi vet att arbetsgivare alltid strävar efter att erbjuda konkurrenskraftiga fördelar för att attrahera och behålla topptalanger och erbjuda ytterligare värde och upplevelser för att belöna sina anställda. Det är där Spotify for Work kommer in in i bilden. Det är en modern förmån som har potential att bygga en starkare känsla av gemenskap på varje företag, säger Marc Hazan, vice VD för Freemium Partnerships and Business Development.

För att kicka igång programmet samarbetar vi med det globala konsultföretaget Accenture. De lanserar det nya erbjudandet för sina anställda i Sverige, Lettland och Litauen. Vi ställde några frågor till Jan Jendeby, kundansvarig på Accenture, om varför han ser fram emot att erbjuda Spotify Premium till Accentures anställda. 

Hur kom det sig att ni samarbetar med Spotify för att erbjuda Spotify for Work till era anställda?

Vi letar alltid efter nya sätt att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare. När vi tillsammans utvecklade Spotify for Work såg vi det som ett intressant och relevant erbjudande med flera fördelar för våra medarbetare, så vi undersökte om det skulle vara möjligt att bli en av Spotifys första användare/deltagare i programmet.

Vi ser att Spotify for Work är globalt skalbart. Det är ett utmärkt sätt att ge anställda en efterfrågad förmån så att de kan njuta av allt ljudinnehåll som finns på plattformen.

Hur passar Spotify Premium in tillsammans med era andra erbjudanden?

Det är ett nytt och attraktivte rbjudande som kan användas under arbetet, efter jobbet eller när du pendlar. Våra medarbetare kan använda tjänsten på flera olika sätt för att fokusera bättre, lära sig nya saker eller helt enkelt varva ner. Spotify for Work är ett bra komplement till de andra erbjudanden som finns tillgängliga för våra anställda. Vi förväntar oss att det kommer att få stort genomslag hos många av våra anställda inom olika demografier och roller i Sverige och Baltikum.

Förklara värdet för arbetsgivare att tillhandahålla sådana här förmåner till sina anställda. 

I strävan efter de bästa talangerna är alla aspekter av vad vi kan erbjuda våra anställda och potentiella kandidater viktiga. Vi tror att Spotify for Work är ett attraktivt erbjudande som våra anställda kommer att uppskatta, och väl värt Accentures blygsamma investering.

Vad är mest spännande med det här samarbetet? 

Det är väldigt spännande att vara det första företaget som testar det här nya erbjudande. I det här fallet är vi inte bara den första kunden eller köparen av denna tjänst, utan vi stödjer också innovationen och utvecklingen av det nya erbjudandet genom att dela kontinuerlig feedback. Vi ser Spotify for Work som ett bra sätt för Spotify att nå ännu fler användare och erbjuda företag en attraktiv personalförmån.

Vad har du i lurarna just nu?

Musik: Silk Sonic, Billie Eilish, Veronica Maggio, Marvin Gaye, Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Podcasts: Accenture AI Leaders Podcast, Framgångspodden.

Vårt samarbete med Accenture, det första i sitt slag, är bara början. Är du intresserad av att lära dig mer om Spotify For Work? Läs mer här.

Spotify and Google Announce User Choice Billing

Today, we are excited to announce a new chapter in our partnership with Google: a multiyear agreement that represents a first-of-its-kind option in payment choice and offers opportunities for both consumers and developers.  

Users who’ve downloaded Spotify from the Google Play Store will be presented with a choice to pay with either Spotify’s payment system or with Google Play Billing. For the first time, these two options will live side by side in the app. This will give everyone the freedom to subscribe and make purchases using the payment option of their choice directly in the Spotify app. Spotify will continue to freely communicate with users about our Premium subscription service, promote discounts and promotions, and give listeners on our Free tier the ability to convert to Premium directly in the app. 

Over the coming months, Spotify will work with Google’s product and engineering teams to build this new experience, and we’ll roll out in countries around the world. Working together, the companies will test and learn, jointly exploring product innovations across the Android platform. We anticipate launching the first iteration of User Choice Billing later this year.  

Spotify has been publicly advocating for platform fairness and expanded payment options, among other things, because fair and open platforms enable better consumer experiences and allow developers to grow and thrive—when this happens everyone wins.

