Tag: podcast

13 Upcoming Podcasts From Spotify France, Including the Country’s First Video Podcast

The fall season has arrived and at Spotify France, that means one thing: podcasts. Between this September and last, podcast listenership and consumption have both doubled in France, and the nationwide enthusiasm shows no signs of slowing. To help meet the growing appetite for audio entertainment, French creators have been hard at work in the studio developing more unique shows to love.

Listeners can say bonjour to 13 new releases in the coming months that run the gamut from history storytelling to wellness to investigative journalism. That includes more episodes of fan favorite La Poudre, a fresh concept from beloved Coming Out hosts Elise Goldfarb and Julia Layani, and a new show from former basketball star Tony Parker. Plus, Spotify France is launching its first video podcast (or vodcast), featuring influencers Bilal Hassani, Sulivan Gwed, Sundy Jules, Johann (aka SparkDise), and Wesley Krid. There’s also a historical fiction podcast that reckons with France’s colonial past and much more.

Here’s a look at the full slate of French-language podcasts debuting this fall through early next year, sorted into themes so you can easily find whatever you’re looking for.


La Poudre, returning with Season 6 this October

The journalist, author, and cofounder of the production studio Nouvelles Écoutes, Lauren Bastide, has become one of the leading voices on the French podcast scene and of France’s continuing feminism movement. Now, she joins Spotify France Studios as a creative partner to launch a rich and multifaceted collaboration. Her podcast, La Poudre, will now be available exclusively on Spotify, with a new season where she will interview artists, activists, and political figures.

“This collaboration with Spotify is a great pride and a big shift for me,” Lauren told For the Record. “When I launched La Poudre in 2016, I had no idea how big the show would get or how much the podcast world would evolve. By creating Season 6 with Spotify, I want to lead the way to new business models, new ways of making media, and of consuming it. The Spotify interface won me over as a listener. I’m also proud to be one of Spotify’s first creative partners in France, and I’m looking forward to many exciting projects in the future with the goal of continuing to broadcast and defend women’s freedom of thought, which will always remain at the heart of my work as a journalist.”

Meurice Recruiting (Meurice Recrute), premiering this November

In a parallel universe, humorist Guillaume Meurice is running for president in 2022. To find his future minister of economy (and environment, sexuality, etc.), the freshly elected president of the French Republic must interview members of his ideal government. You can follow along as a fly on the wall as Guillaume speaks with academics, politicians, artists, and activists. Each humorous conversation along Guillaume’s fictional presidency campaign gives the host and his guests a chance to share their positive visions of society, propose alternatives to today’s challenges, and stir things up.

“This podcast comes from a desire to discuss issues that are not the same as those tirelessly repeated in political speeches, in the company of personalities who bring new ideas without stopping us from having fun,” Guillaume said.


Oyez Oh Yeah, returning September 23

Oyez Oh Yeah is a history podcast like you’ve never heard before! Hosts historian Manon Bril and comedian Alex Ramirès bring humor to history as they revisit the past. Each episode, Manon and Alex interview experts about a specific time period or historical fact. Their offbeat approach makes academic knowledge accessible and interesting to all.


Brazza Report (Le Rapport Brazza), premiering this October

This podcast walks the line between documentary and fiction and focuses on an essential but taboo part of France’s collective memory: colonization. The show focuses on a fictional character named Johan, a young Franco-Gabonese man in search of his missing mother in 1930 who discovers the real and highly confidential “Brazza Report.” Its contents will change his life. The explosive document, written 20 years earlier by the explorer Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, denounces the ravages of colonization in equatorial Africa. Brazza Report features actor Gaël Kamilindi of the Comédie Française and Beninese singer-songwriter and activist Angélique Kidjo, as well as exclusive insights from author Lilian Thuram.

