Tag: playlist

전 세계 K힙합 팬들을 위한 글로벌 한국힙합 플레이리스트

a graphical image that's a black box with KrOWN written over it in gold.

K팝 팬들을 위한 가장 상징적인 글로벌 에디토리얼 플레이리스트로 스포티파이의 K-Pop ON! (온)이 있다면, K힙합을 찾는 전 세계 청취자를 위한 공식 한국힙합 플레이리스트는 바로 KrOWN입니다.

KrOWN은 스포티파이 역사상 최초의 K힙합 에디토리얼 플레이리스트로 2017년 4월에 론칭한 ‘K-Hip-Hop +82’에 기반해 이번에 새롭게 탄생했습니다. 특히 새로운 플레이리스트명 ‘KrOWN’은 한국의 국가코드 ‘KR‘, 왕관을 뜻하는 영단어 ‘Crown‘, 그리고 ‘(힙합씬을) 이끈다’는 의미의 ‘Own‘을 합쳐 ‘한국의 힙합씬을 이끌어 전 세계에 선보인다’는 의미를 상징합니다. 스포티파이의 KrOWN은 국내외 힙합 팬과 커뮤니티가 즐겨 찾는 대표적인 글로벌 한국힙합 플레이리스트이자 하나의 상징적인 한국힙합 브랜드로 자리매김할 것입니다. 

리브랜딩 전부터 다양한 한국힙합 아티스트와 음악을 전 세계 청취자들에게 소개해 온 본 플레이리스트는 현재 43만 명 이상의 팔로워를 보유하고 있으며, 지난 한 해 동안에만 단일 플레이리스트로서 2천만 회 이상의 스트리밍을 기록하기도 했습니다.

또한 지난 7월 한 달 동안 해당 플레이리스트를 가장 많이 청취한 국가는 미국, 대만, 캐나다, 인도네시아, 태국, 싱가포르, 호주, 말레이시아, 필리핀, 일본 순으로 집계되며, 한국힙합이 전 세계적인 인기를 얻고 있다는 것을 입증했습니다. 실제로 올해 7월까지 스포티파이 내 K힙합은 누적 131억 회 이상 스트리밍 되었으며, 청취자의 약 절반(48%)이 18~24세의 Z세대로 나타났습니다.

a graphic displaying different stats related to the KrOWN playlist on spotify

스포티파이는 KrOWN 외에도 다양한 한국 음악과 아티스트 관련 플레이리스트를 소개하는 K팝 전용 허브를 통해 한국힙합 아티스트들을 글로벌 청취자와 연결해왔습니다. 특히 TrenChill K-Hip Hop, K’illin’, 바닥에서 위로, 재즈맛 힙합 등 한국힙합 중심의 다채로운 에디토리얼 플레이리스트를 지속적으로 선보여왔습니다. 이번 KrOWN 론칭을 계기로 스포티파이는, 오늘자 기준 대한민국을 포함한 전 세계 183개 국가 4억 3천 3백만명 이상의 청취자들에게 한국힙합 특유의 에너지와 사운드, 문화를 더욱 견고히 알려나갈 계획이다.

새롭게 론칭한 KrOWN을 지금 바로 확인해 보세요!

Spotify and easyJet Are Helping You Listen & Book Your Next Trip

a pilot is waving out of a plane and there are graphic orange circles around him

Travel and music are best mates. In addition to a solid playlist’s making a flight fly by, they both expand the mind and encourage people to try new experiences. And now Spotify Advertising and easyJet, a leading European airline, have teamed up to help those experiencing wanderlust (but feeling a little wander-lost) find their next travel destination. With the new Listen & Book tool, listeners can find suggestions for their next Euro-vacation inspiration based specifically on the music they listen to.  

Are your playlists packed with calm and dreamy tunes? Then maybe seeing the northern lights in Iceland or strolling through the botanical gardens in Lisbon is what you need. Or if your music taste tends toward the wild and rebellious, perhaps volcano skiing in Sicily or dancing the night away in Barcelona will excite you. Through this site, you’ll also get info on local concert venues so you can experience the music scene while you’re in town. 

For the Record chatted with easyJet pilot Alexis Luneau to get a true jet-setter’s perspective when it comes to music and travel.

Is there a type of music that’s best to listen to while you travel? 

I would say it really depends on the context. If I catch an early morning flight, I might enjoy a chill and relaxing playlist to get my mood rightly set for taking off into the travel day. But if the mood has already been set to a nice and friendly ambiance—when traveling with a group, for instance—I’m keen to find a playlist that will bring up good memories for everyone, as we are about to create some new ones.

When gearing up for a trip, do you like to make your own playlists, or do you listen to existing Spotify playlists?

