Tag: AI DJ

2024 Wrapped Is Here! Experience Your Year in Listening Like Never Before

There’s nothing quite like the joy of looking back at what soundtracked your year. That’s where the Spotify Wrapped experience comes in, offering fans a personalized recap of their year in listening packed with immersive features.

Think of 2024 Spotify Wrapped as a celebration of the fans, artists, and creators who made this such an amazing year. We’re giving fans even more ways to indulge in what they love, from showing them how their taste in music evolved throughout the year to special messages from their favorite artists and podcasters.

More than ever, Wrapped is everywhere on Spotify—a massive effort showcasing the hard work and creativity involving hundreds of Spotify team members each year. New this year, fans can uncover more listening insights dotted across the Spotify experience. The “share” functionality for music and podcasts on Spotify has been given a Wrapped spin. By tapping “share,” Spotify will reveal whether the content you’re streaming stacks up in your top 100 songs, top 20 artists, or top five podcasts.

And reminder: Make sure your Spotify iOS or Android app is up-to-date to get your own 2024 Wrapped. You can access the experience via the Wrapped feed on your Home screen, which serves as your one-stop spot for all things Wrapped.

Fresh ways to celebrate your year on Spotify

As you relive the artists, songs, albums, and podcasts that made this year truly special, look out for some new and returning features in this year’s personalized experience for eligible users:

    • Your Music Evolution: Your tastes and moods change throughout the year—and so does the music you listen to. This new data story reveals the musical phases that uniquely defined your year. You may receive up to three musical phases, which will be displayed with descriptors, genres, and artists.
    • Your Music Evolution Playlist: Your Music Evolution will also come to life in a personalized playlist that can be found in the Wrapped feed on Home. Tracks within the playlist include both familiar favorites and new songs we think you’ll love—all related to your musical phases throughout the year.
    • Your Top Artist Reimagined: You will now get to see the artist you enjoyed most this year with “Longest Listening Streak,” plus the fan favorite “Top Listeners,” which reveals what percentage of listeners you’re in for your favorite artist.
    • Your Music Videos Playlist: In markets where music videos in beta are available, Premium users will receive a personalized playlist that brings together music videos from your most-loved artists of this year.
    • Your Artist Clips: Loyal fans will get to hear directly from some of their top artists within the Wrapped experience. Clips will include artists like Peso Pluma, ROSÉ, Billie Eilish, USHER, Sabrina Carpenter, KAROL G, and thousands more.
    • Your Podcaster Clips: You’ll also be able to enjoy short messages from some of your favorite podcast creators, including the ones behind shows like Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain, Crime Junkie, Distractible, Diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett, and more.
    • More Editorial Playlists & Insights: Curated by Spotify’s music editors, users can find more curated playlists in their Wrapped hubs, which include insights that contextualize and spotlight the biggest stories in music and culture in 2024.

Spotify presenta AI DJ en español para los fans de la música en todo el mundo

Cuando lanzamos AI DJ en inglés el año pasado, ofrecimos a los usuarios una nueva forma de conectar y descubrir música en Spotify. DJ es una guía de IA personalizada que te conoce a ti y a tus gustos musicales tan bien que puede elegir qué reproducir para ti. Combina una selección curada de canciones con una voz impulsada por IA y complementa la experiencia con datos e información relevantes sobre las canciones y artistas que te recomienda. Todo esto se crea a través de la poderosa mezcla entre la tecnología de personalización de Spotify, la IA generativa en manos de nuestros editores expertos en música y una voz de IA real y cercana.

Y ahora es momento de llevar nuestro AI DJ, en versión beta, a los usuarios de Spotify Premium de habla hispana en todo el mundo.

Desde el debut de AI DJ, hemos aprendido la importancia de darle contexto a nuestros usuarios sobre lo que están escuchando. Cuando los oyentes reciben comentarios junto con sus recomendaciones musicales personalizadas, es más probable que escuchen una canción que de otro modo se habrían saltado. A los usuarios Premium les encanta DJ. El oyente medio de DJ pasa más tiempo escuchando DJ que los oyentes de cualquier otro set recomendado. 

Ya sea que aprendas algo nuevo sobre tu artista favorito o recuerdes un buen momento mientras escuchas una canción nostálgica, AI DJ agrega momentos divertidos a tu experiencia auditiva que te harán volver por más. Los usuarios Premium que escuchan DJ, escuchan más Spotify. Observamos un aumento de las escuchas la semana siguiente a la primera vez que un usuario escucha DJ en comparación con la semana anterior.

Quizás conozcas a Xavier Jernigan (sus amigos lo llaman “X”) como el primer modelo de voz de DJ con IA, en inglés.