Sauce Algérienne, premiering early 2022

Family silences, unreadable clues, and questions about identity—39% of young French people have an enduring and complicated connection to colonization and the Algerian War. When podcast host Paul, a doctoral student in sociology, learns this by chance one day, he becomes curious to understand whether the new generation can redefine the way France lives its relationship with its Algerian memory. And so, he sets out to meet five young people whose history has been marked in one way or another by this common past. Sauce Algérienne is a documentary that lifts the veil on a fundamental social issue and marks the point where the personal and the political merge. 


Tony Parker, premiering this November

He is the greatest French basketball player in history, a U.S. sports legend, a recognized businessman, and now a podcast host. Tony Parker, one of the most respected Frenchmen in the world and a model of success for several generations, welcomes athletes, artists, and leaders to join him in the recording studio. Together, Tony and his guests give listeners a front-row seat to their unfiltered conversations about success, commitment, and the common values that help them stay grounded.

Elise & Julia, premiering early 2022

After concluding their successful podcast Coming Out, hosts Elise Goldfarb and Julia Layani and the Spotify Studios team are continuing their collaboration on a new talk show project. The two outspoken entrepreneurs invite public figures, artists, and activists to discuss topics close to their hearts: fashion, ecology, politics, the LGBTQIA+ community, and even celebrities.

“Many brands and advertisers are unfortunately still shy when it comes to supporting the LGBTQIA+ cause,” explained Julia and Elise. “Spotify trusted us right away by producing Coming Out. We’re super excited to be working together again with this new project, an interview podcast where we’ll talk about all the topics we care about!” 


The Shadow (L’ombre – Contre-enquête sur l’affaire Estelle Mouzin), premiering this November

Eighteen years ago, nine-year-old Estelle Mouzin disappeared on her way home from school. In The Shadow, Chloé Triomphe, an investigative journalist from Europe 1 radio, leads a fresh investigation of the shocking case. Chloé speaks at length to Estelle’s father on the podcast and follows the trail of Michel Fourniret, a well-known serial killer.  This unbiased counter-investigation brings new elements and a new light to the official investigation and tries to answer a terrible question: Could we have known the truth earlier?

In Dark Waters (En eaux troubles), premiering early 2022

Journalists Adèle Humbert and Emilie Denètre, known for their investigative podcast 1000 degrees (1000 Degrés) on the tragedy caused by a parcel bomb, explore a new, unsolved legal case: the sinking of the Breton trawler Bugaled Breizh in 2004 off the British coast. This documentary miniseries is the result of a year-and-a-half-long investigation. Together, the hosts unveil the mysteries behind the unsolved disaster and bring to light original testimonies on the inexplicable case.

“Our new series is the culmination of several months of fieldwork in France and abroad; it’s a very ambitious piece that we couldn’t have done without the support of Spotify,” added Adèle and Emilie.

Damien, premiering early 2022

Following the successful run of podcast Sex Club (Sexe Club), Samia Basille and Spotify Studios are collaborating again. This time, Samia is taking on a challenging narrative documentary project: the educational trajectory of a special needs child. She launched a year-long investigation to meet Damien, an engaging young fifth grader in a Parisian public school who is approaching a milestone in his young life as he enters sixth grade. Will he get the accommodations he needs to adapt to his new school? The podcast follows Damien’s journey as he navigates Paris’s educational system.


Animalia, premiering this October

Animalia is Spotify France’s first podcast dedicated to children. Host Cyril Dion leads the playful miniseries, which focuses on endangered animals and bestows them with unique personalities, all while raising awareness about extinction. Actes Sud will also release illustrated albums this fall to accompany the show and bring the animals to life.

“Today, 38,543 species are threatened with extinction,” Cyril shared. “This is a huge number, but there is hope, provided that we all act together and rethink our way of being in the world. This is Animalia‘s ambition: to accompany children in their discovery of the animal world while giving them the knowledge and tools to become adults who respect living beings.”

