Tag: Chile

Las mentes creativas de “Caso 63” regresan con un nuevo misterio de ciencia ficción: “Caso 63: Enigma

a futuristic rainbow cube

En 2020, lanzamos Caso 63, una audio serie con guión chileno que encabezó las listas de éxitos. El podcast original de Spotify fue tan popular que más tarde adaptamos la historia al Portugués, Hindi, e Inglés

Ahora Julio Rojas, el creador detrás del exitoso original, está de vuelta con una nueva historia ambientada en el mismo universo: Caso 63: Enigma. Y aunque los fans se encontrarán con un nuevo elenco de personajes, recordarán algo que se insinuó en la primera temporada de Caso 63: el 6 de agosto de 2042, Johana Flores, astronauta de una colonia marciana, hace un descubrimiento trascendental en un antiguo vestigio de una civilización madre conocida como “La Estructura”. Allí, Johana descubre un libro que contiene la clave para viajar en el tiempo. Pero, como sugiere el eslogan de la serie, “una cosa es encontrar un enigma y otra resolverlo”.

Caso 63: Enigma profundiza en esta historia, presentando a los oyentes a Isabel, una mujer mexicana encargada de resolver el misterio del libro, (también conocido como “El Enigma”). A lo largo del podcast, los oyentes experimentarán los pensamientos de Isabel, conversaciones con amigos, investigaciones y sueños recurrentes.

El talentoso elenco de actores y actrices del podcast está encabezado por la actriz mexicana Ana Valeria Becerril como Isabel y Diego Klein como Javier. La serie también cuenta con los actores chilenos Gabriel Urzúa como Gaspar, Alvaro Rudolphy como Miguel, Ignacia Baeza como Rebeca y Marcial Tagle como Alfredo.

“La historia está maravillosamente escrita, no deja cabo suelto, creo que es un universo súper basto, pero para mi lo más interesante es el formato de podcast”, comentó Ana Valeria Becerril. “Te pones tus audífonos, te sientas en un sillón, cierras los ojos y dejas que tu imaginación corra libre”.

Para los fans que devoran los episodios en poco tiempo y quieren escuchar aún más contenidos de Caso 63, pueden consultar Caso 63 – El Universo de Canciones, una lista de reproducción musical colaborativa creada por Julio Rojas, el compositor del podcast Mowat, y Ana Valeria Becerril. Esta colección de temas oscuros, melancólicos y futuristas de iconos de la música como Björk, Portishead, Radiohead, y Nick Cave  sirvió de inspiración para la serie, y es el complemento perfecto para sumergirse aún más en su misterio.

Empieza escuchando la nueva serie, disponible ya en Spotify. 


Spotify Celebrates International Women’s Day With the Music that Powers Movements on EQUAL

Music has often stood at the forefront of social change, especially when it comes to the fight for gender equality. For women’s rights in particular, music has been a decades-long source of power and inspiration. 

“Women are leading the way forward on the biggest challenges in our world today. Their voices must be heard at full volume,” shared Lorraine Ní Annracháin, Global Lead of Social Impact at Spotify. “Too often, women are confronted with harmful gender stereotypes, discrimination, and threats of violence, especially when they raise their voices and demand change. Women-led movements around the world are a powerful driver of change, and we’re excited by the opportunity to amplify and support the work they do, every day, and to explore the role that music can play in driving social change.” 

Spotify recognizes the power of our platform to amplify the voices of women everywhere. In 2021, we launched the EQUAL Global Music Program to ensure we were amplifying the work of women artists year-round—whether the music comes from an emerging artist in Germany or a Canadian country crossover legend

Since EQUAL’s inception, we’ve added more than 5,000 artists to EQUAL playlists and supported over 700 ambassadors in their home countries and beyond. Collectively, these artists received nearly half a billion streams within their first month of joining the program. And the amplification goes beyond the work we’ve done with EQUAL—these artists have also been added to more than 4,000 Spotify playlists.

Now, for International Women’s Day, Spotify is working with women artists, movement leaders, and partners around the world to share stories about the songs and messages in women’s music and how they have inspired social change. 

“We are committed to uplifting the voices of women artists year-round, and for International Women’s Day, we’re reflecting on the power of music in the movement for gender equity, amplifying and supporting the voices of women creators, and celebrating the acts of courage and determination of women across the globe who have played an extraordinary role in uplifting their voices,” said Bel Aztiria, Global Lead of Social Equity Music Programs at Spotify.