X es el Head of Cultural Partnerships de Spotify y ha sido host de numerosos podcasts en Spotify durante los últimos años. Su personalidad y voz resonaron entre nuestros oyentes, por lo que fue la opción elegida. X no irá a ninguna parte, pero los usuarios que conocen y aman la voz en inglés ahora tienen la opción de elegir escuchar DJ en español.

El impacto del español dentro de la cultura musical es innegable: desde la popularidad de los artistas latinos en nuestra plataforma hasta el poder de la música para romper las barreras del idioma. Tenemos millones de oyentes de habla hispana en Spotify, muchos de los cuales han utilizado las redes sociales para preguntar sobre AI DJ. De hecho, en los últimos meses, hemos visto un aumento de más del 215 % en las conversaciones en social media sobre AI DJ en español. Lanzar AI DJ en español fue el siguiente paso natural en la evolución del producto y estamos emocionados de que el mundo conozca a Livi, la voz de AI DJ en español.

Presentamos a DJ Livi

Para crear el modelo de voz para AI DJ en español, colaboramos con nuestra propia editora senior, Olivia “Livi” Quiroz Roa, quien está basada en la Ciudad de México y ha dedicado toda su carrera a esta industria.

En su día a día, Livi se encarga de la curaduría de playlists populares en la plataforma y ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en el lanzamiento de nuestro programa EQUAL en México.

Después de un extenso casting internacional, la voz de Livi fue la que más resonó entre los usuarios. Los usuarios que evaluaron realmente sintieron que era una voz cercana y era como escuchar recomendaciones de música de una amiga.

Cómo empezar a utilizar AI DJ en español

La voz en español estará disponible para los oyentes Premium en los países donde AI DJ está disponible actualmente. Además, la función ahora se está expandiendo a usuarios Premium en España y en países seleccionados de Latinoamérica, incluidos Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, República Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela.

Cuando utilices Spotify Premium en un país donde AI DJ esté disponible, así es como puedes encontrarlo:

  • Ve a la pestaña Buscar en Spotify.
  • Busca “DJ”.
  • Ponle play y deja que tu DJ personalizado haga el resto.
  • Para cambiar de idioma, simplemente toca el menú de tres puntos dentro de AI DJ y elige entre inglés o español.

En esencia, AI DJ se trata del descubrimiento y la conexión. Al darte un contexto relevante sobre tus recomendaciones musicales, estamos creando conexiones aún más profundas entre los artistas y sus fans. Con Livi como la voz de AI DJ en español, ahora tenemos la oportunidad de llegar a millones de oyentes de habla hispana en nuestra plataforma y ofrecerles una forma completamente nueva de escuchar Spotify.

Spotify Brings AI DJ to Spanish-Speaking Music Fans Around the World

When we launched our AI DJ in English last year, it gave listeners a new way to connect with and discover music on Spotify. DJ is a personalized AI guide that knows you and your musical tastes so well it can choose what to play for you. It combines a curated lineup of songs with an AI-powered voice that provides commentary about those recommendations. This is all created through the powerful combination of Spotify’s personalization technology, generative AI in the hands of our expert music editors, and a real and relatable AI voice. 

Now it’s time to bring our AI DJ, in beta, to Spanish-speaking Spotify Premium users around the world.

Since the debut of the AI DJ, we’ve learned the importance of context for our users. When listeners hear commentary alongside personal music recommendations, they’re more likely to listen to a song they may have otherwise skipped. Premium users love DJ. The median DJ listener spends more time listening to DJ than listeners of any other recommended set. 

Whether you learn something new about your favorite artist or evoke a fond memory while listening to a nostalgic track, DJ brings playful moments to your listening experience that keep you coming back for more. Premium Users who listen to DJ listen to more Spotify. We see an increase in listenership the week after a user first listens to the DJ compared to the week before.

You may know Xavier Jernigan (his friends call him “X”) as the very first AI voice model of DJ, in English. 

X is Spotify’s Head of Cultural Partnerships and has hosted numerous podcasts on Spotify over the years. His personality and voice resonated with our listeners, so he was a natural first pick. X isn’t going anywhere, but listeners who know and love the voice now have the option to choose to hear another DJ voice in Spanish.

The impact of the Spanish language within music culture is undeniable—from the popularity of Latin artists on our platform to the power of music in breaking down language barriers. We have millions of Spanish-speaking listeners on Spotify, many of whom have been taking to social media to ask about DJ. In fact, over the last few months, we’ve seen an over 215% increase in social conversation around DJ in Spanish. Rolling out DJ in Spanish was a natural next step in the evolution of the product, and we’re excited for the world to meet Livi, the voice of DJ in Spanish.

Introducing DJ Livi

To create the voice model for the DJ in Spanish, we enlisted our own Senior Music Editor, Olivia “Livi” Quiroz Roa, a Spotify music editor based in Mexico City who has spent her entire career in the music industry.