The Fabulous (La Fabuleuse), premiering September 21, 2022

La Fabuleuse is the first video podcast, or vodcast, from Spotify Studios France! Each week, a new episode will be available exclusively on Spotify in both audio and video format. The show follows Bilal Hassani, Sulivan Gwed, Sundy Jules, Johann (aka SparkDise), and Wesley Krid, who together make up a team of influencers living under the same roof. The fivesome has been collectively nicknamed “The Fabulous.” But they are much more than that; they represent a free and modern next generation. Friendship, success, mental health, astrology, pop culture, sexual, and gender identity . . . With humor, lightness, and maturity, the group offers a glimpse at the issues that concern today’s youth.


Zen Zen, premiering at the end of the year

Meditation gets a musical refresh. Singer and influencer Chloé Stafler invites listeners to join her in soothing meditation sessions. Each session is led by a different artist from the French music scene and focuses on a theme that is dear to them.

Can’t wait to start listening? Kick off the new season of podcasts with the vodcast The Fabulous (La Fabuleuse), which premieres today. And stay tuned for plenty more releases to come!

En un nuevo original de Spotify, los presentadores de “Extraterrestres” hacen contacto con los oyentes de América Latina

¿Por qué pensamos que no estamos solos? Un nuevo podcast original de Spotify, Extraterrestres, explora historias de encuentros alienígenas en todo el mundo. Un número asombroso de personas afirman haber visto vida extraterrestre, pero nadie puede probarlo. ¿Existe una explicación más realista para estos incidentes, o realmente hay algo al acecho?

Una nueva adaptación en español de Parcast, Extraterrestres es el primer podcast de Parcast que incluye a los mejores talentos de América Latina. En cada episodio, Raiza Revelles y Magnus Mefisto examinan los informes de una ocurrencia alienígena diferente y llegan a las explicaciones más plausibles.

No podemos negar la obsesión colectiva que provoca lo desconocido sobre si hay vida en otros planetas. Tampoco sabemos con certeza si es cierto o no que, durante siglos, los extraterrestres han volado por nuestros cielos, afectaron nuestros campos y borraron nuestros recuerdos. Pero nuestros anfitriones están aquí para desentrañar todas estas preguntas, comenzando con la historia del Hombre Polilla, que sucedió en Virginia Occidental en los Estados Unidos a finales de los 60, y explorar otros lugares extraterrestres alrededor del mundo.

Para promover el lanzamiento del podcast en México, Spotify lanzó una campaña que sorprendió a los fanáticos de la Ciudad de México con luces en el cielo formando mensajes y círculos en los cultivos en los campos con pistas sobre el podcast.

For the Record habló con Raiza y Magnus sobre lo que los oyentes de América Latina pueden descubrir en el nuevo podcast.

¿Crees que hay pruebas de visitantes extraterrestres en nuestro planeta?

Raiza: Creo que hay vida en otros planetas. Pienso que el universo es muy vasto; hay demasiados planetas y satélites naturales para pensar que no existe vida en ninguno de ellos. Quizás todavía no nos hemos dado cuenta.

¿Qué pueden descubrir los oyentes que siguen el fenómeno y la cultura OVNI en este podcast?

Magnus: Creo que uno de los puntos fuertes de este podcast es la originalidad de los casos. Cuando se habla del fenómeno OVNI, siempre se discuten los mismos casos. En Extraterrestres probablemente oigas hablar de esos cuatro o cinco casos además de otros 40 que son originales, interesantes y puede que no sean tan conocidos.

¿Cómo te interesaste por los OVNIs y los fenómenos paranormales?

Magnus: Cuando era niño, era un gran admirador de la serie Expedientes Secretos X y, obviamente, el Agente Mulder. Cuando crecí, todavía era fanático del programa, pero comencé a entender mucho más a Scully porque me volví más escéptico. Esto sucede porque de niños tenemos una forma de percibir el mundo de una manera más fantástica. Como adultos, el pensamiento racional a menudo gana. Hoy estoy en ese lado más racional. Sin embargo, no he dejado de creer que hay vida más allá de este planeta.

¿Puedes compartir algunos de tus podcasts favoritos del género?