I actually do both! I love to create my own, but I have to admit that they are usually inspired from existing Spotify playlists or from what I hear on the radio. If I like the vibe of the song, there it goes, straight into my playlist!

After a long travel day, what type of music helps revive and reenergize your mood?

My personal mood boosters are the hits of the moment! I usually don’t need much more to get started and ready for new adventures.

If someone finds flying stressful, what music might be best for listening to so they can relax? 

I found a great playlist on Spotify called Electro Chill. I love to listen to it when I need to relax and cool down, and I’m sure it can be a fantastic remedy for someone who finds flying stressful! However, the best way to beat that is still to get a window seat and enjoy the view, taking advantage of the few hours of absence from the earth’s surface and remembering how lucky we are to be in the sky.

What are some songs that are keeping you soaring this summer?

If I have to sum up my summer in three songs, I would say:

As a pilot, you get the chance to visit so many countries, all of which have their own versatile music styles. Which country (or countries) stand out to you when it comes to music?

I love heading to Sweden, as I have been a fan of ABBA since my childhood.  

Landing in England, specifically London, is a great reminder of the variety of concerts and musicals that that amazing city offers.

Finally, it’s hard not to think about the good times the festivalgoers are having at Tomorrowland when I fly over Belgium in July.

Spotify and easyJet’s new Listen & Book website helps inspire people by suggesting cities based on their musical tastes. What were your results?

My results were Palma De Mallorca, Milano, and Copenhagen. I was surprised at how accurate they are with matching my personality and taste to travel destinations!

Where’s somewhere you haven’t gone yet but would love to experience?

Costa Rica is definitely on my bucket list! The mix of Caribbean versus Pacific ambiance with a touch of Central American vibe is something I am looking forward to discovering—hopefully on my next trip.


Are you feeling that wanderlust yet? Visit the Listen & Book tool for yourself to get inspiration for your next journey.


Spotify Partners With Bresh, the Acclaimed Gen Z Trend Party

Bresh in pink tesxt on a fuzzy looking pink background

No matter your typical go-to genre, there’s some music that simply makes you want to dance. An emphasis on genre fluidity and variation—alongside a desire for diversity, tolerance, brightness, and freedom—is the concept behind Bresh, a dance party that began in Argentina six years ago and quickly became a global phenomenon. The meeting place for artists, actors, and prominent Gen Z personalities is, in short, a vibe—and Bresh is now a popular dance party in more than 90 cities and 12 countries around the world. 

During the pandemic, thousands of people tuned into Bresh’s livestreams to have a good time from home. Now IRL once again, the party has joined forces with Spotify as its official streaming partner so that Latin American users can enjoy the full experience on their smartphones long after the lights have been switched back on and participants have gone home.


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This union will enable the promotion of Bresh’s  official playlists on Spotify, “Hitazo Tras Hitazo,” which contains more than 40 hours of the most-listened-to and most-danced-to songs. Plus, through this partnership, we’re also committing to fostering momentum for both recognized and emerging artists and DJs associated with the party. 

Bresh and Spotify share a similar goal: to provide young people with the best audio and the music they love, in one place. The alliance of Bresh and Spotify in Latin America will allow the party to continue to expand in the region, connecting young people from Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina with the values that represent them, such as multiculturalism and belonging.

The most beautiful (and popular) party in the world is now accompanied by the world’s leading audio platform. Together, we’ll work toward our mission of making Bresh a meeting place for all young people united in a shared language of multigenre fluidity, and of course, dancing.

Grab Your Sunnies and Celebrate With Our Songs of Summer Predictions

a hot pink inner tube sitting on top of a cartoon splash of water

The sun is out, the weather is warm, and it’s time to find the perfect song to pair with that umbrella in your drink. Every year as summer rolls around, the Spotify music editorial team scours all the hottest new tracks to determine which will dominate your speakers as the quintessential Songs of Summer. So apply your sunscreen, grab those shades, and get ready for our global Songs of Summer predictions for 2022. 

Again this year, the songs that speak to long hazy summer days, beach trips, and cool drinks span many genres—hip-hop, Latin, pop, country, indie, dance, and more—as well as moods, so there’s a song for every moment. 

As you’re planning the next summer soiree, might we suggest adding “As It Was” by Harry Styles and Big Energy by Latto to your queue? Or cranking up Ojitos Lindos” by Bad Bunny (feat. Bomba Estéreo) when you’re hanging poolside? How about pressing play on Post Malone and Doja Cat‘s new track “I Like You (A Happier Song)” as you kick off your vacation road trip?

And there’s more where those came from. Without further ado, Spotify’s Songs of Summer 2022 predictions, in alphabetical order:

To determine this list of songs, which we predict will be on repeat over the next three months, our curation teams pay attention to a number of factors, including the track’s current trajectory and cultural impact, combined with forecasting based on prior years’ knowledge of what tends to pop throughout the summer. But we also took this moment to see what other summer trends are emerging as people start to enjoy more fun in the sun.