Alex Norström, Chief Freemium Business Officer, commented, “Spotify is on a years-long journey to ensure app developers have the freedom to innovate and compete on a level playing field. We’re excited to be partnering with Google to explore this approach to payment choice and opportunities for developers, users, and the entire internet ecosystem. We hope the work we’ll do together blazes a path that will benefit the rest of the industry.” 

“Android has always been about openness and user choice,” said Sameer Samat, Vice President, Product Management at Google. “This step is an important milestone for mobile app stores and I can’t imagine a better first partner than Spotify. They value choice as much as we do and understand the importance and continued investment in Android and Play to the health of the entire ecosystem. This is an exciting first step and we look forward to adding new partners and learning how this model could be expanded across the platform.”

5 Reasons To Switch to Spotify Premium This Holiday Season

During the holidays, the right audio can add that perfect finishing touch to a white elephant gift swap or cookie decorating party. Curating the listening experience can be daunting, but with Spotify’s massive catalog of songs and podcasts to fit the mood and our new holiday offer, the ideal festive atmosphere is just a few taps away. 

To help you keep the sounds running seamlessly, we are bringing back our annual Premium holiday offer, giving the gift of ad-free, skippable music to eligible Spotify Free and first-time listeners. Today through December 31, you can sign up and listen to favorites like “All I Want for Christmas Is You” on repeat for free and without any interruptions. Or, if you’re in the mood for a fresh holiday tune, skip around in the 2021 Spotify Singles: Holiday Collection to hear new seasonal music. 

Did you get cold feet and cancel your plan before October 29 of this year? We’ve got a deal that will warm you right up. Spotify is offering users a chance to get back to Premium with three months for the price of one on the Individual plan. 

If you need more convincing, here are five reasons to let Spotify help you listen ad free to all your wintertime favorites and much more.

1. It’s ad free.

Our favorite reason to join Spotify Premium is that you can enjoy your music without interruption. As much as we love getting ad-inspired ideas for our holiday wish lists, sometimes we want to get cozy by the fire and stream our favorite songs all day long.

2. You can switch to offline listening. 

Whether you’re on a plane, train, sleigh ride, or grandma’s dial-up Internet, Spotify Premium lets you download and listen to all your music offline, so you don’t have to be connected to Wi-Fi or data to play your favorites.

3. Get instant access to 70 million tracks. 

The only thing less fun than a holiday playlist interruption is a limit on the number of songs you’re allowed to skip. With Spotify Premium, all our music is available on demand. So if you’re hankering for a specific song on our Christmas Classics playlist, it’s ready to be queued up with just a tap. And if a family member hijacks your carefully curated queue, all it takes is a few skips to get the vibe back. 

Plus, you can switch between your headphones, computer, or home speaker with just a few swipes. So no matter where the day takes you, listening never has to take a pause.  

4. Premium might just be speaking your language and in your market.

This year, we’ve expanded to 44 new markets—from Uganda to Jamaica to Papua New Guinea—and added five new languages, including Romanian and Croatian. That brings the Spotify Premium count to 184 markets total. So now even more folks around the world can take part in uninterrupted streaming this season. 

5. You have a month to take advantage of three months free!

Here’s the breakdown: from November 29 through December 31, 2021, eligible Spotify Free and first-time Spotify listeners can sign up for our Individual Premium plan for three months for free. 

If you ended your Premium subscription recently and are having some regrets, no need to wait for the Ghost of Christmas Past. You can sign up again and have three months of ad-free music back for $9.99, or your local market equivalent. That’s just under $4 per month for Premium listening. 

Ready for ad-free, on-demand, unlimited-skip music? Head to spotify.com/premium to sign up for your seamless holiday music-listening experience.

Check Out the Latest Samsung Devices With Spotify Preinstalled—And Find Out if You’re Eligible for 3 Months Free

Spotify has been Samsung’s go-to music service since 2018. Throughout the years, we’ve worked together to bring a more seamless listening experience to Samsung users across devices. In 2019, we strengthened that partnership when we announced that Spotify would come preinstalled on the newest Samsung Galaxy mobile devices so music and podcast lovers could start listening as soon as they turned on their new phones. 

Spotify’s partnership with Samsung is getting even better, with more devices to choose from and a free Spotify Premium offer for eligible users.