Raiza: Me metí en el mundo de los podcasts hace relativamente poco tiempo, pero tengo varios que me encantan. Recomiendo encarecidamente Mitología y Lugares Embrujados de Parcast.

Al explorar la cuestión extraterrestre, la gente suele decir “ver para creer”. ¿Cuáles son los desafíos de contar estas historias en formato de audio?

Raiza: A veces subestimamos cuánto significa el audio cuando se trata de contar una historia. Creemos que en una gran película, lo que nos atrae es lo que vemos. Pero es la música y los efectos de sonido los que crean la emoción. Así que creo que en este podcast van a encontrar todos los elementos para que pase justamente esto: que su mente los lleve con nosotros a los casos que les vamos a contar y su imaginación vuele.

Escucha Extraterrestres aquí:


Mark Your Calendars for Seven Swedish Spotify Originals and Five Studio Releases Premiering This Fall

Over the last three years, the more than 70 songs recorded in Stockholm’s Spotify Studio have generated over 400 million streams, and it doesn’t stop there. Sweden’s top creators have been hard at work developing even more for you to love. This fall, listeners can expect seven new Spotify Originals and five studio releases from some of the most popular artists and talents in the country.

Included in the upcoming launch are exclusive studio recordings from artist Veronica Maggio and the hip-hop sensations A36 and B.Baby, as well as shows exploring the three biggest trends in Swedish podcasting: comedy, true crime and documentaries, and fiction. The Spotify Originals also innovate within the traditional podcast format. Comedian Filip Dikmen, for example, is launching Spotify’s first Swedish video podcast, or “vodcast,” while influencer Edvin Törnblom and his friends star in an audio sitcom that blends reality and fiction.

“Music and podcasts have been and continue to be an important source for entertainment, information, and joy,” Nordic Head of Content Johan Seidefors shared with For the Record. “And Spotify continues to invest to be the platform that offers the best user experience and content. This fall, we’re proud to offer a series of unique recordings from our Stockholm music studio and seven podcasts with some of Sweden’s most interesting voices right now.”

That’s just the start. Take a look at the upcoming premieres and start rearranging your schedule.

The Fall Forecast: Podcasts

Tokio Hotel’s Bill and Tom Kaulitz Are Airing All on a New Spotify Original Podcast

Musicians and identical twin brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz, known for their band Tokio Hotel, are taking their talents to a new realm in audio: podcasting. The pair are freshly minted hosts of German Spotify Original podcast Kaulitz Hills, a recorded weekly conversation in German about pop culture and their lives in Hollywood. The brothers—well known by fans for their close relationship—will tackle a range of topics, from personal confessions to gossip, accompanied by a few rounds of drinks and a heavy dose of sarcastic humor. 

Bill and Tom made their boy band debut in Magdeburg, Germany, in 2001. Four years later, they reached number one with their first single, “Durch den Monsun” (“Through the Monsoon”). After touring for five years and becoming the biggest boy band in Germany, the Kaulitz twins moved to Los Angeles, where they have been living ever since. The show’s name, Kaulitz Hills, is a nod to their Hollywood Hills recording studio, where they record music and will be capturing their conversations for the podcast.

In preparation for the big launch, For the Record asked Bill and Tom to jointly answer a few burning questions about what we can expect from this new project. 

Julien Bam and Rezo Bring the Cultural Conversation Directly to Fans With New German Podcast ‘Hobbylos’

What do you get when you put a pair of video personalities in front of a microphone with no cameras in sight? According to German social media star Rezo, “We can just sit naked in front of the microphone and no one cares.”

Combine Rezo’s humor and personality with that of best friend and cohost Julien Bam, one of Germany’s biggest creators, and the result is Hobbylos. In German, “hobbylos” refers to people who are generally so busy that they don’t have time for a hobby. The Spotify Original podcast gives Julien and Rezo a chance to slow down in an honest and stripped-down format that includes current event recaps, clever bouts of humor, and occasional musical sidelines. 