The temperature is rising on these summer trends

Summer is a time to shed layers and get out in the sun—we all know about 2019’s viral “hot girl summer” moment. Now, there are nearly 170,000 “hot girl summer” user-generated playlists on Spotify worldwide. And this year, we’re already seeing new seasonal themes emerge.

User-generated “feral girl summer” playlists have surged more than 320% in the past three months.  Some of the top-added songs include “Psycho” by Maisie Peters, “Get Into It (Yuh)” by Doja Cat, “Thot Shit” by Megan Thee Stallion, “I Did Something Bad” by Taylor Swift, “Promiscuous” by Nelly Furtado (feat. Timbaland), and “Act Up” by City Girls.

Searches for “coconut girl summer” have surged nearly 950% this year, with top-added songs for these playlists including “Island in the Sun” by Weezer, “Diet Mountain Dew” by Lana Del Rey, “Santeria” by Sublime, “Malibu” by Miley Cyrus, and “Could You Be Loved” by Bob Marley & The Wailers

The “coastal grandmother” trend is buzzing on Spotify as well—average daily plays of related playlists have skyrocketed nearly 5,000% over the last month!

a graphic design that's yellow, blue and green that lists songs that make up coastal grandmother playlists on Spotify

And when it comes to the drink of summer, some fans think that Dirty Shirleys are in. That seems to be true on Spotify—”dirty shirley” user-generated playlists saw nearly a 95% spike in average daily plays over the past month.

Makin’ a splash

We’re bringing back the Songs of the Summer chart for the second year in a row, so you can keep track of your favorite artists all summer long and see whose hits are climbing as the temperature rises. Follow @SpotifyCharts on Instagram and Twitter to catch the latest Songs of the Summer chart published every Wednesday, starting this week on June 8, 2022.

Grab your favorite ice-cold beverage—whether it’s a cool lemonade or a Dirty Shirley—and listen to our full Songs of Summer playlist below. And as we know, all good things come to an end—including summer. Check back here as the weather cools to learn which song was crowned the most-streamed song of the summer.

Celebrity Wedding Planner Mindy Weiss Helps Us Create the Perfect Wedding Playlist

After two years of pandemic postponement, couples worldwide are ready to ring in their important day with loved ones. This is slated to be the biggest wedding year in decades, and music is one wedding essential that has the power to set the mood, from ceremony to reception.

There are over 14.8 million wedding-related user-generated playlists worldwide on Spotify. Wedding content has skyrocketed recently, with a 620% increase in streams of Spotify’sCountry Wedding” playlist and a nearly 150% increase in streams of Spotify’s “Wedding Songs” playlist.*

We unveiled the data and found that the ultimate wedding track among Spotify listeners is Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me).” Other popular songs include Bruno Mars’ “Marry You,” Beyoncé and JAY-Z’s Crazy In Love (feat. Jay-Z),” and John Legend’s “All of Me.”

For Gen Z and young millennial listeners, when it comes to taking the floor for the couple’s first dance, Ed Sheeran is the romance king with his songs “Perfect and Thinking Out Loud,” which are both among the most-added tracks to user-generated “first dance” playlists for fans in these age groups. 

headshot photo of Mindy Weiss looking at the camera.To celebrate the summer wedding season, Spotify is revamping our global Wedding Season Hub as the one-stop destination for couples looking for music to explore. We’ve also partnered with celebrity wedding planner and industry legend Mindy Weiss to curate an exclusive wedding playlist.

For the Record asked Mindy about her “A Very Mindy Weiss Wedding” playlist and got advice for couples busy planning the tunes for their big day.

Of all the important considerations for a successful wedding, where does music fall on the list?

It’s interesting because it’s different for every one of my couples. It’s definitely in the top three important decisions—between location, the food and alcohol, and the music. And sometimes music is first. And there’s always one part of the couple who says, “I’m in charge of the music,” you know? But I would say for 2022 weddings music has certainly taken the forefront.

In your experience, what are some of the most popular songs for the first dance?

Obviously, it’s a very personal choice. Sometimes it might be a song that the couple heard on the radio while they were driving on their first date. Sometimes they look at me and go, “We don’t have a first song.” But then we sit together and start playing music. I always suggest songs from the American Songbook, or Frank Sinatra, or something romantic, like “You Are the Best Thing” by Ray LaMontagne. It’s pretty neutral, and it’s a song about love and how they feel about each other. Couples also love “Better Together” by Jack Johnson, “Moon River” by Audrey Hepburn, and “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis. There’s so many classics that make everybody feel good. And if you’re having live music, you can always depend on a band to play some really good classics.