More devices to love

Spotify will continue to come preinstalled on the newest range of Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablets, as well as on Samsung Smart TVs. Eligible devices for the preinstall include: 

  • Mobile phones: New Galaxy S, Galaxy A, Galaxy M and Galaxy F Series phones that have been released in 2021, including the latest Galaxy S21, S21+ and S21 Ultra, with more to come later this year.
  • Tablets: Galaxy Tab S7 FE, Galaxy Tab A7 Lite

These devices are the latest in a growing list of phones that come with Spotify preinstalled, including Galaxy S10, S10+, S10e, S10 5G, Galaxy Z Fold, select Galaxy A and M Series phones, Galaxy S20, S20+, S20 Ultra, Galaxy Z Flip, and Galaxy Z Fold 2.

Three months free

We’re also offering three months free of Spotify Premium to eligible Samsung users in 73 markets.

Samsung users in these markets who haven’t tried Spotify Premium before or those who use Spotify Free are eligible to unlock three months free and all the benefits fans love about Spotify Premium. That means access to 70 million+ tracks and more than 2.2 million podcast titles; ad-free music listening; music + podcast offline downloads; on-demand listening to any song, podcast, album, or artist; and quality audio streaming. 

The offer will be available across Asia, Africa, North America, Latin America, and Europe in 73 markets, including Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Morocco, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Moldova, South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, U.S., Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragu, Panama, U.K., Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Romania, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland.

Note: Device availability and Spotify support may vary by market as well as carrier.

This offer is part of our commitment to bring a seamless, quality audio experience to users, no matter where they are and however they choose to listen.

Share, Explore, and Discover Music and Podcasts via Spotify in the Facebook App

We all have that friend or loved one who always seems to be in the know regarding the hottest emerging artists or the latest releases—and who uses their social network to share their latest discoveries. 

Discovery is important to Spotify. That’s why we’re improving how users share and engage with songs and podcast episodes by introducing a new miniplayer experience driven by social discovery—discovery that allows listeners to enjoy audio from Spotify directly within Facebook, without switching between apps. 

Starting today in select markets,* Spotify Premium users can discover and experience songs and episodes with full playback directly from Spotify inside the Facebook app on iOS and Android. Spotify Free users can enjoy the same great experience via shuffle mode with accompanying ads from Spotify. 

Beyond Spotify shares to Facebook News Feed, fans will also have the ability to play songs via the miniplayer through select verified artists’ posts, or even from user-uploaded videos on Facebook that contain licensed music. Your reach just got even greater. 

Here’s how to launch the miniplayer:

  1. Tap the “Play” button on the song you, your friend, family member, or favorite creator shared from Spotify to their Facebook News Feed.
  2. The first time you’re using the miniplayer, you’ll see a consent dialog open—click on “Connect” to continue. 
  3. If you’re logged in to Spotify, the apps will automatically switch and playback will start from within the Spotify app. (If you’re not logged in, you will be prompted to do so.)
  4. Spotify keeps playing even if you keep scrolling down your News Feed, but you’ll have control over playback options so you can pause or dismiss the miniplayer.

Over the past year, we’ve seen how social media continues to be an incredibly important way to connect with friends and loved ones—especially when gathering in person is more challenging. Audio continues to be something that brings people together. 

The new integration is rolling out in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, South Africa, Thailand, Uruguay, and the U.S. We’re looking forward to introducing this experience to more markets over the coming months.

*Update as of 6/17/2021: This integration is now available in more than 175 markets globally where Spotify is available.

New and Existing Telkomsel Customers Can Now Get Three Months of Spotify Premium at No Charge

Spotify and Telkomsel, the largest wireless network provider in Indonesia, are teaming up for an offer that’s music to everyone’s ears. For the first time ever, new and existing postpaid Telkomsel customers can get three months of Spotify Premium on us—no credit card required. 

Eligible Telkomsel customers who sign up through their KartuHalo Telkomsel bills will have access to all the features Spotify Premium users around the world know and love for the first three months, including offline downloads, unlimited skips, and ad-free streaming of more than 50 million tracks with no data charges. 

“At Spotify, we believe all audio fans should have control of their listening experience and easy access to their favorite music and podcasts wherever they are,” said Gautam Talwar, Spotify’s Managing Director of Southeast Asia. “Through this partnership with Indonesia’s biggest mobile operator, we can enable millions of Indonesians nationwide who don’t use credit cards to sign up for a three-month trial of Spotify Premium.”

The two companies have partnered since 2019—the deal allows Telkomsel postpaid and select prepaid customers to stream Spotify without being charged for data. Listeners who opt in for this latest offer will also be able to take advantage of the added bonus.