A destination for music and inspiration—on- and off-platform

On Spotify’s EQUAL hub, listeners can browse and discover new artists through playlist takeovers. They’ll hear inspiring stories through music with the Playlist clips recorded by the artist. From Janelle Monáe in the U.S. to Lola Indigo in Spain, EQUAL artists are celebrating International Women’s Day by taking the reins and creating special playlists to celebrate women across the globe. 

This month, we are also proud to announce the launch of our EQUAL program in Ukraine by spotlighting singer-songwriter Jamala. The 2016 Eurovision Song Contest winner now graces the cover of our EQUAL Global playlist, which features her song “Take Me To A Place.” 

We’re also amplifying the voices of activists, movements, leaders, and the issues they care most passionately about. Tarana Burke, the founder of me too., Shar Jossell, an award-winning journalist, and Favianna Rodriguez, an artist, organizer, and social justice advocate, are all telling “Behind the Movement” stories on Spotify’s social media platforms. 

We’re partnering with UN Women and Calling All Crows, organizations that champion gender equality, and continuing to support women creators. 

Each month For the Record highlights EQUAL ambassadors from around the globe. For International Women’s Day, we caught up with two EQUAL ambassadors—Italian artist Emma and Chilean artist Francisca Valenzuela—who explained why music has the power to drive change.

Is there a song that makes you feel like you can change the world?

Emma: This got me thinking of one song that really has an impact on me: “Imagine” by John Lennon. A true masterpiece, and a manifesto that prompts you to imagine a better, fairer world where people can be respectful of others and of the environment we live in. That song gives you a boost to make the difference.

Francisca Valenzuela: Arriba Quemando el Sol” by Violeta Parra. This song shows us what is right in front of us, but what we sometimes don’t see. In this case, it’s the quiet desperation, rage, and pain of perpetual social injustice. There is a collective pain and heartbreak that makes me feel activated, moved, and alive through Violeta’s beautiful, evocative, unnerving melody and precise, witty, confessional lyrics. She describes a specific and particular mundane reality of Chile, yet it is also an (unfortunate) universal day-to-day sentiment and situation of the world. There is such power and rebellion in writing and singing in a raw, true, and personal way—the personal can become political, and songs can become a vehicle for change or shedding light on a certain reality or story.

playlist cover art depicting the italian artist emma looking at the camera and the equal logoWhen did you realize that music has the power to drive real change?

Emma: The first time I “showed up” for myself in a song, I felt exposed and seen. That also made me rather vulnerable and easy to be targeted with criticism that was not always constructive. Then and there I realized how powerful music can be, how it can drastically move the needle in any conversation and influence the way you’re being perceived from the outside world. 

Francisca: I think music and art have an impact on us individually, and through that power of connection, identification, and activation, we are mobilized, and even transformed. That inner change can affect outer change. It can also be a space to be free and alive, to connect, to feel truth, something that I think is a big part of the reason why I need to create and why I’m drawn to creativity and am a believer in music and art.

How have you used your own music to engage others in the fight for gender equality?

Emma: The music I make is the reflection of my beliefs; it’s like a mirror where I pour my heart and soul. What I fight for, the daily struggles to be recognized as worthy of respect, the power and the breakthrough. It’s all in there, always on the front line.

Francisca: I think I have engaged and promoted gender equality through my music in three ways. First, I write from a very personal, confessional place. There is radical emotional transparency and authenticity in my songs. A

playlist cover art depicting the chilean artist francisca valenzuela looking at the camera and the equal logo

nd the mere fact of showing parts of myself—and the reality of a woman in the world—feels powerful, rebellious, and illuminates certain realities and sides of ourselves that many times are hidden or inappropriate. 

Second, I also make certain songs and creative pieces (videos, performances, etc.) with a specific fe

minist and/or message or emotion or objective in mind. These are more collective, conscious, and explicit songs or pieces—from my song “Por Que Me Lo Hiciste” about femicide to “Dulce” about the objectification of women. 

And third, I’ve used my musical platform and visibility in Latin America to create an intersectional trans feminist initiative called Ruidosa (which means “women who make noise! Women who rumble!”), which is a Latinx music festival, community, and platform. Ruidosa was born because I wanted to be a part of the change but I also felt, at many times, alone and confused in our music industry and I wanted to learn from women I admire. How do they make their own paths, their own way? I wanted to create a community and celebrate that, too.

Where do you see real breakthroughs in the fight for women’s equality?

Emma: I won’t stand here saying it has all been solved and women won’t have to face other challenges in order to be seen as equal—that would be a lie. At the same time, it is difficult to list what’s causing us issues as there are so many topics still to be uncovered. Nevertheless here I stand, ready to fight the good fight for my team.