Also, I always suggest that people read the lyrics, you know, because they may like the song, but sometimes the songs they pick are about breaking up. So I always say, “Let’s look at the lyrics first,” and they sit there laughing.

What is the most unusual song you’ve heard at a wedding? 

Well, I can tell you it was at my son’s wedding. We were in a music meeting and the gentleman who owns the band said, “So, Jordan, what music do you want to walk down to for the ceremony?” Normally quiet in these settings, my son goes, “Oh, I know exactly what I’m walking down to.” And I was so excited. He goes, “Yeah. I’m walking down to ‘Regulate.’ I go, “‘Regulate’? Isn’t that a rap song?” He said, “Yeah, but I envision it with strings.” And the owner of the music company was so excited. And of course I know to keep my mouth shut because I know how parents get while planning weddings. But I will tell you, it was so cool. I felt that this was the beginning of people taking modern songs, and they’re putting it to strings, you know, like in Bridgerton. 

What is your advice for crafting the perfect playlist for a couple’s big day?

First and foremost, you cannot pick every song that the band or DJ is going to play. Because if you have a good band and good DJ, they need to feel what’s happening on the dance floor. They need to feel the energy. If it’s low energy, they’re going to play higher energy. And if you made this playlist of every single song, I’d say nine and a half times out of 10 it will never work. So what I always say to them is, make your “Do Play” list and your “Don’t Play” list and then give them free reign. Do playlists with a mixture. It’s not all about the music the couple likes, but we have to also think about the age range. That really makes a big difference in choosing your songs. But if it’s really an average age group, it’s nice to mix in the old with the new, so that it’s a nice mixture for everybody. And if you do have a band, don’t be afraid to ask them to learn brand-new songs. They’re really excited to do that. 

What’s more important, the couple’s music tastes or the general music taste of the guests? How do you advise your clients on balancing the two?

I always say to my couples, do not blast them out in the first hour—let’s build it up. Do not start with a hard rock song when the doors are open and they’re coming in to find their seats. Let’s start with the American Songbook. Let’s move up to the seventies. Let’s move up to the eighties—which is so popular right now. Let’s build it. So by the end, after dinner, typically it’s pretty much all the couple’s music. Everyone has had a little bit to drink so they’re into the music. They’re well fed, they’re ready to party, and the truth is, the older guests typically will leave towards the end of the night. So you’re left with mostly young guests. And that’s when you can really concentrate on your type of music. But I think it’s a great compromise, and I’ve really never had a couple that said, “Nope, we’re rocking all night.” I think they realize the importance of building the evening.

When you think “wedding playlist,” so many songs must come to mind. How did you approach creating this playlist for Spotify?

Number one, I just know that couples today are really trying to make their weddings unique and personal. They may go online and find a wedding list that just is very predictable, you know? So I really concentrated on trying to find some oldies and standards that you wouldn’t expect to find there. I dug deep and first I did some instrumental, you know, ceremony type of songs, from Bridgerton. Then in my head I went to some newer artists that are doing some very romantic songs like Harry Styles and Justin Bieber and even going back to Amy Winehouse. Really, it’s choosing songs that are not predictable, but when people see it, they go, “Oh, I love that song.” And then songs like Michael Bublé’s “Home” that they may have not thought of, but they know it. I really mixed up the artists—bringing back some old ones but introducing some new ones. For instance, I love “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” but I did the Haley Reinhart version because of Crazy Rich Asians. I’m sure people wouldn’t think of me for some of these artists, but I hear wedding music every weekend, so I wanted to change it up a bit.

Are there any songs from the playlist you’d like to tell us more about or that mean something special to you?

Over the Rainbow” by Israel Kamakawiwoʻole is actually the song I walked down to at my wedding. I love that song. You know, it’s not like the Judy Garland version, but it’s a cool, hopeful song that everybody can relate to. 

Want to know what other songs are on Mindy’s wedding playlist? Check it out below:

*All data was collected in April 2022 and is global, unless otherwise specified.

Turkish Artist Aleyna Tilki Makes a Splash as Spotify’s EQUAL Ambassador of the Month

Aleyna Tilki is breaking the mold as she makes a name for herself in the music industry. The edgy Turkish singer-songwriter started her singing career at 14 years old, and now, at the age of 22, she already has multiple hits and high-profile collaborations to her name. Add to that the fact that Aleyna is the first Turkish artist that Warner Music Group has signed for international projects, and it’s clear she’s a musical force to be reckoned with.