After the three-month trial ends, customers can continue their Spotify Premium subscriptions for 53,459 IDR a month and pay through their existing Telkomsel postpaid plans. That means one convenient bill for your wireless service plus access to all your favorite songs and podcasts at your fingertips. Now that’s a win-win.

New and existing postpaid Telkomsel customers can sign up now for three months of Spotify Premium on us at no charge. And check out the Musik Indonesia Hub to discover playlists, new releases, and more coming out of the country.

Your Squad Can Now Stream Simultaneously Using Spotify’s Group Session Beta

There’s nothing like enjoying your favorite playlist or podcast with friends and loved ones. That’s why Spotify launched the first beta version of Group Session back in May. At launch, this evolving feature allowed groups of Premium users to share control of their listening sessions with others in real time. It even offered shared opportunities for collaboration among all the listeners. And we didn’t stop there.

In our latest innovation, we’re taking Group Session one step further with brand-new functionality that allows Spotify Premium users around the world to tune into the same playlist or podcast simultaneously. So no matter the distance—whether six feet apart or a thousand miles away—you and the members of your squad can now each listen to the same content at the same time on your own devices (as well as control playback). Groups of two to five people can use this feature at once by sharing a “join” link via messaging apps or social media with each other.

Need some inspiration for your remote listening party? Try . . .

  • Hosting a virtual Country Cookout with your mom in Chicago and your brother in San Antonio. Jam out in real time from each of your backyards while cooking up a storm. And if Mom’s getting carried away with the oldies, you can always change the track.
  • Setting up a Wind of Change podcast date for you and your long-distance boo. Nothing says romance like some light international espionage.
  • Coordinating a morning-noon-night group jog with friends in LA, New York, and London, and keeping the same pace across time zones with a Power Run playlist.

Ready to get started? Click or tap the Connect menu in the bottom-left corner of the play screen and scroll down to “Start a group session.” Then, share the invite link with your guests or have them scan the Spotify code to join the session.

From there, both host and guests can pause, play, skip, and select tracks on the queue as well as add in choices of their own using the standard controls. If one person makes a change, it will immediately be reflected on all participant devices. Talk about squad goals.

Since Group Session is currently still in beta, you can expect the experience to continue to evolve over time. For now, get started with your first Group Session.

Spotify Premium Is Sweeter Than Ever With Our Newest Limited-Time Offer

Ready to take your listening to a whole new level? Spotify Premium has you covered. Premium users can enjoy ad-free, on-demand music for more than 50 million tracks, as well as access to our 1 million podcast titles. It’s a sweet deal, and it gets even sweeter: Beginning today, Spotify Premium is offering three months free across all plans to eligible first-time users, and three months for $9.99 (or local market equivalent) for eligible users who have cancelled and want to return. Now that’s a cherry on top.

Let’s break it down.

New users can get three months free

If you’ve been using Spotify Free, you already know some of the great podcasts and music Spotify has to offer. (And if you haven’t, there’s no time like the present.) Now imagine those same songs, albums, and music playlists on-demand and without ads. (Plus, unlimited skips and offline listening!) Spotify’s three-months-free offer is for eligible Spotify Free and first-time users across all Premium plans.

That means that if you’re just getting started with an Individual Premium account, you’re in for a treat. But you can also rack up the study playlists with a Student account, sign up for Duo with your significant other in the same household, or create an audio experience for the entire household with Family—one that includes Spotify Kids—as long as you’re in a market where these offers are available.

Returning users can get three months for $9.99

If you canceled your Individual Premium plan for one reason or another, no worries. You have another opportunity to get back to the audio content you love, with three months of Spotify Premium for just $9.99. That means paying less than $4 per month for the most popular audio streaming subscription service. This offer is available for individual Premium plan subscribers who cancelled their Premium plans on or before April 14, 2020. 

Signing up for either offer is easy. Users in all markets except Japan* can visit Spotify.com/Premium today through June 30, 2020, to get on that Premium listening grind.

Looking for different ways to feel entertained, relaxed, or motivated, or simply to pass the time? Check out our Listening Together hub with brand-new playlists and podcasts curated by celebrities, artists, podcasters, and influencers who share in users’ favorite at-home interests.

*Japanese users stay tuned—offer coming soon!