Photo Credit: Harald Schaack

Rezo and Julien have been making videos together for years, and it’s safe to say they’re familiar with putting it all out there. But as Julien shared, “A podcast is something new for both of us thematically.” It has them exploring a new, more intimate way of interacting. “With a podcast, we can talk at the drop of a hat and at the same time go deeper into the subject matter.”

“We look forward to just being heard and not seen,” added Rezo. “That’s one thing we aren’t used to.”

Fans can expect weekly episodes where the pair recaps current events and what’s trending online, from hotly debated social media topics to political headlines. “Sure, sometimes [our conversations] will be about $h*tstorms or trends that happened during the week, but we’ll also get to talk about personal things,” Julien told For the Record.

Listeners will get to know the hosts as they share personal stories and show off their entertainment skills. 

Check out the Hobbylos trailer below and stay tuned for the first episode, dropping July 17 exclusively on Spotify.

Live Audio Is Here: ‘Spotify: For the Record’ Explores the New Spotify Greenroom App

On this week’s episode of our podcast Spotify: For the Record, we look at the live audio space to see where it’s headed and how Greenroom is part of the equation.

Earlier this year, we introduced Spotify Greenroom, our new live audio app. Available on iOS and Android in over 135 markets, the app offers creators and users a whole new way to connect. From real-time sports reactions to instant interactions with your favorite artist, live audio is providing a new avenue for listeners to engage with content that interests them. 

On the podcast, Spotify’s Head of Creation Platform, Michael Mignano, brings us up to speed on live audio and the appeal of joining the conversations taking place in these virtual rooms. Next, mixed martial arts journalist and The Ringer’s Ariel Helwani shares how he’s using Greenroom as a way to provide live sporting event coverage and connect with an international audience. Finally, Hot Pod News founder Nick Quah talks about the live audio medium, how it differs from traditional podcasting, and where he expects it to go from here.

Get all the details by listening to “Spotify Greenroom & the Future of Live Audio.”

‘Spotify: For the Record’ Takes a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Success of Spotify Singles

In May, For the Record shared that Spotify Singles collectively hit over 5 billion streams. The premise of the program is simple: We bring an artist into the studio to record a reimagined version of one of their own songs as well as a cover song—an homage to the two-sided 45 record. Spotify Singles has amassed a playlist of more than 650 songs across dozens of genres that features the biggest stars and emerging artists.

To celebrate this monumental milestone, the Spotify: For the Record podcast is taking listeners inside the rooms where those recordings were made for an intimate look at the creative process. In the episode, artists and Spotify employees closely involved with the program share some of the stories behind these successful tracks.

  • Ed Sheeran, English singer-songwriter and the most-followed artist on Spotify, explains the full-circle moment that occurred when cellist Yo-Yo Ma covered his hit song “Shape of You” for Spotify Singles.
  • Jon Batiste, an Oscar-winning American jazz musician, shares his experience recording 2pac‘s “Changes” on the piano.
  • Nina Nesbitt, a Scottish pop singer-songwriter who has participated in two Spotify Singles sessions, explains what it was like to record in legendary spots like London’s Metropolis Studio.  
  • William Garrett, an experienced audio engineer and the Senior Producer for Spotify Singles, shares what it’s like for an artist to reimagine a fresh new take on one of their own classics. He also shares some fun stories about recording with artists like Elton John, Alanis Morissette, and Wilco.
  • Michele Santucci, Recorded Music Lead at Spotify, talks about how the covers allow for a crossover between genres and open up new audiences for the Spotify Singles artists. She also gives a sneak peek of who’s up next for future Spotify Singles recordings. 

Hear these tales and more on “Spotify Singles: The Path to 5 Billion Streams.”

Popular German Podcast ‘Talk-O-Mat’ Brings Its Unique Format to the U.S. With ‘Can We Be Friends?’

What happens when you put two unprepared celebrity strangers in a room together and ask them to talk about random topics? The result is great entertainment—and a lot of surprising moments.