Aleyna’s signature vocals—whether she’s singing in her native Turkish or in English—and unique style help her fuse genres in her music. Early last year, she released the highly anticipated single, “Retrograde,” cocreated by an all-star team that included Diplo, Dua Lipa, and King Henry. In October of 2021, Aleyna continued to prove her success with the song “Real Love,” which was a collaboration with producer and DJ Dillon Francis. The track was a hit, debuting at number 24 on the Billboard Dance Club Songs chart.

singer aleyna stands in front of a pink backdrop looking directly into the camera.

Now Aleyna continues to gain a global following as the EQUAL Ambassador of the Month for May. Spotify’s EQUAL Global Music Program aims to combat gender disparity in the music industry by amplifying and celebrating the work of women creators around the world. As a part of this month’s spotlight, Aleyna will have her song “Take It or Leave It” at the top of the EQUAL Global playlist, and the artist is featured on the playlist’s cover.

For the Record spoke with Aleyna to learn more about her creative process and some of the notable moments in her career.

The artists who have most inspired me are ____.

Freddie Mercury, Ozzy Osbourne, Billy Idol, and Michael Jackson.

One piece of advice I’d give other women artists is ____.

Your body is your area of freedom. Be free to explore it for your art. Being open about your body does not mean you are open to being abused by anyone.

One notable moment in my career so far is ____.

Being able to collaborate with great artists and big labels for my music, even though it’s really tough to break through globally from my country.

My creative process consists of ____.

Psychoanalysis. It helps me to go deeper into human psychology. But this is not about empathy, rather it’s about how it helps me to express myself in my art.

One way I’d like to see greater gender equity in the music industry is ____.

By people accepting that everything is not about masculinity.

Some women artists I’m excited to watch are ____.

ROSALÍA, Doja Cat, GAYLE, Billie Eilish, and Jessie Ware.

My girl-power anthem right now is ____.

Beyoncé’s “Run the World (Girls)” (of course).


Listen to music from Aleyna, as well as other strong women, on the EQUAL Global playlist.


Spotify Celebrates Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month by Spotlighting Creators and Activists

Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month banner

Each May on our platform, Spotify has amplified and honored the cultures and traditions of the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. This year, our campaign expands from an American observance to a global celebration and highlights the full Asian and Pacific Islander diaspora. We’re proud to now mark May as Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month at Spotify.  

To celebrate, we’ve refreshed our Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month content hub with new activist-created playlists and a spotlight on up-and-coming artists. With Asian and Pacific Islander artists representing every genre and in all stages of audio creation, this campaign continues our ongoing efforts to create awareness and expand the API community’s presence on Spotify. Read on to learn more about our plans. 

Turning the volume up on API voices

Our API content hub is a space dedicated to the API community that showcases the work of activists while also highlighting fresh new releases from creators across the audio landscape. This year’s hub is adorned with new cover art and features a variety of audio content, from Punjabi and K-Pop playlists to podcasts from API creators around the globe. It’s also home to a variety of specially curated playlist takeovers. 


Letting activists take the lead 

This year, we worked with prominent API activists Malavika Kannan, Amanda Nguyen, and ALOK to create a series of playlists, each with a special theme and message. 

Malavika’s playlist is a musical love letter to fearless immigrant daughters, strong diaspora children, the proud queer community, and multilingual Asian Pacific Islanders. Amanda’s playlist includes music that celebrates API culture year-round. And ALOK’s playlist is a curated collection of API musicians across a wide array of genres and geographies. 

ARIETE Shares Her Vision for the Music Industry as Spotify’s EQUAL Ambassador of the Month

In Italian, the word “ariete” means ram, which is the symbol for Aries, the first constellation in the zodiac. It is also Roman singer-songwriter Arianna Del Giaccio’s astrological sun sign and the inspiration behind her emblematic stage name. 

ARIETE first entered the music scene via her social media channels, using her strong voice to garner steady attention during long days at home early on in the pandemic. As her popularity grew, she released a certified-platinum single, “L’Ultima Notte,” and two EPs and was selected to be part of Spotify’s global emerging artist program, RADAR. Then, in February 2022, ARIETE released her first full-length album, SPECCHIO. The record’s dreamy sounds and hammering drumbeats reflect both the quiet calm of a young woman producing music in her bedroom and the bubbling stardom of an artist ready to break through. 

This month, ARIETE is the face of Spotify’s EQUAL Global Music Program, which aims to combat gender disparity in the music industry by amplifying and celebrating the work of women creators around the world. As part of ARIETE’s involvement, her song “CICATRICI,” featuring Madame, can be found on Spotify’s EQUAL Global playlist along with music from other women artists making it big globally.

For the Record spoke with ARIETE to learn more about her thoughts on fostering equality in the music industry and the motto that moves her forward. 

The artists who have most inspired me are ____.

Definitely Clairo, PinkPantheress, and all the artists of the new generation who are trying to keep pushing the boundaries of contemporary music.