Francisca: I am a fan of women, and women in the creative worlds have always inspired me. Women in music have always been—and are—still pioneers, yesterday and today. Tremendous forces that lead creative disruption, that have incredible discipline. We all work so hard, we create community, we open new spaces. We see this in certain areas of the music industry and I can’t wait to see it in all areas—not just in creative or performative endeavors—from management to press to tech. 

This will help us really change the paradigm and create new leadership and structures. Change the old-school patriarchal gatekeeper ways and systems. I am excited for a Latin American music industry that is truly diverse and free, and not promoting one narrative or one way of success or one way of being a woman.


Celebrate women with us year-round by visiting the EQUAL hub.

Spotify Pays Tribute to Reggaeton Pioneer Daddy Yankee With a Statue in Chile

Before he heads into retirement after a storied 32-year career, reggaeton pioneer Daddy Yankee is performing three sold-out shows this week at Estadio Nacional in Santiago, Chile. To honor his immeasurable contributions, Spotify will present Daddy Yankee with his own statue during his visit to the streaming capital of reggaeton

The sculpture will accompany the “Big Boss” in the Estadio Nacional during his shows, and will later be installed in the Escuela Militar metro station so that fans can experience a part of his legendary farewell.

Spotify rinde homenaje al pionero del reggaeton Daddy Yankee con una estatua en Chile

Antes de retirarse después de una carrera histórica de 32 años, el pionero del reggaeton, Daddy Yankee, realizará tres shows con entradas agotadas esta semana en el Estadio Nacional en Santiago, Chile. Para honrar sus inconmensurables contribuciones, Spotify le entregará a Daddy Yankee su propia estatua durante su visita a la capital del streaming de reggaetón.

La escultura acompañará al “Big Boss” en el Estadio Nacional durante sus presentaciones, y luego será instalada en la estación de metro Escuela Militar para que los fanáticos puedan ser parte de su legendaria despedida.

Spotify Officially Partners With Red Bull Batalla To Create The Ultimate Freestyle Tournament Listening Experience

Red Bull Batalla and Spotify logos on blue and red background

The emotional moment when two rappers take the stage for a freestyle battle is incomparable: The energy flows to the rhythm of the beats while the MCs—armed with their mental agility, linguistic acrobatics and lyricism—face off to show who has the best flow. The ritual of the rap battle is the foundation of hip hop and remains as valid as ever today with a new generation of fans.

Now, Spotify will officially partner with the largest freestyle tournament in Spanish, Red Bull Batalla, offering a unique, dedicated listening experience in a hub with playlists, battles in audio format, podcasts, and more.

In the official Red Bull Batalla playlist, fans will find the best of rappers who have emerged victorious and the most exciting tracks from the current tournament, including “Crescendo,” the anthem with the most beloved talent of the 2021 season.

In addition, fans will be able to follow their favorite rappers in each of the ten national finals: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, Central America and the United States, leading to the grand final in Mexico this December. The battles will be remastered especially for an album format, released by Red Bull Records, and fans can relive the thrill of historical battles through their ears as many times as they like in This is: Red Bull Batalla

What’s more, fans can benefit from all of Spotify’s beloved features, including Lyrics—important when contestants are improvising by the second—and Storylines, which includes written commentary by the protagonists of the battles.

Follow the best of Red Bull Batalla and stay tuned for more news about the competition and its players on Spotify.

Spotify se une oficialmente a Red Bull Batalla para crear la mejor experiencia auditiva del torneo de freestyle

Red Bull Batalla Logo with Spotify on Red and blue background

La emoción cuando dos raperos suben al escenario para una batalla de freestyle es incomparable: la energía fluye al ritmo de los beats mientras los MCs, armados con su agilidad mental, acrobacias lingüísticas y lirismo, se enfrentan para demostrar quién tiene el mejor flow. El ritual de la batalla de rap es el fundamento del hip-hop y sigue siendo tan válido como siempre hoy con una nueva generación de fanáticos.

Ahora, Spotify suma fuerzas con el torneo de freestyle en español más grande del mundo, Red Bull Batalla, ofreciendo una experiencia auditiva única y dedicada en un espacio con playlists, batallas en formato de audio, podcasts y más.

En la playlist oficial Red Bull Batalla, los fanáticos encontrarán lo mejor de los raperos que han salido victoriosos y las pistas más emocionantes del torneo actual, incluido “Crescendo”, el himno con el talento más querido de la temporada 2021.