This concept is the premise behind Talk-O-Mat, a popular German Spotify Original podcast. In each episode, two celebrities arrive at a studio without any idea of whom they will be talking to or what questions they will be asked. The discussion topics are randomly determined by an artificial intelligence system named Talk-O-Mat. 

The unique format of the show made it a hit with listeners in Germany, and the podcast is set to kick off its fifth season in June. And recently, the series saw such success that a new version of the podcast called Can We Be Friends? just launched in the U.S. The English version involves blindfolds for the guests and a friendly AI system who goes by Ruby. Some unexpected pairings that listeners will find for season one include Chelsea Handler and Bobby Berk, Ray-J and Tabitha Brown, and Margaret Cho and Adam Rippon. In this version of the podcast, the conversation between the celebs is analyzed by Ruby, and she ultimately determines if the duo would make for suitable friends outside of the studio.

To dig into this creative and unlikely podcast format, For the Record interviewed the man behind the original German concept, Daniel K. Nikolaou. Daniel is an executive producer at Spotify and the cocreator of the Talk-O-Mat series. What’s it been like for him to see the show flourish and expand beyond the German border? Learn that, and more, below.

How did you come up with this unique format for a podcast?

Spotify is in such a unique position to tell artist stories and shed light on creators in a new way—especially with podcasts. When we created Talk-O-Mat back in 2017, that idea was at the center of the show development. We really wanted to create something that helped fans connect with the artists they love in a different way and allow them to get to know another side of them, a side that they don’t get to show on TV or on social media. 

Why do you think this podcast format is so interesting and engaging for listeners?

I believe that what makes the show so exciting is that listeners really feel the thrill of the artists that are in the studio. You can almost literally hear the tension in the room. It’s such an exciting moment and encounter for the listeners, the artists, and the creators.

You’re about to embark on season 5. How has the show changed or evolved over the past 50+ episodes?

I’ve always found the more unlikely pairings the most fun. Hearing how two people who at first sight might not have that much in common and then witnessing how they do start to connect is always special to me. We also definitely learned a lot about the way people connect with each other, more specifically, what kind of topics or questions make them connect faster or on a deeper level. A secret that I’m not ready to reveal yet…

Do you have a favorite episode/celeb pairing from a past episode?

One of my favorite episodes is the one featuring Fynn Kliemann and Chilly Gonzales because Fynn is such a big fan of Chilly and was completely blown away. I also still love our very first episode with rapper Maeckes and model Micaela Schäfer. It was such a quirky pairing, and the birth of a very dumb running joke that led to a lot of celebrities talking about yogurt in countless episodes.

This show is now being adapted into an English version for U.S. audiences as Can We Be Friends? What was your reaction when you heard the news? 

I couldn’t be prouder! I’ve always believed that the concept of the show had potential for other markets because it’s so pure and fresh. I’m very excited to see how the U.S. audience responds to it! 

What are some opportunities for this show format now that it’s being brought to a new market and audience? 

I’m very excited to see original audio intellectual property not only traveling from the U.S. to other markets, as it is with most content and media, but the other way around. I think that the cross-border adaptation of audio IP to local cultures will open a lot of new creative opportunities and pathways for the future.

Whether you’re interested in the German format or the American version, either podcast will provide you with laughs. Check them out below.

Germany Takes Podcasting to a New Level With a New Podcast Parodying… Podcasts

Germany is one of the most mature markets for podcasting, with a culture that has been attuned to audio for decades. So Spotify has been active in the market, churning out Spotify Original and Exclusive podcasts for several years—while watching the format grow and mature. The growth and longevity have enabled us to experiment with unique talents, formats, and trends. 

The newest Spotify original podcast in Germany, Podcasts der Podcast (Podcasts — the Podcast) plays on that maturity with a brand-new format. The show parodies existing podcasts, hosts, and the medium as a whole, much like TV shows and movies already do globally. The podcast serves as a touching yet hilarious love letter to the evolving, important medium. 