One piece of advice I’d give other women artists is ____.

Never consider yourself “different” or on a lower level from your male colleagues. Art is art in every form of its deep creation.

One notable moment in my career so far is ____.

The first live shows I played last summer, which sold out. I had begun to release my music during the pandemic, and to be able to see the people [who came to the shows] from the stage and to share their emotions was a unique feeling that I’ll never forget.

My creative process consists of ____.

I don’t have a proper creative process. I take my inspirations from the simple things that color my everyday life and the people I love. Everything can be a source of inspiration for me and my music; I just sit down at the piano or pick up my guitar and everything goes by.

One way I’d like to see greater gender equity in the music industry is ____.

I think the gender gap is definitely an issue in modern music and society. I found it deeply concerning that in the 21st century, we’re still speaking about inequality between genders or genders themselves. We have to normalize this concept with all the cultural weapons we have, but I’m sure that eventually the next generations will treat this issue not as an issue but as the normal topic it should be.

One up-and-coming woman artist I’m excited to watch is ____.

PinkPantheress got me hyped, so I’m looking forward to seeing her as soon as possible!

My girl-power motto right now is ____.

Just kick a**. You’re great as you are, no matter what they say.

Ready to sing along to the world’s most powerful up-and-coming voices? Stream Spotify’s EQUAL Global playlist now.

Ready for Some Spring Cleaning? Spotify Has the Tips—and Playlists—for That

Maybe it’s the extra hour of daylight that has people searching “spring cleaning checklist” in droves. Or perhaps it’s the hint of warmer weather on the horizon. Whatever it is, spring is officially upon us, and this boost of energy has people looking for the right soundtrack for cleaning out that closet. Throughout the month of March, there’s been a 139% surge in streams of “spring cleaning” playlists on Spotify, and streams of our popular Cleaning Music playlist have jumped by 126% globally. 

Got spring cleaning of your own to do? Whether you’re looking to organize your physical space or your digital collection, Spotify has the tips to keep you motivated. 

Leave these in the “keep” pile

The top genres added to “spring cleaning” playlists in March were pop, dance pop, rock, and electropop. This makes sense, considering that 64% of respondents in a Spotify survey from 2021 said they prefer to listen to fast-BPM, high-energy music when doing housework. 

Some of the most popular songs added to “spring” playlists on Spotify include “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles, “Sunflower” by Post Malone and Swae Lee, “Golden” by Harry Styles, and “New Light” by John Mayer

Others that people have added to their “cleaning” playlists (and that we can imagine bopping along to while scrubbing that hard-to-reach area under the kitchen sink) include “My House” by Flo Rida and “No Scrubs” by TLC

Clean out your digital closet 

Organizing your physical space is important, but your digital space may also need some TLC. To help with that, we put together some tips for bringing order to your Spotify library. 

  • Organize Your Playlists: We know summer ’08 was a great time for new music, but you might not be playing those jams as often anymore. If you want to store your playlist away for safekeeping, you can add it to a dedicated folder. Simply right-click your playlist on your desktop or web player, select “Create Folder,” give it a name, and voila—your old playlists have a new home. 
  • Navigate Your Library: If you’re having a hard time sorting through all your saved tracks, the “Your Library” tab on mobile has you covered. Just tap the search icon to look for a particular song or artist, or sort your music by using the “Recently Played,” “Recently Added,” “Alphabetical,” or “Creator” filters.  
  • Keep Your Content Fresh: That playlist you made last year during spring break? It might need an update. If you have Spotify Premium, just tap the Enhance button at the top of your playlist to let Spotify suggest personalized song additions that match the vibe you’re going for.
  • Personalize Your Playlist Art: Take your playlist game to the next level with custom cover art. On your Spotify mobile app, tap the three-dot icon next to the play button and select “Edit” to upload a new image. If you’re using web or desktop, simply open the playlist and click the existing cover image to change it out for something new. 

Ready to get back to work? Start streaming one of our spring cleaning playlists on Spotify to get you in the groove. 


*Global data pulled from March 1-24, 2022 as compared to February 1-24, based on English spellings of “spring” and “cleaning”

Discover and Listen to Music With Even More Friends and Family—Plus Some of Your Favorite Artists—With Spotify’s Newest Blend Update

Music has been bringing people together for generations, from concert halls to car rides to online communities. Last year, Spotify took group listening a step further and launched Blend, a shared playlist that combines the best of Spotify’s personalization capabilities and collaborative playlist functionality into a single shared playlist, making it easy for users to get into a listening session that is made just for them. 

And as of today, Spotify is expanding Blend’s reach with two new updates: The first allows you to Blend with up to 10 people in a group—whether it’s your running club, favorite coworkers, group chat, book club, or chosen family. And the second gives you the chance to Blend with some of your favorite artists. 