In her day job, Livi curates popular playlists on platform and has played an instrumental role in the launch of our EQUAL program in Mexico

After an extensive international casting call, Livi’s voice resonated the most with users. Testers really felt it was relatable and like they were hearing music recommendations from a friend. 

How to get started with DJ in Spanish

The Spanish-speaking voice will be available for Premium listeners in markets where DJ is currently available. It is expanding to Premium users in Spain and across select markets in Latin America, including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

As long as you’re using Spotify Premium in a market where DJ is available, here’s how you can find it:

  • Head to the Search tab on Spotify.
  • Search “DJ.”
  • Press play and let your personalized DJ do the rest.
  • To switch languages, simply tap the three-dot menu within the DJ card and choose between English or Spanish.

At its core, DJ is about discovery and connection. By providing context around your music recommendations, we’re creating even deeper connections between artists and fans. With Livi as the voice of DJ in Spanish, we now have the opportunity to reach millions of Spanish listeners on our platform and bring them an entirely new way to listen to Spotify.

5 Spotify Premium Hacks You Need To Know

Finding the perfect song, pod, or audiobook can be transformative, which is why we here at Spotify continuously innovate our products and features to provide the best experience possible. For our more than 200 million Premium subscribers, that includes plenty of perks beyond access to ad-free music listening. If you’re a Spotify Premium user, here are five hacks you need to know to make the most out of your subscription.

How to download your favorites for offline listening

No Wi-Fi, no problem. Before you go off the grid, download your favorite music and audiobooks so you can listen anytime, anywhere.

Navigate to the playlist, song, album, podcast, or audiobook you want to download and tap the ( ↓ ) icon at the top of the page.

How to multitask like a pro with the Desktop Miniplayer

This top-requested feature from users is now live and available for Premium subscribers using Spotify on Desktop. Premium listeners can open up a miniature window for Spotify, giving them playback control while using other apps and windows.

So whether you’re listening to your daylist while answering emails or watching your favorite music video (available in select markets) while online shopping, the new Desktop Miniplayer is the ultimate companion. It’s fully flexible, meaning it can be stretched as big or as small as you’d like, and is easy to move around your screen.

How to find your next beach read with audiobooks in Premium

Booklovers, rejoice! In the U.S., U.K, and Australia—and coming soon in Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand—Premium subscribers can stream up to 15 hours each month of over 250,000 audiobooks on Spotify, all included in their existing plan. This includes a sweeping range of both contemporary and classic novels, from RuPaul’s The House of Hidden Meanings to Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights.

Any book marked “Included in Premium” is available to each Premium Individual subscriber, as well as plan managers for Family and Duo accounts. Just hit play and dive right in.

How to soundtrack your day using our AI DJ

Ever wish you could just sit back and let someone else pick your favorite music for you? Well, if you have Premium, you’re in luck. Did you know that Spotify has a personalized AI DJ named X? Simply tap the “Music” tab in the Spotify app or search “DJ” to launch your personal DJ experience complete with tailored song selections, cultural commentary, and more.

How to start a group-listening session with Spotify Jam

There’s nothing quite like connecting over a shared love of music. That’s the beauty of Jam, a personalized, real-time listening session for your group to tune in to together. While anyone can join a Jam in person, only Premium users can “host” a Jam session with full control over the queue. Premium users are also the only ones who can join or create a long-distance Jam wherever they are.

Select a playlist or song to get started. You’ll see the “Start a Jam” button by clicking the speaker icon at the bottom of your screen or by hitting the three-dot menu within the playlist or song. You can also select a device to play on, whether that’s your phone or a speaker.

You can then invite your squad by turning on Bluetooth and tapping your phones together, or by having your friends scan the QR code on your host screen. You can also hit “share” to send the link through social, text, SMS, and more.

Oh, and Jam also works on desktop. Simply tap the three-dot menu or right click on a playlist or song, click “Start a Jam,” and then invite your friends through a share link or QR code.

Ready for the perks of going Premium? Peruse our plans at spotify.com/premium.

*Update as of April 17, 2024: Now through May 21, Spotify Premium is offering three months free to eligible Free and first time-users for the Individual Premium plan. For those who are missing their Individual Premium plan and canceled for one reason or another, Spotify Premium is also offering three months for just $10.99 (or market equivalent). Explore offers at spotify.com/premium.

*Update as of August 14, 2024: Now through September 17, Spotify Premium is offering three months free to eligible Free and first time-users for the Individual Premium plan. For those who are missing their Individual Premium plan and canceled for one reason or another, Spotify Premium is also offering three months for just $11.99 (or market equivalent). Explore offers at spotify.com/premium.