Spotify Premium and Chase Are Teaming Up to Help You Get More

Spotify is excited to announce that we’re teaming up with Chase to help our shared customers unlock even more value.

Eligible Chase customers of select credit cards who are new to Spotify Premium are invited to take advantage of six months of free Spotify Premium.* In addition, current Spotify Premium users can receive a 5% statement credit for a six-month period when using an eligible Chase credit card for Spotify Premium subscription payments.** Eligible cardmembers can enroll by May 31, 2020 to enjoy these perks.

“Our goal is to bring Spotify Premium to new audiences, and we’ve seen the success aligning with world-class partners has had in helping us reach more users,” said Marc Hazan, VP of Premium Partnerships, Spotify. “Working with Chase will bring more opportunities and ways for millions of their cardmembers to experience all of the features available on Spotify Premium, including the ability to listen to 50 million tracks on-demand and ad-free.”

We are excited to work together with Chase and bring even more to our shared users.


*The trial offer will be marketed directly to Chase customers

**For terms and conditions, visit https://www.chase.com/getmorenow.


4 New Partnerships Bringing Spotify Premium Across the Globe

248 million users. 79 markets. One incredible Premium experience. Our goal is to make sure Spotify Premium is available wherever our listeners are. That’s why we’re always teaming up with new partners to enable more users to discover Spotify Premium and enjoy the music and podcasts they love. Just in time for the holidays, today we’re sharing four new ways our fans around the world can enjoy Spotify Premium—and get even more out of it.

“These partnerships will make it even easier for users to experience Spotify Premium and access music and podcasts anytime and on any device,” says Marc Hazan, VP of Premium Partnerships. “We’re committed to working with world-class partners to provide users with innovative offers and the best experience and value.”

Ready to learn more? Here are four new ways users around the globe can access Spotify Premium:*

U.S. and U.K. Users: Stay in the Game with Xbox and Spotify

Gamers know that it’s often the music that makes the experience what it is. So as part of a special holiday campaign, we’re deepening our partnership with Xbox by offering eligible U.S. and U.K. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members a free six-month trial of Spotify Premium. That’s right— you can stay in the game while playing Spotify in the background, as well as control playback with Spotify Connect. Get all the details on this time-limited offer by visiting Xbox

French users: Enjoy Spotify en français with Bouygues Telecom

Spotify + Bouygues Telecom on one bill = c’est magique. In France, Spotify and Bouygues Telecom are offering a free six-month trial of Spotify Premium for customers on Bouygues Telecom broadband and eligible mobile plans. And Bouygues Telecom customers on mobile tariffs >1 GB data allowance can add Spotify Premium to their existing mobile plan while paying one convenient bill. Bouygues Telecom’s 4G service covers 99% of the French population and was named the number one operator in rural areas by Arcep, the French telecoms regulator, in 2018, so you know you’re in good hands.

Brazilian users: Get technical with service app Magalu Conecta

Our offer in Brazil is in partnership with Magazine Luiza (“Magalu”), one of the country’s top retailers, and their service app Magalu Conecta. The Magalu Conecta app provides services and benefits including technical support, cloud storage, phone protection and free exclusive Wi-Fi hotspots. As part of our partnership, we’re offering Magalu Conecta customers a free four-month trial of Spotify Premium. 

Australian users: Listen through one of Australia’s largest mobile networks, Vodafone

In Australia, we’re once again joining forces with Vodafone to offer our users there even more value. Eligible Vodafone customers can now receive a free 30-day trial of Spotify Premium when Spotify Premium is added to their existing mobile plan—and pay one convenient bill.

No matter where you are or what you’re listening to, get it on-demand and on-the-go with Spotify Premium. Click here to learn about how to give the gift of Spotify and other holiday offers available through Spotify Premium.

*Trials are subject to Spotify trial eligibility

Give Everyone on Your List the Gift of Spotify

Every year you vow that this will be the season you get all your shopping done early. But somehow the holidays always sneak up, and you’re left scrambling for last-minute gifts.

That’s why we’re making it easy to check off everyone on your list with the below roundup of Spotify-integrated tech gifts. Grouped for all the different audiophiles in your life, these recommendations make giving the gift of Spotify easy. 

Check out our top picks below.

For the multitasker

If you’re looking for the one-stop-shop of cell phones, check out the Galaxy Note10 and Galaxy Note10+. It’s designed for an immersive experience and features a super-powerful performance to handle your multitasking, so you can listen to podcasts, shop online, and answer work emails without skipping a beat.