Two’s a party (and so is 10)

Now that you can Blend with up to 10 friends or family members, you’ll be able to listen to a personalized playlist with your entire group chat. 

To blend with a group, just follow a few easy steps: 

  • Create + Invite: Just search “Blend” within the “Search” tab on Spotify. Then, tap “Invite” to select people to Blend with. 
  • Blend: Once your friend has accepted the invite, Spotify will generate your shared Blend playlist, which will include songs and recommendations that reflect everyone’s music preferences and tastes. You’ll even be able to see which songs were added for which friend. 
  • Listen + Share: After everyone has joined the collaborative playlist, you and your friends will receive a custom share card that you can use to spread the word on social media.

Have you ever been curious about your favorite artist’s creative influences? Now, you can find out—and see how yours compare—when you make a Blend with one of 20 music artists that merges tastes into one shared playlist made just for you. 

Spotify Kicks Off International Women’s Day With Love Letters, Playlists From Gender Equity Advocacy Organizations, and New Music Created Exclusively by Women

Today, Spotify is celebrating International Women’s Day by sharing the music and stories of women creators, artists, activists, and nonprofits around the world. The music, lyrics, and voices coming from women in the industry and beyond are complex and vibrant—something we’re amplifying for our listeners this month through the creation of platform initiatives, release of new music created entirely by women, and off-platform support of nonprofits. 

New playlists and a refreshed EQUAL hub

Spotify is starting off International Women’s Day With Love, a podcast playlist series created in partnership with social impact agency Invisible Hand with production support by Pod People. With Love celebrates and honors 24 women who share “love letters” to their past selves or to a key supporter who changed their lives during a pivotal moment in time. There will be three playlists: one for Artists, one for Storytellers, and one for Changemakers. Artists like Fefe Dobson and Pyra, songwriters like Jennifer Decilveo and Kuinvi, creators like Munroe Bergdorf and Rintik Sedu, and activists like Dominique Morgan and Lauren Wasser all share their stories in the collection playlists. These personal anecdotes of wisdom, gratitude, and compassion spotlight the vast landscape of what it means to be a woman and the outsized impact that women have in the world.

Spotify is also highlighting five global nonprofits focused on gender equity by amplifying each nonprofit’s own curated playlist themed around the voices of the communities they serve. Organizations include:

In addition to spotlighting these organizations on the platform, Spotify will be giving donations to each of them to support their critical work.

The With Love and nonprofit playlists will all live on the EQUAL Global Hub, which continues to be a one-stop destination for listeners who want to discover music from emerging women artists. 

This month, the hub is getting a new look and feel and will be available in new markets, including those in the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan. It will also include an EQUAL Arabia playlist from MENA and EQUAL Pakistan. Both are the latest markets to join EQUAL.

EQUAL x Spotify Singles

In addition to these playlists, listeners can find brand-new music on the EQUAL Global Hub. EQUAL and Spotify Singles, two of Spotify’s innovative music programs, are uniting to bring listeners recordings from an incredible slate of emerging women artists.

EQUAL fosters equity for women in the music and audio space and has helped highlight the careers of women around the world. Spotify Singles, which launched in 2017, gives artists an opportunity to record new versions of their own songs, songs of artists they love, or an original song. Since its launch almost six years ago, tracks from the program have collectively hit over 5 billion streams.

For International Women’s Day, the two programs collaborated to produce three songs created exclusively by women—from the production to the recording to the engineering. 

Ethel Cain, whose music reflects on her upbringing as a backwoods churchgoer in the deep South and who is Spotify’s first-ever transgender EQUAL ambassador, took this moment to cover Britney Spears’s 2003 hit “Everytime.” Produced by Ethel and recorded in Los Angeles, the harmonica-backed cover of the iconic ballad with its haunting, acoustic guitar  puts her wide-ranging, layered vocals at the forefront. 

“I’ve always loved this song and immediately knew I could take Britney’s melodies and make something super dreamy with it,” shared Ethel. “I usually record alone at home, so working in the Spotify studio with all the synths and old vintage gear was a really special and fun experience. I think Britney wrote a very lovely song, and it was an honor to put my spin on it.”

Mexican composer, singer, songwriter, and producer Bruses took to the studio in Monterrey, Mexico, with producer Daniela Mendez to record her own unique spin on Spice Girls’ “Wannabe.” Known for her Latin-inspired indie-pop sound, Bruses brings girl power front and center in this single. 

“For me, the most important thing with this song as a fan was to respect the original essence. It’s one of those hits that last a lifetime; it’s a classic,” explained Bruses. “In this version we add a bit of rock and punk, especially in the chorus. I always imagined that part a little heavier, so we added some electric guitars, and it was from the little we recorded; the rest is sampled. It is very much directed towards electronic music or pop.”