*Update as of November 25, 2024: Now through December 31, Spotify Premium is offering three months free to eligible Free and first time-users for the Individual Premium plan. For those who are missing their Individual Premium plan and canceled for one reason or another, Spotify Premium is also offering three months for just $11.99 (or market equivalent). 

Here’s What’s in Store for Your 2023 Wrapped

Was your year full of new musical discoveries or auditory trips down memory lane? No matter how you listened—or what you listened to—Spotify was there to set the soundtrack. And now, during 2023 Spotify Wrapped, we’re helping you check the receipts on your year in review. 

Our 2023 Wrapped campaign is a celebration of the realest moments that defined your year on Spotify. It includes the top artists, songs, albums, and podcasts that reflect how more than 574 million fans around the world listened, and a personalized user experience with even more interactive features, 2023 Wrapped has everything you need to celebrate your year of listening. 

So make sure your Spotify app is up-to-date, then get your personalized Wrapped in the Spotify mobile app for iOS and Android. This year, for the first time, you can also view Wrapped from any browser by visiting Spotify.com/Wrapped.

Now that 2023 Spotify Wrapped is here, check out . . . 

New and refreshed data stories to bring you to the heart of your listening

  • Me in 2023 demonstrates a streaming habit that defined your music listening this year. When you flip your card, it reveals a listening character specific to your tastes and habits on Spotify. Check out all 12 characters here
  • Sound Town matches you to a city based on your listening and artist affinity. 
  • Top 5 Genres shows you how your top five music genres stacked up and is presented in a fun sandwich-inspired design.

Ultimate Passenger Princess Antoni Bumba Shares Her Top Tips for Listening in the Car

Drivers in the U.S. spend an average of 60 minutes per day behind the wheel. So whether you’re slogging through the daily commute, ripping through errands, or gearing up for a road trip with friends, you’re going to want the best music, podcasts, and audiobooks to make that time count. 

With 100+ million songs, 5+ million podcasts, and over 150,000 audiobooks, Spotify is the ultimate listening companion when you’re on the go. Plus, you can listen to Spotify in the car and effortlessly bring the world’s music along for the ride with our new features like DJ, Jam, and daylist

Picking precisely what to listen to is a special role, one that often falls to the person in the passenger seat. And our listeners know it: This past year, users have taken to social media to proudly announce their status as a “passenger princess”—the person who, while being chauffeured, also ensures fellow passengers are fed, hydrated, and musically satiated. 

They also claimed this title on Spotify. This year, we saw a 300% rise in the number of user-generated “passenger princess” playlists created each month. “Snooze” by SZA and “Paint The Town Red” by Doja Cat were two of the tracks that popped up most frequently. 

For the Record talked to Antoni Bumba, creator and self-identified passenger princess, on what it takes to be the best copilot for any road trip. 

Why’s it so important to have good music playing in the car? 

It does two things. One, it helps us curate the vibe for the location that we’re on the way to or for what type of day we want to have. But it also fills up the empty space. Unless you just want to be listening to your tires run against the road, which is really boring.

Antoni Bumba playing ukelele

Tell us about the role of the passenger princess.

Okay so, I know it’s called the passenger princess, but once the role umbrellas itself into being the DJ, it becomes really hardcore. This is one where the pressure is on you at all times. You have to have what’s gonna play next figured out, because if everyone in the car gets mad at you and wants to take the aux from you, they’re never gonna trust you again. 

If the person driving the car is getting us from point A to point B, then the passenger princess is making sure we’re all having a good time. That we’re not all hating this car ride. It seems simple, but you really have to read anyone’s energy. They’re not going to say what they’re in the mood for. You just have to read it on their face, read it in their vibe, and play something that’s gonna be fire. 

But the role can also be really chic and cute and fun if you make it that way. 

You’re the passenger princess on an epic road trip. What’s on your playlist?

The first thing I’m gonna play is something right in the middle. Something that feels good, maybe some Motown. Then you want to transition quickly into something that’s going to sustain people, someone people are going to want to sing along to. Rihanna is great to put in this category, Megan Thee Stallion, or Doja Cat. We need to get feelings riled up with songs with really enjoyable beats and voices and lyrics that aren’t too demanding. 

And then after you’ve done a few songs, screaming lyrics, videotaping your road trip, then you’re going to start talking. And someone is gonna be hungry. Someone is going to want to stop to pee. So you need to have a good filler. This is when all the randoms can be played. If you have a weird demo in your library and it starts playing at this time, good. After you eat your food, you’re driving, you have four hours left. And this space is less about getting excited, and this is where you can start playing lyrical stuff. Not anything necessarily too emotional, but with lyrics that are fun and kitschy. 