Los fans podrán seguir a sus raperos favoritos en cada una de las diez finales: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México, Perú, España, Uruguay, Centroamérica y Estados Unidos, hasta llegar a la gran final en México este diciembre. Estas batallas serán remasterizadas para un formato de álbum, lanzado por Red Bull Records. Y los fans pueden revivir la emoción de las batallas históricas tantas veces como quieran en This is: Red Bull Batalla

Además, los fanáticos pueden aprovechar de todas las funciones favoritas de Spotify, incluidas las letras (importantes cuando los concursantes están improvisando por segundos) y Storylines, que incluye comentarios escritos por los concursantes de las batallas.

Sigue lo mejor de Red Bull Batalla y mantente al tanto de más noticias sobre la competencia y sus protagonistas en Spotify.

Local Artists Help Santiago, Chile, Solidify Its Status as Spotify’s ‘Streaming Capital of Reggaetón’

Since 2018, Chile’s capital, Santiago, has led the world when it comes to reggaetón streams on Spotify. And in 2019, this inspired us to call it the “streaming capital of reggaetón.” Fast-forward to 2022, and Santiago is still on top.

Recently, however, there’s been one big difference: While reggaetón was historically produced outside Chile, there’s now a wave of local Chilean artists gaining prominence inside its borders and beyond.

“Since we launched the Reggaetón Chileno playlist in 2019, we saw that Chile was a market with a lot of potential for the development of an urban scene. With so many millions of fans of the genre, it makes sense a new scene of young artists would develop,” Rodrigo Decono, Spotify’s Music Editorial Manager for the Southern Cone of South America, told For the Record. “Today we see that the talent was always there—Spotify just needed to support it. Above all, the Chilean audience itself needed to accept them, just as it did with artists from Puerto Rico, Colombia, and the rest of Latin America.”

The data backs this up. Almost 40% of Chile’s Top 50 music chart is composed of local artists. As a result, the total streams of Spotify’s Reggaetón Chileno playlist grew by 2,600% over the past year.

What characterizes the Chilean urban genre is that it portrays the realities and struggles that the artists face in their lives. Spotify has helped these artists bring their music to a wider audience—not only to fans domestically, but to listeners in Mexico, Argentina, and the United States who also love the Chilean sound.

El Podcast Chileno que Encabeza las Listas de Éxitos “Caso 63” se Prepara para la Segunda Temporada y Anuncia una Adaptación en Inglés

Desde su lanzamiento en noviembre de 2020, el podcast Original de Spotify Caso 63 ha estado encabezando los rankings de podcasts y expandiéndose en nuevos mercados. La historia de ciencia ficción chilena de 10 episodios se ha convertido en el Podcast Original con guión más escuchado en América Latina e incluso fue adaptado para oyentes brasileños e indios. Para continuar con el cautivador dominio de esta historia, Spotify lanzará una adaptación en inglés en los Estados Unidos, que se estrenará a finales de 2021. Pero quizás la noticia más emocionante para los fanáticos y posibles fanáticos es que el equipo detrás de Caso 63 lanzará una segunda temporada a finales de este año, con el creador Julio Rojas a la cabeza.

La primera temporada de Caso 63 se centra en las interacciones entre la psiquiatra en la ficción Elisa Aldunate y el “Paciente 63”. Cada episodio marca una nueva “sesión” y a medida que avanza la historia, el tiempo, el espacio y la realidad comienzan a desdibujarse. A lo largo de 10 episodios, este misterio que invita a la reflexión juega con las mentes de los oyentes y les hace cuestionar qué es y qué no es real.

La popularidad de Caso 63 entre los oyentes lo llevó a alcanzar un nuevo hito dentro del podcasting: esta es la primera vez que un podcast Original de Spotify de uno de los mercados de habla no inglesa, se ha adaptado a varios idiomas. Protagonizado por los actores Antonia Zegers Néstor Cantillana, fue tan bien recibido por el público que, menos de un año después de su lanzamiento, Spotify adaptó el emocionante misterio a una versión en portugués, Paciente 63, con los actores brasileños Seu Jorge y Mel Lisboa. A principios de este mes, Spotify India creó una adaptación en hindi del podcast llamado Virus 2062, protagonizada por los actores de Bollywood y el dúo de marido y mujer Richa Chadha y Ali Fazal. Ahora, el casting está en marcha para la adaptación al idioma inglés.