South Korea’s SUNMI gives fans an all-new original track, titled “Oh Sorry Ya.” Created in collaboration with the Los Angeles-based songwriting duo, LYRE, the song kicks off with a swell of new-wave synths in a shadowy minor key before building to bubblegum pop perfection with a huge, infectious chorus that still has hints of darkness beneath. 

“It was a huge honor being part of Spotify’s EQUAL project, and I really hope that fans and listeners worldwide enjoy, get inspired, by this track,” said SUNMI. “Team LYRE and I have put a lot of thought into producing this multidimensional track together. It’s truly ‘created by women’ and hopefully loved by everyone.”

If you want to hear more from SUNMI, check out Spotify’s Mic Check episode, where the K-Pop artist shares more about her new single and opens up to us about the family tragedy that brought her to the music industry. 

EQUAL Collective brings off-platform support

Last year, Spotify launched the EQUAL Collective, bringing together a group of nonprofit organizations from around the world that are focused on furthering gender equity in music. These 14 organizations were given an opportunity to collaborate together on new ideas to help reach more women creators and further their work.

This year, for International Women’s Day, Spotify is excited to announce that we are awarding two teams, composed of four organizations, a grant of $50,000 in order to bring the following concepts to life:

  • Femme Africa and P_ssy Party are helping solve for representation of women creators in Africa by developing a curriculum and online directory to connect creators within the industry.
  • MEWEM (France) and MIM (Spain) partnered together to develop the MEWEM Golden Ticket, a concept that will award eight women entrepreneurs from across Europe free access to international professional festivals to pitch their own projects and new ideas, develop their businesses, and meet future partners within a high-level network.

Year-round, Spotify aims to celebrate the incredible impact that women have on the world. This month, we are excited to bring front and center for listeners new music and new playlists from women.

Celebrate International Women’s Day by listening to songs entirely written, produced, and performed by female songwriters on Spotify’s Created by Women playlist below.

Spotify Celebrates K-Pop With a Relaunch of Its Flagship Playlist, Now Called ‘K-Pop ON! (온)’

It’s been one year since Spotify debuted in South Korea and almost eight years since the launch of our flagship playlist, K-Pop Daebak. Since its unveiling in 2014, the playlist has racked up billions of streams for Korean artists and has expanded their reach around the world. As K-Pop continues to dominate the charts, Spotify is building on this momentum with a complete relaunch of its K-Pop Daebak playlist, now called K-Pop ON! (온)

K-Pop is more than a music genre—it’s a cultural hub for fandoms, superstars, fashion moments, and more. With K-Pop ON! (온), Spotify is creating a destination that gives fans and artists even stronger ways to connect with each other. That’s the reason for the new playlist name and the addition of the Korean word “온,” which means “100” or “whole.” When combined with the English word “on,” the playlist’s name embodies the idea that K-Pop is always on 100 for the whole world. And that couldn’t be more true; every day, K-Pop brings new songs, styles, and trends to the world. With K-Pop On! (온), fans aren’t just tuning in to a playlist, they’re immersing themselves in a worldwide phenomenon. 

Since 2018, K-Pop streams on Spotify have increased by 107% in the United States and 230% globally, resulting in almost 8 billion streams per month around the world. The love of the genre is truly global, with the U.S., Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Malaysia, Canada, Singapore, and the U.K. rounding out the list of the top countries that stream K-Pop. The music has taken over the Spotify platform. In fact, in the last 90 days, there have been over 4.7 million searches for the term “K-Pop” on Spotify. 

These searches include a wide array of artists and songs, ranging from big hits by top stars to deep cuts from emerging artists. Since the playlist’s original launch in 2014, BLACKPINK and BTS have been the most-streamed artists, while the most-streamed songs have been “DDU-DU DDU-DU” by BLACKPINK, “FANCY” by TWICE, “DALLA DALLA” by ITZY, “Kill This Love” by BLACKPINK, and “SOLO” by JENNIE (from BLACKPINK). 



Spotify couldn’t launch K-Pop ON! (온) without help from a few fan-favorite artists, so it’s rolling out star-studded billboards around the world to celebrate. Fans will find larger-than-life images of NMIXX in LA; BTS, aespa, and NMIXX in NYC; ATEEZ, Red Velvet, NCT DREAM, and more in South Korea; aespa, SEVENTEEN, BLACKPINK, and more in Indonesia; BTS, NMIXX, and IVE in Japan; and BTS, TWICE, and ENHYPEN in Toronto—with more exciting content to come, across the platform and on Spotify’s own channels. 

Want to join the millions of fans around the world singing and dancing along to K-Pop? Stream our newly minted K-Pop On! (온) playlist here.