Then I also have music without lyrics. So good. This is the time when everybody wants to dissociate, wants to forget that we’re all in the car together, look out the window, scroll on their phones. I have a bunch of cool, psychedelic rock, funky music playing. People get sick of that and then we move to things that are a bit more Fantasia

Then finally, we’re gonna want music that’s going to hype you up for pulling into whatever place you’re about to pull up to.

Do you ever choose a theme?

Location matters. When you’re driving from LA to San Francisco or something—like when I was driving with my friend Victoria and we were going skydiving—you drive past all this scenery. So we had all this chill music playlist that was very reminiscent of California rock ’n’ roll. But then once we got closer to where our location was, it was Nicki Minaj. Full. Blast. 

Antoni Bumba

Now on our way back, there is a different vibe. You don’t want to go too hard on the melodies, because you don’t want people to fall asleep, but once you get closer to home, play that new Lana Del Rey. Play “Crystal” by Fleetwood Mac. Songs that make you feel good about pulling in.

What song are you always belting out from the passenger seat? 

We were driving through Vancouver and we were singing Céline Dion and Whitney Houston. The first song we were singing by Celine Dion was “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now” and then Whitney’s “The Greatest Love of All.” Just big ’80s ballads. Also, Heart. Very ’80s, love, power-hour ballad. 

On your channel, you talk about beauty from the passenger seat. Do you have any recs for staying hydrated and comfortable on long trips?

I definitely think that you want to wear something that’s going to be super comfy. Shoes, very comfy. Hair, done up in a way where you don’t have to worry about it. I usually go for a headband to tie my hair back, because if I put my hair in a pony or in a bun and I want to go to sleep, it’s just going to be knocking into the seat. And I always keep a moisturizer with me, maybe some Aquaphor or a moisturizing mist. When it comes to traveling in the car, I think it’s important to sustain beauty, not create it. 

Catch Antoni’s heartbreak road trip playlist only on Spotify.

Spotify Reports Third Quarter 2023 Earnings

Today, we announced our third quarter 2023 performance. The business delivered strong results in Q3 as all of our key indicators exceeded guidance and we returned to profitability.

  • Monthly Active Users were up 26% to 574 million and 2 million ahead of guidance. This represents our second largest Q3 net addition performance in history. 
  • Subscribers grew 16% Y/Y to 226 million. Net additions of 6 million were 2 million ahead of guidance. 
  • Total Revenue grew 11% Y/Y to €3.4 billion, exceeding guidance.
  • Gross Margin finished above guidance at 26.4%.
  • Spotify returned to profitability, reporting Operating Income of €32 million for the quarter. 

In addition, we unveiled new personalized experiences for users and tools for creators:

Interested in hearing more? Click here to review the full earnings release and listen to the webcast Q&A on our Investor Relations site here. 

Click below to check out a sizzle reel of audio trailers from a few of our recent original and exclusive podcasts and audiobook offerings.

How Spotify Uses Design To Make Personalization Features Delightful

Every day, teams across Spotify leverage AI and machine learning to apply our personalization capabilities on a large scale, leading to the features, playlists, and experiences Spotify users have come to know and love. And when you spend your days working with emerging technologies, it’s easy to get transfixed by complicated new advancements and opportunities. So how do our forward-thinking teams ensure they can tackle this technical work while also prioritizing the experience of our users? 

That’s a question constantly on the mind of Emily Galloway, Spotify’s Head of Product Design for Personalization. Her team’s role is to design content experiences that connect listeners and creators. This requires understanding our machine learning capabilities as they relate to personalization to leverage them in a way that is engaging, simple, and fun for our users. 

“Design is often associated with how something looks. Yet when designing for content experiences, we have to consider both the pixels and decibels. It’s more about how it works and how it makes you feel,” Emily explains to For the Record. “It’s about being thoughtful and intentional—in a human way—about how we create our product. I am a design thinker and a human-centric thinker at my core. People come to Spotify to be entertained, relaxed, pumped up, and informed. They come for the content. And my team is really there to think about that user desire for personalized content. What are we recommending, when, and why?”

The Personalization Design team helps create core surfaces like Home and Search, along with much-loved features like Discover Weekly, Blend, and DJ. So to better understand just how to think about the design behind each of these, we asked Emily a few questions of our own.

How does design thinking work to help us keep our listeners in mind?

When you work for a company, you know too much about how things work, which means you are not the end user. Design helps us solve problems by thinking within their mindset. It’s our job to be empathetic to our users. We have to put ourselves in their shoes and think about how they experience something in their everyday life. A big thing to keep in mind is that when using Spotify, phones are often in pockets and people look at the screen in quick, split-second moments. 

Without design, the question often becomes, “How do we do something technically?” For those of us working at Spotify, we understand how or why we’re programming something technically in a certain way, but users don’t understand that—nor should they have to. What they need is to experience the product positively, to get something out of it. We’re accountable for creating user value. We really are there to keep the human, the end user, at the forefront. 