Pero incluso antes de romper un récord de Spotify, su gran número de seguidores también se reflejó en las listas de ranking con Caso 63 liderando las listas de Top Podcasts de Argentina y México durante un mes luego de su estreno. También alcanzó el número 1 en las Listas de Tendencias en Chile, Colombia, Argentina, México y los EE. UU.

Los oyentes no hispanohablantes también adoran el podcast: En la India, Virus 2062 alcanzó el puesto número uno en la Lista de Tendencias locales de Spotify y se ubicó entre los cinco primeros en la Lista de Podcasts principales locales de Spotify. Por su parte, la adaptación en portugués Paciente 63 ocupó el primer lugar en la Lista de Podcasts de Tendencias locales de Brasil al día siguiente de su estreno y permaneció allí durante más de dos semanas. También ocupó el primer lugar en las Listas de Ficción de Brasil y permaneció allí durante más de un mes.

El creador Rojas ha atribuido desde hace tiempo el atractivo de la serie a su formato. Rojas comenta que el medio de solo audio recuerda la forma en que se han transmitido las historias durante siglos, invitando a los oyentes a llenar los espacios en blanco con su imaginación.

“El equipo de Latinoamérica, dirigido por Javier Piñol [de Spotify], creó una historia universal que transportó a los oyentes a su propia imaginación junto con los protagonistas. Las adaptaciones tanto en Brasil como en la India, y pronto en los EE. UU., utilizaron equipos y talentos locales para recrear la historia para nuevas audiencias”, dijo Courtney Holt, Líder Global de Podcasts y Nuevas Iniciativas en Spotify. “El éxito que hemos visto en todas las adaptaciones hasta ahora refuerza la misión de Spotify de brindar a los creadores la oportunidad de desarrollar historias y ofrecer a las audiencias de todo el mundo las mejores historias, independientemente de su origen”.

¿Listo para aprovechar tu imaginación y comenzar tu sesión con la Dra. Aldunate? No te pierdas la primera temporada ya disponible en Spotify. Y quédate atento a la adaptación al inglés del fenómeno de este podcast global que estará disponible pronto.

Chart-Topping Chilean Podcast ‘Caso 63’ Gears Up for Season 2—And Announces an English-Language Adaptation

Since its release in November 2020, Spotify Original podcast Caso 63 has been topping charts and taking on new markets. The 10-episode Chilean science fiction story has become the most-listened-to scripted Original podcast in Latin America and was even adapted for Brazilian and Indian listeners as well. To continue this tale’s captivating hold, Spotify will be releasing an English-language adaptation of this story in the United States, premiering in late 2021. But perhaps the most exciting news for fans and could-be fans is that the team behind Caso 63 will be releasing a second season later this year, with creator Julio Rojas at the helm.

Season one of Caso 63 centers on the interactions between fictional psychiatrist Elisa Aldunate  and her client, “Patient 63.” Each episode marks a new “session,” and as the story progresses, time, space, and reality begin to blur. Over the course of 10 episodes, this thought-provoking mystery plays with listeners’ minds and causes them to question what is and isn’t real.

Caso 63’s popularity with listeners has helped the show reach a new milestone within podcasting: This is the first time a non-English-language Spotify Original podcast has been adapted to multiple languages. The Chilean show, which stars actors Antonia Zegers and Néstor Cantillana, received so much buzz that, less than a year after its release, Spotify adapted the thrilling mystery into a Portuguese-language version, Paciente 63, featuring Brazilian actors Seu Jorge and Mel Lisboa. And earlier this month, Spotify India created a Hindi-language adaptation of the podcast called Virus 2062, starring Bollywood actors and husband-and-wife duo Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal. Now, casting is underway for the English-language adaptation.

But even before breaking a Spotify record, its large following was also reflected in the charts with Caso 63 ranking number one on Argentina’s and Mexico’s Top Podcasts charts for nearly a month following its premiere. It also reached number one on the Trending Podcasts charts in Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, and the U.S.

Non-Spanish speaking listeners are loving the show just as much. In India, the adaptation, Virus 2062, reached number one on Spotify’s local Trending chart and landed on the top five on Spotify’s local Top Podcasts charts. The Brazilian adaptation, Paciente 63, ranked number one on Brazil’s local Trending Podcasts chart the day after it premiered and stayed there for over two weeks. It also reached the top spot on Brazil’s Fiction charts and stayed there for over a month.

Creator Rojas has long credited the show’s appeal to its format. He says the audio-only medium calls back to the way stories have been handed down for centuries, inviting listeners to fill in the blanks with their imaginations.