We talked to Saruul Krause-Jentsch, Head of Studios, Germany, to better understand why Germany’s listeners were ready for this satirical format, what it means for the future of podcasting, and why she’s excited to tune in.

We previously learned from Managing Director Michael Krause that Germany is a mature podcast market. How does that influence the types of podcasts that come out of Germany?

The first Spotify Exclusive podcast, Fest & Flauschig, came out of Germany in April 2016. So we’ve had five years of experience in Germany around podcast production since then. We understand our core podcast audience very well and have launched over 40 other successful German shows across comedy, entertainment, and relationships. Our most successful podcasts continue to be comedy and entertainment, but we’re constantly evolving into new formats and genres, like documentaries, fiction, and daily news. For example, our six daily formats have gained a lot of traction and are positioned at the top of the chart rankings in the region. 

All of this sets us up to be innovative, and now we want to grow and learn further with a more satirical podcast show like Podcasts — der Podcast. 

Dax Shepard’s ‘Armchair Expert’ Is Launching an Exclusive Partnership With Spotify

Calling all psychology enthusiasts, talk show fans, and Armcherries: We have some exciting news. The podcast Armchair Expert, cohosted by actor, filmmaker, and comedian Dax Shepard and Emmy-nominated producer and personality Monica Padman, is coming exclusively to Spotify. All past and new episodes, which are produced by Rob Holysz, Monica, and Dax, will remain free and available to stream exclusively on the platform starting July 1. The partnership also includes a first look deal with Armchair Umbrella Network. 

“Moving to Spotify is a huge opportunity for us. I am especially grateful for the work Monica and Rob have done to get us to this point. We are all bathing in the excitement of knowing we will get to do what we love most for the coming years,” shares Dax.

Photo credit: Michael Friberg

Armchair Expert has grown exponentially since its launch in 2018, becoming one of the world’s most listened-to podcasts and attracting a loyal fan base of “Armcherries.” Each episode, Dax and Monica invite listeners to join them and their guests for intimate, honest, and judgement-free discussions. At its core, the show is meant to “celebrate, above all, the challenges and setbacks that ultimately lead to growth and betterment.”

From discussing inequitable standards with Hillary Clinton to opening up about Dax’s struggles with addiction, the Armchair Expert hosts take a unique approach to interviewing celebrities, artists, and world leaders. The resulting conversations are challenging and vulnerable and allow interviewees to share the toughest and most triumphant moments that have defined their lives. Recent guests include John Legend, Bill Gates, and Salma Hayek.

“We are very excited to embark on this journey with Spotify. Armchair Expert will remain the same show it has always been, but with added opportunities that only Spotify can offer us,” says Monica. “We look forward to continuing to bring our human driven content and doorless bathroom to our audience through this exclusive platform.”

Tune into this week’s episode, on Thursday, May 13, to hear Dax and Monica discuss the new partnership with a surprise guest you won’t want to miss.

Pull up a chair and listen to Armchair Expert below.

‘Spotify: For the Record’ Explores the Art—and Science—of Lullabies

What is it about a lullaby that gently nudges a fussy newborn or rambunctious toddler into a slumber? On the latest episode of our podcast, Spotify: For the Record, we’re on a mission to find out.

Sleep playlists on Spotify attract millions of followers, and some of the top lullaby playlists have hundreds of thousands of listeners. In fact, there are almost 1.5 million playlists on Spotify containing a lullaby.

So how does one go about creating the perfect lullaby? In the episode, hear how Swedish artists Mapei and Timbuktu partner up with Grammy Award-winning producer Pontus Winnberg and sleep expert Helena Kubicek Boye to combine music and science for the perfect tune. In our episode, we find that there are four key steps.

‘Tell Them, I Am’ Podcast Shares Inspiring Stories From Muslim Voices

Earlier this year at our Stream On event, we revealed that Tell Them, I Am, a podcast that spotlights the universal stories of Muslim voices, was coming exclusively to Spotify through our partnership with Higher Ground. The series features a variety of influential guests, from activists and artists to actors and athletes, who share their own thought-provoking and often relatable stories. For this season, the podcast released a new episode every weekday during Ramadan.