Without this thinking, our products would be overcomplicated. Things would be confusing and hard to use, from a functionality perspective. Good design is about simplicity and should largely remain invisible. 

But design is also additive: It adds delight. That’s what I love about projects like DJ or Jam that are actually creating connection and meaning. Design is not afraid to talk about the emotional side—how things make you feel. 

How does design relate to personalization?

Personalization is at the heart of what we do, and design plays an important role in personalization.  

Historically, Spotify’s personalization efforts happened across playlists and surfaces like Home and Search. But over time we utilized new technologies to drive more opportunities for personalization. This started from a Hack Week project back in the day to become Discover Weekly, our first successful algorithmically driven playlist. It then gave way to Blend, which was designed for a more social listening experience. And more recently, to DJ, our new experience that harnesses the power of AI and editorial expertise to help tell artists’ stories and better contextualize their songs. It utilizes an AI voice that makes personalization possible like never before—and it’s a whole new way for our listeners to experience Spotify’s personalization. 

When designing personalized experiences like these, we must think “content first,” knowing people come to Spotify for the content. Design ultimately makes it feel simple and human and creates experiences that users love. If recommendations are a math problem, then resonance is a design problem.

But we also have to have what I like to call “tech empathy”—empathy for the technology itself. My team, which is a mix of product designers and content designers, has to understand how the technology works to design our recommendations for the programming. Personalization designers need to understand the ways in which we’re working with complex technology like machine learning, generative AI, and algorithms. Our designers need to consider what signals we’re getting that will allow our recommendations to get better in real time and overtime. And when a recommendation is wrong, or a user just wants a different mood, we need to design mechanisms for feedback and control. That really came into play when we developed our AI DJ.

Tell us the story of the inception of DJ.

We’re always trying to create more meaningful connections between listeners and creators in new and engaging ways. And we use technology to deliver this value. DJ is the perfect example of how we’re driving deeper, more meaningful connections through technology.

Prior to generative AI, a “trusted friend DJ” would have required thousands of writers, voice actors, and producers to pull this off—something that wasn’t technically, logistically, or financially possible. Now, new technologies have unlocked quality at scale. Xavier “X” Jernigan’s voice and personality delivers on our mission of creating more meaningful connections to hundreds of millions of people. Generative AI made the once impossible feel magical.

To bring DJ to life we answered some core experiential questions knowing we are taking listeners on a journey with both familiar and unfamiliar music. We asked questions such as: What does it mean to give context to listening? How do we visualize AI in a human way? You can see this in how the DJ introduces itself in a playful way—owning that it’s an AI that doesn’t set timers or turn on lights. 

We also put a lot of thought into how we designed the character, since it is more than a voice. 

Ultimately, we really wanted to lean into making it feel more like a trusted music guide, as well as having an approachable personality. So much of our brand is human playfulness, so we made a major decision to acquire Sonantic and create a more realistic, friendly voice. And that led to Xavier training the model to be our first voice. His background and expertise made him the perfect choice.

With new technologies like generative AI, what are some of the new ways you’re thinking about your team and their work?

I’m challenging our team to think differently about the intersection of design and generative AI. We keep coming back to the conclusion that we don’t need to design that differently because our first principles still stand true. For example, we are still taking a content-first approach and we continue to strive for clarity and trust. We’ve realized that tech advancements are accelerating faster than ever, which makes design’s role more important than ever. 

Because there’s so much more complexity out there with generative AI, it means the human needs must be kept in mind even more. At the end of the day, if our users aren’t interested in a product or they don’t want to use it, what did we create it for? 

Emerging technology inspires you to think differently and to look from different angles. The world is trying to figure this out together, and at Spotify we’re not using technology to use technology. We’re using technology to deliver joy and value and meet our goals of driving discovery and connections in the process.

Spotify Expands DJ to Now Be Available in 50 Markets Around the World. Here’s How To Find It

In February, Spotify debuted DJ in beta. DJ is a personalized AI guide that knows you and your music taste so well it can choose what to play for you. DJ provides a new and different way for fans and artists to connect. Since launch, DJ has become the most discussed Spotify feature on social media among users.*   

Fans across the U.S. and Canada jumped at the opportunity to hear commentary alongside personalized music recommendations. Then, in May, we brought the experience to the U.K. and Ireland, continuing the excitement about our latest innovation. Now, the moment fans have been waiting for has arrived: We’re rolling out DJ in beta to even more countries around the world.  


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Starting today, Spotify Premium users in select markets** in Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as those in Australia and New Zealand, can access DJ in the English version of the app. Tune in for a chance to hear more about the music you’ve been listening to and to get recommendations for artists you’re bound to love but have yet to discover. 