“The LATAM team on the ground, led by [Spotify’s] Javier Piñol, created a universal story that transported listeners into their own imaginations alongside the lead characters. The adaptations in both Brazil and India, and soon the U.S., utilized local teams and talent to reimagine the story for new audiences,” said Courtney Holt, Global Head of Podcasts and New Initiatives at Spotify. “The success we’ve seen in all the market adaptations thus far has reinforced Spotify’s mission to provide creators with the opportunity to develop stories and expose audiences worldwide to the best storytelling narratives, regardless of origin.”

Ready to tap into your imagination and start your session with Dr. Aldunate? Catch season one below. And stay tuned for the English-language adaptation of the global podcast phenomenon, coming soon.

Spotify’s Music + Talk Show Format is Expanding Across the Globe

Music + Talk gif

Last October, Spotify launched a pioneering listening experience called Music + Talk that brings together music and spoken-word content. The unique format weaves full songs and talk commentary together​ into one show.

Through Anchor, Spotify has also made Music + Talk an accessible format that anyone can use to create these unique shows. Anchor’s suite of tools is already available to users in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. 

Starting today, we’re expanding the experience to millions more creators and listeners around the world and sharing the tool with 15 new markets across Europe, Latin America, and Asia. 

Here’s everything you need to know.

Where in the world is Music + Talk?

With this expansion, Japan, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Colombia will have access to the blended audio experience.

Creators in these markets will now have access to the “Music” tool in Anchor, where they can incorporate full songs from Spotify’s library of 70 million tracks into their spoken-word audio creations. And in return, listeners can interact directly with the music within an episode by liking, saving, and sharing with each track as they would in any playlist. 

The shows will be available to Premium and Free listeners. Spotify Premium users will hear full tracks as part of these shows, while Free users will hear 30-second previews of each song. Shows can be listened to globally wherever Spotify is available.

Our catalog of Music + Talk Spotify Originals will also get a boost across a number of markets as new shows from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, India, Japan, and the Philippines join our library today. Plus, there’s more to come from all the markets included in our latest launch. These shows will explore the many facets of music, from the stories and inspiration behind a song to the listening trends of the modern age, and they will offer an opportunity for artists to engage listeners in a unique way.

More ways to get inspired

Along with the market expansion, Spotify will begin offering a variety of new educational and inspirational resources for creators interested in using Music + Talk.

Today also marks the launch of an exciting new Spotify Original called Music + Talk: Unlocked, which will explore creative uses of the Music + Talk format—from guided runs to music trivia and more. Listeners and creators can find more best-in-class shows in the Music + Talk hub in the Spotify app.

Since we rolled out Music + Talk last year, we’ve learned from the needs and behaviors of listeners, as we always do with new products. Savvy streamers will notice that we’ve implemented small tweaks to improve the listening experience and reflect those needs: clearer visual distinction between the music and talk segments of an episode and music previews on episode pages.

We can’t wait to see new creativity and stories from around the globe as more markets make the audio storytelling features their own. Check out Anchor’s blog post and creator landing page for more information on how to get started with Music + Talk.

It’s No Joke—Comedy Podcasts in Spanish Are Delighting Listeners Across Chile, Spain, and Mexico

Looking for a laugh? Search no further than the podcast section in your Spotify app. The comedy genre is seeing a steady rise on Spotify—according to Wrapped 2020, it was the second-most-popular genre on the platform globally. And in a few Spanish-speaking countries, such as Chile, Spain, and Mexico, the genre has risen in popularity to claim the number one slot. 

Whether standup, scripted, or surreal, Spanish-language comedy podcasts have brought listeners levity and joy throughout the past year and will likely continue to do so well into the future. We dove into some of the Spanish-language podcasts sending fans into fits of laughter. 

Comedy Across Chile

Every day, there are more and more comedy podcasts or creators aiming to make Chileans smile on Spotify. In podcasts, comedians have found an alternative route to portray humorous or cringe-worthy situations and fill listeners with laughter. As such, comedy podcasts are the most-listened-to genre in Chile, with more than 50% of Chilean listeners enjoying Spotify’s funniest podcasts.

According to a Spotify report, Chileans consume more than 89,000 hours of comedy content each day. This fascination can be seen in the growth of the genre as well, which has increased by an average of 842% year after year since 2017. The listeners themselves tend to skew younger—people under 30 years of age represent 57% of the genre’s audience.