For the Record talked to Misha Euceph, the host of the podcast and a first-generation Pakistani American, to learn more about the podcast and what it’s like to tell these personal stories.

What can new listeners expect to hear in the podcast?

Tell Them, I Am centers around a small defining moment in someone’s life. The voices are all Muslim; the stories are universal. You’ll hear about the time the pop star Yuna decided to take a dance class after a breakup; the moment that model Halima Aden got into a fight with a bully; the one-on-one game that changed 10-year-old Enes Kanter’s life trajectory; and the time that Malala broke all the rules to feel like a kid. 

Tell Them, I Am released a new episode every weekday this Ramadan. What were some of the challenges in producing a daily show?

The greatest challenge was giving every episode the care it needed to honor the story and guest, and not getting lost in the grind of making 22 episodes by the start of Ramadan. Luckily, I worked with an incredible team and you can hear their fingerprints on this season of the podcast. 

Executive producer Mary Knauf saw the arc of the entire season centering around the moon; producer Ariana Gharib Lee created stunning scenes out of things as simple as an intimate phone call between two friends; producer Jonathan Shifflett turned Quranic stories into cinematic events; and editor Arwen Nicks helped draw out my voice in the writing and did some of the most fun voices. 

What does Ramadan mean to you, and what should listeners take away as they reflect on these stories throughout this important holiday?

Ramadan, for me, is a time of community and vulnerability—the willingness to be open about who we are as people, to reflect on who we want to become, and to receive that from others. 

I hope that listeners see the diversity of what it means to be Muslim and feel the joy of what it means to celebrate Ramadan. I also hope that Tell Them, I Am allows them to think about the small moments in their own lives, and that these stories resonate with them as they figure out how to define themselves.

Did any stories resonate with you or even surprise you?

Because the guests are so vulnerable and almost always telling stories they’ve never told before, I come out of every interview pretty deeply affected. Even though I haven’t experienced the exact small moment that the guests have, it’s easy to see a part of yourself in them and vice versa. For example, I am not a parent, but Mvstermind’s journey with routine and how it helped him find peace struck a chord with me.

The stories that I think are particularly impactful this season center on Uyghur and Rohingya voices. These are people who have faced so much oppression, persecution, and adversity, and yet they are vulnerable, honest, and still find joy and humor in their lives and stories. Particularly, the stories of Jewher Ilham, Uyghur advocate; and Wai Wai Nu, Rohingya activist, are so important as these conflicts escalate. 

Why do you think it’s so important to have a platform like this podcast to tell these stories?

This podcast is about small moments. In not making the show explicitly about “Muslim stories,” we allow the guests to have a platform that’s different than any other that exists out there. The guests can lead with what they find to be a defining moment in their life, instead of feeling like they have to represent all Muslims or “the Muslim experience,” whatever that means. They can just be human beings. 

And in being themselves, in being vulnerable, in telling a story they’ve never told before, they expand our concept of “who a Muslim is.” They allow us to think of Muslims not as a monolith with caricatured traits, but instead as a diverse group of people who lead complex lives. And this season, these stories also allow us to also see the nuance and beauty in Islam. Together, these things make it harder for people to demonize Muslims. Because it’s hard to hate something you can’t categorize easily. It’s hard to hate someone who you can relate to.

Why do you think podcasts work as such a powerful medium for intimate and personal stories?

These stories are native to audio because when you see someone, you automatically make judgements about them based on what they look like. But Tell Them, I Am connects you directly with their voice in your ears—like a friend sitting really close to you. And, with these small, defining moments, you fast-forward to a point in their life that normally you’d only have access to after years of knowing someone. It’s audio that bypasses your biases by taking away the visual. It breaks down the walls in your heart without you even knowing.

Follow along with Misha and her guests as they tell their stories in the podcast below.