The initial voice model for DJ is based on Spotify’s Head of Cultural Partnerships, XavierXJernigan. Now, listeners in select markets around the world will have the option to hear commentary in English and get recommendations from their personal DJ. 

At its core, DJ is all about connection and discovery. DJ’s powerful combination of our personalization technology, generative AI in the hands of our music experts, and a dynamic AI voice makes it possible for listening to feel even more personal, and fans keep coming back for more.

We’ve found that when DJ listeners hear commentary alongside personal music recommendations, they’re more willing to try something new (or listen to a song they may have otherwise skipped). And as we bring DJ to new markets, we’re seeing users tune in even more, with fans spending nearly one-third of their listening time with DJ.***

How To Access Your DJ

As long as you’re using Spotify Premium in a market where DJ is available, you can find your personal DJ by simply opening the Spotify mobile app on your iOS/iPhone or Android device. From there, head to the Music feed on Home and tap DJ, or find it in the Made for You hub within the Search tab. Then let Spotify do the rest!

DJ will serve up a lineup of music picked just for you, alongside short English-language commentary on the songs and artists. And if you’re not feeling the vibe, just hit the DJ button at the bottom right of the screen to be taken to a different genre, artist, or mood.

Since DJ is still in beta, we’ll continue to iterate and innovate to evolve the experience over time, so stay tuned for more.


*Results based on posts on X (previously Twitter) between January 1, 2023, and July 31, 2023, from users with a publicly identifiable location globally.

**Available markets as of August 8, 2023: Antigua, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Barbuda, Belize, Botswana, Burundi, Canada, Dominica, Eswatini, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Malta, Marshall Islands, Namibia, Nauru, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Tonga, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Vanuatu, Zambia, Zimbabwe. 

***Results based on eligible DJ users (Premium users in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and Ireland on mobile) and collected from July 19, 2023, to July 25, 2023. 

Spotify Reports Second Quarter 2023 Earnings

Today, Spotify announced our second quarter 2023 financial performance.

Spotify had a very strong quarter. We beat guidance and welcomed more users and subscribers than expected, with growth continuing to come from markets all over the world.

As we previewed on the Q1 earnings call, we expected to incur charges in the second quarter related to our ongoing efforts to become a more efficient and stronger business. These were excluded from the Q2 guidance we provided last quarter.

  • Monthly Active Users surged 27% to 551 million. Net additions of 36 million were 21 million ahead of guidance and represent an all-time high for the company. 
  • Subscribers grew 17% Y/Y to 220 million. Net additions of 10 million were 3 million ahead of guidance and represent the highest Q2 in company history. 
  • Total Revenue grew 11% Y/Y to €3.2 billion, in-line with guidance. 
  • Adjusted Gross Margin** finished in-line with guidance at 25.5% excluding charges related to our actions in the quarter to streamline operations and reduce costs.
  • Adjusted Operating Loss** of (€112) million was better than guidance, excluding charges related to our actions in the quarter to streamline operations and reduce costs.

Take a look at additional highlights below:

Interested in hearing more? Click here to review the full earnings release and listen to the webcast Q&A on our Investor Relations site here. And click below to check out a sizzle reel of audio trailers from a few of our recent original and exclusive podcasts. 


**Adjusted Gross Margin and Adjusted Operating Loss are non-IFRS measures. See Reconciliation of IFRS to Non-IFRS Results below for additional information.

Reconciliation of IFRS to Non-IFRS Results

Adjusting Our Spotify Premium Prices

*Have questions about your Spotify Account? Visit https://support.spotify.com/article/price-updates/ for information.

Since launching in 2008, Spotify has innovated and invested to build the best audio experience for you and your favorite artists and creators. We have continually revealed new opportunities for fans and creators to connect through the power of our platform, from discovery tools like our new AI DJ, to fan-favorite shared experiences like Blend and the introduction of podcasts and audiobook content. 

With 200+ million Premium subscribers, we’re also proud to be the world’s most popular audio streaming subscription service, giving Premium users access to on-demand and ad-free music listening, offline music downloads, and quality music streaming. The market landscape has continued to evolve since we launched. So that we can keep innovating, we are changing our Premium prices across a number of markets* around the world. These updates will help us continue to deliver value to fans and artists on our platform.

Starting from today, existing subscribers in these markets will receive an email explaining what this means for their account. In the US, the new prices are:

Premium Individual  Premium Duo Premium Family  Premium Student 
$10.99  $14.99 $16.99 $5.99

For more info, head to Spotify.com and our FAQ page to find more details on these changes, when they will go into effect, and how to check your account information. 

*Andorra, Albania, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Croatia, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Peru, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, San Marino, Thailand, Türkiye, United States, Kosovo.

*Update as of August 1, 2023: We have also changed Premium prices in the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Czechia, Hungary, Malaysia, Romania, Saudi Arabia.