“The growth of the comedy genre in Chile is really surprising,” said Javier Piñol, Director of Spotify Studios for Latin America and U.S. LatinX. “We have seen how audiences have grown exponentially since 2017 to date and have consolidated the genre as the most listened to in the country. From Spotify we always seek to enhance and make visible the talent that exists in the country and take creators to new frontiers. Comedians are truly having a moment in podcasting on Spotify.”

Some of the podcasts taking Chilean comedy to those new frontiers are: Tomás va a Morir, Weona que Creici, Tripulación Cohete, Palomoza contesta, Oye Ñaña, Clase básica, Mis últimas tres neuronas, Chimbamigos, Lucas y Socías, una vez más and Con la ayuda de mis amikas. 

Smiling in Spain

Thousands of miles away, Spaniards took to comedy podcasts in an entirely new way throughout the past year and a half. The comedy podcast genre, which is the most listened to in Spain, has seen its consumption grow by 186% since the beginning of lockdown in 2020. 

This increase follows a consistent interest in comedy podcasts across age groups. In Spain, they appeal most to both 18-24-year-olds and people over 55. The genre is followed by society, culture, entertainment, well-being, and lifestyle shows. 

“After the outbreak of the pandemic, many of us took refuge in comedy podcasts in search of distraction and a good time in the company of audio,” said Eduardo Alonso, Head of Studios for Southern and Eastern Europe at Spotify. “This trend will undoubtedly continue in the rest of 2021: From January to June alone, we have observed that listening to comedy podcasts continues to grow by more than 28% in Spain.”

Spanish comedy podcast aficionados can pay particular attention to El bar de Los Broder Tolquin, a new Spotify original podcast starring and directed by Raúl Cimas and Javier Coronas that premiered in June. The podcast comes out of an usual backstory: In 2010, Spanish police launched an investigation to dismantle a dangerous gang. To do this, they placed hidden microphones at a modest bar in Madrid. Coincidentally, this was the very same bar where comics Javier Coronas, Raúl Cimas, El Pirata, and a very colorful group of patrons spent their evenings. After the investigation, all the leftover conversations and chats that were recorded came to light—leading to the comical surrealist show. 

Amused Around Mexico 

Comedy has been the most popular podcast category on Spotify in Mexico as well. A few titles consistently top podcast charts, with the top spot usually a toss-up between La Cotorrisa, a weekly ramble with longtime friends Ricardo Pérez and Slobotzky, and Leyendas Legendarias, a satirical humorous exploration of true crime stories, conspiracy theories, and paranormal phenomena hosted by José Antonio Badía and Eduardo Espinosa in a similar style as the American Last Podcast On The Left

Mexico has a booming stand-up comedy scene, and even though the pandemic forced a retreat from live venues over the past year, fans turned to familiar voices like Fran Hevia and Juan Carlos Escalante in El Super Show está Genial. To further explore this scene, last summer Spotify launched Toma 1, an original podcast boasting conversations with some of the biggest names from the stage, hosted by Raúl Campos, a renowned producer of comedy specials. Over 36 episodes, the series gives a unique glimpse of what drives comedians, from impressions master Paco de Miguel to Ana Julia Yeyé (who was also featured in the Spotify Original podcast Coming Out Emociones Compartidas show). 

Get joking with Con la ayuda de mis amikas, a Spanish-language comedy podcast where the two hosts analyze the week’s internet trends to help each other with their social media. 

No Es Chiste —Podcasts de comedia en español entretienen a audiencias en Chile, España y México

¿Quieres reírte un poco? No busques más y revisa la sección de ‘podcast’ en tu aplicación de Spotify. El género de comedia está experimentando un creciente aumento en Spotify, según Wrapped 2020, fue el segundo género más popular en la plataforma a nivel global. En algunos países como Chile, España y México el género ha llegado a alcanzar el primer lugar entre los más escuchados.  

Ya sea como standup, con guión o simplemente narraciones surreales, los podcast en español han brindado distracción y alegría durante el año pasado, y probablemente seguirán haciéndolo en el futuro. Exploramos algunos de estos hilarantes podcasts en español. 

Comedia A lo Largo de Chile 

Cada día hay más y más podcasts de comedia o creadores que apuntan a hacer que los chilenos sonrían en Spotify. En los podcasts los humoristas han encontrado una nueva vía para reflejar situaciones divertidas o embarazosas que contagian de risa a los oyentes. De esta forma, los podcasts de comedia se han convertido en el género más escuchado en el país, con más del 50% de los oyentes chilenos disfrutando de los los podcasts más divertidos de Spotify.