For the one who’s constantly on the go

The Galaxy Watch Active2 has LTE connectivity so that users can call, text, or stream Spotify right from their wrists—even while offline. That way they can stay connected from the gym, on their commute, or just about anywhere. Plus, Spotify comes preloaded on select Samsung devices, so they’ll be able to get going the moment the wrapping paper is off.

For the one who’s always up on the latest TV

Take advantage of that state-of-the-art home entertainment unit—try the Roku Streaming Stick+ to make playing Spotify through the TV easier than ever. Or, if they’ve already got a Roku Smart Soundbar or Roku TVs with Roku TV Wireless Speakers attached, gift them a Wireless Subwoofer for more seamless streaming and exceptional sound quality all year round.

For the friend who’s throwing the holiday party

Give the gift of great sound for their music! The Sonos Move is a powerful, battery-powered smart speaker for music, news, and more in great sound indoors, outdoors, and on-the-go. Connect wirelessly with other Sonos speakers, including Sonos and IKEA’s SYMFONISK bookshelf or lamp WiFi speaker—fully integrated in the Sonos Home Sound System—to play music in any or every room for a rich, home-filling sound sure to liven up any gathering.

For the kids

Need a gift for the kids in your life? Youngsters will love the Ultimate Arendelle Castle Playset and the singing Anna and Elsa dolls inspired by Disney’s Frozen 2—especially when it’s paired with our Spotify Frozen 2 Playlists. The curated sound effects and music bring Anna and Elsa’s adventures to life from the warm comfort of your living room.

For the gamer who knows it’s all about the music

Take Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for a spin. Not only will they be able to play the hottest games, but new subscribers in the U.S. and U.K. who join Xbox Game Pass Ultimate will also receive six months of Spotify Premium for free for a limited time.

For the friend who’s spending the holidays outside

Have a friend who’s taking advantage of the time off to get outdoors? The Bose Portable Home Speaker is a wireless home speaker, portable Bluetooth speaker, and a voice-controlled speaker, all in one. So whether they’re preparing for a hike or an outdoor holiday party, the music will be totally covered. 

For the Spotify Premium newcomer

Spotify Premium allows you to play music on-demand, enjoy unlimited skips, and listen without ads between songs. It’s like magic. Bring someone else into the know by introducing them to the annual Spotify Premium holiday offer from November 18-December 31. New users can get three months free* (so your wallet will thank you, too), and anyone who was previously on Premium but has since dropped can get three months for $9.99 (meaning you pay once and get the next two months on us).**

And the options don’t end there—check out more Spotify Connect devices that let you play music or podcasts through them using the Spotify app as a remote, perfect for bringing in the holiday season or streaming all year round*.

As you’re doing your holiday shopping, get into the spirit of the season with our Happy Holidays playlist.

* Three Months Free is for new users who have never tried Premium, available across all Premium plans: Individual, Student (where available), Family (where available) and Duo (where available).
** Three Months for $9.99 is only for individual plan users and is not available to users who ended their Premium subscription after October 19, 2019.

Brand New Music for You

We know it can be difficult to keep up on all of your favorite artists’ new music. We get it — you’re busy, and there’s a lot going on. Discovering new music should be simple, and now we’re making it even easier. 

You’ve probably noticed the occasional full-screen recommendation in your Spotify mobile app, letting you know that one of your favorite artists has a new album out. Based on interviews we’ve conducted with Premium users, as well as your shout outs on Twitter, listeners seem to like this feature.

We personalize these new album recommendations based on your listening taste, combined with human curation. With an upcoming test we’re running in the US, we’re giving artists and their teams the ability to directly tap into this process and connect with the fans that care most about their music.

In this test, we will let artist teams pay to sponsor these recommendations, giving them the power to tell their listeners on Spotify—across both our Free and Premium tiers—about their latest release. You’ll now hear from a wider range of artists, which means you’re less likely to miss out on new releases from your favorites.

One thing that won’t change is that these recommendations will continue to be powered by your music taste, so you will only hear from artists that you frequently listen to or follow. We hope you enjoy these recommendations  — but if you’re not into them, Premium subscribers can turn them off. 

We hope you enjoy these recommendations  — but if you’re not into them, Premium subscribers can turn them off.

Look out for this new feature the next time one of your favorite artists drops their next release.