*Update as of October 2, 2023: We have also changed Premium prices in Germany, Philippines and South Africa.

*Update as of January 8, 2024: We have also changed Premium prices in Poland and Liechtenstein.

*Update as of February 1, 2024: We have also changed Premium prices in Argentina, Estonia, Panama and Türkiye.

Foo Fighters, Florence + The Machine, A$AP Rocky, Jack Harlow, Trevor Noah, Alex Cooper, Issa Rae, Emma Chamberlain, and More To Join Spotify Beach at Cannes Lions

Next week, Spotify is returning to the South of France for the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, where we’ll transform Spotify Beach into a hub of activity dawn ’til dusk as we celebrate a new way to play. And we’re bringing along some big-name friends to join in the fun.

Our special opening-night soiree will feature an intimate performance by Grammy Award-winning artist H.E.R., as well as a DJ set from the unparalleled Collyer Twins

We’ll be hosting daytime masterclasses and nighttime events beginning Monday, June 19, and continuing through Thursday, June 22, emphasizing our focus on creativity, connection, and innovation. Attendees can look forward to sessions featuring Spotify leaders and guests including Alex Cooper, Issa Rae, Emma Chamberlain, and world-renowned football player Cesc Fàbregas. Author and comedian Trevor Noah will join Spotify CEO and Cofounder Daniel Ek for a conversation on the future of storytelling. Throughout the day, catch DJ Toyin spinning sets.

Then, as night falls on Tuesday, Florence + The Machine and Jack Harlow will take to the stage accompanied by DJs will.i.am and Uncle Waffles. Wednesday is primed for world-class performances from Foo Fighters and A$AP Rocky, and a DJ set from Disclosure. And our house DJ Taylah Elaine will brighten the beach with music throughout it all.  

Spotify Beach itself will feature several interactive experiences, like daily sound bath meditations, an immersive Songs of Summer soundscape, an FC Barcelona play zone, a “Sonic Sips” coffee-and-juice bar, a custom sunglasses gifting station, and much more.  

Read on for a full list of the sessions on the ground, then check back next week here on For the Record for the full takeaway from our novel masterclasses. 

Monday, June 19

Building a brand is more than meets the eye…and ear 

Owning your craft takes dedication, consistency, and commitment—something Spotify’s Taj Alavi, VP, Global Head of Marketing; Loewe’s CMO Charlie Smith; and Anything Goes creator Emma Chamberlain all know well. The trio will share their approaches to what they create; their style around partnerships and projects, brand building, and brand positioning; and how to engage the next generation of streamers.

Top hits and goal-scoring kicks: fandom, football, and media 

We’re hosting a conversation between football legend Cesc Fàbregas, award-winning football Freestyler Pola Gomez, Samsung Europe CMO Benjamin Braun, and Bradford Ross, Coca-Cola’s VP Global Sports and Entertainment Marketing and Partnerships. They’ll dive into the obsessive fan culture surrounding sports and how brands tap into fandoms of all kinds. 

Tuesday, June 20

The cutting edge of creativity and storytelling 

Join Daniel Ek and Trevor Noah at Spotify Beach as they discuss the future of storytelling and the art of navigating different mediums to forge a deeper connection with worldwide audiences. They’ll offer insights on how creators can tell stories in more meaningful ways and effectively leverage new technologies in the ever-evolving media landscape.

The art of the interview 

You don’t need to be an investigative reporter by trade to benefit from learning how to conduct a masterful interview. Things get meta as Spotify’s Chief Public Affairs Officer, Dustee Jenkins, sits down with Alex Cooper, Creator, Host, and Executive Producer of Call Her Daddy, to discuss the art of the interview. Learn how to craft the right questions, disarm your subject, and get straight to the heart of the matter.

Wednesday, June 21

Connecting to the sound of culture 

Spotify’s Global Head of Artist Partnerships, Joe Hadley; Tye Comer, Creative Development and Founder of Spotify’s Outside Voice program; and Erin Styles, Global Head of Ads Business Communications & PR, will spotlight producer-actress-writer Issa Rae; SVP of Marketing at Frito-Lay North America, Tina Mahal; and WACL President Rania Robinson. They’ll discuss the importance of culture-shaping programs that support and amplify diverse voices. This comes as part of Spotfiy’s continued commitment to empowering creators and inspiring our audience to elevate underrepresented communities in their own work.

DJ Mixer

Turn it up with Spotify’s very own Xavier “X” Jernigan, Head of Cultural Partnerships and the voice of AI DJ. We’re rolling up the carpet for an afternoon mixer complete with games, cocktails, mingling, and—maybe—a surprise or two. 

So bookmark For the Record, follow @SpotifyNews and @SpotifyAds on social media, and stay tuned for much more as we discover a new way to play.