Según un reporte de Spotify, los chilenos consumen más de 89,000 horas de contenido de comedia cada día. Esta fascinación puede ser vista también en el crecimiento que ha tenido el género, el cual ha aumentado en un promedio de 842% año tras año desde 2017. Los oyentes tienden a tener un sesgo hacia el segmento más joven —las personas de menos de 30% representan el 57% de las escuchas del género.

“El crecimiento del género de comedia en Chile es realmente sorprendente,” dijo Javier Piñol Director de Spotify Studios para Latinoamérica y EEUU LatinX. “Hemos visto cómo las audiencias han crecido exponencialmente desde 2017 a la fecha y han consolidado el género como el más escuchado en el país. Desde Spotify siempre hemos buscado potenciar y darle visibilidad al talento que existe en el país llevando a los creadores a nuevas fronteras. La comedia realmente está teniendo un momento estelar en podcasting en Spotify.

Algunos de los podcasts que llevan a la comedia chilena a esas nuevas fronteras son: Tomás va a Morir, Weona que Creici, Con la ayuda de mis amikas, Tripulación Cohete, Palomoza contesta, Oye Ñaña, Clase básica, Mis últimas tres neuronas, Chimbamigos, y  Lucas y Socías, una vez más..

Riendo en España

A cientos de miles de kilómetros de distancia, los españoles tomaron los podcasts de comedia de una manera completamente nueva durante el último año y medio. El género de los podcasts de comedia, que es el más escuchado en España, ha visto crecer su consumo un 186% desde el inicio del confinamiento en 2020.

Este aumento sigue un interés constante en los podcasts de comedia en todos los grupos de edad. En España, atraen tanto a jóvenes de 18 a 24 años como a mayores de 55. Al género le siguen los shows de sociedad, cultura, entretenimiento, bienestar y estilo de vida.

“Después del estallido de la pandemia, muchos de nosotros nos refugiamos en los podcasts de comedia en busca de distracción y pasar un buen rato en compañía de audio”, dijo Eduardo Alonso, director de Studios para Europa del Este y del Sur en Spotify. Indudablemente continuará en el resto de 2021: solo de enero a junio, hemos observado que la escucha de podcasts de comedia sigue creciendo en más de un 28% en España.

Los aficionados a los podcasts de comedia en español pueden prestar especial atención a El bar de Los Broder Tolquin, un nuevo podcast original de Spotify protagonizado y dirigido por Raúl Cimas y Javier Coronas que salió en junio. El podcast surge de una historia de fondo habitual: en 2010, la policía española inició una investigación para desmantelar una banda peligrosa. Para ello, colocaron micrófonos ocultos en un modesto bar de Madrid. Casualmente, este era el mismo bar donde pasaban sus veladas los cómicos Javier Coronas, Raúl Cimas, El Pirata y un grupo muy pintoresco. Después de la investigación, salieron a la luz todas las conversaciones y chats sobrantes que se grabaron, lo que dio lugar al espectáculo cómico y totalmente surrealista.

Divirtiéndose en México 

La comedia también ha sido la categoría de podcast más popular en Spotify en México. Unas cuántas listas han copado consistentemente las cimas de los podcasts musicales, usualmente disputadas por “La Cotorrisa”, una entretenida y difusa conversación semanal con los amigos de toda la vida, Ricardo Pérez y Slobotzky, además de “Leyendas Legendarias”, una exploración de tipo sátira humorística de historias de crímenes de la vida real, conspiraciones, y actividades paranormales, presentado por José Antonio Badía y Eduardo Espinosa, en un estilo similar al americano “Last Podcast on The Left”. 

La escena del stand-up comedy va en auge en México, y aunque la pandemia los ha obligado a retirarse de las presentaciones en vivo, durante el año pasado los fanáticos se volcaron hacia voces similares como Fran Hevia y Juan Carlos Escalante en “El Súper Show está Genial”. Para explorar más esta escena, el verano pasado Spotify lanzó “Toma 1”, un podcast original de conversaciones con algunos de los nombres más grandes del escenario, presentado por Raúl Campos, un reconocido productor de especiales de comedia. Durante 36 episodios, la serie otorga una visión única de lo que impulsa a los comediantes, desde las impresiones del maestro Paco de Miguel, hasta Ana Julia Yeyé (quien también fue destacada en el podcast original de Spotify “Coming Out Emociones Compartidas”.)

Diviértete escuchando “Con la ayuda de mis amikas”, un podcast de comedia en español, donde dos presentadoras analizan las tendencias de la semana en internet, para ayudarse entre ellas con sus redes sociales.